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• The Plagued Earth •

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With a grateful glance at Sunder, Clem leaned her neck down and took a bite out if the fruit. She reeled her neck back up and let the the taste roll over her tastebuds.

"Mhm! It's really tasty!" Clem chirped happily. She bit down onto the fruit in her mouth and swallowed it once it was mushed. "A little sharp, but I like it" Clem stated as she let out a content sigh.

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"Y-Yeah, it is good."


Sunder-Eye took another bite out of the fruit.


"I wonder what this is called. Are there more of these?" he asked Clem.

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Clem nodded and pointed over towards the small food pile. "There's only three more green ones, but there's other colored ones that smell similar." she said with a smile. "Do you want to go check it out?"

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Sunder-Eye nodded, leaving the rest of the fruit to Clem as he left to explore the pile. He sniffed at it a few times, picking out a few that seemed to be a mix of green and red before bringing them back. He crunched into one, finding that it was a lot sweeter than the green one.


"Mmm, tasty," he said with a smile.

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The creature eyed her, first with one eye, then the other. It hissed again, more menacingly this time, and Astra concluded that she must have stumbled across a mother protecting her babies. She felt slightly relieved that it wasn't a wolf or another predator, or even a deer protecting its calf, but one well-aimed swipe of those claws and she could look like Sunder-eye... or worse.

She decided to square up against it - show it she wasn't afraid. She may get a meal out of it after all - though it would be safer to run away once it was weakened. She knew she couldn't run now - it was faster than her and had decided that she was a threat, so it wasn't going to leave her alone.

She gave the fiercest roar she could, but the creature barely blinked. Suddenly it leaped, and Astra squealed and dived to the side. It hissed again, with the moonlight glinting off its fur, and Astra rolled onto her back to try and protect her stomach. This thing was a hunter - it had sharp teeth and claws to prove that. So a young dragon would feed it and its family for ages! However, it would still attack her back, and that could cause some serious damage - she'd have to injure it then flee. Or she could kill it.

She slowly clambered back onto her feet and stared the creature in the eyes, willing it to come closer and wondering why it hadn't attacked her yet. She noticed it didn't want to leave the other end of the clearing - that must have been where its babies were. She was glad that she was at the opposite end of the clearing to the creatures babies - maybe she could get away without alarming it? However, just as she was thinking this, it leaped again, and this time she couldn't move fast enough to leap to the side, so she crouched instead and the weasel slammed into her. She struck suddenly - attempting to bite and kick the weasel, and surprisingly managing to give the creature a vicious kick across the ribs.

The weasel was injured, but it would fight to the death to protect its babies. Astra roared again, stronger this time, and the weasel flinched. It was scared and its actions showed it. Astra was a lot more confident. She could win this! The weasel ran at her again, claws out, but Astra was ready. She spun around at the right time, catching the weasel with her tail, dazing it. It shook its head and tried to attack her again but she was trying to get out of the clearing by now and managed to grab it in her mouth. She bit down as hard as she could, shook her head around and finally threw the weasel against a tree. It hit the tree and lay still.

She felt slightly regretful about killing the weasel - now its babies wouldn't have a mother and were at the mercy of the next creature or dragon to stumble across the clearing. However, she decided not to try to kill the babies - she may as well give them a chance, and anyway, one weasel was enough for her to eat. She picked up the weasel's corpse and headed back to the birth cave.

(OOC: Is it OK for her to be able to kill the weasel? Or should I edit it and have her daze it and run away as she's not old enough to beat it?)

Edited by Fiirewolvar

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Clem smiled as Sunder ate the fruit. Her already full belly couldn't take the large amount of fruit. Clem finished up her first apple and let out a yawn. It's getting really late, Clem said as she stared out at the black coated sky outside of the birthcave. "I think I might, um, go to sleep now." Clem looked longingly at her mother's confusion took hold of her features. "My mum isn't here yet, but I-I can wait," Clem stated uneasily. "I think..."

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Sunder-Eye finished off the fruits, his belly now comfortably full. He looked back at his own nest, empty and a bit worse for wear.


