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(OOC: Here goes nothing)


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Watching as Myst quickly ran off from Erikiteru after the Swallowtail heaved her claws from bark of the tree, Sindri suddenly filled with great fear over the scene. It seemed something was wrong, not only with Myst, but with something else, something of greater importance. Whatever was going on that she didn't know about she pushed to the back of her mind as best she could, before answering the Electric dragon. "Yes! That would be great!" she said an overenthusiastic voice, "I need to find Aladdin as soon as possible. His being away for this long is...unnatural...for him..." Her voice faded away, and she grew more worried about where he could be. She hoped it hadn't been her fault.


I've never done anything to hurt him.....


She looked around, wishing she could find him near. "We should probably ask some of the others, too. Maybe they've seen him around..." She looked around again, this time gripping the dirt beneath her for comfort.


Was it what I said last night?.....It couldn't have been, he just took it the wrong way.....I didn't do anything wrong.....

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The moonstone's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the expressions flit across Alvi's face. He gulped for air when she pinned him, and turned his head to the side. His eyes squeezed shut as he braced himself. As the seconds ticked past, he grew still.

If.. If only I could get a shield up...

Glas's heart-rate slowed. As the paralysis wore off, his skin began to twitch. He freed his clenched paws from the dirt and sighed. He passed a claw over his itchy nose, leaving a smudge behind. Skylene's words were faint and distant in his ears. Slowly, Glas curled up on the ground. His tail curled tightly around his ankle, and he covered his head with his paws.

I- I just... I don't understand.

Troubled thoughts raced around his mind, slipping through his claws. A part of him refused to believe what he just witnessed, but another darker part embraced it. Underneath his solid exterior lay something twisted. Something he tried to repress.


The Blusang's struggles fell upon deaf ears. He was oblivious to the world around him.


Bathory padded soundlessly across the leaf-strewn ground. Her deep, pitted black eyes scanned the underbrush, catching on any movement. Her eyes flicked across leaves swirling through the air, the rustle of branches, the faint veil of clouds in the sky. Her breath caught on a sudden crispness in the air. She smiled. Her wings pumped; she was up in the air for an instant. Her body whipped around, bringing her face-to-face with Lucifer. "Fall." she whispered. "It's closer every day." Her heart swelled with happiness. It was the one time she felt alive. The trees and plants looked dead, like her. She could fit in.

She leapt nimbly onto a crooked branch, and laughed breathlessly. "I'm sorry. That was a little sudden. The excitement got t- " Her words were cut off as distant movement caught her attention. A bush rustled, confirming her suspicions. A few yards ahead a beautiful doe stepped through the trees. A fawn followed on it's heels.


Wobble blushed again as Aysu nudged him. His heart skipped a beat, and he struggled to keep his head above water. A nervous giggle escaped his throat. "Hey, I wonder if he knows any words?" He thought a moment. "Is he a 'he'? I mean, how would you tell?" His blush deepened. "I- I.. N..not that I want to, I was just wondering... " He sunk into the water.

Oh gosh, why do I mess everything up? Now she thinks I'm weird!

He smacked himself on the forehead with a hoof. "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid... "


((I think the majority of my posts are going to end up like this... I put off posting to the point where I have to write a novel in order to catch up >.> ))

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Expecting a response, Skylene was unprepared when Glas curled up on the ground, acting like a vulnerable child with nightmares. She didn't know what she was seeing, or what she could possibly do. In a matter of minutes, the Moonstone took over the Blusang's role of needing assistance. "Glas?......Glas??......" she spoke softly, leaning towards him and suppressing her pain as best as possible. It must be what Alvi did......he was terribly unaware that something like that could happen.....if only he had expected it..... She moved closer to him, patting her wing on his back to comfort him. "Glas? Say something. Say something!" Although her voice level remained the same, her expression was getting more impatient by the moment.

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The Purple Nebula got up and glanced around at the others. "I'm gonna go for a quick flight..." He said to no one in particular, and walked out of the cave. He took off with a few flaps of his wings, quickly gaining altitude and was soon soaring over the tree tops. He didn't fly very far, and soon spotted Sindri and Erikiteru. Decided to see what was up, he glided down towards the duo. "Seen who around?" Vortex asked, catching some of what Sindri said.

