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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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I have trouble loading the site sometimes!


Cute doggy MP!

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True XD


But most days I at least have a 'let's get this over with' mentality. 


Today I just want to sit and do nowt. 

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I just want to go home and drink allergies pills and catch up on lost sleep!

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Still going.

Four houses burned down. One of the electrical stations got damages so some of the area is without power and they had to evacuate the SPCA animal shelter as well.

They say it's under controlled now but I don't know at the moment.

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Not from what I have read.

I'm waiting for the designing of the front page so that I can read what they say.

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Well that's something I guess. Sucks for those that lost their houses.


Is it me, or have there been more fires and shootings and generally horrible this year?

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A lot more on our side this year.

Our crime rate and murder rate has raise with 27% from last year!

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A lot more nastiness here in the UK as well. And more mass shootings in America.


I blame Trump. 

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I just find it suspicious that there seems to be an increased amount of these since he came into power lol.

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Since Zuma came into power by us our whole country went down the drain. It's because of him that all this badness is happening in SA.

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Spent the last hour trying to raise an invoice and they go and change the contact at the last moment. 

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Very T-T


Now I have to start over because the data won't carry over to a fresh contact. 

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Hi there Purple


Ugh... I need to get home already. The itching is so bad!

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Dang... Wind is picking up again.

Kinda making it hard to clean my flat.

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