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"Well you could of just said that." Kirk mumbled under his breath. "Oh hey! You haven't seen the other hatchlings, have you?" Kirk asked. He swam over to Aysu and poked her in the nose. "This is Aysu! She's a Two-finned Bluna!" Kirk exclaimed.

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Spira heard a different voice... it was Favian's. She felt something prod her. "I-I think I'm okay... Are you okay, Favian? Did the bear hurt you?" The talking took tons of effort. It was the hardest thing she had ever done. In reality, the only reason she had gone to warn about the bear was to protect Favian. And she had only attacked the bear to protect Favian. She didn't know why, but she felt like it was her duty to guard Favian.

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"No, the bear didn't touch me or Clem." Favian said reassuringly. "But you aren't okay, that's for sure." Favian stated. "Who decided it would be a wise idea to leave you alone and unattended to?" Favian felt a drop of water hit his forehead. As the droplet slid off his face, he looked up to see more drops of rain falling to the ground. "We need to get you out of here, now." Favian said.

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Clyde followed Kirk and saw Asyu. "Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you." he said, "I'm called Clyde by the way." he turned back to Kirk and said. "So are we going to catch some fish? How many have you ever catched? Are there different types of fish?"



Laufin woke up to see Snow sleeping next to him. Hey! I must have fallen asleep. Oh well. He silently sat up and yawned. What's the time? I need something to eat. He looked at Snow and saw that she was incredibly pretty. Maybe I should wake her up. No, she'll probably get angry at me. Besides she needs to restore her energy.

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"No, I'm okay here," Spira grunted. "Kiska treated me....I think. It just hurts a lot, and I'm really tired. I'm just happy that Clem and you are okay. Are you sure tha-" Spira couldn't stand it any more. Staying awake, with the effort of talking took too much energy. She fainted.



"Mountain? Why aren't you responding?" Kalana waved a paw in front of Mountain Mist.



Mint decided that Herrero wasn't worth it. She left, and returned to her cave. And... Erikiteru was still there... she was either really patient, frozen in time, or really persistent.

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"Shuuusshh..." He quietly said. <Use telepathy.> He smiled as he watched the bear family finish their food. His expression turned to worry when he saw that the cubs were whimpering for their mother. <As I asked earlier, do you know any healing magic? I know Favian -whoever that is- told us to keep our distance from dangerous animals, but this poor bear is injured and I feel sorry for it. Do you know healing magic?> He wanted to hear her answer but then felt some rain drops from the sky. He looked up and it seemed that it might rain. They were far away from the birth cave and the only nearby shelter was the bear's cave. A crazy idea came to mind, <Hey, why don't we ask the bear if we could stay with her in their cave while we wait out the rain?>


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She stirred in her sleep and a small growl could be heard from her stomach. Despite being asleep, her vines slowly reached out and brought a bit of her food in front of Rien's mouth. Since she was asleep however, she couldn't really eat the food.


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It seems that her breathing eased up a bit, and her temperature stopped rising. However, her temperature never went down. She half opened her eyes wearily, everything a bit blurry to her. She could hear the sound of the rain drops outside the cave. She didn't want to use up whatever energy she was able to gather up too fast so she resorted to telepathy. <Jean... What happened..? Did it go away? Did I help? Ahh... Why is it so hot...> She asked the questions a little too fast which made her more tired than she already was.


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"You know that actually might be a good idea." Seriously is Hibiki crazy? Why would a bear invite us to go and spend the night with it? The only reason Feather didn't say no to this idea was because she really liked Hibiki and didn't want him to get angry with her. "Oh, and sorry. I can't use healing powers. I'm a hunter and fighter, not healer."

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"I thought you wanted me to introduce you to the other hatchlings." Kirk said. "Also, you didn't really give Aysu a chance to respond. I'm sure you'll get along with her very well. She's pretty hyperactive and can show you how to catch fish in a much more fun way then I ever could."


