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There was no way this was any normal sickness, it had to be something to do with that pain she felt while singing. <Pain... Energy... Lost... Singing...> It was frustrating, she couldn't get out full sentences out anymore. She felt like she was on the verge of fainting again, but held on a bit longer when she felt Jean snuggle up to her. Ohhh, how warm it felt... How warm Jean's body is... She could even hear the faint heart beat of his... She just wished it were actually helping her...

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Glas steeled his body to release an onslaught of spells, subconsciously gripping his tail. When the bear turned and ambled away, he blinked.

W-what was that? What changed the beast's mind so quickly?

Shaking his head, he surveyed the damage. Wounded hatchlings were being carried into the cave, and the moonstone knew he would be needed. He nodded apologetically to Alvi before walking purposefully into the cave.

I hate to leave her...

Glas stopped in the entrance to let his eyes adjust. There were several still forms strewn throughout the cave. One in particular... caught his attention. "Oh, gods. Aradis... " He sighed.

I should have been there. I am so- so useless. I did nothing to help the fight.

He sighed again, a depressing gloom sinking over him. He looked wearily around the cave. Many dragons had wounds far beyond his expertice. He studied magiks, not healing. No one had a problem he could fix-

The same magical output from the fight caught his waning attention. It radiated off a small, white-and-cream hatchling curled up in a nest. A second hatchling was... curled around it? With much difficulty, Glas held back an eye-roll.

Kids these days.

He clucked to himself, and headed their way. He waved a paw over his eyes, muttered a few garbled words, and blinked at the sick Holysong.

Extreme muscle contraction in the throat- obviously a vocal caster. It looks like her first spell...

Extreme lassitude shouldn't have these symptoms...

Oh god, what is that? Who did this?

Clearing his throat in what he hoped was an authoritative manner, he spoke. "If you excuse me? Your friend here is suffering. Terribly. She overreached herself, and desperately needs and energy transfer. Whichever idiot tried to heal her only exacerbated the issue." He tried to make his voice soothing, but his anxiety showed through. If this hatchling didn't get help soon, she would die. Glas would grieve if she passed, but he would also miss the chance to study a new form of magic. His brow puckered as he wracked his mind for a solution.

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Jean pointed to the pink dragon with a big flower on her. "That's the idiot that made Michiru worse. Wait, energy transfer? What's that? If that's something I can do to help her, I'll do it right now" he stated without hesitation. He didn't know why, but he had these feelings towards Michiru that just felt so... right. That would be the best word to explain it right now. It just felt right. Jean-Pierre removed himself from Michiru's side and stood in front of the Moonstone. "What can I do?".

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She couldn't feel Jean's warmth anymore..! Where did Jean go? Jean? Jean..! <Jean!> she cried out. She could feel her consciousness slipping. <Jean...> She cried a single tear and lost consciousness.

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Glas stared at the Black Tea.

Does he know not what he is doing? The spell could ruin him...

He grimaced.

I do not know if he would care if I told him. He seems bent on it.

With a sigh, he picked up his tail. He held the orb between his paws, stopping to marvel at the shifting lights within the stone. Reluctantly, he handed it to Jean. "Hold this. Focus on your energy, please." He picked up the Holysong's limp forepaw and held it to the stone. The dark blue hatchling sucked in air, his shoulders suddenly tensing. "It would help the procedure if you try to focus your energy. Picture it as a white, fluid light. It may not manifest, since few here have the sight, but we do not know for sure. I do not know, at least." His voice came out faint and distracted, as his mind scrambled to arrange the words of a spell. He closed his eyes, and sang. His voice was low, almost tuneless, but his words were crisp and distinct.

"Rhown ein golau gwan i'n gilydd

Ar hyd y nos

Neithiwr mi glywais lais angel fel hyn:

'Dafydd, tyrd adref, a chwarae trwy'r glyn!

Dyma'r ffordd i fro gogoniant,'

Ar hyd y nos.

Golau arall yw tywyllwch, ac mae'n llosgi ni.

Ar hyd y nos."

As the strange melody came to a close, a stream of light poured from the Black Tea and into the lifeless Holysong. Glas winced, and pulled his paws away. "It's done. She should wake in a few hours."

