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Rico looked at Lucifer in utter disbelief.

H-how could he say something like that? It made a little sense, but then how could you explain Sindri and Aladdin?! They loved each other from the beginning!

Rico's jaw dropped and his eyes averted to the ground.

"I-I understand. You are right, I should have held my feelings back... I'm sorry".

Rico gently swatted Lucifer's paw away and turned his back on the Sweetling. He slowly padded into the forest as the sun began to set. Rico dragged his paws along the dry dirt as he left, the bitter taste of rejecting lingering in his mouth.

((Bacon, would Sindri's telepathic S.O.S be loud enough for Rico to hear? *wants to scheme*))



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Jean giggled as Ashni poked him. He had never had the chance to get to know the Thunder dragon before the switch, but Jean was glad he was hanging out with her now. As he helped himself up, he had noticed a few hatchlings try to talk to him, but the that caught his eye was Michiru. Jean nearly jumped out of his skin when he saw her. He waved his paws back and forth in the air to attract her attention.

"Michiru! It's me, Jean! Let's go play in the cave before Favian comes back and gets angry!".

Jean leaped forward and glomped the hatchling. He playfully bit down on her ear and nuzzled her. He was glad to see his friend. He jolted his head back and grinned at Ashni.

"Come on Ashni, come play with us!".

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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(OOC: The only dragons that could possibly hear her messages are the ones in the forest faraway from the Birthcave or near the desert/moorland. Even then, some dragons might have bad hearing.)

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Astra watched as the nice red dragon walked off and burrowed into his nest. She suddenly felt a lot more alone - she'd enjoyed talking to Sunder-eye. So an accident when he'd hatched? It seemed like a strange story, but also felt quite believable. Astra decided that she'd go outside. She didn't like it in here - that had been decided already - and she wanted to see what was outside the cave. And she was hungry, for that matter. This was the first time she'd noticed this and it came as a shock. She started walking towards the brightness at the entrance of the cave, when something struck her as odd. Surely they were hatchlings, therefore where were their parents? Surely their parents would normally provide food. Astra knew that she couldn't run very quickly - that went without saying. So how was she going to get food? She had reached the entrance by this time, and was blinking in the sunlight. It was a nice day - or at least, she presumed it was, considering that this was her first day alive.

She started thinking of what would count as 'food' - she looked at all the plants but they weren't very appetizing. What would count as food? Suddenly a squirrel darted in front of her, and she instantly knew that she was meant to eat smaller animals. Part of her wondered how the little animals felt about this, but she pushed it aside and tried to chase the squirrel. She fell over and the squirrel darted up a tree and looked down at her, as if laughing. She ground her teeth and stared up at the squirrel, hating it for tormenting her like this.

She roared at the squirrel - if the squeaky cry could be counted as a roar - and stared up at it, willing it to come down. Of course, it didn't, so she decide she'd have to go and get it herself. She leaped at the tree, however, having no arms, she just hit her head on the trunk. The squirrel was shaken however - it hadn't chosen a very good tree to run up and the tree had shook from side to side. Astra headbutted the tree again, and the squirrel half fell, half leaped out, landing badly. Astra thankfully walked over to the struggling creature, bit its throat to kill it quickly and ate it.

(OOC: Sorry that it goes on for a bit - tell me if it's too long..)

Edited by Fiirewolvar

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((Especially considering when its extremely active here, I tend to turtle tank my posts! As in it takes me anywhere from 30 mins to 2 or even 4 hours to make a complete post!))


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She waited patiently for a response from her friend, Jean, but he just stared at her blankly as if he didn't know her. Then this blue dragon come up and helps Jean up, and then tackle glomps her and bites her ear as if she knew her! "W-who are you..? You say you're Jean, but Jean is right here..." She slithers behind "Jean" and covers herself behind "him" until only her eyes can be seen, shy and confused about this blue dragon before her that was saying she was named Jean as well. "That is... Unless your name is Jean too?"


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"She's gone now..." he quietly whispered. "We should get out of here... Wanna go to the cave? Or do you want to go out and play somewhere else?" He helps Feather get up on her feet, and checks if she got injured anywhere.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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"Let's go and play a game!" Hibiki's offer of spending some time together was what made the day one of Feather's bests. Though she was quite sure Hibiki didn't know how she felt, she didn't really care. She would tell him eventually, and then they would be mates! "How about hide and seek?"

