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Skylene could hear the sounds of Tasimi calling from afar. Why is he yelling my name?...He doesn't know I'm hurt...unless he's looking for me... She smiled faintly, touched to know that some dragons cared about her. She tried sending another message with all her remaining strength, but it barely came out, Tasimi.....I'm injured.....I need help, please... She had a feeling he wouldn't hear her unless he was very close by. C'mon, please someone find me... Her head hit the ground in exhuastion.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Tasimi looked around desperately for the Blusang. "Skylene! Sky-" He stopped when he heard something. need help, please... was all he heard, but he knew that had to be Skylene. He wasn't sure where it came from, but he went where he thought he heard it come from. HE raced forward and soon found her. When he saw her he was filled with so much relief he nearly cried, but all that crashed down when he saw the shape she was in. "Sk-Skylene!" He exclaimed. He raced over to her, and lowered his head beside hers. "Skylene please be okay... I-I'll get you some help!"


((OOC: What are Skylene's injuries and where is she exactly?))

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(OOC: Cuts on her legs, wings, and tail (some on her legs are deep), and torn muscle in her back. She also needs food.


She is in the main forest (the one closest to the Birthcave), but far away from the others.)


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Skylene could hear the noise of something running near her. It must be him... she thought, as he raced on over towards her. She wanted to say something to him, but was too weak to even muster a few words. All she could do was turn her head towards his and gently nudge his neck. I must not give in.....I have to stay.....I'm not finished... Tears ran down her face, of both sadness and joy. She didn't care about embarrassing herself now, all she wanted to do was let her emotions free. She knew Tasimi wouldn't mind. Will he be the last to see me?... she thought, while slipping into unconsciousness.

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Tasimi saw Skylene move, and sighed in relief. He blushed when she nudged his neck and smiled a little. He quickly turned serious when he realized that Skylene couldn't last much longer. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you help." He said in a serious tone. She was unconscious and couldn't hear him, but he didn't care. He thought of flying off to get someone, but he couldn't just leave her alone! There was only one choice. With adrenaline, confidence, and bravery coursing through his body, he had the wild idea of taking Skylene to the Birthcave himself. He knew he was weak, and it probably wouldn't work, but in a moment like this he felt like he could do anything if he set his mind to it. 'I'll take to the Birthcave as fast as I can even if it kills me!' He struggled as he lifted up Skylene, but managed to get her on his back. He forgot about everything else in the world, his hunger, his weak muscles, his fear, everything. All he focused on was saving Skylene. Making sure she wouldn't fall off, he took to the skies, forgetting his fear of flying above solid ground. He flew to the cave as fast as possible. It took awhile, but he got there. He semi-crash landed, but made sure Skylene was safe.

"Sk-Skylene needs help!" He exclaimed panting heavily, as the exhaustion of doing want he just did took toll on his body, and he passed out.

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Lucifer looked up when someone called for Rico. He stood up and padded over to the Black Marrow's body. "Hello, Bathory." he said coolly as he sat down behind Rico. His tail covered his paws and he tilted his head. "Did you need something?"

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Kalana started to fill drips of rain. "I don't think we should catch a bird, Rien. Let's go back to the Birth Cave with Mountain. There might be more food there." Kalana really hoped that there was more food. SHe hated to be unable to provide for Rien, and this was one of those situations where she felt that she shouldn't put Rien first.



Spira suddenly felt a flare of pain to end what she had been feeling earlier. She felt something...soft? Underneath her, and soon she felt the pain slowly ease away again. She tried to wake up, but failed to do so. Her body erupted into a throbbing ache as she spent the bit of energy that she had gained.

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((Btws, the Valerian Root info I found out with a simple search that took me no less than a min to find and use in Lineheart's post. All I put in was "herb used in pain killer?" in the search bar. If the post doesn't sit well with you guys, just let me know. Ah, and I forgot to mention since Lineheart is a science "nerd" then she must've tested her theories out on herself, which in turn also means that Lineheart has a strong immunity to certain things or that she's extremely prone to getting sick OR BOTH.))


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"Finally, we get to go back!" Rien happily complied with Kalana's wish. She was about to follow Kalana to the cave, but then she stopped and turned towards Mountain and stared at her for a bit. She went back to Mountain and nudged her towards the cave for a little and then ran back to Kalana.


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He nodded as if agreeing. A moment later he was shocked when he realized what Feather had said to him. "She doesn't mean it in that way does she?!" He... Really, REALLY didn't know what to do! "Ahhhh, I mean, I still kinda like Roseanne, but but Feather is a good friend, so does that count for something?!" He had some flashbacks of Feather where he remembered certain times where he thought of her different. No, no, it can't be. He's not the type to think, so he tried to shrug it off although his face was blushing slightly. He held Feather close to him with his wing, and pretended to fall asleep. <L-let's go to sleep okay Feather? We can find our way back after the rain lets up. We'll uh, be find up her.> "Ack- She- This-! This is just like before-! I mean-! AHHHHHH!" His emotions were all over the place, and he didn't know what to do with them."Oh, I-I know! She probably doesn't mean it that way! Yeah, its just a compliment, thats all. Yeah... She couldn't possibly... Towards me... When I can't forget Roseanne..."


