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LOL, yes, sorry xd.png


EDIT: Where do you want me to put Moss?

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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The Derp Moss application you can do whatever you want with it. I'd prefer it to be removed since it no longer matters. ^^

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xd.png All hail Aerix!


And yes, put Aladdin on the deceased list. (Didn't you see Rico eat him?)

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Moss is now a real character?! *facepalms so hard nose starts bleeding over the desk*

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Facepalm?! No! Cheering and applause! *Cheers and Applauds*


EDIT: I'm a little lost as to who Rien is supposed to respond to.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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We agile youre lucky I woke up suddenly from a dream that told there was only one hint I could do:"wake up". Which I did. Very groggy... Only half awake... Need to go back to sleep...


In any case, Rien is to respond to arias screaming. Rien is a type of chara that doesn't always interact w other charas, rather she sometimes reacts to what other charas ate doing; but again I'd like to see how she would react now hat she doesn't have paranoia

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Lemme go look at Alvi's app a again, and maybe some of her pre-swap posts.


EDIT: After looking at the app, I'm going to have her try to help.


EDIT2: Yeesh! The majority of the apps have the word 'friend' in them, and most are referring to the dragon as being friendly. Someone go make a vicious killer.

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Dibs on the vicious killer.


It's gonna be a male Seragamma Wyvern. Give me awhile to make the personality. I gotta try to make to where he's not a copy of Lucifer.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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...Nah. I'd rather play FE.


Hey, uh doc? I aws trying to start an interaction with Lucy.

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