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Just like that, Spira fainted. Favian began to panic and thought that her breathing was slowing down. Once he realized it was just his imagination, he calmed down. He tucked his head under Spira's stomach and lifted her onto his back. It hurt to carry her, it hurt a lot. But Favian knew he couldn't leave his friend out here in the rain. Slowly, he made his way back to the birth cave, with Clem jumping at his heel.

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"Hey, Roseanna. Weren't we going to visit the cave.. Or something?"

Gosh, she said she wanted to go and zones out. Eh, dissecting something would be more fun. he thought, but he would do what Roseanna said.

"Come on, slow poke, flying race!" he said before flying off to the cave. He was flying rather slowly, to let her catch up before he zoomed to the cave. After all, it wouldn't be fair then.

I wonder what happened. he thought. After all, if you leave, when you come back, there's always SOMETHING that has happened while you were gone.

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<I don't know, I think it did go away. You did help actually, and I think you're hot because of it >. Jean-Pierre picked Michiru by the scruff and took her outside. He made sure that Michiru was getting wet, that way she might cool down faster.He never truly knew though due to the fact he barely knew what "hot" and "cold" was.

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Spira suddenly felt flares of pain everywhere. Though some areas didn't hurt as much as others, it was blurred and she couldn't figure out where the pain was coming from. She was at the most terrible state of conciousness: Just awake enough to feel pain, and nothing else. Favian is safe...Favian is safe... THe single thought resounded in her head. It's okay, he's safe...It hurts so much...I feel like I should just die...es, dying would be good just about now...

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No change at all. She neither worsened nor got better. <I'm so tired Jean... And so weak... I don't understand... What's going on with my body..?>

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Jean stammered. He thought this would work! <I think you need what that orange thing in the pond was talking about, a healer. But who needs a healer when you've got me? I'm alright when u comes to caring for people. Here drink so of this wet stuff>. Jean gently laid Michiru's head on the grass and walked over to a puddle that had formed. He cupped the water in his paws, then wiggled like a worm back to Michiru, spilling very little water while doing so. He brought it up to her mouth. <Drink, it'll make you feel better. Plus, if you're sick, you won't be able to do that pretty sounding thing with your voice>

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"Ok then. "Sorry for not giving you a chance to respond, Asyu. I really do hope that you will teach me on how to catch fish as I have never tasted one before!" He swam around in a circle and dived underwater. He darted upward and did a somersault in the air before splashing back down in the water. "Hey Kirk! Is there anymore water hatchlings besides Asyu?"

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For some reason hearing Jean's voice being so unsure of himself made her feel... Oh, how could she describe it? This pain was different from all the other types of pain she felt since hatchling. In felt like she was hurting on the inside, but it didn't make any sense because she could feel it, but couldn't physically feel it. "I wish I could sing a song to help me figure out my feelings." She gulped down the water that Jean had brought her. Other than her breathing becoming normal, her fever continued to persist. Never the less, she wanted to reassure Jean that she would be okay. This way, she would have one less pain to deal with and Jean wouldn't have to be so worried. She smiled and tried to say her thoughts with as much cheerfulness as possible. <Thanks~. I think I might get better soon if you keep caring for me.> There it was again. That mysterious feeling that made her hurt had, for a moment, warmed her heart and made her feel happy. The more she felt this feeling, the more confused it made her feel. How can something hurt, but not hurt? Such a strange feeling.


However, it was very apparent that she wasn't getting any better. It made her wonder, was she always going to have this fever forever and ever?

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((Koala, Mountain did respond. And skittles penguin, Roseanna is already at the cave.))


Roseanna noticed Nite land at the cave. "Hello Nite! There was a bear attack and...Someone died, an a lot are injured. I was healing them." She told him.



"I did respond! Maybe you didn't hear me?" She said. "Should we wake her up? What do we do now?" She threw questions at Kalana, one after the other.

