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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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*teleports Fort home and sonics her work into completion*


I'm just starting my (voluntary) work.

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*teleports Fort home and sonics her work into completion*


I'm just starting my (voluntary) work.

*finds herself at home sitting on the couch*




What just happened?


(Thank you Kestra)


(How long will you be working for?)

Edited by Fortune86

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laugh.gif That could be a bit disorienting!

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*finds herself at home sitting on the couch*




What just happened?


(Thank you Kestra)


(How long will you be working for?)

I only just finished...


And I was out teaching for four hours as well, so that makes it about 7hrs worth of voluntary work done this evening.


Sorry I kinda forgot to reply...


Have an awesome weekend everyone! I'm on nights so will not be around much til next week.

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Erm... hello? Don't think anyone's up at this hour, but I suppose it doesn't hurt to ask.

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Hi! I'm here for a bit. smile.gif But things tend to be a bit slower here on weekends. I think some people sign on mostly from work during the week.

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When I was still on holidays I frequently told myself that I would work hard and do all my assessment quickly... now that I'm back at uni I find that very hard to do...


EDIT: Yeah fort and spirit, the two biggest posters are never on on the weekends, especially fort.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Kessstrraaaaa -drags self in- Savveee me.

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Ahhh, I see! Makes sense. Can't dedicate all of your time to DC.


I've only been playing for a total of an hour, ish? And I've already filled up my lair with seven eggs. I forgot how pretty some of the sprites are!




Oh, I should probably ask while I'm thinking about it: is there some kind of glitch regarding Summoning?

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Oh, I should probably ask while I'm thinking about it: is there some kind of glitch regarding Summoning?

Yes, at the moment it seems that even successful summon attempts get the "failed" message. People are surprised to find a GoN egg on their scroll. laugh.gif


I assume you are returning after a hiatus if you were able to get 7 eggs?

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I assume you are returning after a hiatus if you were able to get 7 eggs?

Ahh, alright. Well, I won't complain; this is my first successful Summon, after all!


And yeah, a long hiatus at that. The newest adult dragon that I have on my scroll grew up on June 7th of 2014... I have a lot of holidays to catch up on!


I'm not gonna lie, I came back for the sprites. The artwork for all of these dragons is so pretty! I think I'm gonna start hoarding Frostbites and Falconiforms...

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Oh yes! You have missed a lot of pretty new stuff. But you should be able to catch up with most of them fairly easily.

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I'm really interested in the Xeno family, but unfortunately they seem to be quite rare. I doubt I'll be able to get ahold of one for awhile. On the bright side, though, I can start hoarding some other things.

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They are fairly hard to catch in the cave, but I have had some luck trading for them. There are people out there willing to trade them for multiple common hatchies. You just have to catch the right trade at the right time.

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I'll keep that in mind, then! Maybe some of the Avatars would make good trades (once I start to obtain those)?

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hello. how are peeps today?

don't actually know how long I'll be online; got cook for my friend's bridal shower potluck uwu

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Hi WS! Just being lazy today. Not doing any of the things I need to do!


Hope you have fun at the shower.

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Sounds like fun, WS! I hope you have fun as well!

(I don't think I've ever seen you before, but that could just be my memory failing me again.)


Oh, purplehaze, I gotta know: do we still cuff people to dragons? It doesn't seem like it based on this page? But it could just be too slow to tell at the moment.

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I still see people cuffed once in awhile, but not so often.

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Aw, that's kind of unfortunate. Well, I've got so many unnamed dragons/dragons with names in gratuitous Japanese that I need to change, so maybe I'll cuff a few people yet.


Anyone is welcome to cuff me. I gladly accept any and all handcuff dragons. :vv


But that aside... I guess I could ask about the happenings of the main site? What's new? Anything particularly fun that stood out to you in the last year or so?

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Good evening, CPA! cool.gif


Welcome back, Dia! Yes, cuffing does still happen on occasion. xd.png

The mana alchemy game last year Christmas was fun as was this year's RP-type thingie. Do you still need xenos or has purplehaze loaded you up with many?


I've been a poor CPA mum lately. Sorry about that. sad.gif

Life's been just weird.


Car trouble (again), tennis elbow (so computering is painful), plumbing issues at home (and no internet there), busy work days, the usual house sitting (with one set of four neurotic dogs that had me sleepless and weary by the end of the twelve nights there)...


*curls up on the sofa and dozes off*



527 - 556 still to be read...


Speaking of cuffing! laugh.gif

Toppage, page 557! cool.gif

Edited by Lagie

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You must have your forum settings at something other than the default 20 per page, MP!

How are you?

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Lagie! *hugs*


Sorry real life is keeping you away.


I have no Xenos to give away and I am hopelessly egg locked until at least tomorrow! wink.gif

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HI, purplehaze! *hugs back*

Ah. Well maybe I can breed a xeno or two (the one on my scroll currently is promised to someone).

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