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• The Plagued Earth | OOC •

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Good for you... I start school in two days. AND I'M STILL WAKING UP AT 10:30!!!

I'd like to request that you stop procarstinating on your art thread.

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I did. I just didn't post my drawings up. Plus I still have to finish the TPE one. But expect it to have posts when I start school. I usually draw more since I can't be on the computer or I pad as long.

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Back to the topic: What should we do about the plague?


EDIT: Wow, so things will slow down during school for you guys huh.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I think Tala's plan will add a lot more plot to the story. And maybe most of the chaos can stop.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Okay, sorry for not hopping on yesterday. Had to play the wise one to make sure certain family members (my mother and sister) did not spend to much money shopping. Go figure they are the worry spenders of the family and it just now hits my mother that she is indeed having a surgery, minor that it is. Going to post as soon as I catch up on what I missed in the RP forum! Though for the rest of the day I might not be able to get back on until later tonight.


@Tala and Weavile; I read the OOC first as normal and I seen the whole ideas for the plague. Have to say out of the three I like the two of yours best. Just can't say which one I like the most out of the two. Weavile's plan would add to the story since you would have to find a way to stop the spread of the plague, but then to keep it from spreading. Tala's has the idea of going out to find out what the song means and then finding the ingredients. Both has lots of potential to make the plot of the RP go a lot farther.

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Well Jane's plan won't be that easy. First off we have to get a volunteer to move the eggs into the plague land. Then that person will most likely die and they have to have a good reason to move the eggs. Once that is over, the eggs have the hatch and make their way back to the other hatchlings. Then the other hatchlings have to figure out that the newborns are immune. Then we have to deal with the drama of everyone wondering if they should experiment on the hatchlings on not. (Because, let's face it, these hatchlings are going to have to go through experiments that are rather painful if a cure is going to be made from them.) If we do get a cure from these hatchlings then someone is going to have to dissect one of them to figure out why they became immune. Like it or not, one or more of the hatchlings will have to be dissected for people to examine how their bodies manage to survive the plague. So there's more drama right there.


I hate to be a bother, but I don't feel like this one thing will lead the the plague. It may be a stepping stone, but I don't feel like it is the one thing that will help make a cure for the plague. Sorry if I sound rude or curt. >.<

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But still, it won't be hard for someone to just take eggs, and put them in a plagued area.

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No, but it hard to find someone who is WILLING to take eggs in put them in a plague area. They have to have a reason, they have to do so without getting caught (which won't be easy), and they have be one of the older hatchlings since a newborn can't pick up eggs and move them.

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Then add to that you would not want the one who took the eggs to come back, would you? For all you know they are infected by the plague now. It is a death sentence for the one taking the eggs at worst and at best it is a life of solitude.


Edit; And caught up reading what I missed in the RP so now I just need to make a post for all three of my hatchlings it seems. Though it might be a little bit since company just came over. I will get it posted today though, I promise.

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Yes, that too. It's a lot harder than it looks and it's why I'm kinda on the fence with it. Who would sacrifice themselves to do such a thing?

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Also: while the idea of the introduction of an "evil" character is okay, I think that we have some present characters that could become "evil" through some sort of trauma, or through this thought-swapping ordeal. Many things are possible, but brand-new characters do not have to be necessary.

That could work, but I don't think any of them quite fit as a sociopath. Which is what we need ATM, if we're going to have someone evil. We already have a mad scientist, and we have Rico. I also don't think we need a bunch of 'evil' charries, just some more like Aerix and Medea, ones that aren't really nice, per se. *Is thinking about not accepting nice charries at all for a while*


Tala: (Complex was probably not the proper word. It's only about as complex as your plan with Rakushun.)

While a quest is good for the storyline and all, I don't think your plan would hold up very well once it got going. Unless we excluded a bunch of people. Kind of like with Rakushun and the swapping.

I think my idea would encounter similar problems too, I just like the idea of not actually getting rid of the plague. (I honestly don't think my idea was a good one at all, not for this RP, I just thought it would be fun.)


Both ways would be long and arduous, I'm not sure that would work for some people. KK, KN, Phoebe, Sparkle, Wolfeh, etc...We might even see people dropping out of the RP because the plot became too complex. Just look at Dying Dynasties. Sparkle just dropped out of that, probably because it got too complex and hard to follow.


