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The Calling

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Lucian ((My new character!))

Lucian Aster walked down a street of Horusia in darkness. He knew what he had to do. A voice had appeared to him lately, beckoning him to the Badlands. He was going to go there, and find whatever awaited him there. And he was sure there would be someing good there. He would show them. He would show everyone who had ever doubted him.


As he walked down the street, he suddenly felt the presence of Dark magic. "Who's there?" he shouted into the darkness, forming a golden Light Bow, which he immediately loaded. "I know you're out here somewhere, Horror. Show yourself!"


"Oh, but I already have," cackled a voice Lucian knew all too well. The mysterious Demon had trailed him for weeks, never showing its face. It would strike out at him from the dark with bolts of the extremely dangerous substance Darkfire. Lucian knew he would have to face the Horror sometime


"Where are you, Demon?" shouted Lucian, not noticing the Dark scythe slicing towards his face.


((EDIT: Where is everyone?))

Edited by deathsnake951

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((I would think someone would have spoke up by now if they knew.

EDIT: Holy ------! It's been more then a month!))

Edited by beiningtian

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((Ok, I'm just going to go along with my one-character subplot here in a desperate and likely futile attempt to revive this thread.))



As the scythe whirled towards his face, Lucian felt it graze his skin. It felt... Unnatural. Evil. He clutched his cheek, for even though it had only been a tiny cut, it had begun to throb painfully. Lucian formed a Light Crossbow and shot it into the darkness where the blade had come from. "You're not getting away this time, Demon," he said as he pulled back the string. A reptilian monster fell out of the darkness onto the ground with an arrow embedded in its side.

Edited by deathsnake951

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((I'm still here...

*sits with bowl of snacks*

Edit: Do you want to just contiue with the story and treat the other characters like NPCs or something?))

Edited by beiningtian

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((I guess where we left off, with the fight between Jezebelle and the Callers ending and all that stuff. My concern is that a lot of people will have forgotten about this since Mak left.))

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Everyone I am so sorry! My grades did a MAJOR plummet after Christmas break and my mom wouldn't let me online until I got my GPA back above a 3.5. I know this is dead so if anyone is interested in a revamp I'm all for that. Again, I'm really sorry >.<

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