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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Yay for slamming chocolate XD


Trying to look up sidequests to figure out which order I need to do them in. It's kinda disjointed.

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I'm having an aw moment now. Looked at some videos with my dogs.

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Of course.


I just wish mine would do cute stuff when I could reach a camera XD Princess has a habit of sitting on my legs and being all cute right whenever I've left my phone on the other side of the room. 

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My dogs do the same... Or it's just a mass blur as they run XD

Edited by DragonSpirit009

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My shop critters are a black cat and a black dog. It's really hard to get photos where you can see their features!


Good afternoon, CPA! B)


*sets out assorted granola bars, and tea*


Still chilly here, but the wind has finally eased up again.

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Good morning everyone!


One pet is white. The other two is black and tan colour

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Only after I've take like a hundred photo's. They never sit still.

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I tried to take a photo of Darcy this morning but by the time I'd got the camera up he'd started washing his butt. :rolleyes:

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Sometimes when I'm on my stomach on the bed, Tigger decides to lie in die wave of my back. Usually at that time when I get my phone he climbs off and then I just take a picture of my bum XD

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Bobby likes to lie on my back when I lie on my stomach. Sometimes he starts rubbing his head across the back of mine, purring away. I tried to record it once but you couldn't hear anything over my giggling. 


I should be doing work but instead I'm working on a bio for a character for a RP I haven't even decided if I am going to make yet. :P

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I added a small vid on tumblr of Muggie licking my ear. She does that when she wants me to play with her or when she wants attention.

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My big boofah was barking so I chucked her in the timeout bed for a couple minutes.

Now she's asleep in my room being a good woof.


The cats outside and the other dog is presumably on one of the couches snoring.

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Who wouldn't? lol


Seriously though, I think I'm ready for another dog. After Bonnie died I was really cut up and I still miss her loads, but I think I feel ok about it now. I gotta wait until our current mess is resolved though.


Does 'Titans' sound like a good group name for people with physical based super powers? Like super strength or super speed?

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Yeah wait till everything is sorted then get a new dog.


In all honesty I'm not connecting with our rescue dog. I like her but she just sleeps all day and eat. Barely play. I would never send her back to the SPCA but I feel that she isn't the right kind of personality for our house. I don't know. I sound mean but how can I connect a dog that doesn't want to be around much and just sleep. It's not like she's old or anything. Ugh I hate myself.

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Titans seems quite fitting.

But what about, Super Duper Squad.


Now both my dogs are lying in my room!

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Don't hate yourself Spirit. Our Willow just laid around and slept all day too, but she responded well when I gave her a pet or stroke. Some dogs are just naturally quiet. The bonding process takes longer some times. 


When we first got Princess and Duchess my Dad and I disliked them, but now they won't leave us alone XD


I'm trying to break up the abilities into groups; Titans, Weres, Mancers and Espers. They'll probably all end up being taught by the same person though. I doubt the RP will get very big.

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Hmm I wonder what Weres are :P


Don't know what mancers are though.

Here are me doggos right now. Also, surprise, it's my bedroom floor!




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