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Mountain was confused by how Rien was acting. "Are you shy?" She asked. If Rien was, she was going to be sad, because then it would be hard to be friends.

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No one was so talkative or energetic to her before, so she didn't know how to answer that! "I mean... I kinda DO talk a lot to myself... In my head I guess. Arrghhhhh, why is talking to others so hard when I've already talked to myself so many times all ready!" She then realized that it was kinda strange to talk to herself. Well, she had Kalana to talk to but it was more of a silent talk or not much talk. "I... I really don't know how to deal with this..." She poked the penguin from behind using her vines. "This... this talkative penguin thing."


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She blushed slightly. "Oh, I didn't know that Miss Kalana already helped you guys out. She should've known. She should of seen it already, but she guessed her mind was still in shock with what happened earlier. "Well, it should be fine to add an extra layer." She finished what she was doing and checked his back. "Yeah, this is certainly Kalana's work... You have a bit of nicks and small bruises here an there." She applied the medicine gently. "Haa.. Hehehe... It feels nice to treat Favian. Sometimes I think healing with medicinal herbs is better than magic because magic heals it fast." She smiled slightly quite happy with herself, and forgot all about Spira.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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"Hmm?" Mountain was confused why she poked her. 'Oh, maybe a poke contest!' She thought, poking Rien back. She wondered why Rien didn't talk much.

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Favian let Lineheart apply the medicine to his back, but felt guilty. Spira should of been treated before him. She was more damaged and in a more pain that he was. "Um, Line?" Favian started. "I think you need to take care of Spira first. I feel kinda bad for getting treated before her since she has more wounds than I do." Favian lifted his paws and stared at them. "I would offer you my help, but I doubt I could be as gentle as you are with applying herbs."

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"She just ignored us..." Skip said as he watched Skylene go. Lightning flashed and soon after thunder crashed, making Skip jump. He really, really, did NOT like scary things, and that loud noise was very scary. He felt like climbing a tree and hiding in it, but he also felt like he needed to be brave in front of Sierra. 'I hope she didn't see me jump... I gotta act tough! He thought in his head. He looked up and a raindrop fell in his eye. "Ow." He said, resisting the urge to scream.


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Tasimi blinked and then rose his head out of the water. He turned and walked out of the cave. The rain felt good on his skin, dispite how he was already wet. Suddenly a thought came into his head. 'Wh-where's Skyle-' He froze and his jaw dropped when he saw a beheaded dragon and he began to feel nauseous. He ran deep into the forest before puking in a bush. That image would scar him for life.

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Sierra had an idea. She remembered when she passed the rock, and turned a different direction. As they took a few steps, the cave came into view. They had been right next to the cave, but hadn't noticed. Sierra sighed in relief. She was starting to shiver from the cold. She walked into the cave and snuggled into one of the nests to keep warm.

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(OOC: They were next to the cave? Then they weren't in the same forest as Skylene. That forest was miles away from the Birthcave.)


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Skylene watched the rain continue to pour, each drop making a soft sound upon hitting the blades of grass. She wondered how the others were doing. Hopefully they're all inside somewhere...or maybe the rain over there isn't this bad... She was somewhat disappointed that she had nowhere to go until the storm when away, but was glad she had entered in time. She was drying off quickly, and began feeling a bit stronger. Then her stomach growled. Oh no...I haven't eated all day! she realized. The amount of energy she used in flying was normally recovered once she ate, but didn't know until now that she had missed her meal.

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Jean gasped slightly as Michiru nuzzled him. Why is she acting like this? Why am I even acting like this?. He quickly nuzzled her back, then walked in into the cave. He looked around for anyone that looked like a healer. The problem with that was he didn't even know what a healer was! Jean planted his feet and let out a loud snort. "Does anyone know what a healer is? I think Michiru needs one, she is very hot and won't cool down". Jean-Pierre turn and faced Michiru. He shot her a smile while he waited.

