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Realizing no one had called him, as far as he knew, he began thinking about his thoughts from before. It was true, he was worthless... He ran back to the cave, suddenly in a rage as tears drizzled from his eyes. 'I am nothing...' He thought, and looked over at a rock. 'I don't belong here!' He picked up the rock, and threw it at the wall. Though the vibrations were weak, they were just enough to loosen a larger rock that was lodged in the ceiling. Skip didn't notice at first, but he certainly did when the soccer ball sized rock landed square on his head, knocking him out instantly.

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Rage. All out furious rage filled the Black dragon's face as she quickly realized just who was yelling. Rien. That little *****. How dare she show her face here. You can't kill me, Rien. I won't let you. And besides, I'll kill you first. She dove towards the Vine, all her stealth forgotten in her rage. Screeching, she hit the other dragon with a bone-breaking force, feeling several of her ribs crack on impact. They tumbled over and over, rolling until they hit a tree trunk. Unfortunately, Alvi was the one that made contact with the tree, and her breath whooshed out of her body in an unexpected, enormous burst of green flame that promptly set half of the woods around them on fire. "****!" she hissed, trying to catch her breath.




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When Aria came to, it was because she felt her Spirit Guardian call, the familiar tingle that told of a friend in danger. She groaned, cracking open one eyelid. The bright, hot glare of the desert sun beat down on her unrelentingly. Forgetting her injury, she rolled over, lifting one arm over her eyes to block out the light. Her broken wing flamed in protest, bring on another wave of pain so intense that she felt tears leaking out of her eyes. "****!!" she swore, colorfully. She struggled into a sitting position, teeth clenched, tears steadily flowing down her cheeks. Her head pounded like someone was banging in the inside of her skull. Can't...give up... Gotta save... Guardian... Job... Don't let down... Her vision was blurred and she forced her eyes to focus. They did, reluctantly, though the world was still blurry. I may have a concussion... she thought, carefully lifting one arm up to touch her head. She looked around for Sindri and spotted the Lumina several feet away. "Sindri!" She took several steps towards her friend, only to have the world tilt dangerously and her legs turn to jelly. She collapsed, mercifully on her good wing. Gritting her teeth determinedly, Aria began crawling towards the Lumina, eyes fixed on the other dragon's pale scales. Pale scales. That rhymes. she thought, absentmindedly. "Sindri. We have to go. Come on." she croaked, slowly but surely making her way towards the battered Lumina.


((Oh dear, this is a rather colourful post isn't it? ._.))

Edited by Evensong

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Sunder-Eye popped his head back under the grass when the other hatchling came barreling in, crying and tossing rocks. When he knocked himself out, the little Red poked his head back out to look at the damage done. A large rock had fallen from the ceiling, and the little blue creature lay on the ground, bleeding from a head wound. Sunder cautiously crept out of his hiding place and approached the unconscious hatchling. He looked around to see if anyone else was already on their way, but seeing none, he decided to take matters into his own claws. He remembered when he had injured his eye, that other hatchling had grabbed some moss to help staunch the bleeding. After some poking around, he managed to get some, and with the aid of some time and patience, managed to tie it to the other hatchling's head with dry grass. He slowly backed away, keeping a watchful, if not worried, eye on the other dragon.

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Rico smiled warmly at Lucifer; something was delightfully different about him. Perhaps it was how well groomed he was today, just by chance. Could it be the way the sunsets light bounced off of his feathers, giving it an other worldly glow? Or maybe it was the fact that Lucifer showed him an ounce of, what appeared to be, love and compassion and genuine worry. Rico's face turned a light pink as he stretched out his arm play punched Lucifer in the shoulder.


"Calm down big guy, tis but a flesh wound," he mused calmly. "But thanks for caring".


Rico looked into Lucifer's pink eyes and lost himself in them. Rico never felt this close to Lucifer before. Part of him wanted to stand up and walk away from the awkward silence, but the other wanted to leap forward and squish his face against Lucy's in a loving manner. Rico darted his eyes to the side reluctantly.

"There's... something I want to tell you Lucifer, and I've been wanting to tell you for some time".




Jean nodded in agreement.

"How about we grab some food for everyone, then go back inside. I think the yellow this is disappearing".

