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Banned because Two's Day was awesome.

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Banned because Thor's Day is better.

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Banned for hiding all the floatation devices.


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Banned for not knowing where the flotation devices are hidden.

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Banned for being insulting about feet.

Edited by purplehaze

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Banned for being a ninja!

Edited by Syiren

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Banned for having such a short user name.

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Banned for all the times you ninja'd me in the counting games.

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Banned for being a :ph34r:!

Edited by purplehaze

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Purple is banned for not knowing how to count I'm bilingual. I can count to 10 in spanish and german.

Edited by Rainn

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Banned because numerals are those glow in the dark things that mark fire hydrant locations.

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Banned for being a :ph34r:!

Edited by Lagie

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