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The Calling

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Heh, you're having Grade issues as well?

And sure, would love a revamp and such, as long as wel get to keep all our characters and such.))

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((Mak is back! Yaaaaaay! Mows for everyone!

I understand Mak. I've been having trouble with grades too. Not because of me, but because of my *insert curse word* English teacher. Really, the last two years of high school I've been getting good grades in English, and then I get her in the last year and they plummet. All the smart kids got worse marks, and the *insert curse word* kids have been getting better marks. She's just one of those stupid teachers that is trying to be "popular", or "hip", or whatever. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Sorry, had to get that off my chest. There are just some teachers/principal I want to boot kick across the field.

Anyways, I'd love to reboot this. I'll keep Jacen if that's alright, and maybe keep the romance we were doing with him and Talibah.))

Edited by Narath

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((Sure smile.gif we'll just have a reboot with the same characters that are staying, and invite some new people as well. Also that's the same reason my grades dropped. Except two of my teachers are like that sleep.gif))

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((Yaaaaay! Let me know when the new one is up!

I have more than one of them too. And don't even get me started on my religious ethics teacher.))

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((I will. For now, I think I'll start by trimming down the Intro a bit, make it a little more free-form, and then I'll send out messages when I'm done to everyone to see if they still want to play. Does anyone have any suggestions for this since I'm pruning stuff?))

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((My suggestion is just to keep from pruning healthy leaves.))

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((Oh thank god! Count me into the re-boot. I'll just stick with my same char, he was pretty good and I don't think I'll change him much))

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((Awesome smile.gif I'll leave all current character sheets up through the pruning and everything. I'm also going to make the map larger and more detailed if I have time.))

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((Let me run the new intro I came up with by you guys first.))


*please read the notes section below*


Long long ago on the distant island of Xpaurel, there were four kingdoms.


There is Aresia, the combat masters of the island with a fierce and well organized army. (Think Romans, Spartans, etc. They mostly use swords, spears and other such weapons, but there is the rare appearance of a modern gun every now and then like a pistol.) Most families have a strong military lineage, and although ranking in the military is decided by the grades you receive in the academy, more often than not your ranking will be the same or higher than your father's. Most women do not become soldiers, but are still vital to the area because they are the metal smiths and factory workers of the kingdom.


There is Vornapal, the kingdom of magic and spell casting. They use all kinds of magic in their everyday lives and have grown wealthy because of their knack for business. Most of Vornapal would be considered the "upper class" or "aristocratic" people of the island, with most of their cities perched atop (or hovering over) the hilltops of the mountainous region. (think elite British society in the Victorian era, but with magic.)


There is Horusia, whose people were gifted with knowledge beyond compare. Their society is much more advanced than the rest of the kingdoms, as they have discovered the ultimate power source- steam.

They use steam to build everything from door locking mechanisms, to blimps, all the way to tanks and even motorcycles! (or steamcycles as they are referred to)


Finally, there was The Golden Kingdom- The largest region to the far north, called Arendia. Their soil was dry and rocky. The majority of the area was desert-like, with a few sparse patches of trees that thickened the closer you came to Dracona Mountain, then thinned out once more towards the peak of the great mountain. (Think Mount Everest, but with a lot of caves spread throughout it for reasons that will be explained later.) It was the heart of the island- having six large bustling ports for ships and dozens more for aircraft landing.


However, the most vital part of this land was the castle. The Castle of Nict, ruled by King Edward the Third at the time, was a beautiful palace richly decorated in every precious metal, stone, and color you could name. Some people say that even the walls themselves were made of solid gold, but these are just legends. The last time anyone saw the kingdom it was in shambles, the castle and all the surrounding area was being swallowed up by a huge crack in the earth, and fires were bursting towards the sky as if the souls of the people that were being killed were begging it to spare them.


This is where the world fell into chaos. This is where the War of Callers and Horrors began.





Long story short, this is a war RP. You can be a human(most of which are fighting for the good of Xpaurel) or you can be a Horror(more information below).


If you decide to be a human, you can pick an origin point which will reflect your character's personalities based on the kingdoms named above. You can be from Horusia, Aresia, or Vornapal, but not Arendia. Arendia is now known as the Badlands, because this is Horror territory. You go over the wall that keeps the Horrors out, and you're pretty much dead meat.


Now, that's not to say there aren't any smart wizards out there- this is me saying that if you want a human who is skilled in combat, they're probably from Aresia. If you have a nerdy super-smart regular human they're probably from Horusia. If you're a magician, basically the only place you can be from is Vornapal.


