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Snow(The color's back, rejoice!)

Snow frowned a bit a Laufin. His reply seemed a bit off, but she decided to ignore it and eat the deer. As they were eating, she accidentally noses. She jolted up and blushed.



Sierra stared at Glas for a bit, before deciding that she should sleep. She ate some berries, then curled up and drifted off to sleep. She had a weird dream about how Favian turned into a flower, and Glas ate the flower, but suddenly Clem turned into a giant bird and carried away Glas.

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Myst thanked Cyrus with a grateful nod of her head, taking the bucket of water from him. As she worked, she responded to him. "Tasimi is fine, he's just tired and hungry. They're both tired and hungry." she added after a moment's thought, pouring water gently on their foreheads and necks. "Skylene is..." The young Swallowtail hatchling trailed off, but concern trembled in her voice. They have to wake up! she screamed silently, biting her lip nervously. She let her magic flow into her paws, and she placed them on both of the unconscious dragons' flanks. She let a short, abrupt pulse course through their bodies, hoping that this would jolt them awake.

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Laufin felt Snow brush against him. He smiled and said, "It's alright. Er...Snow. I have to tell you something." he stopped eating the deer and sat up looking at her.

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Snow stopped blushing and looked at him. "What is it? Is it bad news?" She asked. She was serious now. She stopped eating too and sat there, waiting.

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As the next pattern emerged, Skylene's mind began starting its normal function. Slowly, familiar information was being regained, and she was slowly becoming aware of where she was, engulfed in the blue waves her mind processed. Then, a bright yellow ray of light went through her mind, and a sudden jolt transferred throughout her body, the sudden power waking her body in a flash.


She slowly opened her eyes, still reeling from the effects of the pulse. She could make out the images of Myst and Cyrus, until they were perfectly clear. ...What just...happened?... she thought, looking around at the cave. Why am I in here?...Why is it so dark outside?...What happened to the rain? Not noticing the Tsunami next to her, she asked Myst and Cyrus, "Where am I?...What happened?" Her last memory of Tasimi finding her in the forest still hadn't registered.

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Myst stroked Skylene's paw gently, breathing a soft sigh of relief as the Blusang Linduwrm slowly awakened. "Shh. You need to rest. And don't move around too much," she murmured soothingly, placing a restraining paw on Skylene's flank. She smiled sympathetically, but blinked regretfully. "You're in the cave. Tasimi brought you here." She flicked her tails at the unconscious form of the Tsunami Wyvern hatchling, who was still struggling to wake. "And, what happened? Well, I was hoping that you could tell me that..." She trailed off, eyeing the cuts and scrapes that were laced all over Skylene's legs and tail.

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Skylene was skeptical of what Myst was suggesting. "Tasimi? He saved me? He was nowhere near me...and what do you mean what happened to me? I don't know. Why? Is there something wrong?..." She used the little energy that she had to get up, and could see the cuts around her tail. She checked her legs, and could see the same thing. She checked her wings and body, but was relieved to find nothing was wrong with those. "Did you heal me? It looks like something bad happened to me." She turned around, and gasped at seeing Tasimi next to her. "Did he get hurt? Is there something wrong with him?..." she said, when she suddenly realized that Myst was telling the truth. Her last memories came back to her in a whirlwind.


He's the one who saved me...he took me from the pile of trees and branches when it was raining...before I woke up... She felt like crying again, just as she had when he came to her aid before she passed out, but mustered enough self-control to stay steady. "I know what happened to me now." she said softly, looking at the Tsunami, who still hadn't woke up. She let out a small sigh of relief, knowing she was now finally safe, while feeling like she was now indebted to him for saving her. That's what friends do...they help each other...

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Tasimi opened his eyes, and all he saw were blurred colors. He felt pain coming from his wings and limbs; it was like an aching pain. His wings felt like they were throbbing, and he barely had the energy to move. His vision cleared a little, and he saw the blurred image of Skylene. She was looking at him with worry, and this confused him. He tried to think of what happened last, but he couldn't remember. He looked up at Skylene, lifting his head with his aching neck, and smiled. "Sky..." He mumbled weakly. His neck began to hurt too much and it couldn't hold his head anymore. He plopped onto the floor, and his eyes closed slowly. "Sky..." He whispered before closing his eyes.