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Terra watched as the pink dragon returned with some strange plants. She bent down to sniffed them; they smelled sharp and sweet, she knew even before eating it that it was going to be a tasty treat. She gratefully stripped and teared down the meal with her teeth. They tasted good in her mouth. "Where did you get these? What are they?" She asked.

Edited by Kitkat10

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With a startled giggle, Wobblefoot shot off into the water after his friend. His awkward limbs propelled him through the water with startling speed. He laughed again, bubbles trailing from his open mouth. "Ready or not, here I come!" He sped off into the dark tunnel, his excitement masking his worry. The close, algae covered walls of the tunnel loomed through the darkness, penning the water hatchlings in. A few latent rays of light managed to pierce the silty water. They illuminated the strange fish darting through the water; silver scales flashing brilliantly. One of them sped right past Wobble's nose. He lunged for it, jaws closing in on the wriggling body. He slurped the fish down. "Man, those fish are good! I wonder if we'll find more down the tunnel?"

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Kirk let out a strange amused snort. "Well there's only one way to find out!" he chimed cheerfully. With a quick movement of his limbs, Kirk was flying through the water. Fish darted out of his path as Kirk sped through the tunnel. One fish wasn't fast enough and failed to escape Kirk's open maw. He slurped up the fish in an instant, the tail hanging out of his mouth as he continued onward. Sunlight began to pass through the filtered water, making the rocks glitter like stars. Kirk looked up to see a small opening in the tunnel. He couldn't tell what was outside since the mouth of the tunnel was covered in a circle of white.

"You don't think that's anything special, do you?" Kirk asked Wobblefoot as he stopped and stared up at the light above.

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Wobble cocked his head, staring at the strange light. "I don't know." he admitted. "It looks pretty, though. Wanna go check it out?" Another fish caught his eye. He darted over to it, jaws open in anticipation. He snapped down on the tiny morsel. His face contorted in surprise and disgust, and he spat the fish out. The body swirled through the water, scales trailing off the limp form. He spat again to clear the taste from his mouth. "Blech. I think that one was dead."

His eyes snapped open as he spoke.


His hooves stopped churning the water, and he sunk slowly down to the bottom of the tunnel.

J-just like Aradis!

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Kirk was staring up at the strange light emitting down into the water. "Maybe we should-" Kirk stopped mid-way into his sentence. When he looked back at Wobblefoot, he was slowly floating down towards the bottom of the pool. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Kirk spun around and swam to his friend's side. He looked over the Waterhorse in confusion. "What's wrong?" he asked as he glanced worriedly at his friend. Was it something he said? Was Wobblefoot sick? Did he do something wrong? Did he eat a bad fish?

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Sunder-Eye watched balefully as the other hatchlings played and talked among themselves. He wished he wasn't so uncomfortable around them, maybe then he would be useful. He wasn't really sure what he could do, or what they were all doing there, but surely there could be some way he could help out. He was no hunter, and he was too weak to really be able to carry things around. His eyes drooped and a sigh hissed through his nostrils.


I'm just no good at all, am I?


He tucked his head back underneath the grasses.


I'm just a big, useless nothing...

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Skylene picked up and swallowed each berry one by one in a relaxed manner, carefully thinking about Kalana's reply. It was true that she did need something, but could she really share it? Was it possible that anything would be gained? Her nonchalant attitude that resulted from exhaustion allowed her to toy around with the idea of asking for help with what was bugging her, almost in a light-hearted manner. If I could just let everyone know, then maybe it wouldn't be so difficult to handle. But how would Tasimi react? Maybe I shouldn't, or maybe I could avoid mentioning him.........I dunno.... Making up her mind, she half-jokingly replied to the Striped, "Well, there is something I need help with. I just need your opinion, really. Do you think you could help me with it? I know I can trust you, right?"

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Though the Blusang spoke in a laughing tone, Kalana knew it wasnt a joke. Just like Skylene, Kalana slowly sifted through options for an answer. Unlike Skylene, she didn't do anything while she thought, other than cocking her head to one side. In the end, she decided on the answer she would give to an equal. Not a superior, nor an inferior, but an equal. The answer she would give to herself. "I can't tell you that I can help, but I won't say that I can't either. Nobody is able to solve any problem. The same goes for whether or not you can trust me. Everyone is trustworthy in their own right, but everyone has had their darkest moment. Who do you know me as? How do you think of me? Decide whether or not you trust me by your personal experiences. Nobody can make the choice for you."

