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The Calling

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It was a last minute detail I added. It's the Vornapalian colony of Gerund (sounds like Je-roond) and it's basically just one giant valley. My character Amanda is from there. It's not very populated and in my head it looks kind of foresty like North Carolina. Other than that it's open to your imagination smile.gif

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((Okay, some things have kinda gone wrong today, and we'll be officially starting tomorrow, but if anyone wants to make the first post, feel free smile.gif Now might be a good time for character backgrounds- leaving homes, wandering along a road, something like that.))

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((Okay, question: is there still that gatekeeper person at the wall?

Also, maybe on the map the locations for large cities should be marked.


Now for my intro post for my characters. This is going to be one of those "a few days ago" segments.))


"Have you remembered everything dear?" Called the kindly woman's voice from the kitchen. "Blankets? Food? Clothes? Flint and steel? Traveling cloak?"

"Yes mother, I've gotten everything I need." Replied a young man from the small wooden entrance hall as he strapped on his boots. "If you stuffed anything more into my satchel, I'll be so weighed down that I'd never make it to the wall."

"Let your mother fret Jacen." Said a large bearded man in a gruff, yet gentle voice. "After all, it's not every day that one's son goes off adventuring into the world."

"Sorry father. I just don't want you two to worry over me." Jacen answered, taking his sword from his father's calloused hands as he handed it to him. "You both have done more than any son could ask for. I do this to help keep you safe."

When Jacen finished belting on his sword, his mother came hurrying down the hall carrying a small leather travel bag. Though it wasn't a very big one since they could not afford anything larger, his mother was the master of organizing so it was packed to its full capacity, and looked as if it would burst at the seems.

"I can't believe that you're really leaving." Said the woman in a voice mixed with worry, sadness, and pride. "I knew this day would come. My little boy, becoming an adventurer."

As she spoke, the aging woman's eyes began to well up with tears, her hands still firmly grasping the satchel.

"Mother, please don't cry." Jacen said, taking the bag to place it on the floor so he could hold her hands. "I promise, I'll be just fine. I'll write to you whenever I can, just like I promised. And I'll make sure to visit as often as possible."

"You better make sure you visit." His father said with a deep chuckle. "Without you here for her to worry about, I'll be the one being fretted over. I'll get no work done."

"Oh hush you." Said his mother, slapping his father lightly as she whiped away a tear. "Now go on Jacen, if you stay here any longer, we'll have to send you off tomorrow instead."

With a grin, Jacen heaved the bag of supplies onto his back before leaning down to give his mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek, followed by a bear-hug from his father. Before he could say anything else, his mother shooed him out the door, her eyes welling up with tears again. Jacen walked out of the place that he had called home for so many years with a sad smile, walking down the long dirt path past the vegetables that he had helped his father tend to just the other day. When he reached the end of the path, he stopped to turn and look back to see his parents still standing arm and arm at the door, waving him off. With one last wave back to them, Jacen walked off, and into the forest to begin his journey.

Edited by Narath

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Run for your petty lives. The Hand of Destruction has come, and none will live to survive this day.

-Unknown Horror, 700 Years Ago.


Darien brushed the dust off of his clothes. That thug had been tough, but being an ice sculpture for a few hours should teach him a lesson. Darien didn't like freezing people, but it was the only way he kept himself alive.


Darien. Keep moving. You don't want to seem suspicious.


Darien quickly grabbed his bags and rushed away from the sculpture. Although his magic had kept him alive these past two years, the voice was what kept him sane. Living alone in taverns and on streets, never speaking to anyone for too long, and having to fight for your money and life daily could do something to a person. That voice was his only friend these days, as strange as it seemed. And now it urged him to go to Arendia.


Darien stopped at the docks. The ship to Arendia was leaving in twenty minutes. Darien quickly looked through his bags, but there was no money anywhere. He must have spent it all on a tavern room last night, or maybe lost some in the fight.


"Well, young man, are you going to buy a ticket or not?" growled the man manning the docks. "Six Florins a ticket, no less. I've got people waiting right now."


Suddenly, a man turned around. "You can have my ticket. I'm on a mission to the Badlands to study Puzzle Horrors for Horusia, but I have plenty of money. I'll catch the next boat."


Darien thanked the man and strode on to the ship. He smiled. He had his ticket to Arendia.






Edited by deathsnake951

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"All ready to go?"

Selye looked up from inspecting her supplies for the upcoming journey, contained in a well-made burlap bag with a few simple provisions and nodded at Firi with a light smile. Firi chuckled, then began to speak: "Moon, I'm going to miss you after all this time. Heh, " Firi shifted his stance, looking up while thinking. "I can still remember when you were just a eager young girl in Vornapal practically begging to fight with us. Not that we could tell then, but it seems incredibly obvious in hindsight."

