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Ismene bounded over to Ashni as she entered the cave. Ismene flattened her wings to her sides and let Myst fall onto her back. Ismene cringed slightly as Myst rolled onto her back. She wasn't that heavy, but Ismene wasn't exactly prepared for the extra weight. Ismene stood up and flared her wings back up. "Is there any empty nests I can put her in?" Ismene asked. She hadn't been in the birth cave in a while. She had no idea where any of the nests were.

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Favian's legs were shaking by the time he entered the birth cave. It took him an extraordinary amount of effort to walk with Spira on his back. Her weight applied to the wounds Favian had gathered did not boat well. Even thought they were treated, applying pressure to them brought the pain back, anew. Favian was also extremely tired. All he wanted to do was lay down on the ground and sleep. He didn't care if he was laying down on a bed of needles, he was just so tired. Favian made his way over to his nest, his feet wobbling. He crouched down on the ground with a grunt of effort and tried his best to place Spira gently down onto the nest. As soon as she was on the nest, he gasped and fell to the ground. His breathing was heavy, and he was unsure on what he should do. Favian didn't have the time to look for an empty nest. He knew where they all were, and most of them were either occupied by someone else, holding an egg in it's place, or were at the far end of the cave. Favian didn't have the energy to carry Spira all the way to the back of the cave, so he decided to lay her down on his nest for now. Moving Spira wasn't a great idea, so he might as well use a spare nest for the night. That was, if Favian had the energy to make a spare nest. He was just so tired. One night on the cave floor wouldn't be so bad, would it?



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((Trust me Favian, sleeping on the ground is bad. Not when you're a little toddler, but once you grow up a bit. Even with three sleeping beds. And...Spira is in Favian's BED? Ooh....))

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"Welcome! And my name is Skip!" He exclaimed. A strange feeling came over him when he talked to this dragon, and he didn't know what it was. He felt, fuzzy, like how Pillow dragons felt. Or at least how he thought they felt. Wait, what was a pillow dragon? Now he just confused himself.

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Sierra noticed skip looking confused. "Did you confuse yourself? It's okay, I do that too! She said, not thinking that he could have been confused for other reasons. "Want to go outside and play now that the bear is gone?" She asked excitedly.

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"Sure!" Skip exclaimed. He really liked this dragon. She was nice, perky, and fun! A lot like how he was. He ran outside in excitement yelling, "Catch me if you can!"

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"Yay tag!" She said, before tuning competitive and chasing after Skip, tagging him and accidentally tripping. She made Skip trip too, and she landed on the ground next to him. She started laughing, and she couldn't stop.

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Skip yelped when he was tripped, but as soon as he heard Sierra laughing he started to laugh too. 'This is so fun!' He thought in his head.


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While Kirk and the others were busy, Tasimi lifted his head out of the water to get a breath of air. When he did, he didn't hear any sounds of fighting and he didn't hear any roaring. 'I-Is it gone?' He thought nervously. Quietly, he crawled out of the pool and snuck around the cave hiding behind rocks as he did so. Looking at the mouth of the cave, he didn't see a bear. All he saw were other dragons and some blood on the floor. 'It, it is gone! He cheered in his head. He ran back over to the pool and stuck his head in. "Guys! The bear is gone!" He exclaimed.

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"Thanks for playing with me! It was really fun!" She said, helping Skip up. She looked around. "Do you know where we are?" She said. The trees didn't look familiar, maybe they had ran too far.



Silv jerked her head up when Tasimi mentioned the bear, and sighed in relief that it was gone. 'You have to be more brave, Silv!' She scolded herself in he mind. She swam up and took a peek. The first thing her eyes landed on was a beheaded dragon. She gasped, and shivered. The bear had killed someone!

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Skip looked around. The trees looked dark and scary. He heard the loud croaking of a frog and jumped a bit. "I-I don't know where we are..." He said nervously. This place was scary, and he did NOT like scary things.

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Sierra looked around. "Don't worry, we'll somehow magically find our way back!" She said, motioning for Skip to follow. They walked around and around until it was almost night time, but they still didn't find the cave.

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Tired, soaked, and annoyed, Skylene made her way through the forest. This was not the other one near the Birthcave, which she had been accustomed to over the years. This forest was one that provoked confusion if you weren't familiar with it. The trees and paths were set in a way that could have you going in circles if you weren't cautious about each step, which was troubling Skylene, who, in her attempt to find shelter, was finding herself back in the same place over and over again.