Jean-Pierre motioned to the sun. There was so much he wanted to learn and do. He wanted to fly first of all, but there was just so much to do! He wished he knew as much as Ashni and Favian knew (and that overly handsome Black Marrow xd.png ). Jean fluttered his wings and flopped over in failure. He WAS going to fly, it was just a matter of how long until he did.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Her job finished, Skylene returned in the direction she came from, so not to tempt with the dangers of the plague from unknown parts. Who knows how many have died from the plague.....it's hard to keep track of everyone. Half of us just go wherever we want to, and some don't even visit the Birthcave......they're probably all dead..... Those thoughts left her with a sad, sour feeling of both assumptive accuracy and disappointment. Two years had forced her to make some sort of attempt at knowing everybody, and now even the dragons who made the poorest representation of themselves were now to be pitied if they had not been seen for too long.


The Blusang urged herself to let go of those thoughts and focus on the forest she was leisurely flying through, and to take notes on what a beautiful sunset it was. They don't care about anyone else, that's why they left anyways......it's not our fault if they're dead, we aren't.....parents....




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The figure was Aladdin, obviously. Sindri ran towards him in great joy and disbelief, hugging him and the light that was surrounding him despite all the darkness. Oh, Aladdin!!! I've missed you!! I've missed you!! I really have! You can't go away from me again!! she said, with a playful smile. The Shimmerscale, however, did not say a word in reply. He did not even appear to make contact with Sindri, and instead stared straight across from him. He wore a blank look on his face, one that could represent an unconcerned state of mind. Aladdin!! Aladdin, I've been worried about you this whole time!! Where are we?! Let's just go back home, sweetie, and forget about all this!

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You're useless, weak, nothing. You're useless, weak, nothing. You're useless, weak, nothing...


'Ahhh, stop...'


You're useless, weak, nothing.


Skip held his head, it hurt so much. He was unconscious, yet fighting in his mind, and for quite awhile as well. He couldn't think this way! It was too painful to think this way. He thought of Sierra, and how brave she was. 'Yes. Yeah! I need to be like Sierra! I can be brave!' He thought. His head still throbbed in his subconscious, and he held it tighter. 'I can be like Sierra, and I won't be a waste of space!'


Outside his subconscious, Skip only twitched in reaction to what Sunder-Eye did. It seemed the hatchling would not awake for quite awhile.

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Lucifer recoiled from Rico and sat down, only a foot or two away. Why had he acted like that? He got hurt! a voice in Lucifer's mind replied. He should of been smarter than that. He should of known better than to attack a snake. You should be ashamed in him for his actions. Lucifer felt anger swell up into his chest as his mind agreed with the voice in his head. Yeah! Why would he do that? He could of gotten himself killed! What would I do with a dead body? I bet Skylene, Myst, Spira, and the others would assume I killed him. Hmph! Such a pathetic lot they are. How dare they think of such things. "Speak your mind," Lucifer said calmly. Lucifer gazed at Rico with slight puzzlement as the Black Marrow looked away from him.

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Annoyed at the yellow hatchling not responding, Sierra walked away. 'Hmpf. All these stupid poopy dragons ignore me all the time. Giant idiotic flea houses. I'll just have to annoy them until they listen to me.' Sierra thought crossly. 'Or maybe I could go to the blue dragon and play! He doesn't ignore me!' Brightening up, she ran into the forest, not thinking about the possibility of getting lost, or even how she would find him. She ran carefree through the forest, enjoying the wind rushing past her.

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Rico turned back and looked at Lucifer.

Why must you be so naive?! he thought to himself.

Rico dug his talons into the soft soil beneath him, the smell of the dead snake teasing his senses relentlessly. He stared directly into Lucifer's eyes and screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Lucifer, I love you!" he cried out harshly, his voice full of raw emotion.

"I don't understand why you're playing dumb right now. I'm sure I haven't been hiding it that well. I want to be with you Lucifer, every second of every day. When I'm with you everything just seems better! Your commanding voice assures me that everything will always be okay, and that I never have to worry about a thing. My heart melts when I see you smile; granted it rarely happens, but it makes me happy. I'm sure you've had the same feelings too at least once towards me!".

The Black Marrow approached the Sweetling slowly, but with purpose.