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He grinned happily at the thought of playing hide and go seek.

"Sure, but first lets get out of here." He signals Feather to follow him as he crawls through the bushes.


After some time he couldn't see the entrance to the bear's cave anymore. "Okay, its all clear!" He smiled happily to himself and wagged the tip of his tail quickly as if he was a dog. "How're we gonna decide who's gonna be the hider and the seeker?"


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Feather followed Hibiki as he led the way, trotting after Hibiki. Even though he wasn't going too fast for Hibiki-standard, Feather had a hard time following without occasionally jogging to keep up. When they were finally a safe distance from the bear, Feather flopped down on the grass, panting for breath. She wasn't the most athletic dragon around.

"I dunno. Do you want to be either one? I don't mind... But being seeker would give me some time to catch my breath, if you know what I mean. As long as it isn't a race to decide, I'm happy."

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Astra was quite confused - she didn't know exactly what to do in the world right now. She'd just been born - was there a purpose to her sudden arrival in the world, or what? Was she meant to go somewhere and do something? She decided these questions could wait - for now she should just survive. Find a cave or something. Maybe meet some new dragons - though the larger ones seemed scary. Maybe her 'purpose' would become clear some other time. She started walking through the forest, deciding that finding a cave and a steady source of food was a good idea for now.

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Medea gave a soft humming sound to show she heard his reply, moving in a leisurely walk towards the cave nearby the river. She was going to make Aerix walk that farther distance since he was letting her choose his destination. Part of her was glad that would not have to walk back towards the birthing-cave to 'drop off' Aerix, only to turn back around to head somewhere more secluded for herself. Thoughts of any attempts of getting sleep in the birthing-cave ran chills of slight disgust down her spine. The company there and the added noise would never allow Medea to get any rest.


Either way, she would not have to worry about the weak-ones there for now. Medea turned her attention more on the teasing comment Aerix had given about her ability, humored at the whole idea another would be better at what she was born with. "Oh is that so?" This said with a teasing air about her before she got a little more serious and added, "Or it could be that you are older than I am. Seems like the older I become, the better control I had over it."


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Ashni had been, once again, lost in her thoughts about this whole bizarre body switch matter. So when another hatchling jumped on her, the first instinct she had was to yell out as the tentative hold on balancing was lost and Ashni fell right over to her side. Looking at what hit her and really registering it took a few seconds as she tried to keep up with the what was really being said to her. "Umm," was all that could escape as she stared at the other hatchling somewhat blankly. How was one to answer all that anyways?


Either way, Ashni would not have to worry about it too much since at this time Jean came bounding over. Or maybe she would have to worry, taking in the actions of Jean. 'I think he forgot he is in my body,' was thought while she tried to get her footing once more. "Okay, everyone calm down," she'd finally say to both of them as she turned so that her sides would face each of them, making it much easier to look at both since this Michiru had been hiding behind her. "That really is Jean and I am Ashni. For some reason we kinda, um, switched bodies?"


(OOC; Sorry about the wait. My notification for this thread (dragoncave overall) did not send for some reason and I just got on the computer today to see if anyone was posting or if this was dead. Fixed it now so should work.)

Edited by Lilithachaos

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"W-what? I don't u-understand?" She was honestly confused about the whole thing as her mind couldn't wrap around the situation. "How can Jean be that blue dragon and you be not Jean?" She hugged her tail in nervousness.



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He finally noticed Feather's exhaustion, but didn't know the cause of it. It didn't really cross his mind either to think as to why she was tired. "So then I guess I'll let you rest. Tell me when you're ready and I'll start counting~" He sits down and waits for Feather to give him the signal.


Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Lowering her brow in moderate suprise to Kalana's detailed response, Skylene shifted her relaxed mood to a more serious attitude. She figured if Kalana was going to take heavy responsibility with every word, so should she. It would only make sense, especially regarding where the conversation would eventually lead. "Well," she spoke in a direct and thoughtful manner, "I can confidently say that I can trust you about this. An opinion is an opinion after all, right? If I didn't think that I could trust you, I wouldn't be here right now, would I? I'd probably be asking Favian or Kiska or someone else." Not waiting for a reply, she continued, "I guess the main question is, will you help me out?" She said that last part with a dash of verve to help ease any anxiety between the two, something she had found herself doing frequently with others over the past few years.

