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Lucifer looked down coldly at Rico. "You're welcome." he said smoothly. "You did ask for it, you know. You don't make the best decisions."

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Bathory nodded to the two hatchlings.

I think it's best if I don't disturb them.

She pumped her wings, and flitted up to the ceiling of the cave. She hovered around the stalactites before choosing one nearer to the entrance. Her claws embedded in it's rough exterior, and she swung upside down. Sighing, she wrapped herself in her wings.

Much better. I never could get comfortable in a nest.

The vampire watched the scene below with cold, dead eyes. She smiled faintly.

I think I'll stay with these two for a while. They make much more sense than the others.

Edited by Ayesthine

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After eating her two fish, Skylene let out a small yawn. Myst was right, she needed to rest. She looked over at her nest, and back at Tasimi. I can't just leave him here... She went over to the nest, carefully taking off the necklace and bracelets. It hurt her when she realized a few of them had been slighty damaged in the storm. but brushed that to the side as she went back to the Tsunami with the soft moss layer. She placed it around him to keep him warm, and laid down next to him, before falling asleep.

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(( ninja.gif 'd))


Tasimi felt a soothing energy go through him, and he opened his eyes slowly. He blinked as his vision cleared, and moonlight reflecting from the cave floor hit his eyes. He looked around, and saw Skylene who was sleeping next to him. Warmthfilled his heart as well as relief. He noticed two fish beside him and realized how hungry he was. He reached out for the two fish beside him, and intantly a great aching pain throbbed through his body. He only winced a little, trying not to wake Skylene. He fought through the pain, and grabbed the fish. Quickly, he started eating, but did it as quietly as he could.

Edited by KrazyKay12

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Myst nodded as Skylene left and returned to the cave with fish. After the Blusang Lindwurm hatchling had gulped down her fill, she yawned and her eyelids began to droop. "Don't strain yourself too much," she murmured softly to Tasimi before padding slowly to the other side of the cave, where her mossy nest was. With a deep sigh, she patted down the moss to make it more comfortable and lay down with a dull thump, her eyes closed. I wonder what tomorrow will bring...

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Tasimi nodded to Myst before she left, and sighed as his eyes drooped. He pushed the fish away, even though he only ate half of one of the fish. He snuggled a little closer to Skylene and thought to himself, 'G'night Skylene... See ya tomorrow...

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Ismene scrambled into her cave and entered its depths. No one had heard her when she announced she was leaving. But what had she expected? No one ever did notice her before, why would that change today? Maybe this place isn't right for me. I've learn how to deal with loneliness over the years, it's not like I need someone with me. I think leaving may be my best option. This place holds nothing for me and no one has bothered to care for me. Besides, the plague is surrounding the birth cave. It would be wise to leave before it crawls up the mountains and consumes my home. It'll reach up here eventually and I plan to be gone by then. With thoughts troubling her mind, Ismene waltz over to her nest and flopped down into it. Yes, leaving is my best option. I won't have to say goodbye. No one but Favian and maybe Lineheart will remember me...

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Cyrus walked away from Skylene and Tasimi and went to his moss bed and tried to go to sleep. He was still awake when three hours had past s he got up from where he was and went over to Myst was and curled up next to her.



Thorn watched as the sky turned black. Finally! I've always wanted to do this. He padded outside and started tracking down the scent of a wolf. He kept on walking for another ten minutes when he came to a little den. There was fur all around the den and there was also four little bundles of pups. He walked away and continued the trail. When he finally tracked down the wolf and crept up on it so slowly he must have been moving one inch every two minutes. The wolf raised it's head and looked right at the place where he was hiding. Thorn ducked low and the wolf continued on what it was doing. When he was fifteen metres away from it, he leaped up from where he was and bounded towards the wolf. The sudden movement caused the wolf to act slowly and Thorn had managed to kill it in a matter of seconds. He dragged the wolf back to the cave and laid it in the forest not far from the cave. He walked inside the cave and fell asleep on his bed.

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((How the heck does Thorn manage to kill a wolf so easily, yet Rico struggled?! I just... Gaahh! Never mind....))