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Sierra was tired and bored, plus it was raining and storming outside now. The tree leaves blocked some, but not all of the rain. She was sure that they were walking in circles now, that was the fifth time she had seen that blue rock. She was so lost I thought, she didn't see in front of her, and bumped into Skylene.

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Ashni gave a sigh of relief once the weight was off her back. She was surprisingly sore now that she was slowing down, but she knew that if she allowed herself to just stop now then she would not be getting back up for a little while. So with some effort, shaky limbs would push herself back up while she said, "I am not really sure what nests are not in use, but we can lay her in my nest that is near the entrance." The nest was large enough where if she curled up they could both rest inside it if it came to that. For now Ashni would lead the way over to where her nest lay near the entrance, standing just out of the way so that Ismene could easily get inside of it. If Ismene needed it then she was also ready to assist in getting the hatchling off her back as well. Hopefully it would be a lot smoother than her own little lowing attempt.

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(OOC: I don't want anybody interacting with Skylene at the moment.)


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Skylene could see amid the rain Sierra and Skip. She wasn't in a good mood, and when Sierra bumped into her, she simply continued moving, not saying a word to either of them. It's best to just leave them as they are... she thought, moving further into the forest.


Eventually, after realizing that she had come across the same area twice and took a different route, she came to a spot that she hadn't seen before: a large opening of grass. This must be the end of this forest... Taking advantage of all the open space, she searched around, looking left and right for a place to hide under, until she found a cave hidden behind trees. This might do for now...

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Clyde followed Asyu. "So, where are we going? Is there other pools that have fish? Are the fish big or small? Are they hard to catch?" he was so excited about going to catch some fish he didn't look where he was going and ran into Kirk. "Sorry kirk! I'll be more careful next time."

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Snow woke up, now fully recovered. She got up, and went to look for Laufin. "I'm awake, what should we do now?" She asked him when she finally located him. She stretched, and popped her joints. She sat down and waited for his reply.

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"It's fine, we've all done it before." Kirk said reassuringly. He turned his head and looked at the hatchling who said the bear was gone. "Did you just now realize that?" Kirk asked. "The vibrations stopped a while ago. Could you not tell?" Even though Kirk knew the bear was gone, he still went up to the surface to check. He popped his head out of the water, glanced around, and then submerged.

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Skylene dragged herself into the cave, and took a look around. It wasn't very big, and it was empty, save for a few rocks here and there. She shook herself many times, to try and dry off, before looking out into the sky. Although the sky was gloomy with rain, she figured that night was approaching anyways. She stood up alert, waiting for the rain to die down. Then she would get out as soon as possible. I wonder how long I'm going to be in here for... she wondered.

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Ismene trotted over to where Ashni was. It took some effort, because Ismene was not use to the extra wait Myst brought to her. Knees shaking, Ismene gently let Myst slid off her back and onto the nest. She flopped down on her bottom and huffed. "She's heavy then she looks!" she said with a sigh. "Is there anything else you need me to do, Ashni?"


Moss glared at Spira as she laid down upon it. "Does it look like I have time for you, hussy? Moss snapped. "You're lucky you're already hurt. Otherwise I would beat you black and blue!" Of course, none of this was actually said. Moss wasn't an entity and merely a figment of imagination. It was an illusion, a dream thought up by wild thoughts. What a poor, sad, lonely, dream.

Edited by Doctortear

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Myst jolted awake as she slid off Ismene's back into a nest of moss. "Hhhhrrrrmmmmghhhhh!" she protested, nearly sinking back into unconsciousness. Then everything flooded back to her. Her eyes flew open, and she raised herself into a sitting position quickly. Letting out a grunt of pain, she sank back into the moss, her mind fuzzy. "T-the bear?" she murmured, pushing the agony in her left wing aside with a lash of her two tails. "Is it gone?"

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((Yay for all these multiple personalities! @w@ Hope they all sound individual to everyone~ And I hope it doesn't affect the quality of my posts.))


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She twitched in her sleep and then slowly opened her eyes. Half awake she munched the meat that was in front of her for some reason. Liking the taste of the meat, her tail wagged back and forth in happiness.


