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Monsters and Men: The Stardust Revolution

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((I'll do a time skip. And may I just say your post made me laugh more than was probably acceptable. I blame Wade.))


Wade chuckled at the sight of Alex sleeping on the desk, shaking his head. It had been forever since he had slept in a real bed - he was used to the ground now. She would be much better served by the bed. Shaking his head, he scooped her up easily and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently. "Sleep well." He murmured, grabbing a blanket from the end of the bed and laying it on the floor before curling up on it and tucking his knees into his chest, his tail curling in tightly as well. It wasn't long before he was asleep, his breath evening out into a steady rhythm.


~Time Skip~


Wade woke almost thirteen hours later and yawned, uncurling from his position, and stretching on the floor. Shaking himself out, he hopped soundlessly to his feet and ran a hand through his messy white hair. Flicking an ear, he slipped into the bathroom and locked it behind him, using a real toilet for the first time in ages before washing his hands and running a hand through his hair to rid himself of his bedhead. Smiling slightly at the events of the night before - her reactions really were hilarious - Wade shook his head before walking out and leaning against the wall, staring off into nothing as his thoughts revolved around the rising monster revolution. He was a monster - and not a very powerful one, though he knew how to kill on instinct - and his only ally was a fragile human woman. He wasn't completely sure how they were supposed to stop an uprising of such scale considering, as of now, it was just him and her against almost all the monster population. But surely there had to be some monsters, who, like himself, just wanted to live in relative peace with humans. The revolution had a veritable army - perhaps he could raise one of his own, or at least a team of powerful monsters to combat them. Flicking his tail, he let out a slight sigh. It was the best bet he had at the moment - and now that he had seemingly taken a human under his protection, that was just another thing he had to worry about. Not that Wade necessarily minded Alex's company - he rather enjoyed it, actually - but that made it all the more concerning. Emotion would cloud his judgement, which was exactly what he had sworn not to do after losing his family. But here he was, taking another person under his care, and hoping for the best. It was a stupid decision, but he couldn't turn back now. Wade knew that she would track him down if he left, so there was no sense running. For now, he would stay put and see if together, they could stop the entirety of the monster race from decimating the humans.

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((I'm glad. I started giggling writing it, too. xd.png They've got good chemistry.))


Consciousness did not come willingly. Splashes of red and black crossed Alex's vision, and images of her family's mangled bodies flashed like some sick stop motion movie. She was there, standing only a few feet from them.


Her brother Ryan was arranged in front of three enormous beasts, his arms spread wide and face determined. Behind him, a crowd of frightened strangers stared blankly, eyes absent from their sockets. Not far behind him were her parents, and Alex called out to them, reaching out, but no sound left her throat.


She watched as Ryan spoke calmly to the monsters, looking every bit the hero Alex knew he was. Tears sprung from her eyes and she looked away. This nightmare was no unfamiliar thing. She heard the cracking as if it were from through a wall, and she turned back, calling out for her brother.


"Ryan!" Alex's eyes snapped open, and her outstretched hand was the first thing she saw, pale white against the tan ceiling. She sat up slowly, her arm coming back to her and shaking fingers covering her wet eyes. It was only a dream. The same dream she had every night. She wasn't there.


((I considered having her kind of wake up and realize where she was and everything, and I started writing her talking to him, but I figured I wanted to be dramatic and just have her wake up panicked. XP Sorry!))

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((It's cool! You'll find that Wade is a bit more of a teddy bear than he lets on smile.gif ))


Wade's thoughts were broken when his ears caught wind of whimpering from his human friend. He glanced over to see her thrashing slightly in the bed, and he felt a pang of sympathy for her. He knew what it was like to have nightmares - he had nightmares of finding his parents dead for years after it had happened. They had sprung up again after the meteor hit, along with the dreams after he found the rest of his family. That being said, he didn't think the two of them were at the level of friendship in which he would comfort her after a nightmare. At least he thought so until she jerked upwards from the bed, crying out what he assumed to be her brother's name before covering her eyes with her hands. Wade's heart clenched painfully at the all-too-familiar sight which reminded of his own nightmares and let out a breath before moving to comfort her.


He sat on the bed and pulled Alex into his chest with her head by his heart, and making soothimg noises while rubbing her arm. It occured to him how odd of a sight it must be - a soulless monster such as himself comforting a human. He moved to pull away, thinking himself to be unworthy of helping her, but stopped. She needed him, and Wade decided he could revel in self hatred and pity later, instead decided just to be there for his friend.


