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Contagion vs Cure

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366 - TWO misclicks during a new release AARGH

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367 I know - isn't it awful ? But I got rid of mine in the end.

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368 I tried biting - one egg dead so 24 hrs instead of 5 and the other one turned and stayed :/

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369 I ALMOST bit, but caution got the better of me...

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370 - the wisdom of age wink.gif

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371 or of experience. Did you try revive ?

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372 on an egg? The thought never occured to me

Edited by herk

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371 on an egg? The thought never occured to me



Oops. You are SO right ninja.gif


You need an edit.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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374 Went and checked actions and got teh following:


The following actions are available:




    You cannot name this egg because it is dead.


so LIVING eggs can be named? blink.gif

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376 still that message laugh.gif

Edited by herk

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378 G'night Fuzzy

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