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Her temperature had finally returned to normal and her life was no longer in danger. As if in response to her recovery, an hour after her body had fully recovered she mumbled a few notes of the same song she sang when she first hatched in her sleep.


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She was worried that perhaps Favian see through her intentions. Hopefully not. Either way something deep down in her really didn't want to interact with Spira. She tried to finish her job as quickly as possible so she could hurry up and move on but... She could of swore that Spira moved, but she showed no actual signs of waking up. It made Lineheart guilty to give Spira such a half-rushed job. Against her own feelings of unease towards Spira, she fully treated her, even going as far as flying back to her nest and bringing back a herb known for its pain killer effects. "Favian, take this herb. Its called the "Valerian Root" I believe which I found in the forest on a self exploration for research a while back. When you and Spira wake up grind this root into powder and ask someone who knows fire magic or knows how to boil water. Put the powder in the boiled water and drink it. You're free to distribute it to others who need pain killers. Don't worry, I've tested this on myself multiple times too so its safe." She suddenly recalled how panicked Favian was about the situation and how he tried to solve everything by himself. "And you know... Some of us can take care of ourselves in one way or another. So Favian... Try to take care of yourself more okay?" She held Favian's paw for what seemed a long eternity to her, then left for her own nest to sleep. She sighed when she reached her nest. "What am I going to do with myself?"

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Oh, ok then. she said telepathically. She was kind of confused in why Hibiki didn't take it seriously. Doesn't he know that I have at least feelings for him? Maybe he still likes Roseanne. Maybe I upset him! Oh no! I would never try to upset him! She shook her head and tried to go to sleep. She dreamed that Roseanne was laughing at her and throwing rocks at her. Then she dreamt that Hibiki was trying to drown her. She woke up with a sudden jolt and saw that it was still dark. She closed her eyes again and went back to sleep.



Cyrus hummed all the way back to the birth cave. When he went inside he saw Myst and rushed over towards her. "Hello Myst! What have you been up to? I know that I went to the mountains and ate a rather stringy goat." Cyrus liked talking to Myst. It was easier to talk to her than other dragons like Lucifer and Thorn. When he talked to them he felt like that they would try to attack him any minute.



Laufin watched as Snow woke up. Well I was not really thinking of anything important. You know how you killed that mountain lion? Well it was a really cool way in doing it! I wish I could have thought of that." he stood up and stretched his back. Then he sat down again.

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Snow blushed. "You thought so? I didnt really think about it, I just did what came into my mind." She said. "Can I see the inside of your cave?" She asked. She was curious to what his cave was like. Would it be like hers?



Mountain snapped to attention when Rien nudged her. 'I must have been thinking so much, I didn't notice what they were saying.' She thought. She caught up to them, and poked Rien, laughing slightly.

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Myst's eyes brightened as she noticed Cyrus walking back into the birth cave. "You did? That's great! Good thing you weren't around when the bear-" She stopped abruptly mid-sentence, shifting in her mossy nest uncomfortably. "Um, nevermind," she mumbled into her chest, attempting to tuck her mangled wing behind her. Of course, that didn't work and she ended up letting out a shriek of pain as she twisted her wounded wing. Gosh, this hurts! Blushing furiously, she lowered her gaze in shame and embarrassment.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Sierra peeked her head out of her snuggly moss when she heard a cry of pain. She looked around, and decided it must have come from the dragon with two tails. She walked over and asked "What happened?" She waited for an answer. She couldn't heal, but maybe she could hunt for the dragon?

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As Tasimi flew Skylene's unconscious body to the cave, the rain slowly began wiping off the blood and tears from her. The cuts deep in her legs began burning her from inside, though she could not feel any pain, or anything for that matter. The one thing sparing her from pain was also her enemy.

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Myst nearly jumped in surprise as Sierra walked over to them. She eyed Cyrus nervously before responding, not wanting him to know about the bear attack. Well, I already blew it, so who cares? "Um, the I attacked the bear, so it clawed my wing..." Wincing, the young Swalllowtail hatchling struggled to lift her mangled, bloody wing. Before any of the other dragons could reply, she stated defensively, "Hey, some dragons needed my help!" She narrowed her eyes into a sharp glare, as if challenging anyone to contradict her.

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Sierra just gave a questioning look that said 'Hey, back off.' "I wasn't accusing you!" She said. "Do you want me to hunt for you? Geez, I was just asking, and I was attacking the bear too!" She looked Myst, waiting for her response. 'Why does everyone assume so much?' She thought.

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Glas blinked, spurised, at the Swallowtail's outburst. He rushed to her side, ready to comfort. "Shh... You. Are. Fine. No one was accusing you of weakness or wrongdoing. Please, try not to jar your wing." He stopped a moment to grab his tail. "If you tell me what needs to be healed and how it can be done, I can try my very best."

She seems to be perfectly sensible, so why would she defend herself against nothing... ?

He remembered all her furtive glances at Cyrus; all the moments she blushed when he talked.

I see. It makes sense, really. All the time they spend together...