((Aww... they're adorable. This is a 1x1 dragoncat, but if Bloodykisses doesn't mind I can make another character to even it out.))

Edited by polaristar

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((They really are, oh my god. xd.png))


Alex's emerald eyes widened as she was taken into a warm embrace, the light tears she'd been shedding halting immediately. Surprise kept them open and unblinking, and she was still for a moment before completely melting and letting Wade comfort her. She let her eyes close once more and leaned her face into him, sobs wracking her body more powerfully than ever before in her life. It had been so long since she'd been able to cry. And even longer since she'd had someone to support her while she did so. She had been alone for what seemed like her entire life. The past she'd known was someone else's. A shadow of a memory, belonging to Alex Scarlet, the pop star.


But now, Alex Scarlet, the hunter, was crying for her. Crying for her lost family, and welcoming the gentle arms of the man she'd been trying to kill only yesterday. It was strange how life worked.


When the flow of tears stopped and she was finally able to stop shaking, Alex took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of soap that now clung to Wade's skin. She looked up at him and smiled, wet lashes clinging together and brushing against her cheeks. Wiping the liquid quickly away, she nodded to herself and chuckled softly.


"You just had to be the gentleman, didn't you? Couldn't have just taken the bed like a good pup?"


She disengaged from the hug gently and ran a hand through her doubtlessly disheveled red hair. Then the looked down at her legs that were hopelessly tangled in the covers and sighed, moving to free herself from them. Once she was done, she stood on unsteady feet and bowed gallantly to Wade.


"Well, thank you, my good sir. Though it was not necessary, it was certainly appreciated." She smirked up at him through her bangs and then straightened out, tugging at her hair and walking over to the bathroom.


"I'm going to go shower, and then, if you're ready, we can get going. I may be human, but I don't need to be coddled like a useless puppy, alright? We can go at your pace." She pulled open the door and stepped inside, closing it slowly behind her.


"Thank you, Wade." Alex whispered the words just as the door clicked closed, warmth and gratitude coloring them finely. She leaned against the other side, clutching her hands to her chest and breathing erratically. Beneath her now warm skin she felt the quick pulsing of her heart and cursed.


This is getting dangerous.


With a shake of her head, Alex cleared away all thoughts and undressed, getting into the shower and trying to wash away everything. Her pain, her confusion, her feelings. When she was done, she stepped out and stared at herself in the mirror. Her flame colored hair hung heavily around her, fine strands plastered to her face and bangs soaked back with water. With such a good view of her face, Alex cringed and raised a hand to touch the scar over her left eye. Back when life was simple, she was able to admire her own good looks and be vain whenever she wanted. Now... She couldn't stand the sight of herself.


Towelling herself off, Alex dried and redressed, organizing her hair so it would adequately cover her face. When satisfied, she exited the bathroom and picked up her bag and tossed it over her shoulder. She reequipped her weapons and turned to look at Wade, a smile filled with fake confidence stretching her face.


"All set, pup?"


((fine by me. xd.png))

Edited by BloodyKisses123

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((Okay. I'll start on mine once yours is finished. Romance or no?))


Wade released her upon request, smirking. "Nah, I've been sleeping on the ground for too long. The bed would be too soft, ya know?" He stretched out on the bed with his hands under his head, waiting for her to finish. She stepped out of the room and he stood, shaking himself out. "I'm ready when you are." He opened the door and stepped out, ignoring the whispers that swept throught the room, striding out of the inn and leaning against the wall outside, waiting for his companion and thinking of the other humans with a snort of disgust.


((Sorry it's so short, once stuff picks up they'll be longer.))

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((I'll be editing this post to respond, but Dragoncat, could you just delete your OOC posts please?))


"Ignore them. They're not worth your time." Alex sneered at the people gaping at them, and while many looked quickly away, some met her gaze. She glared those down until they relented, unable to meet her piercing green eyes for long. Wade was strange for being able to do so.


She adjusted the strap on her shoulder and walked out of the inn along with her companion, feeling more refreshed than she had in ages. Emotions. They had to be good for something.