"If you deny it then your a liar!" he screeched.

"What about a few moments ago when you were holding me? That wasn't fake at all! I could feel your heart beat calmly, just as mine was! We're one in the same Lucifer, and I wasn't to spend my life with you".

Rico was now face to face with Lucy. The two were alone. Together. He stepped on Lucifer's paw and pushed paw hard enough so that he couldn't get away. He wasn't planning on letting him go until he confessed his love back.

"I don't want to be alone Lucifer, I've been alone far too long. I want to be happy, with you and only you. And I will take down anyone who gets in the way of us, with hesitation".

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It's worse than I originally thought. I thought it was just a simple crush that I could manipulate, but this, this is much bigger than I thought it was. For a moment, Lucifer just stared into Rico's blank, red eyes; his own pink ones shifting ever so slightly. On the outside, Lucifer was calm and composed and seemingly waiting for the right moment to speak. However, on the inside, Lucifer was trying to pull together something, anything, to say in reply to what Rico had confessed. Well it's too late to break out of character. I can't just deny my false feelings and walk away. I would lose an ally that way. Plus, that would hurt Rico's feelings and it would be best to not have a revengeful Rico against us. So I suppose I'll have to confess back. That most certainly seems like the most logical thing to do. However, I'm not sure how much more of the cuddling I can take. I think I won't be able to hold myself back from slicing his throat open if he tries to hug me again. But wait a moment, who said I had to confess now? Why can't I milk Rico for some information before I confess? Lucifer blinked at Rico and shook his head. "You said that way too early, Rico," Lucifer said solemnly. "You should of waited for months, maybe even years, to say that. You don't just confess your love moments after I proclaim feelings back. How am I suppose to react to that? Do you seriously think I'm ready to commit to a relationship? I'm not. I've been holding out for a reason. We're two, count them, two years old. I want to focus more on figuring out who I am and what my place in the universe is before I settle down." Lucifer let out an exasperated sigh and placed a paw on Rico's shoulder. "I'm just not ready for this just yet," he confessed, letting the truth seep into his words. "You can understand that, right?"

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Sierra sped past the trees, watching the green blur fly past. It was nice to think a bit alone. Seeing a flash of blue ahead in a cave, she thought 'Aha! The blue dragon! What was his name again...Oh yeah! Skip!' She bounded over, and noticed a red dragon. It had a strange eye that looked kinda disgusting. 'He would probably ignore me. He doesn't look too friendly.' She thought. She noticed that she had just walked in a circle and arrived back at the cave.

She hadn't noticed that Skip had been in the cave all along.Looking back at Skip, she poked him. "Come on, want to play?" She asked. Looking closer, she noticed a wound that was bleeding. 'Agh! It can't turn him all weird looking like the red dragon can it? Maybe I should help? But I don't know how to help!' She thought, warring with her own thoughts. 'But, he might die or something! It doesn't look that bad, but I don't know anything.' Frustrated at not knowing enough, she turned and glared at the red dragon, which happened to be the closest thing that she could be angry at. "You're doing something. Tell me how it works. Or I'll make your other eye match the disgusting one." She demanded, being surprisingly harsh.


((Tell me if this post has a problem))

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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Clem let out a small yelp as a green hatchling speed past her. Once Clem had regained her composure, she bounded out of her mother's reach and looked over to see why the green hatchling was in a rush. She saw the green hatchling along with a blue and red one sitting together. The blue hatchling seemed to be lying down on the ground while the green and red one stood next to it. Clem recognized the red hatchling as the male that hatched earlier. Now that she looked at him see found something... odd. One of his eyes looked damaged beyond repair. Is that why he was bleeding? Did he hurt his eye when he hatched? The green hatchling looked rather angry. Clem couldn't hear what she was saying, but by the expression on her face, Clem could conclude that the green hatchling was upset. I should probably go see what the problem is. Mama is busy with her thoughts and most likely doesn't need me to mess around with her. I... I think I can me an ambassador. I can be brave! Gathering up all of her courage, Clem slowly made her way to the three hatchlings. "Um... is there something wrong?" she asked innocently as she stood only a few feet away from the green hatchling. I'm a big brave dog, I'm big brave dog, big brave...