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((more sucky posts! Yay!))


After a few minutes of catching her breath, Feather hopped onto her feet, and with a cry of "I'm ready!" she ran away deciding that distance, and doubling back and hiding would be the best choice. Uh...I guess I'll go back to the forest? I guess that could work. As long as I'm quiet, momma bear shouldn't get mad. And I can stay away from the area her cave was at.



Skylene had suddenly become serious, using a fitting tone for what they would be talking about. Kalana predicted it would be something personal, something Skylene didn't want to share. "Again, that is a question of trust. I say that I will try to help, to give my opinion, but I can't say that it WILL help."

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Skylene shook her head in a calm and respectful manner, not showing that she was annoyed by Kalana's attempts at dodging a simple question. Has something happened to her recently? This isn't normal behavior. "Helping me out is simply sharing your opinion. I don't need for you to be worried that giving your opinion won't be of use in the future." She glanced over at the sky, noticing how late it was getting. The sky was now dark red, soon to be black. The Blusang knew that wasting time would make things difficult, and decided to get it over with. "Kalana, if someone you knew came up to you one day and revealed something to you, something personal, that they had feelings for you, and you didn't know what to do about it, or how to respond, should you listen to what your mind is telling you, or your heart? And if you knew telling the truth would hurt them, should you tell it anyways?" Skylene felt a load of stress fall of her shoulders. She had not revealed anything specific, but finally felt free of the burden she was carrying.

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Kalana did her best to decipher Skylene's situation. If she was was correct, then it would be risky to give an opinion. Ever since the incident with the bear, with Rien getting hurt, Kalana had questioned her abilities in helping others. If she answered incorrectly, she might hurt Skylene, but she didn't know what "right" and "wrong" was. To her, the heart was the right thing to follow- but if Skylene followed her heart, it might hurt the dragon that had revealed something to Skylene. If Skylene followed her mind, Skylene wouldn't do what would make her happy, but it would benefit the other dragon. The choice was between Skylene's happiness, and the other dragon's happiness.

Compromise wouldn't work in this situation- it would only hurt both of them. Kalana would have to give another in between answer, which really wouldn't help. But what if instead of an opinion, she gave advice? That would work. I can't give you an opinion on this, Skylene. I'm sorry, but I can't. But I can give you advice, and you can work from there. How much do you care about this other dragon? If you follow your heart, you're likely to hurt him. But if you follow your mind, and try to make things happy, you, yourself won't be. It's your happiness, or the other dragon's happiness. One, or the other. It all depends on your own feelings towards this other. But I say follow your heart.

Kalana's heart skipped a beat when she realized she had given an opinion. What if this is a mistake? What if I hurt someone else because I made a bad choice? What if- Kalana's "what ifs" seemed endless. Panic filled her eyes, clear to anyone to see.

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Sunder-Eye sniffled as his stomach grumbled hungrily. He weakly poked his head back out of the nest, spotting the tiny pink hatchling from earlier. What had that other dragon called her? Clem?


He watched from a distance, noticing how she seemed to stay to herself, rather than mingle with the other dragons. Her colors reminded him of the pinks and reds that the sun had painted over the sky, which was now a dark blue-black. The stars were nothing more than multitudes of tiny flecks spattering the velvety darkness. He imagined that the other hatchling - who looked remarkably like the night sky - was probably out there now, stargazing or hunting. Sunder-Eye no longer saw her in the cave, coming to the conclusion that she must have left.


The other little dragon, though, the pink one...she looked nice, as opposed to the some of the other hatchlings. Maybe she wouldn't yell at him if he tried to say hello? He had done it once, and his anxiety had dimmed from the last encounter, so maybe he could go and say hi to her.


His stomach let out another angry growl, and he sheepishly ducked his head in fear that someone might have heard. With shaky resolve, he decided to try talking to the other hatchling. He looked around for something to cover his eye with first, feeling self-conscious about it. A leaf and some grass made a handy eye-patch, if a bit sloppily made. Regardless, it did the job of hiding his deformity.


Poking his head out once again, Sunder-Eye pushed himself to his feet and emerged from his hiding place. Cautiously, he stepped out onto the cold stone floor and made his way over to the other hatchling.


"H-Hey," he squeaked. Realizing how pathetic this sounded, he cleared his throat and tried to appear more...confident.


"Hello. A-Are you...wh-what's your name?" he tried again, standing nervously on his shaking legs.

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