"Alright, I suggest we head east, towards the meteor site. There are more monsters centered in that area, and I'm sure we'll find some others who feel the same way we do. There's not much one human and one wolf-man can do by themselves." Alex pulled out a map from her bag, opening it and holding it out for Wade to look at as well.


"This is one of the most regular monster hunting spots, so I suggest we make a route around the mountains. Not all hunters are as... um... understanding as I am." She poked at the spot with her index finger and winced. Understanding wasn't even a word she could use to describe herself, so how could she explain just how ruthless these people were to Wade? Hopefully, they would be able to avoid them altogether.


"I'm also fairly familiar with monster's hideouts. I've never bothered with them much because I'm only one person, but if you're interested, we could set traps or recruit and raid?" Alex glanced up at him as they walked.



Edited by BloodyKisses123

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((Posts deleted.))

Lilac stared at the sky above her. What happened? She was too tired to tell. She got up, and sighed as she began to think.

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((Tanner's sheet has been moved to my original post. Dragoncat, if you could make your posts a bit longer that would be great. Thanks smile.gif ))


Wade looked at the map Alex showed him and nodded. "Good idea. The revolution has a strong foothold there, but since there aren't as many humans many of the monsters are unexposed to the hatred, and will therefor be easier to sway." He told her, smiling slightly as she tried to shield him from the cruelty of hunters. "Don't try and baby me, Alex. I know what hunters are like. They can be merciless, I was, for almost a week, at the mercy of one back after I first changed. Didn't kill him - don't know why - I just discovered my abilities and slipped off in the middle of the night." He shrugged, looking unconcerned. "I can take care of myself. Besides, I can make myself appear more human if necessary - the eyes can be passed off as some sort of family trait, and as long as I don't talk much they won't really notice the teeth. We'll be alright. Worse comes to worse, they'll have to rip out my heart or something to actually kill me. I highly doubt I can grow back entire organs." He chuckled. "It doesn't matter to me. I am ready to set out whenever you are, just lead the way."


~ ~ ~


A lone figure sat on the edge of a precipice over a great waterfall, his shaggy hair whipping in the harsh wind and rain. He looked almost peaceful, with his legs dangling over the side of the great drop. He had huge wings on his back and a tail, along with a body mostly covered in scales, them making unique runes where they stopped. Horns curved around his head, and his black eyes had deep, dark bags under them which signified he had spent many nights awake, prowling the earth that nature had reclaimed. The scales that adorned his person were pitch black, almost seeming to absorb the light nearby. His eyes and hair were a similar color, and his whole aura seemed to ooze dangerous. He stood suddenly, his pants whipping in the wind as his shirt had been destroyed in his transformation. Muttering to himself, he took several steps back before throwing himself over the edge, disappearing into the spray of the waterfall before shooting back up, his wings fanned out over him and a slightly crazed grin on his face, circling down in a lazy spiral before coming to a rough landing on the ground below.


"Need to work on that, Tanner." He mumbled to himself, pulling in his wings and allowing his tail to wave lazily behind him as he strode easily through the landscape overrun by vegetation. He had the sudden desire to kill something (or someone). A thin wisp of smoke rose, catching his sharp eye and he grinned excitedly. "Something to murder! How delightful! I love a good murder, makes me feel alive!" Tanner said to himself, springing into the air and pumping his wings rapidly to gain altitude, cutting easily through the harsh wind and landing with a heavy thump less than a mile from where he saw the smoke. He could smell it now, and jogged towards it, his tail flicking in excitement behind him. He could honestly care less whether or not the being was human or monster - he was going to kill them, take out his never ending pain and anger over his past out on them - he knew no other way. He halted only feet behind the person - human, obviously, he could smell them - and a hunter, from the looks of it. He strode forward, grabbing the man by the back of the neck and flinging him against the nearest tree like a sack of potatoes, his tail curling around the man's midsection before he had a chance to crawl away and throwing him again, much like a cat would play with its prey.


Tanner was grinning the whole time, finding release with the killing. Once he was finished his games, and the hunter was well and truly dead, he walked of while flicking blood off his hands and tail. He scrambled up a vertical precipice with ease, pulling himself into a small cave that was over ten feet off the ground. The cave was only about ten by ten feet large, and he curled up in the back, his dark eyes staring off into nothing.

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Alex pouted and snatched the map away.

"I wasn't trying to baby you... I was just trying to be nice. Is that illegal? Besides, you baby me all the time, and you've only known me for two days." She raised and eyebrow and glanced up at him, stuffing the parchment back into her bag.