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The sight of Vortex flying down to her did not help Sindri's growing fears about Aladdin's disappearance, and was not able to calm her inside her errupting mind, but brought about the possibility of many hatchlings learning about his absence. Trying to control her inside urges to run off, she responded in her natural voice, "Aladdin, he's been gone for a while and I haven't been able to find him. Have you seen him? I'm sure someone has..." She looked down at her paws, covered with dirt and likely all sorts of disgusting material. She pulled them out immediately, and began dusting them off with a whirlwind of motivation. Once every possible sign of matter had been gotten rid of, she proceeded to grip a tree, almost identical to what Myst had been doing when the Lumina arrived. Comfort was the biggest thing she needed at the moment, a dark feeling to realize that Aladdin had been pushed to second. But comfort is Aladdin......comfort......

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Lucifer blinked his eyes as he watched Bathory watch the doe silently. She truly was one of a kind. She wasn't immature like most of the hatchlings in the main group, but she most certainly did not fit into it. Most of those hatchlings were either brain dead, lost in their own fantasy world, too much of a goodie two shoes, or too ignorant and arrogant for their own good. The amount of people Lucifer thought was intelligent grew smaller and smaller as he saw everyone's true natures. The only one in that group who Lucifer would consider out of place was Favian. He was always trying to keep everyone safe and was the only one tried to keep everyone together. It was such a shame that Favian had decided to stay with the main group. Lucifer would of enjoyed having access to Favian's databank of knowledge and well thought out advice. He wasn't a good fighter and his broken foot held him back, but his enormous size made up for that. Suddenly, a familiar scent drifted in Lucifer's direction. Lucifer snapped his head around and a snarl formed on his lips. "Spira." he hissed under his breath. What was that blue rat doing here? Was she going to run away again? Was she tired of everything and decided that she didn't want to be around the main group anymore. Good riddance. Lucifer didn't care for Spira. She came and went, but never helped. She only got in the way of things, making everything worse. Lucifer's nose twitched and her turned back to Bathory. "Might I ask what you seem to think Rico has done?" Lucifer asked. "You seemed rather upset." Lucifer had a pretty good idea on what Bathory thought, but he wanted to hear her thoughts from her mouth.

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Vortex could tell Sindri was distressed, and knew he was immediately going to regret what he was going to tell her. "I'm sorry Sindri, but I haven't seen him." He said and frowned. Aladdin...he hadn't seen the Shimmerscale in a long time either. Or Starry... He added to himself. "If you want I could help look for him." The Nebula suggested, his purple wings changing to a deep shade of purple without him knowing.

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Sindri simply gave a small sigh, and looked past the two to see if someone else was near. She didn't expect that Vortex would've seen him, since the Nebula himself seemed invisible most of the time. She knew someone out there had seen him, but just wasn't sure who. "Sure, that would be great!" she responded in a more upbeat personality, "You don't need to follow me around or anything. Just let me know if you see him nearby. Actually, tell him that I'm looking for him, that way it will be much faster."


But what if he doesn't want to be with me.....


She shook her head at herself, and gripped onto the tree even tighter than before. "And if you see anyone, could you ask them if they've seen him?" Her claws began digging into the bark instinctively, unable to control herself. Her paw filled with pain, but she didn't mind it at all. Her mind convinced her it was comforting.


But what if he hates me.....

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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((Awh, poor Sindri...))


Vortex & Sandy~

"Sure." He said, before flying off again. The Nebula was not only looking for Aladdin, but Starry too. Though it's hard flying through trees, he did it anyways, to make sure he wouldn't miss anything important. His purple eyes scanned the ground, searching for traces of them. He suddenly stopped, hearing a moaning sound and then retching. Worried, he followed it until he saw where the sound was coming from. Vortex hovered there, his eyes wide with shock. There was the Spitfire, Sandy, all alone with only the dead carcass of a deer for company. Why hadn't anyone come and help her? She looked so sick! "Um...Sandy?" He called, still hovering in the air in fear of catching what she had. Sandy responded with a series of groans. "Oh dear...I'm going to get help. Stay there." He told her, though she looked like she couldn't go anywhere anyways. The purple Nebula dashed off quickly back to the Birth Cave, tumbling back into the entrance with a thump. He got up and searched urgently for someone to help. "Is anyone a medic around here? Sandy's sick!"

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"Okay!" Erikiteru exclaimed. "I'll let you know if I find anything." She waved at them as she walked off.