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Jean-Pierre nodded in approval when the Moonstone said the thing about Michiru. "Thanks a-". And just like that, Jean was out cold. Not a single thing could wake him up at this point. Not even the BEST HEALER IN THE CAVE could wake him. But before he collapsed, Jean shot a message to Michiru was a tear also sliding down his cheek. <Michiru...~!>. BAM! Jean's head hit the ground like a stone in water. He. Was. Out.

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"Why did you do that for Asyu?" laughed Clyde. He swam over towards her and said. "So what's all this talk about a bear? What's a bear? Is it like a fish? Does it live in water like us? OMG! What if it does! We should get out of here! Oh wait...I can't get out of water. I don't have any legs. Even if I wanted to try I would probably die. So yeah! Does this bear live in water?"



Thorn woke up. He was having such a nice dream. It was about a bear attacking all the other hatchlings and then he comes out of the cave and saves them all by ripping out the bear's throat. He smiled at the thought of his dream and stood up. He yawned and went outside of the cave to get something to eat. Why do I always feel hungry? Maybe it's because I do to much exercise.



Whew! Hibiki's not going with that plan. I probably would have died if he did. Feather smiled and said "Well if you wish not to stay with them then it's fine by me." she shivered and saw Hibiki open his wing. She huddled next to him and without thinking on what she was going to say, she blurted out. "You know you're really cute for a dragon."

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For the first time in a long time, Skylene experienced something that she regretted dearly: loneliness. Everything in the world seemed gray and drab at this point, and she was all alone to deal with it. I wish the others were here...or I wish I was with them....maybe this wouldn't be so terrible then, waiting for the storm to stop.... She flinched at the sudden sound of thunder, and looked outside of the cave. She could see crickets coming out of the grass and began their tunes. So it's almost nighttime, I guess... At that moment, she realized she needed to leave, even if the storm was still strong. I just need to find the Birthcave, that's all...

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"My name is Mountain!" She said. She happily poked Rien back.


((Roseanna is a Spriters alt rosebud, so she's blue)))


"It's not my fault! I didn't know that was going to happen! I was trying to help." She said. She had tried to help! She didn't know that by healing her fever it would make her worse. 'You're so useless Rosenna. Trying to heal the hatchling just made her worse. You can't even fight or heal good anyways.' She saw that the moonstone was taking care of it, and half of her felt relived, but the other half of her just felt worse. 'Even a dragon that isn't specialized in healing can do better than you.' She thought. It seemed like everything she could do, others could do better. She was just something to use when they couldn't use others. This only proved it. What kind of healer made people worse? She couldn't take all of these sad thoughts, and dragged a nest far into the back of the cave and started crying.

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"O-okay," Myst murmured to Ismene, sinking back into her nest of moss reluctantly. "Who got hurt?" I need to help heal! a voice screamed inside her head. But she knew it was no use, she couldn't even summon enough energy to heal her broken wing. I wish Cyrus was here... What if he was hurt?!? Myst didn't want to think about that, so she turned to Ashni, She blinked at her gratefully, stifling a huge yawn. "Thank you," she murmured as she watched the young Thunder hatchling hurry away.

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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Evil Spirit

The evil spirit watched Roseanna from the ceding of the cave. It had pretended to be nice and go away, somRoseanna wouldn't expect it to come back.(fun fact, the evil spirit is a girl) Rosenna was depressed, so it would be the perfect time to sneak into her mind. Since she was having lots of emotion, she wouldn't notice the slight disturbance as much. The evil spirit sneaked down to Roseanna, a task made easy by the shadows in the back of the cave. It slowly dispersed into Roseanna, influencing her thoughts. The evil spirit wouldn't be able to completely control Roseanna this way, but she could override her thoughts and influence her more this way.



Roseanna suddenly began thinking strangely. She should attack them, and make them suffer. They had caused her to feel bad anyway, so they should be punished. 'I need to train in fighting first though.' She thought. She wiped her tears, got up, and walked outside.


Evil Spirit

The evil spirit would talk in Roseanna's mind now, and make her believe that it was still nice and wanted to help her train to fight better.