"I wouldn't let them get far enough for that to happen." The girl stated simply, already walking forward.


"This town was a good pit stop. I'll mark it down later. Though the people aren't particularly friendly, it's a good location and the supplies are decent." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked once more at Wade.


"Where do you come from, anyway?"

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((Sorry for the delay, had church last night and minor surgery this afternoon. Excuse the typos, I'm on mobile.))


"Baby you? I apologize, it's completely unintentional. My sisters used to say roughly the same thing - I didn’t mean to offend you. Guess you could say I have an alpha male compex." He grinned, swishing his tail. "Besides, after the whole monster fiasco yesterday, I think I've earned that right." Shrugging, he bumped her shoulder with his own. "You don't have to worry about me, I'd have the guy down for the count before they even knew what hit them."


When Alex asked where he was from, Wade stiffened ever so slightly, his eyes going slightly unfocused as he remembered his home. "Born and bred Alaskan. The meteor hit a bit over two hundred and fifty miles from us, and after I found my family had... died, I made my way towards the meteor to discover if there were more like me. On my way I heard about a pshyco who took joy in killing, some sort of dragon creature according to the rumors. I know the rough place in which his hunting grounds lie - he's probably our best bet. A powerful fighter and not part of the revolution. Rumor has it he got kicked out. Seems like my kind of guy."

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((No problem at all. Are you ok?))


That right, my a**. You got kicked around pretty well by that monster.


"I took care of the rest of them, didn't I? Even if I don't have the strength of however many men make up you, I can take care of myself." She waved one of her pocket needles in front of him.


I have every reason to worry about you, pup. Wade was reckless, Alex came to understand. Because of his healing abilities, he took absolutely no caution when it came to his own life. He also tried to use his appearance and overall attitude to be intimidating, but now that she knew him somewhat, Alex found that he was basically trying to brother the entire world. Possibly a subconscious action after what happened to his sisters.


"Alaska, huh? I never got to tour there, unfortunately. Went to Canada, but it looks like I just missed you..." She trailed off, taking in the rest of his words.


"I'm sorry about your family. I think I understand that pain just a little.


"Dragon? Like, actual dragon? Not Komodo Dragon or something? Wings and horns and stuff" Alex gaped at Wade, drawing invisible horns above her head, green eyes wide as saucers.

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((Well it's hurting like a b**** right now, and since my mom is at the store and I took a Tylenol earlier she won't let me take anything until she gets back to make sure it's okay. I want to cry sad.gif The doc had to remove a bunch of scar tissue from a previous surgery, and the scars went down to the bone so there is some bone showing. The numbing shots have mostly worn off now so it just aches constantly.))


"Well..." Wade started to protest before stopping. "You're right. I guess. You have my back, and I've got yours. Guess we're stuck with each other for a while, huh?" He asked gruffly, looking almost embarrassed at the fact that he needed someone at his back to watch out for him. He smiled at the mention of the neighboring country. "Yeah, it was really beautiful. We were somewhat south, and less than three miles from the Canadian border. Sometimes my sisters and I would sneak over and explore." He remembered the lush green forests and the snowy mountains, and sighed. "I miss it. Everything was much simpler back then, ya know?"


Wade laughed out loud at Alex's comical reaction to the nugget of information about the monster he had told her. His face was lit with a real, true smile, his golden eyes sparkling in amusement. His breath hitched at her adorable expression and he wondered what was happening to him. "From what I've heard, yeah. Wings, horns, scales, tail - he's the real deal, apparently. I've also heard rumors that he can control shadows, but I'm not completely sure about that one. If we can convince him to join us, he'll be a formidable ally. We'll have to be cautious though - apparently he kills for the rush." He grimaced slighly before smirking and putting a casual arm around his friend's shoulder. "But don't worry, I won't let the big bad dragon man get you."


((Wade is such a tease, my gosh. Sorry bout any typos, I'm on mobile for obvious reasons))

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((Jesus Christ. I'm sorry, dear. sad.gif I hope you feel better soon.))


Alex's mind froze for a couple of seconds, before going into completely unnecessary overdrive.


