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Ooh cool! I thought a killer was coming in later though?...

Edited by skiddajane

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That really doesn't help too much. If she's just watching him then he won't notice at the moment since he's focusing on Bathory.

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To those rping m charas, any questions before I go out and eat and then work? Well since I'm on mobile I can still check, but after I set my phone down and get on a comp it's work work work.


Edit: unless its checking my pms or looking around for tapir

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Tapir sometimes waits on the chat for you, Tala.


EDIT: Here he is, but I think I failed a bit:

Username: KrazyKat12

Name: Akira

Gender: Male

Breed: Seragamma Wyvern

Personality: Akira is a very evil dragon. He's been evil from the very start and has no intentions of being good. He's mute and doesn't even speak with telepathy, which adds to his cold personality. No words have ever been heard from him at all, and probably never will. His heart is cold and he has no feelings for others whatsoever. He can kill and not care at all, not even having second thoughts. He has decent strength for a hatchling, and isn't easily overpowered.

Appearance: His scales are more blood colored in some areas, and long black line go below his eyes. His wings are a very dark brown, and he can hide in the shadows well. His eyes are a bright green, and they sometimes seem to shine in the dark, which is creepy.

Picture: user posted image

Crush/Mate: Open.

Power: Having a bit more strength than he should for his age.

Other: eyjd

Edited by KrazyKay12

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I like it.

I mean you don't have to interact, as Spira is just watching.

I won't be active much today. I'm busy.

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Nice! I can definitely imagine how he will act in the game. I actually have an idea for him, long-term. Should I say it?

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Dang mobile deleted everything I typed >.>


i can't go on the chat unless someone is willing to boot me out when I've finished my work... If tapir wants me in the chat, it's best to do so thru a private im. *sigh* I guess I'll just have to visit the chat often and try to boot myself out...

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Yay! A psychopath! I think it needs some work though.


Firstly, he's evil, why would he "prefer not to" use his fire breath? I assume you intended that as a downside, but it just won't cut it.


Second, oh crap. GTg I'll say more later.

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@Doctor: I know the personality repeats sentences, which why I said I failed. Can you help me fix it? My brain is like, failing today.


@Weavile: So that shouldn't be a downside?


@Jane: Shoot.

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You'll need to try and give reasons for why he is like this. I can understand someone being born evil, but you need a reason to why he stays evil and you need to add more detail to his character. Rico and Lucy are on the same lines with one another but they're very different. How can this character be special in contrast to Lucy and Rico?

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Right... Man, my brain isn't working. I can't seem to describe his personality well. Is okay if I add more after I RP him for a bit? That's normally how I get my brain going.

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Actually, I don't like the fire breath at all. It doesn't suit the dragon. Get it out of your head that dragons breath fire, because most DON'T.

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In the future, with him being evil and all, he decides to steal some eggs for the purpose of causing misery. He takes them to an area severely infected with the plague in hopes of killing them slowly and painfully. (He could have just smashed them) but it turns out that some of the eggs, when exposed, become immune. And of course, some die. Then he dies of the plague later on.

This is just a suggestion, and I really want feedback. Him dying can be debated, and if he infects other dragons In the process. I also want opinions on if the eggs that live would be random, or if there are certain breeds that are able to become immune. This obviously has flaws, because the eggs would belong to charities to come... So opinions? smile.gif

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But most don't.


Can we hold off from Skids idea for now? There's something I want to do.

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I don't think the plague can be solved that easily. If anyone is exposed to the plague, they will die. We can't beat it that easily.

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I dont like the looks of how this is going KK... Dont RP him yet, we need to flesh him out, his reasons and everything else. You have potential but you need to recognize that potential and be able to CONTROL it. I wouldn't have been able to analyze and control Lineheart if you didn't describe her right after all, but even though I gave her back to you it doesnt seem like you understand her still.


A villan is even harder to control, because no one truly believes they are evil- everyone wants to think of themselves as good.


Heres a quote from my notes while I was in Storyboarding Class/ from the book "Directing the Story":

"A Villan stops changing, the hero continues to change as things start coming at them."



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I was joking.

But the personalities are pretty distant, though the talking thing is... Eh.

Hey! I'm about to do some plot progression!

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