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Sierra spun to face the pink hatchling. It was too little, it would not know anything. It couldn't hurt to ask though. "Do you know how to fix this?" She asked, pointing at the wound. Not helping felt so...useless. She didn't like wasting time by sitting there and not helping. But what could she do?

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Clem was overflowed with relief as the green hatchling didn't yell at her. Good, I don't know how I could cope with someone yelling at me. "I-I don't think I would know how to help," Clem admitted. "I hatched yesterday and don't know much about the world. But, um, if you want, we may be able to ask one of the mature hatchlings for help. I would ask my mum but...." Clem glanced over at Favian. "I don't think she's in the best position to help." Clem looked back over at the green hatchling and shifted her paws uneasily. She didn't look much older than Clem. They were probably both hatched on the same day. If that was true, then why was there a hint of superiority in her voice? No... Clem must be imagining that. She was probably just worried about the blue hatchling. The long.... male... blue hatchling.

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Sunder-Eye backed away quickly from the green hatchling, fearful of its wrath.


"I-I didn't...I was just..."


He whimpered when the little pink hatchling approached, taking the green one's attention off of him briefly enough to slip away, heading back to his nest. He leaped inside and covered himself back up with the grass, watching from a distance. The green one must not have been friendly, given that it threatened to blind him. His tail curled around him tightly, keeping his head down.

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Ashni gave a soft humming and a shake of her head in disagreement with getting food. "That would not be such a smart plan since we are not in the right, um, bodies. I am not used to hunting as you?" She'd say this all brokenly as she tried to pick out her words correctly, or at least tried to pick them out well enough to get her point across. Hunting as they are, not used to these new bodies they find themselves in, was not the smartest of plans and was liable to get one of them hurt. 'Not that I hope we will get used to being in these bodies. I would be insane by then, having to relearn everything and be a male, talk about gender confused,' she mused to herself grimly.


Her wondering of if she would be insane was broken as Jean hit the ground after his attempt in flying. Confusion clouding her mind as she stared, trying to figure out what happened since Ashni had not been paying attention fully. Yet it did not take long to place the pieces together and once she did a little smile formed on her maw as she moved over to poke on Jean's shoulder. "I don't think you have the hang of them yet, my friend. First time I flew I crashed into a tree and landing is even worse," she'd say with a little to much humor in her tone. This said Ashni would start heading inside the cave as there was not much else they would be able to do for now other than wait.

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Sierra nodded. Asking older hatchlings would make sense. Hatchlings about the same age probably wouldn't know anyting if she didn't know. "Do you know any hatchlings that would know anything?" she asked. Noticing the red hatchling creeping away, she felt guilty that she had taken out her anger on it.

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Sunder-Eye kept his distance. Perhaps waiting for someone to come along and be his friend was not the best option. Perhaps not trying to make friends would be easier. Some of the other hatchlings were scary and loud, with sharp teeth and bad tempers. Sunder-Eye didn't think he wanted to be around them as much anymore.


I should have stayed in my egg...Or at least stayed away in the forest. That big furry thing that tried to eat me didn't threaten to blind me first, at least.


It became set in his mind that the others were not to be trusted. Granted, the little pink one didn't seem so bad, but he got the sinking feeling that it wouldn't like him anyway. The blue one was a little dense, and the green one was mean. The first one he had run into hadn't tried to kill him, but was a little scary. His body shook slightly as his heart started thumping rapidly at the thought of confrontation. He didn't want to fight with anyone, nor did he want to make anyone mad at him.


Maybe I'm better off being seen, but not heard. I think I'll stay away from the others for now. If any of them had wanted to be my friend, they wouldn't be like that, right? Certainly, I'm too hideous to have friends...


His heart slowed back down, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he withdrew his head completely from sight, tucking it between his front feet. He would wait until things quieted down to come out. Maybe he could scavenge the remains of someone's evening meal...

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Lost in her dream while unconscious, Sindri stared at the Shimmerscale desperately, waiting for an answer. Why wasn't he saying anything? Honey? Aladdin? Please talk to me! I've been so lonely since you've been gone! Still, Aladdin did not say a word, or even move. He was as lifeless as a statue, which agitated the Lumina more than anything. Rushed in her desperate thoughts and lust of immediate attention, she snapped out, ALADDIN!! Listen to me! Right now! Stop acting like this is a SILLY joke! As time passed with Sindri staring directly at his blank eyes, she grew more uneasily and unstable. The last parts of comfort and love that were holding her together began breaking apart. It seemed that the one dragon she wanted the whole time didn't want her back.

