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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Yeah and no |D but, no worries. It's not anything big or game changing. At least not for the whole group, just Blake. tongue.gif

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My one friend told me something about another friend that I really care about! I'm a bit dissapointed in him!

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Who is Blake?

Blake is my character for Fortune's RP, Night Class.


Spirit, I'm sorry about you being disappointed with your friend. It can't be too fun to experience :c

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*Throws ball* Fetch! o.o

That's racist.


I'm about to see my sisters cause today is visit day, so won't be on for a bit. Dunno when we're leaving tho... >~<

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Spirit: That sounds quite personal so I won't be asking about the details. u v u;;


That's racist.

Or just a desperate try to entertain. u o u

Welp, my head doesn't quite catch the reality today.

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It is a bit personal. I just don't know how handle it!

I need to talk to my mum about this!

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Oof, good morning/afternoon. This structures class (math+physics) is dragging on forever. The class is four hours long, but I zone out after the 2.5 hour mark.


The coffee is finally kicking in though, half an hour before the end. xd.png

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Or just a desperate try to entertain. u o u

Welp, my head doesn't quite catch the reality today.

I was messing with you. XP


I really hope the increased visits gets okayed by DCF and it actually goes through this time. I hate only being able to see my sisters every two weeks. T^T

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Freedom in... negative 2 minutes? this prof always goes overtime. And now we got a presentation about job searches, which I'm nervous about.

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I'll keep you guys updated with my Nana if you want.


Katt didnt you saiy you had a cold or something? Because now I think I have it.

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Katt didnt you saiy you had a cold or something? Because now I think I have it.

Well I did, but it's moving on for now. o: And that's exactly why you have it now. biggrin.gif

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So will we be seeing Spirit on Strictly Come Dancing: South Africa?

We should encourage this petition!

Different types of dances MP xd.png

Last week we did the Jive... and I think we might continue with that this week!


Hey there Dor!


Oh my Kestra!

Well that can put some stress on a persons life! But there seem to be quite some positive there so lets cling to that!

Sadly I cannot cling to red wine anymore sad.gif


I used to do ballroom dancing when I was in school. Learned thirteen dances, forgot all of them within a month! Lover is doing ballet now, which she's enjoying smile.gif

Good morning Kestra, Spirit and Fortune...puts out some coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts for every one... biggrin.gif


user posted image

Doughnuts look very tasty when I'm not allowed them....*sneaks one away* Morning!

@Fortune: A baby shower this time. And I have a Kitchen Tea after that and then my mum's birthday and then another Kitchen Tea

Go for it biggrin.gif I've realised that being poor is much more fun when you're having fun as well as poor, hence why I keep going out when I can't afford it tongue.gif

Edited by Kestra15

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It is a bit personal. I just don't know how handle it!

I need to talk to my mum about this!

*hugs* It is often hard to know how to handle that sort of thing. Good if your mum can advise you, but first be sure it is really true if the word came from someone else.


@Spottedleaf - I hope your Nana is not hurt badly. Please do keep us posted.

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Just checking to see if anyone had heard from Lagie since the hurricane hit?

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