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This is just an example of a true villain:


Username: LegendOfKorraFan

Name: Zander Coal-Hooves

Gender: Male

Breed: Hellhorse Dragon

Personality: Zander is a foul-tempered, spirited creature with a tempestuous and violent disposition. Torrents of scorching flames erupt from his body and can easily set his surroundings ablaze. Highly aggressive and territorial toward other dragon species, Zander will tolerate others as long as he believes the association to be beneficial. Such alliances are tenuous in nature and frequently short-lived, as the slightest disagreement can easily escalate into a full-out brawl.

Appearance: Looks exactly like a female. No clue how it happened, but that's how he looks.

Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: Open/Open

Power: Temporarily sets fire to most things on contact, and can shoot breath fire/shoot it out of his body.

**Weakness:** Water completely devastates Zander. If his fire is completely doused, he will die a slow and painful death.

Other: Eyjd. Zander also has very sensitive hearing. If you upset him enough, he will resent you and go out of his way to make your very existence a living hell (no pun intended). The same goes for groups. He is very persistent and won't stop till victory is his.


Is this a good example?

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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What does he mean by the friend thing then?

Does he mean there are too many friendly dragons?

Well I don't like rping not friendly dragons. I mean like dragon that are quiet and don't interact. I can RP agressive and unfriendly ones though

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The word friend is used way too many times. Find a better adjective.

Edited by Doctortear

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"Companion" is one.


I'm glad I'm one of the few without the word "friend" in a character app, though the chances were pretty slim since I only have one character anyways...*cough* *cough*

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Korra, that's a pretty good example.

Though the 'Weakness:' part makes it seem like you're trying to hard. If it were a real app I wouldn't accept it with that.


EDIT: Aerix is okay though, it's stating that he dislikes 'friends'.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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I used the word friend.


It wouldn't take much to be his friend, however, if you betray him, it will take a lot to regain his trust.


I'll go cry now. ;A;

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Oh okay. Well I'm not the best described. Plus companion sounds strange in some places.

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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I know that Silver. I added that myself.


Is that actually a good character? Maybe I should RP him!


*Gets shot over 9000 times in the face and chest*

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Like I said MW just an example. I think that *maybe* weaknesses should be included(?). I haz no clue

I know you added it yourself. A weakness section is a bad thing.

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Weavile, why don't you just take Akira?


Believe it or not guys, I can actually RP a heartless murderous character. Not kidding.

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Weavile, why don't you just take Akira?


Believe it or not guys, I can actually RP a heartless murderous character. Not kidding.

Then you cannot RP what Akira needs to be. That's very one-dimensional.

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I have a sort of trial character in forgotten island called Skiia. She is a test to try out another type of personality. If it goes well, I may try out her personality in other places

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Oh heavens... I leave for a day, and I come back to all of this >.>


As for how we can "defeat" the plague, it's up to Spirit in the end, but that doesn't mean I don't have a theory tongue.gif

This wikipedia article about the first vaccine has a lot of good information on the subject of viruses and plagues. I'm not saying vaccination is our only hope, but something like this seems plausible.

Again, this is just a thought, but there could be plants and animals that are immune to the plague. We don't know how long our dragons were in their eggs. What we do know if that nature is incredibly adaptable. In that indefinite timeframe, the genetic makeup of several species could have changed.

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;n; Doc, maybe I should ask everyone as a whole about Michiru's song/tale? The one that will happen later?


Well its not like its an insta heal anyways, just a journey.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I went to go do the dishes for awhile and I left the chat open and my awkward little cousin gets on and- GAAAHHHH I HATE HIM.

I didn't do ANY of that, okay?! NEVER will I be NORMAL, it is against my religion.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Well, I promise you it's true.


And now his sister hates you. If she makes an account, I am not obligated to anything she says, please don't hate me, I'll never leave the chat open again.


Oh god my family is so messed up... ;_;

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