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Roseanna heard a call for a healer, and she went over to see if she could help." I'm a healer, I might be able to help." She said

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Jean-Pierre look back in front of him and saw a cute pink hatchling. He smiled at her before motioning to Michiru. "I think Michiru needs one of you, a healer that is". He started to walk towards her, while still talking. "I've tried to cool her down with water, but she's still very hot on the outside. I don't know what to do now" he said reluctantly. Jean really wanted to be self sufficient, but apparently healing wasn't in his arsenal of things he could do.

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Roseanna nodded and placed a paw on Michiru. She concentrated, and healed her. It was slightly more tiring, because she had never healed sickness before. She felt Michiru's temperature return to normal. She sighed in relief, and headed over to a nest to take a quick nap

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Clem turned her head as she heard Jean's voice. Her eyes widened when she saw Michiru. She didn't look so good. Clem wanted to run over there and comfort her, but Jean was there. Besides, the older hatchling took care of her. Michiru didn't need Clem. What would Clem do anyhow? She would just worry over her. Worrying didn't help. Clem couldn't help Michiru and Michiru didn't need her. Besides, Favian was still hurt and so was Spira. Clem was afraid for her parent and didn't want to leave his side. Clem felt disappointed in herself for not being able to go to Michiru's side, but again, she didn't need her. She had Jean, and, by the way he looked at her, Clem could tell he was worried for her. I guess that's okay. I wouldn't go near a male, but that doesn't mean Michiru can't. Hopefully, Clem could apologize later.

Edited by Doctortear

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((Silver, you can't just "insta-heal" people. You need to run it by them, especially in Michiru's case. PM Taleena to clarify.))

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((you still can't do that, silver. And it's unlikely that Roseanne nd do it from that distance without k owing the problem.))

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((I'm not trying to be a jerk by saying that, but its another form of God-modding. Or at least I consider it to be. I realize you probably didn't know, but just for future reference :-) ))

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((don't worry Korra, I got this. hehehe... In fact..! Ohohohoho... Forgive me Michiru..! And well, hope this makes sense. Its not the plague everyone, but I think I need Favian, someone medical wise, magic wise, or someone who knows about holysong to somehow realize that Michiru's -I guess I'll call it life energy- is what was fueling her song magic and that she used too much of it (since she's young and doesn't know how to use the output correctly.) She needs someone to give some of their life energy -i don't know how, but someone make it up- to her <3 Thanks Aye for saving Michiru!))


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She felt her fever subside. <Hey Jean I think I'll be fine now-..!> She suddenly and loudly coughed up blood. "HNNG..!" She cringed in pain and now her body was getting colder and colder by the moment as if she were dying. The healing magic actually messed around with the flow of what little energy she had left and caused her to worsen rapidly. She began shivering, hoping to let Jean know that her body was getting cold, but she only managed to shiver slightly.


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She heard Favian mention Spira, and she wanted to say something about it but held her tongue back. A small silence followed from her as she continued to apply the herbs to Favian as if she didn't hear him. No... She had to say it. If she didn't say it now, about how she felt about Spira towards Favian..! Unfortunately her voice was more of a jumbled ramble that was way too rushed and too quiet to be clearly understood. She censorkip.gif ed in her mind. If she didn't do anything the Favian she worked so hard to reach might soon become out of reach. Frustrated, she decides to heed Favian's words and treat Spira. It... It wasn't like her to be this way, yet she just couldn't help it. Favian was her life goal and she felt like Spira only recently started going after Favian while she was chasing after him since she discovered he had an Eidetic memory, something similar but more powerful than her memorization. Of course, Spira had been interacting with Favian since before Lineheart was born, but despite knowing this deep down in her heart, she decided to ignore the fact and replace it with her own version of what had happened. Her subconscious and conscious thoughts made her apply the herbs to Spira a bit more forcefully, but when she realized what she was doing her expression was wide with surprise. She tried her best to hide her expression, and applied the herbs more gently.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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A soft laugh emitted at Ismene commented on the weight of the other hatchling, knowing first hand that she was a little heavy after a while. Though she guessed any hatchling would be and really the only reason Ashni thought she could carry the Swallowtail was because of the adrenaline from before. "I think that I can look for a healer if there is one available. If not then I think I might know enough to get by until one with better knowledge than I can take a better look to her wounds. Thank you for the he-," she'd start to say before being cut off as the talked about hatchling awoke with a start. Ashni would wait for Ismene to finish answering before she herself spoke up to talk to the Swallowtail. "You should listen to her. You are safe right here and I will see if I can't get a healer to come over to help with any wounds," she'd say this before pausing for a moment to look over to Ismene. "Could you stay with her while I see if I can't find some help? You should rest as well anyways."