Ha, I almosy forgot that he always did have this problem with reminiscing. I would be 49 before I leave if I let him keep talking. Selye gave a cough before strapping her poleaxe to her back and attaching the bag on her waist.

"Right, right. Well, I suppose this is goodbye, Moon. Check your buckler straps too," and with that, Firi got up from the wooden doorway, stepping aside for her. Selye looked over the room one last time, befrit of her belongings now, one that she had stayed in for almost eight years, made of wood and cloth, before turning around and walking away. Giving a light nod to Firi, who nodded back, she inhaled sharply, thinking of events yet to come. And perhaps one day, she might go back to her hometown. She would visit her Ma and Ba one day, that's for sure, or they might come to visit her, wherever she would be.

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((I left cities and maps unmarked for the time being so that we can make them up as we go. It just seemed easier that way smile.gif And yes, there is a gatekeeper at the wall.


Also, death- do you mind writing in a slightly darker color? It's hard to see the words on my screen without it on max brightness smile.gif Thanks!


Prepare for giant post! xd.png))


Amanda Clover looked out the window of her father's slow moving blimp with a painfully bored expression painted across her pretty face. She watched as a flock of small songbirds flew past, wishing that she could fly with them.


She looked over at her father- seeing that the old Earth made was talking to the captain idly.


With a smirk, the teen pulled her deep purple cloak with her family's crest on the back over her shoulders- the burning clover dancing across the fabric.


Quietly, she found the door that led out onto the uppermost deck and stood by the railing, patiently waiting until all of the crewmen had looked in the other direction.


Then she just climbed up the railing, over and onto the other side of it and then... she folded her arms, and fell towards the earth.


The voice in her head chuckled softly, "Be careful Amanda. You know what'll happen if your dad sees you." but she just smiled and shrugged the warning off. Then, as if a switch had flipped, Amanda was flying up once more with a jet of magical flame propelling her from just under the soles of her knee-high brown boots, and her laughter filled the air like that of the songbirds she so envied.




Roark had just finished wrapping tape around his hands and was currently beating the stuffing out of a punching bag.


"Remember what your teacher taught you, Roark. Feet apart, shoulders back, keep your guard up!" The comforting voice in his head reminded him.


Finally, exhausted and satisfied that he had worked enough on his hand-to-hand combat skills for the day, he pulled his heavy coat back on and headed off for guard duty.


"My Gods, some days in this blasted place are so boring." The grim soldier muttered under his breath as he donned his armor and took his position near one of the Arendian Gates.




"Talibah Musa. I hereby charge you with twenty counts of theft and sentence you to death by hanging. How do you plea?" The judge asked, though the crowd that was gathered around the stage already knew the outcome of the trial.


A tall, beautiful woman with olive brown skin and rich dark hair stood proudly as the noose was fitted over her head.


"Not guilty. Seriously. I only stole two apples, and I was going to pay the owner of that shop back later anyways." She replied, but even she knew that it was hopeless. These people would never believe her.


With a sigh, she gathered up a small ball of blue mana in her hand, and then casually let it drop to the ground- creating a loud boom and a blinding flash.


As the screams of panic echoed all around her, Talibah took her chance and sliced the ropes binding her wrists with a bit more magical energy, then slipped out of the noose and out of sight.


Luckily, her weapons and other belongings were still hidden where she had left them, so all that was left in the end was to whistle for her horse, Tiana, and then the two black haired beings could slip off quietly into the night.


"That was much too close for comfort Talibah." The voice in her head lightly scolded her as she and her horse blended into the woods.


"I know. I'll be more careful." She replied, heading vaguely in the direction of the next town.

Edited by makenziec123

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He was finally here. After weaks of traveling, Jacen had finally arrived at one of the cities near one of the great wall's gates. It was a long and arduous journey, during which all of the food his mother packed was somehow eaten (which he thought impossible due to how much she packed), and he had to bargain his way into inns and get some small jobs to help pay for transport. But now he was here, and he was going to join those that fought back against the horrors, and help save the people. Well, he did have to find a place to stay the night first, but after that he would adventure! Actually, that wasn't right either. He'd have to earn some coin to rent a room first. This was going to be a long evening.




