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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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Well hopefully they won't take long to pick up :)


That reminds me, I was going to google on how to make a Thief...


Edit: Hey Rainbow.

Edited by Fortune86

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That's what you think... Everything looks the freaking same in the swamp XD


Hi there Rainbow!

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Yeah I do... But I tend to forget to look at it cause when running around on trees and stuff makes it even more confusing.

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Luckily I can set a marker so think I should be okay


Oh my goodness. There is one helluva fire going on on the mountain.





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Oh damn thats massive!

Never fear that guy at the bottom of the picture has taken all the fire wood so it can't reach!

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Oh fortune you're no longer level 11!


I wonder if I'll ever reach level 10... probably not considering I only post in this and freeform... the two places where posts aren't counted... i deserve level 10 for being member no. 101!... I think I'm 101... I know i'm just over 100.

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We are even closer. I took that photo off Facebook.

I'm not going outside to take photos cause the wind nearly blew me over this morning and it's still blowing heavily and allergies.

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Stay away Spirit! Stay safe!


I want to get back to RPing. Something simple to get me back into the swing. The one I was writing up ended up too complicated XD

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I'm not going anywhere near that.

Staying right here by my PC.


I wouldn't mind RP'ing again but nothing to serious or complicated.

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I wonder if I should try writing out that Changling idea I had. Basically Faeries raised as humans having adventures in the modern day world. 

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Faeries, dragons, unicorns, werewolves, jinn, spirits, etc. 


I do admit, I prefer the older traditional versions than the modern day ones. 

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I didn't say I disliked them, I just prefer the old versions.


Besides, Robin Williams is the exception that proves the rule lol. 


Take Maleficent for example. In the original movie she was an evil faerie who screwed over two whole kingdoms because she didn't get invited to a party. That's the level of petty crap I admire in my mythology. 


In the remake they turn her into a good guy with a tragic backstory. 


And don't even get me started on Hercules (good movie, but the characters were all wrong). 

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I just like the animated Disney Hercules.... No other version.

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