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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Only if I'd had pillow cuffs. tongue.gif


Hello there, Mr. Kestra!

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*runs past Fort again*


Time for camera-in-stomach.


Hope you get better quicker Lagie, and sorry to hear about cancelled classes Spirit sad.gif


*runs into pillow-fort*

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It's on old CPA reference. When a person tops a page in CPA, they are likely to be 'cuffed' by a dragon.

For instance, I could have used this one on Fortune:


had she not been sleeping.

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*bursts out of pillow fort*




*runs after*


I'll let Lagie explain cuffing.


Edit: She did.

Edited by Fortune86

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You have a vampire for a bio teacher? blink.gif

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I've met vampires. They were the one that were there to test my blood...for a short amount of time I went through so much blood work there is no other explanation O.O'

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She might as well be.

She is super rude yet expect complete complacency in her class.

Once I was taking some notes ad she thought I was cheating and so she ripped the page right out of my book. Did even ask or look at this. Like the heck? I am an adult I pay taxes I didn't come here for this.

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How are you supposed to remember stuff without being allowed to take notes. That's not logical.

Is there someone you could complain to?

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I can understand about being strict but ripping up notes without checking what she was doing?


What the...O.o

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I THOUGHT about complaining, but tbh I'm an absolute nerd taking high school bio after high school because I can do so for free at the moment, I have no need for it I just had some free time. (and I decided to take other sciences during high school.)

So with that in mind I decided instead to just sit back and watch the madness. I've gone to 'school authorities' before about terrible teachers and it's a lot of pain for very little gain. Especially if said teacher has tenure. :u

Edited by irrelevantindigo

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Meow does any of you people want this fresh caugh roasted catfish?

I'll take a hard pass on fish. Fish are friends, not food.

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*bursts out of pillow fort*




*runs after*


I'll let Lagie explain cuffing.


Edit: She did.



After having a guided tour of my own stomach, which was equal parts uncomfortable and violating, I am at least glad to report that I am well. There's no ulceration, no hernias, no damage was done, and no sign of Barrett's (a precursor to cancer). Given the medication I've been on is known to do stuff like that, to be completely intact after 8yrs or so of being on said medication that's a good sign.


One last day of lectures...last day I'll ever have at this university, nearly twelve years after first stepping into a lecture hall there. This is going to be odd.


*mooches, then goes to rebuild the pillow-Fort*

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Good morning peeps!


I'm very glad to hear you have the all clear Kestra!

Edited by Fortune86

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So glad to hear all is good!




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I have a tiny, tiny, tiny chance to win some money.


If I get it, I'll buy you a PS4.


Or at least send you the money for it xd.png

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