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Though I still have to PM you. Hee hee

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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GAH. Ignoring. How I hate it so.

Not saying that you ignored me.

Well. Should I wake my other characters?

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I died, I need someone to revive me. Sorry, I forgot. I'm talking because I stored some magical awesomeness for emergencies.

Hmmm. What do you think. Should all my charries wake up?

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I forgot to say this: Spira no has plague.

Whelp, you need to start looking for a mate for her then.

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She meant about the love triangle, I believe.

Yay! Tala supports it! ...not that she hasn't been since BEFORE she joined...

Why do you ship them, anyway?

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The Lineheart Spria Faina triangle.

The don't know what to post club.

You're missing semi-reLated to the topic chat.


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Well I have nothing right now. Roseanna is stuck till almost night

You have nothing to do? Are you serious? You have like, what, 6 characters and you have NOTHING to do?!


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No. Just because you're impatient, it's no excuse to just make more clone-y, boring, personality-less characters (though I admit I quite like Rosseane). I've waited entire days, and usually until dinner at my time is almost ready for a single post. Still, I only have three charas.


How did it die?

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Yes it did. I gave up on Lineheart and Favian.

If no one interacted with my characters, then I don't have to do anything!

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