"Um, well...i-if you get scared or anything, you can um...you can come sleep by me," he offered shyly. "My nest isn't the best, but it keeps warm..."

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"S-Sleep by y-you?" Clem echoed as her eyes widened. She might not be afraid of Sunder, but that didn't mean her fear if males was no longer in effect. The thought of laying next by the side of a male and... sleeping... was a very distressful thought indeed. "I'm not scared," Clem said. "I just haven't slept by myself before..."

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Bubbly wubbly bubbles. Those round, bouncy, floaty things that have such unlimited freedom in the sky as if there wasn't a care in the world. Against the beautiful, warm sunset that light up the sea a golden color, the bubbles look like the most beautiful things in the world with their reflective and transparent bodies. Sometimes I swear I can see a sliver of rainbows on their reflective shade, and they mesmerize me so.

I want to be as beautiful and free as those bubbles, be lit up by that warm, warm sun and be lit up a golden color too. That way, I'll feel even more warmer on the inside that I am on the outside. When I become like that, slivers of rainbows will shine on each of my silver scales and will one day dazzle everyone just like the bubbles against the sunlight and sea did for me.

And just like that, many began to gather around me, smiling and at awe of how beautiful my scales looked. I must repay my respect to the ones who have inspired me to do become how I am now for I feel a thousand times warmer on the inside that has been offered by those who look upon me with such friendliness and give me such nice comments.

That is, all but one. I dance and frolic in the sky alongside the bubbles, the sunset and the sea and show off my scales' brilliance in combination with those I've long admired. But whenever I'm preforming I see that lone person in the middle of the crowd staring at me coldly, madly, and all sorts of feelings I can't begin to understand let along describe.

I gracefully land in front of the ground and I hear cheering and applauding for the performance I have given them. Suddenly that lone person pushes through the crowd and grasps my throat tightly with her claws digging into my flesh and choking me at the same time. The sun has completely set, the bubbles have all been popped or flown away, and the sea seems to have disappeared save for the echoing waves. I look around, wondering why anyone isn't helping me, but there is nothing but sand, the one trying to end my life, and the glistering moon that seems to be pitying me with its soft glowing light but offers no warmth what so ever. No, even the moon is trying to mock my current situation as I am alone with this murder while the moon ha all of its starry friends to look down on me with pity but in the end do nothing about the situation to help me.

At the very least, I want to know who this person is and why they're trying to kill me. With my consciousness and eyesight fading I try my best to focus my eyes anyways onto the face of my attacker. For some reason everything around me has become bigger, even my attacker to the point I felt like a tiny ant trying to fight against the step of a elephant. But at the very least my attacker's body was a bit more clear to see… Their scales anyways. But then I realized that those silvery scales that were lit by the moon looked VERY familiar and made her look upon her attacker in awe. She then realized that those very scales were probably even more beautiful during the sunset, against the golden sea, and among the beautiful bubbles I admire so much. That would mean my attacker is..!


The tiny egg shook in its comfortable but tiny niche. The niche itself is barely noticeable as it is very small -barely even a crack- and that it was near the entrance of the fishing hole tunnel. Not even the shine of the pearl like egg would attract attention to the niche because of the way it was angled so that light would never reach it and it was always facing towards the dark tunnel.

The tail of the hatchling inside lashed against the eggshell in an attempt to become free- from the dream turned nightmare, and from the physical prison it was stuck in. When that didn't work, the hatchling began banging whatever she could move with against the eggshell in a desperate attempt to break out of the egg. She had moved so much, that the egg had made contact with the niche's walls and had made nicks and cracks on the egg. One final push from her tail allowed the tiny hatchling to break free and out into the tunnel!

But immediately after she had broken free she floated limply in the water aside from the occasional slight toss. She had broken free because of her nightmare, but she had yet to actually wake up.


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There was silence. Neither Jean nor this blue dragon that claimed to be Jean had answered her. She still could not fully understand what the other dragon had said. Michiru attempted to take the white albino Tea by the paw. "Well... Lets just play over here for a bit and THEN you can tell me what's going on... I guess. Ahahaha..."