Wait, that wasn't fair. What the hell was that? That SMILE. Somebody help me that was not okay. Is that legal? Is he allowed to do that? He shouldn't be. Where are the police when you need them? Oh, right, they'll all pretty much dead. But oh my god. And that LAUGH. Just shoot me, it'd be less deadly. I don't know what's going on and- OH NOW HIS ARM IS AROUND ME. GREAT.


She'd known she was attracted to the wolf-boy, but not to this extent. Her inner voice was screaming like a teenage fangirl, which was basically what she was at the moment, but it wasn't appreciated. There were so much more important things going on and here Alex was, getting her fuses shorted by a boy. Albeit a very cute, puppy boy, but still.


"Ah, uh, um, that's nice. I mean, thank you! Wait, no, I'll be fine! But thank you! He sounds bad. But that's good! Right? Good that he's bad because he can help us, and oh my GOD is it warm out today. Are you warm? Because I'm warm." The ex star laughed nervously and pulled at the neck zipper on her bodysuit, feeling ever smaller under Wade's arm.


Why was this happening? Was it because her being a teenager had been cut short by the apocalypse? Was that why she was being tortured this way? Either way, Alex went back to blaming her lack of experience with men. Though there had been no shortage of them, she'd never taken an interest before. So, of course, her timing now was impeccable. During World War Three. Fantastic.


((Okay that was really fun to write. I hope you have fun reading it. For as much as Wade is a tease, Alex is a complete newbie. xd.png))

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((Feeling much better now, thankfully. I didn't have time to do much of anything yesterday, so sorry about the late response.))


Wade's smirk widened as Alex started rambling on nervously. It was adorable, in a way, and he was starting to realize he had an apparent effect on her mental faculties. He pursed hisnlips to keep from laughing and raised an eyebrow. "Little warm out yeah. Why, have I got you a little flustered, dear?" He asked with a smirk and a barely contained smile, squeezing her shoulder with his hand before releasing her from his hold before sobering slightly. "You do know it takes almost a hundred miles - perhaps even more, depending on the route - in order to reach his territory, right? I can take a steady jog all day with few breaks, though I doubt you can do the same. That long of a distance would taje me a little over a week to achieve, but depending on your stamina it could take more tume which we don't have. I have a suggestion if you're willing to hear it, though I doubt you'll like it as it could be seen as me babying you... sorta?" He asked, his golden eyes scanning their surroundings for any threats.


((You know where dragoncat went? I kinda expected her to respond by now.))

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((I dunno. Maybe she abandoned?))


"F-flustered? Me? No, not at all. Why would you say that? Do I seem flustered? Because I'm not." She clenched her fists tightly, trying to retain a semblance of calm she used to have. Her mission was made slightly easier when he removed his arm from her shoulders. Though she could say she liked the warmth and weight, it was also nice to be able to think slightly more clearly.


It seemed as she began using her head again, so did Wade. His mention of the trip made her feet ache in anticipation, but she was otherwise fine with the idea. She'd traversed much farther distances. Her only concern was that she would, in fact, slow him down. Alex was used to going at her own pace. She had no clue how he traveled. It hurt her pride, but he was right. She had nowhere near the stamina he did. It was a common fact of monsters. In addition to their powers and deformities, they all gained proficiency in areas of strength, speed, and stamina.


"...What do you propose?" She asked cautiously, not liking where this was going.

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((Possibly. Mind sending her a PM to check? Oh, and I was listening to music and realized that Battle Cry by Imagine Dragons describes Wade excellently.))


Wade simply smirked and gave her a disbelieving look. "Sure, you're not flustered. Let's go with that." He grinned cheekily to himself, swishing his tail twitching his ears, understanding her apprehension. "Here's what I suggest. You're probably pretty light, and I'm sure I could keep up a steady jog for several hours even with your weight. I propose that I carry you piggy-back style for most of the way and walk part of the way in order to give my legs a rest. May be a bit awkward at first - I'll have to get used to your added weight, but it should be alright. Course, I'm crossing my fingers we stumble across our dragon friend without having to go the whole way, but I am prepared to go that far if necessary. If you don't feel comfortable with my suggestion, feel free to come up with your own, or we can just travel on foot the whole way." He shrugged, chuckling slightly. "Or get you a horse."


((I'm sorry it's so short. I hate it, but once things speed up they'll be longer, promise smile.gif ))

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"I'm not!" Alex stamped her foot and crossed her arms, ignoring how childish the action probably looked. She hadn't had much of an opportunity to be a child, and Wade somehow allowed it. It was a blessing in disguise, trying to kill him.


