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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Well I need couch as well so every little help.

Not to mention paying off my credit card and my mother.

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If I win big on the lotto, I'll help too.


I don't think I have a high chance though T-T

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I don't even play the lotto anymore cause I heard that some people ain't even getting their money after they won.

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Pfft the cops can't do a single thing.

No one can do a single thing. You can go to court and what not but in the end of the day you will spend more money than actually getting your money back.

Sadly SA is full of corruption.

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Yeah but it's useless to cry about it.

I just smile and go on with life. No need to stress even more.

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Yeah. No worrying would be really nice.


I keep hearing these stories about people who come into a lot of money and then blow the lot, leaving them back where they were or worse. I'm always like 'what the hell is wrong with you?!'. 

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Yeah I don't get that either. Maybe the excitement of having money was just to much for them.

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Yeah but, why spend it all? I mean, who burns through 16 million in just two years? With just 100k I could buy a nice house, pay off my car and still have change. 


With 16 million I could buy a very nice house, pay off all my debts, pay off all your debts and still be able to take two holidays somewhere vaguely sunny a year for the rest of my life.

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I don't know. Maybe we don't really know how expensive things really are?

Maybe tax took all of it? I don't know.

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If you ever have free time have a watch of one of these. I'm off to bed now, need to be up at 5 this morning.





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Hi there Purple!


My PC is spazzing out badly now for some reason.

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And my mouse is dying. Half the time the cursor won't move and clicks don't always register. Blah! Makes it pretty hard to do much of anything. 

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Oh I know that problem all to well as well!

Had a few months that problem with my mum's PC.

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Hey Purple!


People have walked off with most of our visitor's badges. We only have two left. T-T

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Not only that, but my laptop has been freezing up, too, and sometimes it is hard to know which problem it is at any given time!


Visitor badges and pens -- always disappear! :lol:

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A group of people just signed in. Very first man walked off with the pen. Left the rest just standing there while I got a replacement. 

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Ugh got out of bed bairly feel tired, ready to start the day, check my watch and it's 4am... turns out someone (probably my mum) had let the cat in and she had decided to sit in the hallway meowing non stop.

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Yes, still origami cranes, @purplehaze! Lots of paper stashed away over the years means I may never run out.


Congrats on the sales, @DragonSpirit009! That bunny is really cute.


I returned to work today and am contemplating calling in sick tomorrow. They have put the liar and thief back at reception, there are no supervisors around this week so the junior staff is seriously slacking off, and my volunteers thought it would be a good idea to surprise me by doing some major shifting around of things in my shop. Have I ever mentioned I don't take change well?

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Thank you Lagie ^_^


Good morning everyone!

Seems like someone stole a part of our fence at work last night O.O

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