I actually think Doctor's version of Jane's plan sounded great. We already have a mad scientist to do all the dissecting and stuff, we just need someone to send in (not like we don't need to remove a few dragons from the story). And it's not like all of the eggs will become immune. Some will die, and some will probably mutate badly. It's kind of like an overly severe vaccine, they're exposed to the plague so that their immune systems can learn to defeat it easily. Or like poison, some people drink poisons in small amounts every day so that they can build an immunity.


It's not that far fetched that at least one of the eggs (which would be more susceptible to mutation than an adult or hatchling) would mutate to be immune to the plague. Though again, many would die, and others would probably mutate in bad ways. (Maybe we could even use it to insert a 'Frankenstein's Monster' type dragon.)


I think Sindri could work to sacrifice herself. (If Sparkle wanted.) She just lost her mate, she's very susceptible right now. Maybe Lucy could attempt an experiment. (In other words, talk her into it.) Maybe, if someone else had a similar trauma, he could even attempt multiple times to make a hatchling that's immune to the plague. (Wait, what am I saying?! I don't want Sindri to die, she's the last Lumina!)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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I don't mind this RP slowing down a little, even if the IC has already been pretty quiet recently. Though the OOC could use some fixing *glares down Koala, Silver, and KK*. I'm just suprised only some of you are now beginning school. I'm already headed into week 3.


I've decided to try something crazy that I may regret later, but it has nothing to do with this RP...

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*is immune to glares*

What shall we do now?

I agree that we do need some more mean characters. I would say stuff but it would ruin a surprise. Though its not a particularly surprising surprise.

So, should I get group opinion?

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We have enough characters already, IMO. Things are getting too complex/confusing. I'd recommend Wolfe to close the RP from creating new dragons for some time.

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Okay, I'm sorry, Bacon, but I sit here ALL DAY. Nothing else, maybe some FF a book, or my skechbook. But always waiting. Why don't you sit here, watching, for about a week, as nothing happens, and you don't do anything else. And, when someone finally posts, you can't reply. Just try that.


IF the IC slows down any more, I'm LEAVING. The way everyone wants things to slow down is really unfair to some of us, not that anybody actually cares, because THEY aren't the ones suffering from it.

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nah, we dont have to exclude a bunch of people, we could separate everyone into one of the three groups (or more if we need) and i won't let it end up like how it was in the beginning of the RP; where the hunting, fishing and fruit gathering groups just kinda scattered/merged. When we've decided what dragons go to what group, who/what will be sacrificed, what sort of mistakes they'll make due to misinterpretations... And so on. That is if you will go with this idea.


Maybe the cure could even be something that could only work specifically on dragons! Then the others will have to figure out a plan -or die trying- in order to find a way to either cure or quarantine their food stocks.


I also think we do have more than enough players... But that's up to SpiritWolfe, and I dont think she'll be closing the list any time soon. I say this because from this point on it might get harder to join... Plus theres already lots of charas.


EDIT: Ahhhhh, the second time -as far as I know- that KN is saying she'll quit ;n;

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Is it my fault you can't do something productive in your free time? You said you have a sketch book, how about trying some creative group drawings? If you're truly bored, I can still think about ten other things anyone can do at anytime.


And do you think I'm not active in the RP? Sometimes I also wait for others. It's especially difficult for me considering I have only one dragon, but I make the best of it and do other things outside of being on my computer all day.


I'm not suggesting that slowing down the RP because some people having school is a great thing, but it's what you should expect. People have lives outside of this. You need to utilize your time and understand that not all of us can be active.


I'm not trying to argue with you, but it would appear that you are trying to start something, so I'll leave this here and move past this.

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I'm not trying to start an argument. I'm just really, really pissed at the way the RP has been going, and how a lot of the people here, especially one, are.


I can't really do anything. Yes, I have a sketchbook, but I don't care about drawing pictures of this RP. I saw the result of Silver's, and that turned me off completely. And be honest. Would YOU want to spend entire days doing something that you don't enjoy? I see drawing most of the time as a chore. I COULD read the books I've ALREADY READ ABOUT THIRTY TIMES, IF YOU'RE GOING TO SAY THAT.


This isn't about expecting people to be active all day. I really don't mind that it's this slow, as I'm pretty patient and can browse around other places. I usually don't complain. But that comment about KK, Silver, and I? That was too much.


Also, you claim that you want to stick to one character and develop Skylene? I have a few comments on that, none of them nice.

1: You say that you have to wait a lot because she's your only character. She's always alone, having events, and being just a bit too special, with her bracelets and dreams.

2:In my opinion, Skylene really isn't too good of a character. She isn't bad, but for what you probably want her to be...meh.


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