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<Heheh... Maybe that will help as well.> She felt her face blush a bit, even though she was already hot. This confusing feeling has its ups and downs, and the up part of it was starting to feel pretty great. She wanted to always feel like this. Not the fever and the weakness of her body of course. But this mysterious feeling... She used a bit of her reserve energy to nuzzle Jean softly. Yes, this mysterious feeling felt so nice to feel despite the hurts it sometimes caused...


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When he had realized what he had said he was about to say to forget it, but then he was surprised to hear that Feather was actually agreeing to one of his crazy plans. <You okay Feather? It must be the rain. Umm... Forget that I asked that crazy question... I uh...> He wasn't good at correcting himself, nor did he like it, but he felt compelled to do so. <It was just me... You know! Being impulsive again.> Now that he was actually thinking for once, he noticed that the area nearest to the tree trunk didn't have much rain on it. He walked toward it and beckoned Feather to follow him there. His head was starting to hurt from thinking so much... So he went back to being impulsive again. The first thought that came to his mind was that perhaps... "Ah! Maybe Feather is gonna get sick if she doesn't get warm enough!" As Feather was approaching him, he opened up his wing and smiled his happy smile oblivious to Feather's feelings. <Come here~!>


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She had seen all that had happened while everyone had been fighting the bear, up until the part where the bear left because Hibiki and Feather lead it away with food. She was standing until now, watching in horror, but now that everything had blown over she collapsed onto her rum. She was so distraught over what had happened -especially the beheading of Aradis- and the inability to move her legs to help the injured with her knowledge of herbs. She didn't dare to move when it started to rain. She couldn't even talk to Favian who had entered the cave wearily and injured. But when she realized that Spira was with Favian a couple minutes later she jumped to her feet. Wait wait, both of them in fact were heavily injured. Maybe she should try to heal them with herbs... That way maybe Favian would recognize her! And well, that she was worried about them.


She walked over to where Favian was and a bit of jealousy crept up her heart. "He's sleeping on the floor... While she's sleeping on Favian's bed..." She shook her head. What was more imporatnt was treating their wounds. She thought about what herbs would be good. "Yeah, maybe that kind of herb ground, and that kind of herb applied directly would help heal their wounds faster... Its a good thing I have those stored near my nest."


She ran all the way to her nest, grabbed the necessary herbs and her small little grinding stone and then flew back to them. She put the herb that she wanted to crush underneath the grinding stone and began making the herb into a mushy substance.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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"Hey Kalana she's awake!" Mountain said. Turning to Rien, she said. "Hi! My name's Mountain! Kalana said I can be friends with you!" She smiled in excitement.

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Kalana blinked at Mountains enthusiasticness. This would be a sure friendship. "Rien, do you want some more meat? I can try to get you another bird if you want. And Mountain here wants to be you friend. Isn't that nice?"

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Ismene looked over at Myst. "Yes, the bear is gone." Ismene said as she rubbed her back. "I wouldn't say 'everything is going to alright' since I'm not sure it is. But there is one thing I know, and that's you need to conserve your strength and get some rest." Ah... why must my back be so strained?


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Favian did not fall asleep and was merely exhausted from his efforts. Slowly, Favian managed to pull himself up. He looked at Lineheart and gave a sigh of relief. "It's good to know that someone here can help." he said tiredly. "Do you need any assistance with that milling? My only wound is from Clem digging her claws into my back. Otherwise I'm just....tired." Favian said his words with aspiration. He really wanted to rest, but he didn't want Spira to stay injured for too long. Oh, hold on a moment. "Actually, I'm pretty sure Kalana or someone else placed some herbs onto Spira." he explained as the fog covering his head slightly lifted. "Kalana applied herbs to my back. Unless you want to add an extra layer or search for some wounds that were recently created, I don't think any herbs will be necessary."

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She was a bit nervous about this... penguin like dragon. Will she like her? Will the penguin be afraid of her if she would ever snap again? Will the penguin come to her rescue like Kalana had done? She was still groggy from just waking up, and just wanted to eat in peace, but a new friend... It sounded great to her yet really scary. What if she got hurt because of what her new friend would say to her? What if her new friend eventually grew to hate her? Ahhh, So much thinking..."Y-yes Kalana I would very much like some more meat." she tried to hide her face with her paws from the new dragon.


((I'll post Lineheart's post a little later, gtg))

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