"Yes, that would be him." Thinking about Favian made her blush and giggle. She only stopped doing so when the other two began to look at her strangely. "...Ahem. Yes, you should go ask Favian. He should know something."



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Sindri watched Erikiteru and Vortex head off, both promising to find out about Aladdin's disappearance. "Perfect." she murmured, letting go of the tree marked with her own claw imprints. She hurried off into the forest, trying to spot anyone she could for information. The sound of crisp grass being stepped on predominated the rest of the noises in any direction. The Lumina's distress and fear was none more apparent than in her concentrated light brown eyes, the same eyes that were usually filled with happiness and cheer. Aladdin had truly taken over Sindri's life, without her even knowing. When he was happy, she was happy. When he was sad, she forced herself to feel his pain, pain that was in imminent danger of exploding if she learned the truth. But the truth was also revealed by the flora around her, as she took in the plants, weak and ready to perish.


It was in that moment when she saw a deer with her child out in the open. Her heart warmed for a brief period of time, glad she could focus on something else, something more lively than she was. She was also unaware at how far she had gone, now near Bathory and Lucifer, watching the same deer as her. While she didn't see them, they couldn't see her, covered by a large bush.

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((Sorry Silver, I didn't see the post))



The Pillow squealed with delight, but became tired out quickly and plopped on the ground, panting. "That was a...good chase..." He rasped and smiled. Puffball glanced at Mountain as she clumsily caught up to him. "You okay?" He asked.

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The vampire's crimson eyes flickered before refocusing on Lucifer. Her lips pressed together. "I smelled dragon flesh on his breath. More than likely, he ate someone." She shook her head in disgust. "Whether it was a part or the whole body, I do not now." She pressed her needle-sharp claws into the thin bark of the branch. Unconsciously, they tore it to ribbons. "I'm worried he did something he might regret."


Glas was unresponsive. If anything, the comfort made him feel worse. He shrank closer together and squeezed his eyes shut. His mouth moved soundlessly.

This cannot be real. Today should not have happened!

His tail twitched once, and lay still.

Alvi... That isn't her. She wouldn't-



Did I do this? Did I do this to them?


((I'm sorry this post is so short Dx I'm a little braindead.))

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It was just as he had suspected. Rico did eat someone, but who, exactly? "I'm not completely sure, but I think that's something Black Marrows do." Lucifer said as his eyes focused on the doe with its fawn. "Favian said something about Black Marrows doing something with other dragons' corpses. He didn't say much, but he did say something on those lines. I would go and ask him about it, but I feel as though that would be too hard on him. He's probably too busy and stressed to deal with me at the moment." Lucifer felt his claws extend as the doe bend down to nibble some grass. He could see it now, stalking up in the grass, pressing his belly to the ground, eyes narrowed and teeth bared, him leaping into the air, the coppery taste of blood gushing into his mouth, the fawn running away.... "Not that it's morally right for him to eat someone else or anything." Lucifer added quickly. "It's just seems that Black Marrows are willing to eat almost anything with meat on it."

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Skylene's patience was at an end, but she couldn't bring herself to leave the poor Moonstone alone. Although her attitude mostly lacked sympathy, this was one such occasion where she ignored her mind. She stopped patting Glas, and began simply watching him, waiting for him to come to realization and to get a grip on his emotions. Not knowing how long this could take, she threw away any of her old plans and assumed it would take hours for him to get up.




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The sudden voices of Bathory and Lucifer nearly scared Sindri to death, her heart jumping wildly. How long have they been here? She didn't want to divert attention to herself, so she calmly laid still while eavesdropping on their frightening conversation. Each word sounded more terrifying than the last.


Rico ate someone? Rico, the one who seemed so sweet? That's crazy! Who would he eat?! He loves everyone...


She simply waved off her thoughts as ridiculous, while the back of her mind sensed something she did not want to think about. Something that if true, would likely have her grow insane. Instead, she felt like asking where Rico was, to try and get some information from him, even if it seemed highly impossible. The Lumina knew, though, that the Sweetling didn't like her, and that the Vampire was indifferent most of the time. She could never understand what went on inside Lucifer's mind, and didn't want to find out. Sindri was always cheery and upbeat towards the group, so why would he dislike her? But Bathory could have the answers, if only she was willing to give them. She wasn't sure if the reward was worth the risk, so she continued to hide under the bush, waiting for the right moment.

