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No. Just because you're impatient, it's no excuse to just make more clone-y, boring, personality-less characters (though I admit I quite like Rosseane). I've waited entire days, and usually until dinner at my time is almost ready for a single post. Still, I only have three charas.

EXACTLY!! KN gets it! Thank Buddha someone gets it!


*Realizes other people get it also*

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Wolfe! What the aich-ee-double-hockeystick were you thinking letting that power through?! It's two powers and neither has a stated downside. Why would you do that?!


BTW, didn't you change the rules so apps got posted in the OOC?

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;n; You gave up on the love triangle?! Does this mean when I come back I should control Lineheart too? Theres so much potential drama in there! I didn't just go and analyze Lineheart from head to toe for nothing did I? No, I wanted to hep you improve as an RPer and because I want my drama ;n;


If you cant pull it off then fine. But I want my dramaa... And I'm willing to adopt Lineheart from you -when I come back- if you're fine with that and if everyone else is fine with me taking 4+ hours for just 1 post. (I'm might have to post my charas -when I come back- as I finish them.) Yes I can handle 5 different charas, although that was not planned, just that you guys will be doing lots of reading and my head will be swimming with 5 different people talking at once.


EDIT: Just because no one is interacting doesnt mean you have to give up! Yes its futile, but so what! The gratification of the drama is awesome ;n; *sorry if Im being high strung, here and in the upcoming weeks*

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I think MW and I should be app mods to be honest. They should post the apps in the OOC, then MW and I can "evaluate them".


Of course when I say evaluate, I mean tear to shreds and reject immediately c:


Edit: Tala, when you get the chance each day, please read each of Michiru's posts and let me know if they are good. Playing Michiru will be a lot harder than expected xc

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Yay! Korra gets it! I thought I was alone in those thoughts as well.


Theres a new character? Which one has two powers?

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She's fine so far. Remember, I can read/skim read much faster that I can post. The main reason I left was because my posts take too long and purposely half hearted posts arent gonna cut it.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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I don't mind the new character. Normally, dragons are known for their fire, and the dazzling is only natural to the dragon. Therefore it would mainly be the fire.


Sure Tala. But After Spavian takes place, I have a plan for Lineheart to start going a bit too far to get knowledge...


No interactions mean less stress for me. Yay~

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So then you'd like it if I take over Lineheart -when I come back- until Lineheart gets fully rejected? Or you want me to fully control her?

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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There will be...


So, who's the new character?

And KK, no, that's just those old typical ones. Western dragons, I believe. But DC is varied. It's not cornered by stereotypes. Dragons here are clearly designed so that only a few are with a certain ability.

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There'll never be Spavian?



*whole view on dragons is screwed up now*

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Good lord, the new dragon is... Ugh. OP much? Not to mention its basically a cross-clone.

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He will die with moss.


Spira doesn't know, though. She still cares about him.

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