Copper stood stone still in silence, analyzing the enormous structure in front of him that was the great wall. Those that trained him had told him much of it, and of the beasts that lived beyond. When he was on the road after he escaped, he had seen a few of them, but for some reason they had not shown him any hostility. This puzzled him, as he was always told, countless times (actually, he knew the number. It was 1672 times), how dangerous and hostile they were. But during his "encounters," they seemed to have just ignored him... Until he began to lay waste to them at least. And the only reason he fought them anyways was because of this odd metallic voice in his head. It was odd, but kind and beautiful. It reminded him somewhat of musical chimes that danced in the wind. The voice had told him how evil and vile these things were, and how they needed to be destroyed. The only reason he listened to the feminine voice that called itself "Penny" was because she had saved him from who he now realized was his captors.

Copper, she said. Remember that even you need to eat and rest sometimes. Find somewhere to stay. You can resume your journey later.

He nodded in response, a quick jerky motion that was mean to immitate what he had seen others do when they wanted to show that they agreed. Quickly turning on his heel, Copper began to March back into the town, looking for a suitable place to stay. He did sometimes forget in his eagerness to find her, that no matter how different he was from those around him, he was still nearly the same.

Edited by Narath

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Navir stood proud and tall! as much as he could, given the fact he has left vornapal. heading to the nearest town in Hoursia which would provide him transport to any cities near the wall. The walk was long and tiresome though he has been walking in the shadow of a passing air ship in relative happiness due to cooling down in it's shadow. Though Navir heard something from the ship as his ears twitched under his hood to hear the faint laughter of a someone, normally he wouldn't be able to hear them. but since they are nearing a near by city which should have his desired transports. he could hear this person through the calm. He saw this falling figure suddenly take off flying. The likes of which he hasn't seen since Vornapal. He removed his sheathe and blade and tried to flag the person down while giving off a shout "Hey you alright bird-person?" He calls out jokingly hoping the figure sees or hears him

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((To be edited after school.))

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((*Open eyes to Maken post* Not quite as large as you think. Also, My sheet is not up there.))



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((Hey Mak, maybe now would be a good time to have Talibah and Jacen meet up. I'm just thinking that the sooner we get people's characters interacting the better so they don't have to wait too long to make posts on their own.))

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((Eh. Seemed bigger in my head. Sorry let me find your sheet > . < and good idea.))


It was dawn when Talibah finally made it out of the dense woodlands surrounding Horusia- but frankly, she was just glad that she had made it to a city at all. The wolves in that forest would have gotten her for sure if not for the charm on her saddle that deterred them.


Her horse's hooves clip-clopped against the cobbled streets while she looked this way and that for an inn with a stable that she could stay at.


She finally found one, but she didn't have quite enough coin left from her escapade to pay for it, so she struck up a bargain with the innkeeper- until she had enough money to pay for the night, she would have to leave her horse and her satchel here.


She begrudgingly agreed, handing over her reigns and her items, and then set out to find somewhere to work.




"AMANDA CLOVER! GET BACK ON HERE THIS INSTANT!" Amanda's father yelled from high above on the deck of the blimp just as she was about to fly over and say hi to a person waving to her from below.


"Aw, man! Busted already?!" The voice in her head groaned along with Amanda.


The green-clad girl circled up and landed perfectly on the deck without so much as scratching (or more likely, burning) the wood.


"Amanda, what were you thinking?!" Her father roared.


"I was bored daddy." She replied plainly, folding her hands behind her back like a soldier might.


"You're going to get you killed some day. Especially doing tricks like that." He growled.


"You're just afraid because you don't know how my magic works!" She roared back, a defiant fire blazing in her eyes like a dragon's.


"Amanda, that's not-"


"Yes, it is! I'm the only fire mage in our entire family, so you're scared of what I can do!" She exclaimed, cutting him off.


"Well, I for one have had enough of you and everyone else staring at me like I'm some sort of freak, and keeping me on a leash so short that I can hardly even move!" She ran towards the banister again and jumped. The only difference was that this time she wasn't sure if she really wanted to catch herself.


"Amanda, don't be stupid. Just fly over to the nearest city of something."


Amanda ignored the voice's council and instead made her way over towards the person from before that had waved at her like a comet and landed a few feet away from him.


"Hi. I'm Amanda. Where are you going?" She asked, deciding then and there that she was not going back to her old life. She was not going to be judged by her family ever again.




((Will make post for Roark later))

Edited by makenziec123

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Navir Rondook watched the figure fly back to the ship then take off again, this time heading to him like a comet. He stood his ground though and waited for the person to come to him and when she did he found out that it is a girl who from the looks of it can do fire magic. Navir wasn't phased or scared by the display and only gave her a small applaud That was quite the preformence you did, A fire mage is a rare thing but that is still a awe-inspiring display you put on. It is a pleasure to meet you amanda, I am Navir Rondook. I am heading to the nearest town that will offer transport to any town near the wall so I can go into the badlands." he said as he bowed deeply to her, the sight was something spectacular due to his large height. Navir was a man clad in dark robes with a gold trim, they consist of a coat and a under shirt, he also appears to have two satchels on him at the moment and his hood is up, despite the heat.