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Rico turned to his side and whimpered in pain and sadness. He felt alone, cold... and hungry. Rico had just eaten, yet his desire for food seemed limitless. He felt like he could eat forever and ever. He put his paws on the ground in an attempt to lift himself, but he just didn't have the strength. He screech in pain as his wounds bled. Rico tried to use his powers to salvage what blood he could, but he just couldn't; he was too weak. The best he could do would be to crawl over to where Lucifer and Bathory went, hoping they would help him.


Rico had been crawling for close to half an hour before he came within ear-shot of the two. He rustled through the bushes and laid limp, breathing harshly and shivering.

"Are you talking about me?" he asked in a shaky, and dark tone. "I don't like it when people talk about me behind my back..."


((Not posting Jean or Michiru for a little longer. I'm sorry for all waiting on me...))

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Lucifer glanced over at the Black Marrow. He looked so weak. He had crawled over to Lucifer and Bathory on his stomach. He was bleeding badly and couldn't even stand properly. He looked weak... but who wouldn't be weak after you got beaten up by Lucifer? Lucifer wasn't known for being gentle and he hadn't been when Rico attacked him. "There's a difference between talking about you, and talking about your breed." Lucifer stated flatly. Lucifer padded over to Rico and squat down so they were at eye level. "On that note, I have an important question for you." Lucifer chided. He took a paw and pressed it against Rico's. Claws sunk into the Black Marrow's skin as Lucifer moved his face closer to Rico. "Did you eat someone?" he asked in a quiet whisper. "If you did so, then who?" Lucifer made sure his voice was so low that Bathory couldn't hear him, but high enough for Rico to understand him. "I'm waiting." he hissed silently.

Edited by Doctortear

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In the short amount of time that Sindri decided to wait and gather more information by eavesdropping, the one whom Bathory and Lucifer had been discussing about, Rico, came by. It was both by fate and by tragedy, she wasn't expecting to have a crucial decision be made so quickly. The Lumina then realized her own innocence could possibly be used to her advantage. I need to use this opportunity...now! she thought, her mind racing from all sorts of emotions. She slowly crept out of the bushes and began heading off without being seen, then made a u-turn and walked back in the direction of the others, coming into view. Her usual cheerful and happy self was put on display, making it appear that nothing was wrong at all. "Hey there guys!" she said rather quietly, putting on a friendly smile that was all too familiar to everyone else. "What's new? Also, I'm looking for someone, and I'm not sure if any of you have seen him." Her mind was unsure of what to say next. It was true that she was looking for Aladdin, but didn't want to come across as too desperate to the others. She could not hear what Lucifer had said to Rico, but could see his mouth moving, which worried her.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Lucifer lifted his head and frowned. He didn't care for Sindri. She was far too cheerful and happy for him. She came off as annoying and dim witted Every time she spoke, her shrill voice made Lucifer want to rip his eardrums out. Because of that, Lucifer tried to keep himself away from here for both his sanity and her safety. "Hello, Sindri." Lucifer said dully. "We are kinda busy at the moment and would prefer if you could leave us be." Oh great, now she's going to ask what we're busy with. Why didn't I just tell her to buzz off? I'm really not in the mood to deal with her.

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Mortification. Alvi ran through the woods, her normally soundless, graceful tread now a loud and reckless crashing. Branches, bushes and thorns clawed at her black body but she felt no pain. Just mortification. Glas. I was about to kill him. Why. What. How. I was ABOUT TO KILL HIM! And I would have. But what stopped me? I. I... I can't believe I just did that. Why was I about to kill him? Oh. Right. She faltered like she had been shot in the chest. It felt like she had. Because he tried to kill me. And he and Rien... And then her anger was back, a vicious fire burning away the horror. I know what stopped me. I was weak. Too weak. Too kind, too gentle, too weak. Well that's going to change. Her anger faded away to determination. Now calmed down enough for her brain to work properly, she stopped, taking a look around her. She was in a familiar forest, the one near where Lucifer's cave was.  The delicious scent of deer was heavy in the air. Alvi's mouth watered. She hadn't realized how hungry she was. She stalked the smell, creeping silently through the shadows. It was a doe and her fawn. How cute. She briefly deliberated just taking down the fawn and leaving the doe to live another day, but decided against it. She knew the feeling of losing someone you love. Instead, once she drew close enough, she magically summoned up two of those emerald spikes she loved to use. She took careful aim, telekinetically holding them up on either sides of her head, and threw. Unfortunately, she wasn't very good at throwing the spikes using telekinesis. The spike that was meant to kill the fawn went straight through the doe's head instead, while the one she had aimed at the doe went flying harmlessly past her and landed in the grass before dissolving back into nothingness. Swearing under her breath, Alvi leaped out of her hiding place and pounced on the escaping fawn, using her forepaws to snap its neck. The young deer dropped like a stone. She dragged it back to where the doe lay and dropped it beside its mother. She ate ravenously and much too quickly. She sat back after finishing the doe, feeling a stomach ache coming along. Only then did she realize she had an audience.Lucifer, Bathory, Rico and Sindri. What are they doing here?



