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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Eighteen

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Dang I just got another invite for next month! I'm going to be so poor T.T

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Krispy Kremes! *grabs one and runs off -- our store here closed*


See, it's all Spirit's fault. All that talk of meatballs made me hungry! laugh.gif


Good morning CPA! How are ya all?


*Leaves bagels and cream cheese for those with no interest in doughnuts, if there is anyone like that!*

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Hey there Purple!

My job is done then tongue.gif


@Fortune: A baby shower this time. And I have a Kitchen Tea after that and then my mum's birthday and then another Kitchen Tea

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I've never tasted any of those brands so I'm just grabbing for the sake of free doughnuts xd.png

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Hi everyone! (Again)


Uugh I have no idea how this happened, but I planned to have a little nap to calm down, but instead I slept over two hours.

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It is, just on the longer side for me. >u> Well, I don't usually sleep during the daytime so I have no idea, hehe.

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When you get older you will appreciate the longer naps tongue.gif

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Make a cup of tea or coffee... that might help for it!


Oh and did you see my post about what I asked about your one drawing?

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Sounds good, so might as well make some. :3c


I managed to miss it somehow. ohmy.gif I found it now, though!


Oh Cotton... (whenever you read this)

I liked your drawings!

I just have one question... shouldn't the mane move down the back between the wing blades?

I'm glad you do, it makes me happy. happy.gif

*Sudden realization* Ooop, what was I even thinking? Of course it should, but I apparently didn't notice it until now. u v u;; No wonder my anatomy skills in drawing need improving.

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Don't feel bad about it. I only noticed cause a couple years back someone pointed out the same thing with one of my drawings xd.png

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My electric dragon hatchling is absolutely adorable

I can't stand this how are these dragons legal I may die from the cuteness



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Hey guys. I am on vacation right now but I'm afraid I might have to cut my trip short. While my family is gone my Nana stayed at our house to watch our pets for us. This morning my dad got a call from her saying that she fell in the kitchen. She said she was okay but to dad it sounded like she was trying not to cough over the phone. Dad thanks that Nana broke something.

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*pounces on Cotton*


So bored. Someone entertain me.

*Surprised* Oh hi Fortune. >u< I have no idea how to entertain people, though... Might be because I hardly ever get bored myself!


Spirit: It's not one of my greatest (or finished) work, so I guess there's no need to. n v n Besides, everyone makes mistakes, so well.

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One of my neighbors are taking my Nana to the ER. Right now we know she's hurt but were not sure if anything broken or not. I can't go anywhere until we hear something. If jts negative my family will probably be coming home today.

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Been awhile since I popped in.

Blake will "crash" the party at the old gym later. I'm still debating on when to have him arrive. Make it too early and you lose a good effect. Make it too late and you still lose the effect.

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