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"I don't know many of the older hatchlings," Clem replied. Clem nervously glanced at the red hatchling retreating into the shadows. She felt bad that she was glad about the red hatchling's departure. But he was a male, and Clem was deathly afraid of males. "You might be able to ask that blue hatchling," Clem said as she pointed over to the nearby Thunder. "She might know something."

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Seeing as she didn't really know much older dragons either, she walked over to the dark blue Thunder dragon and asked "Do you know how to fix that?" while pointing at Skip's head wound. She kept a safe distance so she wouldn't get shocked. The electricity along the thunder's body didn't seem very safe,.

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Sindri was at her breaking point, tears forming at the tips of her eyes. She'd had it at this point, with everything real and fake. STOP IT!!! she screamed out at the lifeless Shimmerscale in front of her. She began trembling with every word, not sure if she was justified in her actions. Aladdin, I've tried SO hard to be with you!! You know that!! After you died, I had nothing to look forward to in my life, because the only thing that mattered was YOU!! I did so much for you! Now you can't even give me respect by speaking to me!! I THOUGHT you loved me, but I guess not!! She looked up at him, wiping away tears to see if that had done anything. It hadn't, Aladdin was as emotionless as before. The Lumina let out a shout mixed with anger, fear, and grief, and ran to a corner of the dark room, where she could cry hysterically.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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As Tasimi opened his eyes, he let out a large yawn. He blinked his eyes and looked around. The sky had darkened a little, at least he thought it had. He wondered how long he was asleep for. Getting up, he stretched out his wings and neck, smacking his lips. Tasimi looked around the forest; no one else was there. Not really knowing what he should do next, he decided to head off deeper into the forest, maybe to find some food.


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'Rgh... Hm...?' Lineheart groaned as she woke up, trying to remember what happened. He thoughts were in chaos, so until that settled down she couldn't. She blinked her eyes a few times and looked around the cave. 'I'm in my nest... Did I fall asleep here?' She wondered. Her thoughts organized, and what happened last suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks. She did her best to keep still, because she remembered that Favian was going to tell her something! 'Where is he?' She thought as she looked around. She just couldn't wait any longer!


((How's that?))

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Favian was tired. He was beyond tired. His daily douse of stress never ceased, leaving him in an eternal state of anxiety. One day was all he asked for. One day in which he could relax and not have to worry about the others. Just one day where he could lay down, eat some fruit, and bask in the sunlight, worry free. That's all he wanted. But yet, it was all for naught. From the moment he hatched, people depended on him to lead them. They expected him to show them the right way; to be the beacon of light through the confusing world. But they never listened. He would give orders, everyone would agree with them, and then they would proceed to completely throw caution to the wind and disobey orders. They got upset when Favian yelled at them for not listening and became hostile towards him. However, when ever something big happened, it was Favian who had to deal with it. He was the one who had to gather everyone and retell the tale of Sera and Mint's deaths. He was the one who tried to keep everyone together. Favian did not remember any one else, not a single soul, who tried to hold the group together and create order. You don't deserve to be battered by these fools, a voice in Favian's head said. You should leave and never return. Who cares if they screw up? It won't be your fault. They're the ones who never listen. I can almost guarantee that they'll be yelling at you for leaving, saying that you're selfish and acting immature. Don't they realize you need a break? Is is so hard for their feeble minds to understand? Favian's tail lashed in agreement. Yeah, why didn't they support him? He didn't need to deal with this nonsense. He should leave and and live by himself, like Spira, Ismene, Laufin, Frozen Snow, Bathory, Lucifer, Rico, Medea, Aerix, and others had. Favian stood up and gazed off into the forest. He deserved, no, he needed a vacation from his stress. Just a few days, that's all. Just a little time to myself so I can cool myself down. Surely people won't try to bug me while I'm relaxing. Favian took a step forward and breathed in the smell of fresh grass and dew drops. Yes, just a day or two of relaxation and then he would return. What could possibly go wrong?

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