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Mountian huffed and caught her breath. "I'm okay. I can't wait for my wings, walking is way too slow and clumsy." She said. She sat down and rolled around in boredom. She didn't know what to do. In the middle of her deep thinking about which game was best, she didn't notice when she fell into the pool. "Wa-" She managed to get out before sinking.

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As Sindri opened her mouth to reply to Lucifer, she was cut off by the sound of the doe falling to the ground and Alvi snapping its fawn's neck. She winced in disgust as she observed the Alt. Black eating like a savage, and decided to try and ignore the situation as best as she could, moving her head away from the gruesome and unpleasant sight. Remembering to talk to the Sweetling, she replied, "That's fine with me, but before I go, have any of you seen Aladdin? I can't find him anywhere." The Lumina's expression changed from disturbed at the sight of the kill to depressed from the disappearance of the Gold Shimmerscale, hoping that one of the four would be able to answer her question.


I hope he didn't leave because of me.......


The thought made her claws dig into the ground yet again, as she grasped the roots of a nearby plant for comfort. She shook her head at herself, trying to dismiss the idea once again.


I need to apologize to him when I see him.......I need to tell him how much I missed him.......

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Lucifer shook his head. "I haven't seen Aladdin in a long while." he said with a shrug. "Aerix told me he had seen him a while back. He might know where Aladdin is." Lucifer knew Aerix had told him about seeing Aladdin when Sindri was with him, but Lucifer didn't care. He just wanted to get rid of Sindri. "He's the only one I know who might know where Aladdin is." Lucifer said. Sindri wasn't hiding her emotions very well. Lucifer could see how much she wanted to see him. If she was desperate enough, then she would latch onto anything that could seem true in the slightest. Just leave before your irritating voice makes me slit your throat.

Edited by Doctortear

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'He thinks there is no need to worry, what does that mean?' Aysu wondered to herself as she watched Kirk. The urge to push him to see what he was doing was so tempting as she watched him unravel the retrieved moss, but at the same time she did not want to anger her pod member. She trusted him and what he wanted to do was his businesses. Yet, there was no real harm in just seeing if he would tell her in the first attempt to find out. If he was unwilling then she would leave Kirk to whatever he was doing and just watch. "Well whatcha gonna do with the moss?" She'd ask him with an air of curiosity before quickly adding in, "Though you don't have to tell me."


Distraction was what she needed when Wobble spoke up about Fin, which Aysu still had her fins wrapped around protectively in some odd form of hug. "Um, I would think so? I mean we could when we hatched. Understand words, I mean," she'd say as she looked down to the newborn and then over to Wobble with a little smile. His comments on the little guys gender was funny, but then again it was a good question. How did they know without really looking? Maybe it was some subtle hints for the breeds, but she did not really care to examine it too much. However, when Wobble for some unfathomable reason started to sink in the water she would freak out a little bit as her mind immediately thought something was wrong with him. Not wanting to move from Fin, her long tail would try to wrap around Wobble's foreleg and pull him back up. "Hey, are you okay?" She'd somewhat shout if she pulled him back up and keep her tail wrapped around his leg just in case.


((OOC; Aysu is going to end up giving Wobble a heart-attack or something and I swear I am not doing this on purpose.))

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Kirk was startled when Aysu spoke to him. "What? Oh.. um, I'm using the moss to help concentrate." he said softly as he looked up at Aysu. "I was... thinking about something and the moss helps me think." Kirk gave a small apologetic smile before looking back down at the moss. Should he tell them what he was planning to do? No, it was a surprise. He had to keep quiet until the surprise was ready. Kirk wrapped the moss around his arm and slowly unraveled it. He continued to do this over and over again as his eyes stared down at the sticky green substance.

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