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Skylene found it was taking very long to place the rocks to form the protective wall. Her wings were already tired from picking them up, and flying to the top of the pile got harder and harder each time. She was exhausted, and the rain and waves didn't allow her to stop. A crash of thunder boomed from far away. She continued her work, getting weaker and weaker with each placement of rock. Eventually, she was down to her last one. She gently flew down and picked it up with get wings, shaking uncontrollably from weakness and excitement. She flew up to the pile, and eyed the one small spot still open. Holding her breath, she placed it cautiously inside, and waited for something bad to happen. Nothing happened. Two minutes went by, and the wall was still complete. Perfect...I've done it!! she thought, proud of her efforts.

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Ashni glanced over her shoulder as she slowed down her running into a walk to make sure that they were out of harms way, but to also see that it seemed the other hatchlings were leading the bear off well enough on their own now so at least something was going well. She only stopped when she heard Ismene call out to her. Turning her attention towards the other hatchling with a grateful smile she'd say, "I would love some help. Could you help me get her off my back inside the cave and make sure she is okay? I only saw she was hit and then did not get back up, but I only wanted to move her so I did not have time to check her over there." This said Ashni would slowly make her way to the birthing-cave as it had started to rain. Once inside she'd try to slowly lower herself down into laying, but half way her legs decided to give out and she more-or-less fell the rest of the way. More tired now that adrenaline was giving out as she was not directly into the fight. 'Hope me doing that did not hurt her,' Ashni thought passively on the jerky movements as she awaited help on getting the hatchling off her back.


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Aysu, not wanting to risk seeing the bear, stayed deep in the hatching pool. Watching as Kirk had went up to the surface to talk to some land hatchling, but she could not quite hear what they were saying. Whatever was being said did not look to happy if only by the body language being given off and that was just more reason for her to stay down here. However, when Kirk came back to poke her in the nose she'd give a loud happy chirp before turning her attention to the new hatchling that Kirk introduced her to. This hatchling seemed a little, well, jumpy but maybe that would be a little fun in the long run. "It's alright and we can go catch some fish! There are lots of different looking fish and I guess some of them do taste different, but me and Kirk never really have went too far away from the hatching pool since it is mostly just me and him in the pod exploring." Aysu would tilt her head as she thought about her own words and about what could be out there, but also what dangers as well. If there were bears on the land then maybe there could be water bears? Or at least a type of water bear anyways. Sometime like it anyways. Her whole body did a shiver as she imagined that.

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The happiness of knowing that the cave was protected from a flood was quickly diminished once Skylene realized she had no place to go to protect her from the rain. The now-covered cave was the only place in the area that could be used as shelter. She thought about flying to find someplace to stay, but realized she was took weak to do even that. Instead, she began slithering her way through the forest nearby, hoping to find a place to protect her from the rain, which had already drenched her thoroughly.

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((What did Mountain say, Silver? I'm tired and don't want tot rack it down. Sorry))

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"Rien is a vine dragon. He vines are really powerful. They could easily strangle you. But she's a really sweet hatchling, and her flowers smell lovely. When she wakes up, you can be best friends." Kalana giggled as she saw Rien trying to eat while asleep. I guess she's hungry...

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Mountain smiled at this. "Yay! A friend! I've only met the weird white pudding guy and these other hatchlings, but they ignored me. They weren't nice!" She said. "When will she wake up? Can we wake her up?" She asked. 'Asking questions is fun!' She thought.

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"They were probably busy. Not evryone is always free. And you're lucky that Tasimi didn't reply to you. He's...creepy, to say the least. His jokes can be very awkward. And no, you may not wake Rien up. She's tired. She'll probably wake up in a couple hours."

Edited by KoalaNoob

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With a sigh of relief, Jean flopped down next to Michiru and smiled at her. <I'm glad your feeling better, but you're still pretty hot. Do you want a healer, just in case?> he inquired. Jean didn't want his naivety to cost Michiru her life. Jean swished his tail back and forth, then let out three loud snort. Jean-Pierre began to blush. He wasn't embarrassed by it, but he was jnfront of Michiru.

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