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"98... 99... 100! Ready or not, here I come~!" Hibiki prances around the area, occasionally poking into a bush saying "GOTCHA!" only to become disappointed when all he saw was dirt or the occasional squirrel or bunny. He would soon resume his trot happy-go-lucky as ever until he thought, "Hey, wait, Feather wouldn't be hiding nearby where the bear is would she..?" He looked towards the direction of the bear cave, promptly shook his head and continued searching. "Naaah, she wouldn't do that. Tralalalalala~"

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Terra swiveled her head towards the direction that the pink was pointing. She spotted a clump of brown things... she immediantly realized what they were. She cautiously padded over to a nest and sniffed it. It looked clean, but yet a bit worn out; there was also that faint, stale smell of other dragons in here. She was afraid that they'd come stomping back to retake their nest; she would be sure to get a few good whacks on the head and maybe some claw marks if she wasn't lucky. She shivered and tried her best to scoot the nest a bit away from the others; all it did was leave a few twigs behind. She gathered them back again and laid them on the nest, covering them with some leaves and soft strips of moss that she had found on the ground. After a few more moments of adjusting her nest, she plopped down. "Ahh... this is like heaven.." She sighed dreamily.

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"I was tracking Rico..?" Bathory's voice trailed off, her eyes looking distant. She shook her head slowly. "How did I miss all of this?" She tipped up her chin to stare at the inky black sky with her wings were still tucked tightly around her skeletal frame. "Nevermind." She quipped. "It's not worth it." Her neck arched around to face the Heartseeker. Her strangely luminous eyes glittered in the waning light. "I suppose I shouldn't say you were gone. I wouldn't know. I haven't learned anything about the Birthcave since I left." Her eyes peered at the hatchling beside her. She stared intensely for a moment, but turned away again. She fluffed her wings silently, taking a hesitant step into the darkened woods.

Are you just going to leave him here? How nice.

For all you know, he'll get eaten by wolves. He certainly doesn't seem very capable.

She sighed. Despite her thoughts, she kept walking. Her paws fell lightly on the crisp leaves as she stepped.

Just, like, lead him to a cave somewhere. Where he'll be safer.

She sighed again, and turned around. "Viden?" She called. "If you need somewhere to stay for tonight, there's a cave just back that way."

Good. Dump him inside, and then go hunt. You still need to eat.

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Viden was confused, but nonetheless wished to be helpful, "Um, no, my cave ithn't vewy far." He nervous clawed the ground with his toe, "Um, maybe you thould come with me to it? I mean, if you are not going to be up all night." He debated whether or not to ask Bathory if she ever slept, "Or maybe I could take you there, and, and then go elthewhere tho that you can have thome pwivacy?" He suggested, trying to be polite. -And pwobably failing- He waited carefully for an answer.

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Jean chuckled nervously to himself for a moment before speaking to Michiru.

"I don't know what's going on Michiru, and it kind of scares me to be honest, so I do think that playing would help me feel better, and maybe even Ashni!".

Jean fluttered his wings and flapped his arms to and fro in a fit a happiness. Jean loved nothing more than to play with friends and have a good time. The Thunder hatchling looked to his side and saw Clementine with a strange dragon. He didn't recognize it, but maybe it was another female! All of Jeans friends were female, and he liked it. Some males weren't very nice to him, but the girls always treated him well.

"Clementine," he shouted in his girly voice. "Come play with Michiru, Ashni and I!".


((I hope Clem and Sunder are by the cave....))

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Clementine let out a small yelp as she saw a big blue hatchling call to her.

Who's that? How does she know my name? Wait, why did she say come play with Michiru, Ashni, and I? I only see Michiru and Jean next to her. Is... is there something wrong?

"N-No, thank you!" Clem called to the strange blue hatchling. "I-I'm going to b-bed now. I-I can speak with y-you tomorrow though!" Clem had to stop herself from leaning into Sunder. She barely touched her paw against her side when she suddenly pulled back. "S-Sorry about that..." Clem whispered to Sunder with an apologetic smile.