Rosenna heard the spirit in her mind. "Hi! Remember when I thanked you for helping me? Well now I want to help you by teaching you my battle moves! In life, I was an expert fighter, so I should be able to help you! It said. Roseanna smiled and asked the spirit how she should start.


Evil Spirit

The evil spirt had actually been an expert assassin, but she didn't have compete control over Roseanna's thoughts yet, and that would make the real Roseanna suspicious, so she lied and said she was a fighter.

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Glas sighed, stretching his shoulders. "The good thing about third party energy transfers is that your own power is untouched... " he muttered, more to himself than anything. He wasn't at all surprised that the Black Tea had fainted. He had expected it. Supplying enough energy for two bodies was a huge stressor. He sighed again, lifted the hatchling onto a nest, and moved on.


His eyes scanned the cave, catching again at the sight of Aradis's body. "I'll attend to that later." He murmured. "Cannot leave bodies lying about. Disrespectful to everyone involved."


The moonstone noticed vaguely that Roseanna had gotten over her sadness much too quickly. He made a mental note to investigate. He walked past the pool, nodding to the water hatchlings.

They all look healthy. The bear avoided them, for obvious reasons.


He spotted Myst in the corner, surrounded by Ismeme and Ashi. He strode over to the trio. He nodded to them deferentially, and spoke. "If I can be of any help, please let me know. We all need Myst at her best to ensure our own safety."


Bathory grumbled to herself. She had been slogging through the forest for a while now, and managed to get herself lost. She was soaked through from the rain, and she would have felt cold if she wasn't undead. Aubrey, her rabbit, lay curled up under a fold of her wing. "This is ridiculous." She yelled. She tugged anxiously at her strained wing. "I could have just flown out of here if it wasn't for that tree." She pulled a face. In one swift motion, she jumped up into the branches of a nearby maple. She wound her way around the trunk and up to the top. Shading her eyes with a paw, she looked around the tops of the trees.

I really need to feed. If I plan on visiting the Birthcave, I need to be as safe as possible. I hate leeching off of those deer, but I really have no other choice.

A dark thought flickered through her mind.

I don't count that as an option.

She sighed vehemently, and lowered herself down through the branches.

I'll just head back to my cave. It's only three miles there, and at least I can get dry.


The vampire ran silently through the forest, her eyes set on the craggy, moss-covered mountainside. She had passed through this area hundreds of times, and nothing ever seemed amiss. The mountain face was covered in plants and tangled vines, and couldn't possibly hold any secrets. Except...

"What- what is that smell?" Bathory scented the air like a hound. "Blood. Dragon blood, no less. Strange." Her eyes pulsated. She gasped, and quickly backed away. "No, no no no. I can't be here right now. I'm too starved for this to end well." She stepped back into the shadow of the trees, but pity dragged at her heart. "But- but if someone is hurt that much... by the time I come back they'll be-"

She shut her eyes. "Fine. I'll help, but then I really do need to go." She stepped reluctantly forwards. The trail was easy enough to follow. There had been a fight, a violent one, and a lot of blood was spilled. Afterwards, something had been dragged...

"Through those vines." Bathory panted. Her eyes contraccted and her fangs slid into place. She stepped forward, barely resisting the urge to run. The smell of blood was much stronger, and... something else. Decay, rotting flesh, dead bodies...

"Rico?" the vampire yelped.

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'The first thing is to train how to claw the most effectively, since clawing is the base of all attacks' the spirit said. Roseanna nodded and kept listening. 'Practice on the tree in front of you. Claw it in a way so that you can see the wood inside the tree clearly and leave gashes. Roseanna nodded again, and started practicing. At first she only managed to make unnoticeable dents in the bark, but after practicing for a while, she made a gash deep enough to barely see the wood inside. 'Good job! The wood inside represents the opponent's flesh. The more that is exposed, the more bleeding there will be. Most dragons don't have scales as hard as this particular tree specie's bark, but practicing on harder targets will make you improve faster.' The spirit explained. 'Now copy what you did to make a deep gash, and perfect it.' It said. Roseanna concentrated on remembering what she did, and clawed the tree again. This time, the gash was a little bit deeper. She tried it again, and noticed if she clawed it sideways a bit, there would be more wood showing. She practiced for over an hour, until the spirit said it was okay to stop. She flew back to her cave, and rested for a bit. 'You did good. Stay inside for a bit, and I will teach you more after you have rested. We will have to journey a bit tommorrow, s rest up and eat well. Good night.' It said.


