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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Don't know.

There is still Terraria. But I don't know if I'm in the mood for that

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Finally got to play mass effect, after much tuning got it at a stable framerate though it doesn't look the best.


Seems like they made some changes for the worst, you can have any power but only use 3 at a time (which is less than in all previous games). The character creator remains terrible and the animations are as jank as people say.

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Yeah but does Space Dragon Age in Space have a Space Dragon Age in Space Solas?


Half of me wants to know before I romance anyone, but the other half wants no spoilers.


I'm still getting over it. Don't judge me.

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Nothing wrong with playing Neopets. I used to play it a lot in my late teens, but I kinda burnt myself out grinding to buy a drake egg. After that I lost all interest.

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I doubt you'll see this but... I don't know. I haven't even finished the first mission.

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Good evening, CPA! cool.gif


*sets out more of the soup* It's quite tasty.

*oh, and croutons, too*


Weird day. Good day, but weird day.

I've managed to box up eight boxes of books for the sale later this week.

Now to sort out who is running the table when, and who stays in the shop!

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Good work Lagie-muffin.


Ugh I'm getting so anxious about asking the girl I like out! Why can't the girls ask the guys out sad.gif Why must all the stress be placed on the dudes, we're too dumb to understand feelings.


Also after 2&1/2 nights and two days at uni mass effect is at 93% downloaded huzzah.

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Good morning peeps!


I guess I'll just have to wait and see which team members in MEA I feel most protective of, then watch them like a suspicious Templar.

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A bit on the annoyed side. My manager is giving me issues this morning.


How goes it with you?

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Nothing much. She is just nipping at everything.

Even when I was on here earlier she told me to get off.

Now I'm using my phone.

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I know one of the advertising reps were giving her grieve but now she is taking her irritation out on some of us.

It annoys me as hell that she does that!

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Any hammer would work now really xd.png


Hi there Rainbow.

Glad that your dragon request is going well!

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