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Rico struggled to get to his feet, but when he did, blood dripped and drizzled down his leg. It looked like it had been coming from where his kidneys would be. "You should get to bed Lucy, I'll head back to my place. I don't think you need three people crashing in your den". Without waiting for a response, not that he needed one, he waddled and limped towards the entrance. Rico almost fell twice before his paw shifted in a pool of blood. He fell to the ground and cringed. Rico wanted to yelp, but he had already showed Lucifer how weak he was. He hated the fact that he lost. Not BECAUSE he lost, but he thought that Lucifer would consider him weak, and possibly an unfit mate. Rico tried to expel the thought from his mind, but it wouldn't leave.

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He can hurt people in anyway he wants. Like he can summon a thunderstorm and then a lightning bolt only strikes the person who he wants to hurt. Things like a lightning bolt would drain to much energy from him though so things like sending a flock of birds at someone is better. He rarely uses his power though



He doesn't know he can do this yet but that what helps him kill stuff easier.)

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(OOC: I'm still not sure why Wolfe accepted that Power on his character sheet. It's very blatant OP.)

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((It used to be worse, before I PMed Sparkle about it.))

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Lucifer watched as Rico fell over in the pool of blood. He didn't get up to help Rico. That would go against his nature. Besides, he didn't care if the Black Marrow got hurt. He had to tough it out and get over it. "You might want to avoid tripping over your tail." Lucifer called to Rico.

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Alvi dipped her head. "Not particularly. I was just trying to get some peace and quiet away from the BirthCave and I stumbled across you." She shot a curious glance at Rico, but decided not to comment. Huh. I wonder what happened here... She briefly wondered if she should leave, but she really didn't have anywhere else to go, as she didn't want to return to the BirthCave. Well, there's no harm in asking. "Would you mind if I stayed for a while?" she asked.


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Lucifer looked at Alvi with an unwavering gaze. "Make yourself at home." he

said emotionless. He turned his head back to Rico and held back a snort. "You can come in too." he offered. "I don't think you have the strength to get back to your home."

Edited by Doctortear

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Alvi nodded gratefully. "Thanks Lucifer." She trotted to the back of the cave and lay down, ignoring the fact that she had no nest. Respectfully turning her back to the others she rested her head on her paws, ruffled her wings, and closed her eyes.



((Short post so we can timeskip already :3))

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Lucifer kept his gaze on Rico as Alvi entered the den. He did not turn his head to glance at her. All of his attention was on Rico. "Well then?" he asked.

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(OOC: I feel bad going a day without posting so I'll make another dream sequence.)


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Skylene was no longer in the Birthcave when she entered into her dream, but rather was in the Coast, the same one she'd known and loved for over a year now. At this very moment, she was arranged the items in her seaside cave. Perfect! This one goes here...this one can go right here...Ooh! These two look nice together! Better pair these up!... It was a relaxing afternoon, the sun shining over the water and creating a beautiful image. She continued decorating her soon-to-be home, when she suddenly heard a faint noise from afar. "Help......me....." She looked outside, alert at the sound. She looked over at the sand from both sides, searching for somebody, but could find no one. Instead, she heard the voice again. "Help.....me....." She quickly turned towards the water. That's where it's coming from... She took off, skimming the water below, searching for the sound. "Help me! Help me!" The voice became more frantic, and Skylene desperately tried locating its owner. "Help me! Help me! Help!"

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Rico turned his head and grinned at the small Sweetling. As much as he would like to stay, to stay with Lucifer, he couldn't. "Nah, that's fine. My den isn't far from here, I'll make it. Thanks anyways though" . Rico smiled again, then exited the cave. He surveyed the dark forest and sighed. I better get a move on I suppose....


((Sort post is short ;___; ))

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Lucifer sniffed and turned away from Rico. He walked over to his nest and silently crawled into it. He curled up into a ball and placed his head on his paws. What an interesting day. Slowly, closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.

Edited by Doctortear

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Rico trudged through the forest and arrived at his cave. It was an alright size at the moment, but if he got any bigger he'd have to find a new one. Rico crawled over to the skeleton of the wolf from earlier and laid next to it. He wrapped his arms around it, shut his eyes, and slowly fell asleep.


((Dat post...))

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