Evil spirit

'That was easy. Her mind is so easy to manipulate, and with me influencing her, she learns quickly. She is going to stay as good at fighting when I leave her mind, that's for sure.' The spirit thought as it slipped out of her body. Roseanna was already asleep, so she didn't notice the difference. The spirit flew back to the main cave, and looked at the dragons. She had to make sure no one saw the clawed tree. When all the dragons were asleep, she could repair it with shadow essence, but she had to wait till absolute darkness for her magic to work. Plus the essence needed time to copy it's surroundings, and she couldn't let anyone see a shadow essence covered tree.

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A quick 'you're welcome' was given before Ashni made her way deeper into the birthing-cave to see if she could find an available healer. Of course Ashni knew she had not really given Ismene time to answer if she would stay with the Swallowtail, but honestly she was hoping by not giving her the chance to answer then it would force the tired hatchling into resting some. Mother-hen tactics were already kicking into high gear it seemed. It was not long before she made her way back to the two in her nest without that healer as the ones she did know were all either busy or sleeping themselves. From knowledge she knew that if they were sleeping already then they were too tired from using their magic to be of any use to the wounded hatchling so it would be of little point in trying to awaken them.


However, before she could really tell the duo the news a new voice caught her attention. The new name that the newcomer had spoken, Myst, she was just going to assume was the Swallowtail's as she had never gotten the hatchling's name yet. "I would love some help in looking over her wounds. I am by far not a healer and it would seem all the healers I do know are sleeping or otherwise occupied," she'd say to the newcomer with a grateful smile. "My name is Ashni and you are?"

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Kiska was woken by rain. Large, cold drops splattering her scales and dripping off her feathers. With a scream, she bolted into the sky, only to be tossed around wildly by the winds. Oh... It's just a storm. She managed to land, thanking Spira and Skylene for being so close to her cave. Within minutes she was squeezing through the entrance, shivering and soaked, and was welcomed by Kiri. 


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Alvi trotted calmly outside, deciding to hunt to take a walk  and clear her mind. In the cave, she had tried to calm down, to stop freaking out over what she had just seen, telling herself that there was no use in freaking out, and, after a few moments, she had. Still, she needed to take her mind off what had just happened. Spreading her wings, she soared off into the sky, heading away from the cave so she could actually "hear" something beside the constant commotion there. She fought the winds for as long as she could, but finally landed in the forest.  I love the rain. she thought, trying to take her mind off the rather disturbing image of Aradis. It may be hard to fly, and even hard just to walk, but it's... Nice. Loud, but nice. She couldn't hear anything besides the pounding of the rain, which was surprisingly comforting. 



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Aria stayed where she was, continuing to laugh, hysterically, in the corner of the Birth Cave. Slowly, her laughter turned to tears and she began crying, finally breaking down. Tears streamed down her cheeks, her blue eyes becoming red-rimmed and puffy. She felt like she was on autopilot, not even able to think. She felt completely numb. Slowly, after a while, she quietly drifted off to sleep.

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She poked the penguin back. This time, she got a little more encourage to she poked Mountain back twice using two different vines. she called out to Kalana, "Mommy, did you catch the bird yet so we can go back to the cave? Its been raining outside the forest for quite some time now."

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Mountain smiled. Rein was getting the hang of it! She didn't mind the rain, it was just water after all. She poked Rien back two times too. 'I wonder what swimming is like. Does it feel like rain all over your body?' She thought, getting a little distracted.