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"O-Oh, it's okay. I'll, um...I'll just be over there, if you need me," he said softly, turning toward his nest. Now that his belly was full, the lack of sleep was making it hard to keep his eyes open.


"Just, um...call if you need anything, I suppose."

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"O-Okay, then..." Clementine replied. Unsteadily, she lowered herself onto the ground and watched as Sunder began to walk away. Her gaze, unwillingly, shifted over to her mother's nest. Clem's eyes glazed over and her smile formed into a line as she stared at the nest. Clem plopped her head on her paws and stared at her mother's nest dully.

When is she coming home?

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Sunder-Eye crawled into his nest, burying himself under the dry grasses and curling into a tight ball, a sense of awkwardness overcoming him.


Of course she wouldn't want to sleep by you, idiot! She just told you that she's scared of males! Stupid, stupid-


He berated himself until he finally fell into fitful slumber.

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Clem's eyes turned to Sunder for a brief moment.

I hope I didn't hurt his feelings...

Sighing, Clem stared back over at her mother's nest. The cave ground was hard and uncomfortable, but Clem wasn't willing to move until her mother appeared.

I hope she comes home soon. I'll wait for however long it takes...

With that thought, Clem waited and waited for hours on end until her body could no longer stay awake. Clem fell into a pitiful sleep as her mind was filled with the one worrying thought,

Where is my mother?

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Astra had been carrying the weasel in her mouth for a while, and was feeling tired - the weasel had eaten well and it showed as it was very heavy. However, Astra knew that her effort would be rewarded - the weasel would keep her going for days, and would also feed some of the younger hatchlings. She was trying to find the birth cave - she'd set off too early, and had been very lucky to defeat the weasel unharmed. She was lost however - she didn't have a perfect memory and there was nothing that guided her in the general direction of the birth cave. She'd seen rabbits and squirrels, but no dragons she could ask for help. She sighed and carried on slowly, the huge weasel hurting her muscles.

About an hour later, she heard it - the faint noise of running water Maybe she was near the lake? She headed towards the sound, and there it was - a huge lake, filled with nice, cool water. She sat down and had a drink, then ate one of the weasel's legs - the long journey had made her hungry. She knew that the birth cave was somewhere around here. She remembered sitting on a lake shore and slipping into the lake, and saw some slightly washed away skid marks on another bank. That's where she'd come from then. She tried to retrace the path she'd taken in her mind - she'd been heading forwards, then had turned... Left? and ended up at the lake. Filled with confidence, she headed to the skid marks, turned right and carried on walking through the forest.

A short while later, she could smell the distinct smell of the birth cave - the smell of many dragons and a few eggs. She followed her nose and finally came across the entrance. She sighed with happiness, dropping the weasel and stretching. A thought suddenly came to her: What if they're greedy and eat it all? What if they steal the best bits? What if they attack her to get it? It was better cached away, in a place that only she knew about, where other dragons couldn't get to. And if she really trusted someone not to eat it, she might just share it with them. In fact, she'd store all of her food that she found like this. She smiled and set off, looking for a noticeable tree or bush to store her food under or inside.

Edited by Fiirewolvar

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She began poking the white albino hatchling in hopes of getting him to play with her, but she got nothing but a blank stare and response. "Huh... Maybe Jean isn't feeling up to it right now..." Never the less she tried and she tried to play with the white dragon, but... Something didn't feel right, even when he did smile at her silly antics or her wide smile, it just wasn't the same-forced even. Michiru cocked her head to the left and right and put her paw to her muzzle. Her "ears" flattened as she thought "deeply" to herself. Going over her past memories of her life, she had a bright idea! "Maybe singing will help him get back to being cheerful or at least play with me right."


Michiru bowed, took a deep breath... And then started doing a small but


Come over here, Yahoo!

Let's play together, Yo-ho!

And then, little by little

close friends we'll become-come-come!


Because, because that little kid

Is always on my mind!

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Lineheart watch Terra to amke sure she was comfortable. Then she returned to her own nest. She wondered where Favian was right about now, it was- Favian! Oh! How could she forget! Lineheart felt a rush of hormones surging through her. And then everything was silent. She wondered for a moment if she was dead. Dead...