((OOC; Unless a healer dragon is not locked then she will be coming right back and try to patch her up herself. Ashni only knows the basics though for now since she never really needed to learn yet until now.))


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Aysu giggled at seeing Clyde run into Kirk, using her tail to poke the Deep Sea hatchling's side just because she could do so and he was near her. Seemed her playful mood was slowly returning as her thoughts turned away from bears and more on having fun with fishing. Yet this was put on a slight pause once more as the announcement of the bear being gone came and Kirk going up to see if that was really true or not. Impiously she had wanted to grab at his tail and jerk him back down, demand that he stay away from where there could be evil beheading bears. Though Aysu shook that quickly off for being a little overly childish and besides he was coming right back now anyways. "Is it really gone?"

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((I'm going to guess Kalana was somewhere in the area still?))


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She squeaked loudly and hid behind her Mommy, Kalana. Why did she suddenly get so scared? The penguin only wanted to play. So why did she feel so scared and insecure? Was it because of the things she thought if earlier..? Well, it beats having to suddenly think about some other strange things.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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(yes, Kalana's still there.)


Kalana watched as Rien hid behind her. It was cute, but she still had to learn to meet others. "Don't be shy," Kalana murmured. She stepped away from Rien to force her to see Mountain. Rien had to learn how.

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((Another thought occurred to me... Where are they? In the cave... I think?))


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"Waaahh...!" She looked up to Kalana who had a kind expression and back at the penguin who had a confused expression. She timidly hung her head and cautiously poked the penguin again with her vine. "Is this a sort of... game?" "AHHHHH, I TALKED I TALKED TO ANOTHER!!! N-nothing's going to happen this time right..? Right?"

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Kalana thought about to for a second before replying. "Yes, this is a game. You have to poke Mountain as gently as you can." Kalana hoped that having them play games together would help Rien warm up to Moutain, and even though Rien seemed nervous, it was working.

(I think they're still int eh forest.)

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((I kinda thought so, but there was no mention of the rain. Then again, they're probably in the thick part of the forest where rain won't reach them. It kinda feels weird to write such short posts, but I feel like I wrote what needed to be written.))


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"O-oki." She gently poked the penguin dragon again, giving a bit of an uneasy smile. Was the penguin going to poke back soon? She didn't offend the penguin in any way- Oh! "M-my name is ResoluteIntent, but I get everyone to call me Rien. Um... What's yours?"

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Jean sighed in relief before throwing himself at Michiru after hearing her cough, and seeing the red stuff come out. He was pretty sure by the sound she made afterwords, she needed that red gunk. He landed next to her, snorted, and placed a paw in her head. She's freezing cold now!. "What did you do to her?!" He hissed at Roseanna. "I thought you were a healer, not a.... non-healer! Get away from her. I knew I was the only one who could care for her! I'll take it from here". Jean-Pierre gently grabbed a hold of Michiru by the loose skin around her neck, and dragged her onto his nest. Once he tucked her in, Jean noticed that she was shivering. So, Jean-Pierre nudged her aside, and decided to cuddle up with her. Jean thought that since HE was warm and SHE was cold, that he could make her.. not cold. <Don't worry, I'll make you not cold before you know it!> he telepathically said with enthusiasm.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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