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(OOC: Evensong, Skylene was/is not near Kiska or anyone else)


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Still all alone in the coastal forest, Skylene was only get more famished with each passing minute. If I can eat somewhere, it can't be fish, I'll take it... she thought to herself. Looking at the rain, she decided to tough out the storm, and left the cave. She continued moving through the grassy opening until she reached much larger trees. I must be by the big forest now, she realized, I'm sure there are fruit up in the trees... Still not able to fly without great pain, she slithered her way atop a fruit tree nearby, reaching one of its branches. She inspected the peach for any signs of plague, before pulling it off. As she took her first bites, she was overwhelmed by the sensation of eating again. What she didn't notice was the bolt of lightning that struck a tree next to hers. As it fell down, it took with it the other trees nearby, including Skylene.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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((She was thanking Skylene because Skylene took her over to heal Spira and where they were was really close to her home. Sorry for the mixup.))


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"Hey Glas," Myst murmured sleepily through half-closed eyes. Fatigue was overwhelming her again, and she struggled to stay awake. Not that it was very hard, with the searing agony in her broken wing. She shifted uncomfortably in her nest, knowing that her mangled wing needed medical attention, and fast. "I can use some of my energy to soothe the worst of the pain," the young Swallowtail hatchling began uncertainly. She looked back and forth between Ismene, Ashni, and Glas. "But it would drain all of my energy, causing me to sleep until...the day after tomorrow." She flinched, knowing how absurd she sounded. But the pain in her wing was too much. Too much...

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((It's fine. I saw it in your art thread too :3))


EDIT: Spell fail :/

Edited by SpiritWolfe

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It was not the physical pain that hurt her the most, it was the mental pain.


The pain of knowing that accident could've been avoided. Had she not went up a tree during a storm, had she not been in a forest. These were things she knew, yet failed to realize in the moment. Something she prided herself on understanding was demolished in a few minutes. She would eventually have to ask herself why she did this, if she could live that long. Someone will find me...


She lifted her head up weakly, and looked at the mess around her. Branches, leaves, and trees were scattered on the ground. She was fortunate enough to not have been crushed by the enormous trucks of these trees. She knew how quickly that would've ended her. However, she was not saved from any physical damage. The impact upon smacking the ground left her body in shock, though no bones were broken. She could see cuts on her legs and tail, likely from branches. The rain could not clear the blood away, and only made Skylene much more wet. If she was weak before, now she was ten times worse. She simply closed her eyes, praying for someone to come and find her.

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Favian looked at Lineheart worriedly. She started to apply the herbs roughly, but soon a small fit of shock was drawn across her face. She hid it well, but Favian had learned body language and expressions over the years. He knew when someone was hiding something. Even though Lineheart was now rubbing Spira's wounds gently, he was still concerned about her. He didn't know why, but this seemed like the first time he had seen the two females so close. Not all of the other hatchlings had interacted with each other, but something seemed off about the two being close. It was like there was a tension in the air. It was like Favian could feel Lineheart's discomfort. To any normal person, the scene would look like a healer tending to an injured patient. But Favian saw someone very awkwardly tending to someone who they seemed to have mixed feelings about. Favian wasn't sure what Lineheart's exact feelings were, in fact, he had no idea why she was acting the way she was. Maybe the two had quarreled recently? Favian shook his head. Whatever the matter, it didn't concern him. It was probably just some minor misunderstanding. He was thinking way too hard about it. Favian felt something poke him and he looked down to see Clem staring up at him with two, big, round, innocent eyes. "Everything is going to be alright, Clem." Favian reassured her. I hope...


((OOC: I'll get to the other posts later.))

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Tasimi had been wandering around for quite awhile, trying to get that image out of his head. But it just stayed there, and he had to keep staring at it. He walked and walked, hoping it would get his mind off it, but it didn't work. Finally he just decided to try and think of another image, but what would stick is his head? He thought about it for a bit until an image of Skylene popped in his head. In that moment he remembered all about her, and started to panic. 'Skylene! Oh my gosh, how could I forget?! He yelled in his head. Where was she? Was she okay? Why was he so worried? His heart raced and he yelled out for someone. But he realized he wasn't near the cave, he was nowhere near it! 'Wh-where's the cave? Where am I? Where's Skylene?! He didn't know why he was so worried, or why he was so scared all of a sudden. Then, out of pure adrenaline, he yelled out a telepathic message. "SKYLENE!!!" The message was very loud, and very desperate, and it could easily be heard within half a mile distance around him.

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