Callers can be from any of the three kingdoms mentioned above, and from Arendia if you PM me and ask about it first. No one really lives here any more so there aren't many humans in general, much less Callers.


Callers and Companions- "Caller" is the term used to describe a person who was born at the exact same time as a dragon. No one knows how or why, but these dragons are waiting for their masters like loyal dogs- hence the term "Companion". The Callers got their names because the dragons use a special form of telepathy that only their specific Caller can hear. ((The characters in the RP don't know this, but the Callers can hear their Companions because they actually share a soul)).


Now for the Horrors.


A Horror can be any of several beings, but all of them were raised from the depths of the earth by an evil and seemingly other worldly "Black Magician", known only as Lord Kongbu (Chinese for Lord Horror).


((I'm thinking of getting rid of ranks and just leaving the names down at the bottom as examples))


**Please note that this man is not considered a true magician because of the nature of his powers. Those who have gotten close enough to see him and live to tell the tale claim that his power is not mana-based, and that it is far more sinister than even the darkest magic known to Vornapal itself.


And that's what I've got so far. Thoughts?

Edited by makenziec123

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((looks good to me, but now re-reading the descriptions I may need to rethink where my character is from))

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((Wait a second. Wait a second.




I'm keeping at least some of my characters. Glad to have you back, Mac!))

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((Glad to be back! I've missed this place a lot.

Oh, and any thoughts on the new intro?))

Edited by makenziec123

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((... Hmmm, seems restrictive if people from certain locations only have certain traits or personalities. Or I'm just reading it wrong.

Plus, I don't know where you got it, and I'm not the best Chinese speaker by a long shot, but I use "kongbu" as "fearful" as in "something to be feared".

.... Unless that was what you were going for.))

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((I really like the new revisions made to your new summery since they are a bit more developed, since last time the horrors did not have a "master."

I think I'm going to revise Jacen's form a bit. I'll pm it to you later Mak.

Question: even if the character is not from Vornapal can they still learn magic from someone who knows it during the RP, even if it just very little? And what kinds of guns are there? Are there different ammunitions as well?

@bein She does most likely mean it since he is Lord of the horrors. Horrors, fearful, kinda goes hand and hand don't you think?))

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((Honestly I just used google translate. It's pretty reliable for spanish homework help, so I figured it would work just as well here.


And yes, you can be a wanderer like Talibah and learn a little bit of all of them, but depending on where you are born and/or raised you'll probably have more skill in fighting if you were born in Aresia than if you were born in, say, Vornapal.


Or if something like your character was born in Horusia and lived there for a few years but then moved to Vornapal, then they would be pretty smart and pretty good at magic, but they wouldn't be a master at either of them because they would have had to move school systems too, and I know it doesn't say that in the intro but it's kind of understood that you learn different things in different kingdoms, right?


Does that make any sense at all?

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((Ah, alright. But from my experience, while Google Translate is good enough with the Romanic languages, it's... Erm... Highly dubious with the Asianic languages... I mean, you have to start wondering when it translates "Awoken Hera" into "Arousal Spatula"...

Hmm, let me mess with Seyle's history, then. I don't think she'll be as good as I think she is with spearplay if she's strictly from Vornapal. Or without missionaries. Or something.))

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For guns, would there be different types of ammunition?


I was asking about the magic because I kinda want Jacen to eventually get a gun (a small pistol or something), and I'm thinking that magic amplifying that would be pretty cool.

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Well, it would depend on the region where you buy it. Horusia invented them, and since they're all steam-punkish there then if you bought a gun it would probably be steam punk style- therefore it probably would fire a blast of steam, or electricity or something.


Guns in Aresia would probably be later model like a flint lock pistol or a marionette- think civil-war era guns. If you want they can fire more than one round though (since flint lock pistols could only fire once before having to be reloaded.) like a modern style of gun.


Vornapal probably wouldn't have many guns, but if they did, they would probably be energy compressor guns. Basically an energy compressor gun doesn't use bullets. It literally takes your mana(everyone has mana even if you're not a magician, but magicians have more mana than others because they know how to call it forth) and then fires it in the form of a small bullet-shaped light.



In all honesty, any gun is fine as long as you ask me about it first. This game will have a black market, so you can get pretty much anything.

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Oooooh. That's pretty cool. Gives my a whole lot to think about.


I was thinking of getting him a gun that was breach loaded, or a break action gun (kind of like a flare gun), but now that you've pointed out some new ideas, I think he might aim for the mana gun. However, those are probably very expensive so he'll have to get a more basic one first.

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