And that was the last she thought before drifting into a dreamless sleep.

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Why was everyone ignoring her? She Glared angrily at the dragon, then ran into the woods. Climbing on the tallest tree she could find, She slashed the trunk a few times in anger, before suddenly feeling tired. She found a fork where the branch split in to two, and curled up there. It wasn't the most comfortable, but she didn't feel like going back to the cave.

She dreamt that she was grown up, and everybody was gathering around the cave. Everybody else was also grown up. But nobody seemed to see her or hear her, no matter how hard she tried to get their attention. Storming past the others, she ran into the woods. She then dreamt that a old wise white dragon in the woods was holding something in her hands. It seemed to be an ancient plate. The white dragon suddenly convulsed with pain. She kept writing though, until a huge spasm shook her, causing her to throw the plate to the ground. The plate landed somewhere near a tall tree. She managed to get a better look at the plate. It said something about this plague thing. She looked at it in confusion. From what it said, this plague sounded bad. Looking back at the white dragon, she noticed it was dead. Suddenly, she felt afraid. She woke up, looking around, but seeing nothing. Shec urled up tighter on the branch and fell back asleep. 'At least I don't feel so angry now' was her last thought.



She finished practicing killing deer, when she suddenly thought 'What am I doing? Look at all these dead deer. They're just going to sit there for nothing. All this death doesn't even feed anyone. There's no way I can eat this much, and I'm not strong enough to drag three deer.' She was horrified, and tried to think of something else, but her mind wouldn't let her. 'The spirit was telling me this... is the spirit even real? Maybe it's my imagination. Maybe I'm going crazy.' She looked at the sky. 'It's pretty dark. I'm probably just hearing things cause I'm tired.' she thought. Going back to her cave, she fell into a restless sleep.



Snow was almost at the birth cave, but the sky was getting dark. She was also getting tired, and found it harder to concentrate on flying. Part of her wanted to keep going, but she knew that it would be dangerous. She picked a high tree and landed, freezing herself a nest between the branches. Her cold body temperature would keep it frozen while she slept. Looking at the ground, she saw that it was far away. 'Good.' she thought. She had purposely flown into a high tree so nothing would harm her while she was sleeping.



Mountain had gotten tired of swimming, and the vision at night wasn't so great in the water. She hauled herself out of the pool and collapsed into her nest. Fluffing up her 'feathers', she fell asleep warm and comfy. She rolled around her nest while she was dreaming, and fell out somehow. Rolling across the cave, she bumped into some eggs, which finally made her stop. She tended to roll around a lot.



Mist had gone out hunting for most of the day, and was a little tired from running after prey. She felt like sleeping alone today. It let her organize her thoughts, and being alone was nice in a way. It was different from a group, but not scary or lonely. Flying to a ledge on the mountain where the cave was, she curled up and stared at the moon. It was beautiful and round, a full moon. The stars twinkled, and she wondered for a moment what was happening elsewhere. Were there other dragons in the moon? Were they sleeping now too? Or were they nocturnal? Did some other kind of dragons just hatch on the stars? Her mind whirled with thoughts, but she didn't mind. She liked them. They were peaceful thoughts, worryless thoughts. Staring at the sky some more, she curled up on the ledge and fell asleep


((This is a pretty long post for me))

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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Terra sighed and rested her head on her paws. She gazed around at the hatchlings as they started to fall asleep. Her vision suddenly darkened and she felt groggy. 'What is this?' She never experienced this feeling before, but as soon as she began to panic, the feeling began to rise up over her like a dark wave and it crashed down on Terra like a heavy weight. Her eyelids flickered 'W-what..?' That was the last thing she could think of before she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

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Even while walking in the dim glow of the bracelets, Kalana had no trouble noticing the weird look Skylene was giving her. It was an awkward mix of friendliness, confusion, and something else the striped couldn't quite pick up. In truth, the blusang lindwurm's expression wasn't really obvious, it was actually quite well hidden. But to people who knew it was there, the look she was giving Kalana (without looking at her) was obvious, clearer than the trees around the two female dragons. And Kalana knew it was there. Even when It wasn't, Kalana had assumed it was there.