He made a mental note to write a list of the "couples". Just for... future refrence.


Bathory smiled to herself when she saw Lucifer appear from the mouth of the cave. "No, I don't. I was wondering if he needed something." She tilted her head, thinking. "Actually, yes. I do want something. May I ask a question?" She gestured to the surrounding forest, Rico, and then to the cave in front of her. "Why are you two out here?"

Edited by Ayesthine

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Myst tucked her wing back in, casting a sharp stare at Glas. Why does he keep glancing at me and Cyrus? She bit back a sharp retort, struggling to calm herself down. "Um, sorry Sierra. And, uh, sure" she began uncertainly, ducking her head. Then she turned to Glas, so he could fully examine the damage done to her wing."Well, the bear raked it with it's claws, so their definitely some broken tissue. And possibly a dislocated bone." She flinched, tearing her eyes away from the mangled, bloody mess. "I don't heal with herbs, only magic, so I'm not really sure... Unless you can use your tail." She nodded to the glowing blue orb at the tip of his tail.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Taking in the information that the Myst was a healer was a little dumb founding, but then again Ashni had not asked the wounded hatchling her knowledge so it was her own fault for not knowing. Besides, she doubted that one could really heal their own wounds when it was of the type that Myst held anyways so it mattered very little. Keeping quiet was a challenge though when two other hatchlings came over, more because of the mother-hen feelings that demanded that others keep away just until Myst was fixed up or healed. However, she bit her tongue before any really biting words could come out as she knew it was not her place to really say anything nor should she have the right to bare the whole 'ruffled feathers' feeling. It would seem more pressing matters would need to be addressed anyways as Myst's outburst honestly needed to be addressed. "There are hurt dragons and I will not lie about that, but I did see the other healers take care of them. You need to care for yourself as well since they have been taken care of," she'd use a soft tone as she spoke this to try and get her message though gently.


((OOC; Weavile- Nope, that would not be the right post. Last post from Medea was right here.))

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Sierra nodded happily and, oblivious to everything, headed off to the forest to hunt. She caught two squirrels and gathered some berries just in case and walked back, carrying everything. Once she reached the cave, she dumped all the foods in front of Myst. "Here you go!" She said. She still appeared as energetic as ever, not affected by the day fading into night.

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Rien and Kalana reached the birthcave with Mountain most likely following behind them. It felt like forever since she's been in the cave... And this time she actually felt in peace with herself. She hoped that this kind of peace with herself would last, but she knew that one way or another she would feel doubt again. She felt that this problem with herself was hers alone to solve, but at least she now had Kalana -and maybe Mountain- to return to.


She said good-bye to Kalana and trotted over to her nest. On the way to her nest, she felt a somewhat small but sharp shard crunch underneath her foot. Raising her paw, she saw that it was a bit of her shattered egg shell stuck to her foot. It reminded her of what she had done yesterday and today. Again, she reminded herself that she would snap again one day. "What if I'm not able to stop my doubts and end up harming Kalana? What if my memory blanks out and I can't even remember what I even did? How can I repent or fix something I don't even recall!" She shook her head, removed the shard with her vine and then crushed it into even tinier bits. Somehow the act of doing so caught her attention and she lowered herself down to stare at the little bits. "A small bit, being crushed into even more smaller bits? Is that what I'm doing? Wait- How does that even make sense?" Her head was starting to hurt from something she was on the verge of understanding. The answer she was searching for was just within her grasp, but the more she tried to connect what she just did and how it related to her past behaviors, the more her head hurt. She was getting frustrated on top of being tired despite her earlier nap. She whipped her vine one more time at the small little shards to see if another attempt would give her the answer, and then another and another but it was in vain. She stopped when she realized she turned the shard of eggshell into powder because she pounded it too much and too often. Shocked that she got violent over such a small thing she continued to nest, settled into it and tried to go to sleep.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Mountain saw that Rien was crushing a eggshell. 'Hey! That looks fun! Maybe I'll try!' She found a boring looking shard of eggshell, and started to step on it, jumping up and down. 'This is really fun! No wonder Rien was doing it!' She stopped jumping for a second, and looked at the eggshell. It had turned into powder! She scooped some up, and threw it into the air, creating an effect that looked like snow. It was pretty, and fun, so she decided to find some more eggshells and crush them.

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She sneezed when the powder reached her nose. Glancing up, she saw the penguin playing around. "Guess she's not sleepy yet. Eh, she'll have her own fun." She tried her best to ignore Mountain as she once again tried to go to sleep. She hoped that whatever "unfortunate" eggshell Mountain was going to crush next was somewhere far from her... She wanted to stop thinki- No no, she just wanted to sleep away the aches and pains more.

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((Did Myst hatch before the timeskip? If she did, then wouldn't she know that Glas could perorm magic? >.< ))


Glas breathed in deeply, preparing himself for a spell. "I can take care of the scrapes, but I have no knowledge of bonesetting. If I give you energy, can you manage it on your own?" He kicked himself for not thinking of this earlier. Sure, there were healers in the cave, but it wouldn't hurt to have a little basic knowledge!

Edited by Ayesthine

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