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"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Rondook. I saw a town not far from here. I can show you the way if you'd like." Amanda said as she smiled politely.


"But to be honest, fire magicians aren't that rare and I'm hardly that good at all. All I know is two healing spells, flying, and I can create weapons." She explained simply, as if it were no big deal.


In all honesty though, Amanda could be quite the show off when she wanted to be, which is why she added-


"See?" And formed a scythe that when fully formed had a staff as long as she was tall, and a three foot long fiery blade on the end, of which a third was now stuck in the ground. ((Like dis :3 user posted image

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Navir watched Amanda form a scythe and list her 'limits' while he smiled examining the staff. despite his height he sounded and acted like a common eighteen year old. Well where I come from, mages are rare in general unless one of us decided to go to the 'mainland' and learn magic. I would gladly accept your help to getting to the closest town, I was just following the air ship really. That is a nice scythe by the way. All I have is this." he said as he took out a blue crystal blade from his sheathe and bringing it back like an officer about to give an order to charge and brought down his sword on the air, three light sources apearing infront of him as he raised his blade but when he brought the sword down, each light shot out three 'light' arrows, each going farther then the first set launched. After the nine arrows were fired he sheathed his sword and the arrows dissapeared I also know a 'bit' of healing and don't call me 'Mr. Rondook.' I'm like... eighteen. I'm not old." He said with a laugh

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Nothing. He could find nothing. He could find no small jobs for him to do. At least not any that had people who were willing to hire some farm boy with dreams to be something more. Jacen sighed and slumped against a wall in the busy streets, his travel pack slipping off of his shoulder and onto the ground. A failure. That's what he was; a failure. He'd come all this way to join those who stood between humanity and destruction, but how could he do that if people wouldn't even want him to run errands? Sliding down the wall to sit next to his pack, the young man held his head in his hands.

I'm sorry mother, I'm sorry father. He thought. I've failed. You gave me everything and I failed.

Do not say that little one. Rang a voice as soft as silk, yet sharp as a Fox's wit. You have always done admirably, for your parents and those that you have crossed paths with on your journey. Remember that you have aided many, and the few here who dare mock you for what they see will be all the more shamed when they see who you really are because of it. I have been helping you for a reason, lest you forget. So please little one, keep your chin up.

Rubbing his eyes free of his sorrow, Jacen slowly stood up, and dragged his bag onto his shoulder. Although the voice was right (as always, as it liked to remind him often), his heart still felt anguished. He knew that the road on this journey would be difficult from the very start, and he needed to be strong for the innocents that needed protecting, and his family. After gathering his determination back up, the wanderer set off to find some way to pay for a room at the inn... But his path was cut short as he stumbled into a young woman.


((The woman is Talibah by the way. Just not making a description of her from his pov yet because he had no time to look at her.))

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((You know what, screw that post.))


Darien got to his feet and exited the boat. He had just arrived in the Golden Valley, one of the busiest places in Xpaurel. And, very conveniently, on the border to the Badlands.


Darien formed a mace by freezing the moisture in the air, which he held at his side. This place didn't look too bad, but he was taking no chances. His previous experiences had been anything BUT safe.


((By the way, where exactly is everyone? The blimp, Jacen, all of that stuff. I'd like to try to have Darien meet up with someone.))


Lucian Aster paused to review his bags. Yes, everything was there. His arrows, his map, his rations, and a compass. He would show everyone who had always claimed he would amount to nothing. He would show them all.

Luciancalmdown, dontbenervous, longwaygo, pleasefasthurry


Lucian sighed at the voice. "Please, don't distract me. I'm trying to find my way." He strode off into the distance.



"My lord. I have located a group of callers. They are-"

"I already know."

"Should I send some Horrors to engage them?"

"No, leave them be for now. Let's see how they fare when they enter MY realm."

"As you wish."

*Under Breath* "But not for much longer."

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((Might want to start now))


Azera slept against a tree as the shadow flicker over his silver hair. His blood stain sword leaning against his shoulder, as a small amount of the red, sappy liquid pooled at the tip of his sword. The clam wind grab at his mid length silver hair, as it flowed in the wind, with the clam flow of rustle leaves. The sound of his steady breathing, as it met the same steady rhythm the leaves. Not far from him was a body of a bird like creature, with another sword ran though it chest, and it wing hanging on a small amount of flesh, which was missing feathers.. The bird like creature had burn marks and sword gashes all over it body, as the blood pooled around this creature.