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Skylene saw Tasimi waking up, and realized how tired he was. "Tai!" she replied, moving closer to him. She studied him with worry, trying to figure out what was wrong. She wasn't sure what had happened after she passed out. Did he tire himself taking me back here? He must've. Poor thing... She looked up at Myst. "Myst, you healed me, right? Tai needs to be healed too. He's weak." She looked down at him again, listening as he tried saying her name before his eyes shut. Don't worry Tai, I'll be here with you... she sent as a message, wrapping her wing around him.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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The waterhorse gulped. "I-I'm sorry." He took a deep breath, puffing out his chest. "I can do this." Squeezing his eyes shut, he clamped his jaws around the corpse's tail. He backed up and his hooves scrabbled for purchase on the smooth stone floor. He dragged the body away, leaving behind a streak of blood. Wobble made it just outside the cave before his straining legs gave out. He accidently dropped the tail in his mouth, and the dead Winter Magi fell heavily on top of him. He let out a short, sharp cry of suprise. He wiggled around fruitlessly under the weight for a moment. A few more tears streamed down his face as he struggled to move. By the time he managed to free himself, he was gasping for breath. He stumbled back into the cave, pausing to nod to Ashni before slipping back into the clean water of the pool.


((That's a pretty bad post, but I needed to end the interaction >.< ))

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Myst nodded as realization rippled across Skylene's face, and stood back as Tasimi finally awakened. She stepped forward as Skylene looked up at her, and studied Tasimi at his weakened state. "I-I'll try," she promised, stroking him with a gentle paw and sniffing him cautiously. "But while I'm at it, you'd better tell me what happened to you two." She turned away from the Skylene and crouched over the Tsunami Wyvern, murmuring soothing words under her breath. She closed her eyes and laid one paw on Tasimi's forehead carefully, sending her healing magic to her forepaw. Myst clenched her jaws in a tight grimace as the energy was drained from her, but she was relieved to find Tasimi breathing steadily when she reopened her eyes. "He'll be fine," she whispered, rocking back on her haunches. "But you should both get something to eat."

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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"I er...um...Ilike-ack-likeyouuu." Laufin blushed in embarrassment. He sat down and lowered his head to the ground. ARRHH! What was I thinking? Ilike-ack-likeyou? I could have just said something better like "Oh nothing I was just trying to start a conversation but then nothing came to mind."

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Snow frowned in confusion. "Could you repeat that?" She said. Maybe he wanted to say something important, but was worried she wouldn't like it? "If it's bad, I promise I won't get angry or anything." She said, hoping to get an answer.

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"Ok, I...like you." he said quickly enough but not so quick that Snow wouldn't be able to understand what he said. I do hope she takes it well. I really don't want her getting mad at me or something. Maybe I did it the wrong way! Maybe I should have just said you are a good friend!



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"That's it? Of course you're a good friend too!" She said, taking it a completely different way. Why would he not want to say that? She mind shrugged and brushed it off. Everyone had their own reasons. "Well then if you aren't going to eat anymore, I'll be taking the deer and freezing it." She said expectantly.

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Laufin was shocked on what Snow said. "but...but...bu-" he spluttered. Never mind. I'll tell her in the morning what I actually meant to say. "Ok you can freeze it. I'm not hungry anymore since you caught a really large deer."

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"Well then I'll go back to my cave. You can sleep now." She said, before creating a sheet of ice to put the deer on, and flying back to her cave. When she reached her cave, she froze the deer. She decided to sleep some more, because she had used up a lot of magic today.