She listened in a half-pout as the wolf explained his plan, and by the time he was through, her head was shaking back and forth furiously.

"No, no, no, and no. I am not letting you carry me across miles of terrain just because I'd be too slow on foot. I have my pride, you know." Alex growled stubbornly and stabbed a finger in his direction.


"But I'm still not letting our pace get any slower. So I'm going to call in a favor. And no, it's not a horse." She dug around in her bag for a moment before pulling out a small, disposable silver cell phone. Nowadays, they were extremely rare to come by, and she only came to possess one due to her background as a world renowned pop star. She had fans in high places.


Alex dialed a number from memory and held it up to her ear, speeding up as it rang. When someone finally picked up on the other end, she spoke immediately.

"Harry, I'm cashing in that favor. You still in the Range?" There was a moment of silence.


"Good. I'm heading over. And I'm bringing a friend. Don't be weird when you meet him." With that, she snapped the phone shut and stuffed it back in her bag, glancing up at Wade.


"We need to make a tiny detour."


((I'll PM her now. And don't mind, we're all gonna be a little short. xd.png))

Edited by BloodyKisses123

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((I'm really sorry, I've been really busy with school and stuff. I didn't mean to take so long to respond. By the way, did Dragoncat respond to your PM?))


Wade chuckled, a grin on his face as he watched in amusement at her childish antics. He didn't mind, not really - he had two younger sisters that would act the same way from time to time. He'd be quite fickle if he allowed something like that to get under his skin - despite the short time he had known Alex, he had grown quite fond of her, and probably would do anything she asked if she pouted enough. "Whatever you say, dear." He said, chuckling again. Wade had started calling her that as a joke - but it seemed to stick and he didn't feel like trying not to.


"Look, I knew the plan wasn't very convenient, but unlike you I do not have friends in high places." He said calmly, unfazed by her quick flash of anger - he understood, as he would be angry too if someone suggested it to him. "A tiny detour is fine - we have time." He nodded, giving the cell phone an impressed look but saying nothing of it. "By the way..." He started nonchalantly, "Who's Harry?" It was a seemingly innocent question, but there was a slight vein of jealously in his voice and his tail was curled behind him in displeasure.

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((Oh my god i'm so sorry this never popped up in my email.))


Face warming at the endearment, Alex picked up the pace, feet straying slightly more left with the new destination in mind. Harry wasn't too far away, but he was in a slightly inconvenient place. They were going to have to clear a few irritating obstacles if they wanted to get to him within the next few days. Oh how she missed cars.


At Wade's query, Alex shrugged, and then slowed, hearing something oddly familiar in his tone. She felt a smirk come to her face and she tried to stop her shoulders from shaking in silent laughter.

"Wade... Are you... jealous?" A flash of white caught her eye behind him and her grin widened. His tail was the most expressive part about him.


Alex let an audible laugh tumble out of her and she shook her head at him.

"You don't have to worry, puppy. He's no competition, I promise. You'll understand when you meet him."

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((It's okay, I would have responded sooner but I've been really busy lately. I was thinking and I thought it would be hilarious if Tanner were to ever be paired with a girl that's scared of the dark (cause of his powers) or just super shy/timid imho))


Wade followed after Alex, his strides widening to catch up with her increased pace. He preferred to lead, but considering she was the one who knew where they were going, it was probably best to just keep in step instead of going off ahead. When she slowed abruptly he furrowed his brow and stopped slightly until she was beside him again. His ears flattened against his head at her accusation. "Jealous?" He questioned, a wry smirk on his face, though his cheeks were slightly red. "You wish. Probably just hallucinating - do you need to sit down?" He asked innocently, flashing her a cheeky grin. His smile faltered slightly at her calling him a puppy. "Don't call me a puppy. I'm quite the opposite, if the reactions I can glean from you are any form of measurement." He smirked, nudging her in a goodnatured way though his tail flicked in displeasure at the nickname. Wade wasn't completely sure why he disliked being called a puppy, though it probably was because of the humans that would often call him that in a derogatory fashion. He would never tell Alex that, of course, as she couldn't completely understand how it felt to be treated as a child, and a monster - not that he wasn't a monster, but it was irritating to be reminded.

Edited by polaristar

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