'Azera, do you think more will come?' Syrilth asked though Azera mind as Azera slept off his lack of energy.


'Well I should start moving than, shouldn't I.' Azera thought back to Syrilth, as his steady breath start to become a bit faster. Azera slowly open his blue eyes to the light of day, as it at first blind him, making him blink a bit. His eyes finally adjust to the light as he turn his head and look though the open forest 'Time to go.' He thought to himself. Azera got up from where he sat, and swung his sword at the air, and the blood on the sword fell off of it on the ground. He put it back in his sheath and then pulled his black hood he had over his silver hair and went to retrieve his other sword from the bird like creature. He pulled it out of the creature, as the blood came from it when he did that. He swung his sword at the air, removing what blood he could, and return it back to it sheath on the other side of his waist.


There is not a town far from it, and you could use some new gear, and some new clothing.' Syrilth thought as he hinted to the rip marks in Azera's black clothing. Azera look at his side, where the creature have rip a hole in his shirt with it talons. Azera grab his bag and look over the creature before he thought of something.


'How much you think I will get if I sell the black feathers and talons?' Azera thought as he grab one of his swords and cut away the talons and the feathers. He stuffed them in his bag and then said three words as the creature body was suddenly engulfed in flames, turn it to nothing but a pile of ash in a matter of minutes.


'Hopefully, they are worth a bit, so you could afford new clothing and weaponry.' Syrilth thought to Azera as Azera walked away from the smoldering ashes of the creature that he have killed. Azera head to the town not far from where he was at, and will arrive soon to the town location. 'Try not to get into fights with people when you get there.' Syrilth thought to Azera as he keep on walking thought the thick forest, as leaves crumble under his feet.


Azera simple look to the sky and smiled a bit. 'You know I can't make that promise, for I fight for what I believe in, and I will protect myself from anything.' Azera thought to Syrilth as he took in some of the musty forest air. It was crisp with the scent of leaves and animals, so hunting was not a problem for him. 'But I'll try and not kill anyone this time.' Azera thought as he past two people, One with a scythe, and the other with a sword.


These two people caught Azera attention for a bit as he keep hidden in the forest as best as he could, hoping no one will notice him.


((There my intro))

Edited by draco8967

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((Jacen, Talibah, and Copper are in the same city as each other near the wall.

Also, draco, you are not supposed to have your Dragon yet.))

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((I'm pretty sure the OOC got deleted, but if it's still out there then yeah, go for it smile.gif Also, sorry if my posts seem kind of backwards I'm in class right now.


The blimp is kind of hovering over a grassy plain between Horusia and Aresia right now, about a half a day's walk from the nearest city/town thingy.


Also, Draco, no one has met their dragon yet. And they don't know that they are Callers yet either. All they know is that there is a nameless voice in their head that gives them advice and tells them that they should head towards the Badlands.))


"Wait, really? You're only eighteen? You're so tall though!" Amanda exclaimed, letting her hand drop and her fire scythe evaporated along with it.


"That's still a pretty interesting weapon. How did you make those arrows?" She asked.


Once he responded, she also added; I think that the next town is about half a day's walk from here. I'm not great at judging distances from the air though, so I'm not really sure."




"Hey, watch where you step!" Talibah ranted as someone bumped into her. It was probably her fault, what with how busily she was looking for somewhere to find an odd job, but she was in a bad mood right then so it didn't really matter.


"Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm having a really bad day and if I don't find a few more coins before tonight then I'll lose my horse and everything else I own pretty much." She apologized with a sigh, running her fingers through her jet black hair in a stressed-out kind of way.


Suddenly, good luck struck her in the form of a small sign hanging over a medium-sized bar:


"Tag-Team Dueling Inside. Challengers Welcome."


"Looks like today might not be so bad after all." She grinned, then turned back to get a good look at this stranger.


"I'm Talibah, by the way. Are you any good at fighting?" She asked.

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((There it edit, And Azera does not know what Syrilth is yet, but will that do? He kind of accept the voice in his head.))

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"I-I'm sorry miss." Jacen stuttered. "I didn't mean to. I guess I've been having a rotten day too."

Upon hearing that her belongings were at risk of being confiscated, he began to rummage through his bags to find whatever little money he had left to give to her, when she inturrupted his search with a question.

"Well, uh, I guess so." He answered. "I've trained my whole life during all my spare time, but I've never really tested my skills. Why do you ask miss Talibah?"

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