While she plodded behind Skylene in semi-darkness, Kalana made a decision in a fraction of a second. It might have been the worst choice of her life, or one of the better ones- not best, because speaking to Rien for the first time was, and would always be number one- and the white striped knew this. "Thanks, Skylene. I don't know what I would have done of your bracelets weren't so practical. I never knew there were other caves around here...but...where will you stay for the night? Your own den is too far away, and by the time you've found one cave, it would be too dark, even for you bracelets...why don't we stay in the same cave for the night? I'm sure it'll have enough space. And...thanks for helping, Skylene. I-I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk about it yet. Is it okay if I tell you when we get to the cave, or maybe even in the morning? I need some time to think it over..." Though Kalana had plenty of chances to think about what she was saying while she spoke, she didn't. Against her better judgement, she plowed on, ignoring the possible consequences.


Feather was just realizing how stupid she had been to run so far away from Hibiki. She was tired, and it was getting dark. Feather didn't like being tired. Nor did she like the dark. In fact, the dark terrified her, to the point where she would get minor hallucinations. And at that very moment, she was having those hallucinations. They might not have been her imagination. They might have been real. The growling sounds that were obviously those of a bear- Feather couldn't tell if they were real or not, and nobody would ever know. There weren't any other dragons around, and though Feather was near the area where Hibiki had seen the bear, the grizzly's den might have been far away.


Feather suddenly had the urge to run, away from the bear, away from the dark, and back towards Hibiki. And that was what she did. Yes, it meant giving up the game of hide and seek, essentially making her the loser, but why did she care? There might be a bear near her! As Feather ran, each step she took seemed to drain away her entire reserve of energy, without taking her more than the length of her tail, but that wasn't her imagination. It was reality. In her panicked mental state, she passed this off as her imagination- she had heard plenty of overly-dramatic stories with descriptions similar to what she was feeling. Eventually, Feather grew too tired to continue "running", so she slowed to a "fast" walk.


Several minutes later, she had mostly calmed down, and though she was still tired, she had reached the field where the game had started. Surprisingly, Hibiki was still there, darting from bush to bush and looking for her. Oh. Right. The game's still on. Feather dived into the nearest bush, which was right next to her. Though the clumsiness of her attempt to hide in the bush was loud, and essentially sent a "hi Hibiki! I'm here!" message, she resisted making more noise by squeaking when pointy sticks scratched her. Why am I still playing? I'd rather just talk to Hibiki... Despite her thoughts, Feather stayed hidden, crouched in the bush trying to stay as quiet as possible. Secretly, she hoped for Hibiki to choose the bush she was in as his next target and find her.



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((Correct me if I'm wrong, but are things becoming night time/sundown?))


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Was it just him, or was it getting dark already? "Alright Feather, lets get a move on! You win!" He wasn't really good at seeking for others since he got distracted so much on the way to try to find Feather. He had watched a caterpillar eat some leaves, he had pounced onto a bunny and played a little bit with it, he even watched the clouds go by and just sat listening to the leaves rustling in the wind. It was lucky he didn't see another dragon or else he would've forgotten all about Feather!



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Water started to fill her lungs, her gills flapping about uselessly. In an attempt to escape her nightmare, she desperately begins sleep-swimming about randomly in sudden turns until she smacks herself into a wall. A motion that could only be described as "coughing" without sound, the little hatchling shook her head and the nightmares along with it. She didn't know what was going on. She didn't know where she was, she didn't know if there were other living beings nearby, and she certainly did not know who she was. All she knew was that she was having a hard time breathing and that it scared her to bits. But with no one around, she didn't really have anyone to say "help me" or "whats going on" or even "am I dying?" All she had was an endless abyssal tunnel behind her and some sort of nest area that seemed to be abandoned in front of her. She did see some eggs here, but they didn't look like they'd hatch soon... In fact she almost mistook them as rocks at first... Why she was staring at the seemingly listless eggs as her gills were having trouble filtering water into oxygen, she did not know. All she knew was that she was alone.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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