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Skylene nodded at Myst, and decided to get up to search for fish. "I'll get something for Tai in case he wakes up. He's not in good health it seems." she said, slowly pushing herself off the ground. Her legs felt uncomfortable on the ground, but was glad that she didn't use them much anyways. She went out in the night, coming to the river. She could hardly see anything, as visiblity had been reduced to almost nothing. She stuck her paw out to reach blindly for fish, and was suprised by how cold the water had gotten. I almost never go out at night for fish. That's why it's so cold. Plus, it was raining hard... Though the rain had died down, the ground itself was quite wet and slippery, so she steadied herself as she grabbed onto a couple of fish. Pulling them out, she quickly made fine cuts across their bodies before returning to the cave. "These two are for him." she said to Myst, while chomping down on the other two.

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Laufin sadly watched as Snow flew away. He got up and flew towards his cave. He went into the side cave and curled up into a tight ball trying to forget what Snow had said. She must have taken it the wrong way. If only she took it the right way. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. He dreamed that Snow was shooting ice balls at him. Then he dreamed that he was attacking Snow. He turned in his sleep and woke up. It was still night but the sun was just rising.

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Lucifer turned his head. Did Rico just move? Lucifer was pretty sure the poor Black Marrow would wake up to a lot of pain. Lucifer hadn't been kind when scratching him. "Is there anything else you need, Bathory?" Lucifer asked as he drew his gaze away from Rico's body.

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"Hey, it's really alright," Ashni would mumble before moving to help move Aradis' body as much as she could. Wincing when the corpse fell on him as she could not imagine how the Waterhorse was going to react, but overall he seemed to be handling it well enough. Though she would not say anything when the other hatchling moved to go back inside the cave as she was not about to begrudge the Waterhorse with getting away from the daunting task. Besides; she did not think that his feet would be of much help in digging, even with the ground muddy as it is.


Yet now alone she would have to move Aradis' body by herself to a farther location to make sure no predators would come sniffing about. It was highly unlikely seeing as she was about to bury his body, but she was not going to take the risk either. So with a sigh Ashni would use the same maneuver she used early today that had gotten Myst on her back. Rearing up on her hind legs to lift Aradis' upper body before slipping her own under his, grimacing as the chilled weight settling over her back. She was not about to waste time and stand thinking about what was running down her sides, but she could not just run or else her cargo would slip off and this whole process she did not want to go through again. Walking for a good distance until she hit a clearing, paws sinking into the mud as she looked around to determine if this was indeed a good spot. Thinking it as good as any, Ashni would lay and gently let Aradis slide off her so she could set to work digging a large enough grave. Rearing up on her hind legs and lifting Aradis' body and placing it in the grave was tricky with the slippery ground, but she manged it and to cover it back up. Even going so far as to place a good sized stone to mark the gave, using her claws to at least carve his name in it. It just seemed wrong to bury him and be done with it, after all.


Ashni only stopped at the river nearby the birthing-cave to wash off whatever clung to her body, what she did not want to think about as already she had a feeling she was going to have nightmares about this. Stepping inside she would look around and decided that now was not the time to go speak to anyone as she was to tired both physically and mentally. Though she would have to tell Favian where she had buried Aradis later. Going to her nest and curling up tightly before just closing her eyes, wanting to forget what happened today as sleep took over.


((OOC; For something slightly rushed it still is long. But hey she is asleep now!))

Edited by Lilithachaos

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The vampire followed Lucifer's gaze. "I was wondering if you needed help. You seem to be... managing well on your own." She looked up with unblinking eyes at the rainy sky. "Do you mind if I stay in this cave until the storm lets up? I won't get in the way."

Edited by Ayesthine

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"Go ahead, stay as long as you want." Lucifer said with a wave. "Just make sure to not tell anyone of this place. I like the idea of none of those over-hyper hatchlings finding this place. I like peace and quiet."

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Rico cringed in pain. My whole body aches. Gaaah! Lucifer you merciless killer you. Rico lifted his head up and saw Lucifer. He hadn't noticed any of the others, just Lucifer. "Thanks for bringing me in..." he squeaked. It hurt to talk, but it was worth it if he was addressing Lucy.


((Short post ;A;))

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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