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Clem stopped once she reached Spira's side. She sniffed the Royal Blue and wrinkled her nose. She didn't smell particularly nice. Did someone plaster something onto her? "Get up! Clem said as she jumped around. "Come on, get up!" She took her paws and pushed them against Spira's side. "Get up, get up!"

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"No thanks, I'm full. If I was hungry I would have eaten that really big deer someone caught at the cave. But this weird looking dragon ate like half of it." She said. "Who's Rien? Can I follow you and meet her?" She said

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Spira let out a weak whimper as she felt herself getting pushed around. It HURT. She wished she could just faint, but she knew she should try to stay awake.



"Alright then," Kalana said. "You don't have to follow me to meet Rien. She's right there, even though she's sleeping." Kalana used her paw to point to the sleeping form of Rien.

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"Oh! What is she? Is she a dragon? Is she a plant?" She asked. "There's nothing I can do at the cave right now, can I help you?" She asked.

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Rico opened an eye and cringed. His wounds hurt a lot, and he was light headed thanks to blood loss. He quickly fixed it by blood bending some of it back into his body. He looked out from the cave entrance and wait, cave? He thought he was still outside... Lucifer! He must have brought me up, that softy. Rico looked up to the sky and saw the rain. There's a storm coming, and it's heading straight for the cave. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning came and struck the ground. It looked like it was near the Birth Cave! He tried to get up, but he just collapsed again, and fell back asleep. He wasn't going to wake up for a while this time.


((I will take Bacon's place as weather God to get the story going. I hate small talk in RP's))

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Favian suddenly noticed that someone, or someone in this case, was missing. "Clem?" he called as he glanced around. "Where did you go?" Favian scanned his surroundings and let out a yelp of shock as he saw Clem sitting next to a wounded Spira. "Spira? W-What happened?" Favian exclaimed as he hurried over to the hatchling. He lowered his head and poked her head with his muzzle. "Can you hear me?" he asked frantically. "A-Are you okay?"

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Luafin walked into the cave and found a message on the floor saying Snow had left for the mountains. He quickly flew there and went to her cave. "Erm...hi Snow! I just wanted to know that I was returning to the mountains. But of course you already know that as I'm already here."


" Sorry Hibiki I don't know how to heal. I'm basically a hunter and fighter."

Edited by 0023567467

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Roseanna saw that the bear had injured some more hatchlings. She walked over to one that was sleeping, and healed it. She had seen a dead hatchling with it's head knocked off. It made her sad that she couldn't have helped in any way, due to the fact she was no good at fighting without the spirit

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The hatchling wanted to get out of this enclosure really badly. He was bored and lonely. He kicked at the enclosure and fell out of something. He opened his eyes and could only see blue all around. He swam to the tope of the water and poked his head out. "Hello!" he squeacked.



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(OOC: The First Commandment: Thou shalt not take thy Bacon's place on thy weather controlling throne.)


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Skylene nodded at Clinteo, and was about to reply, when raindrops suddenly fell onto her. She awoke dazed, and was unsatisfied of the dream. She avoided everything around her, and flew to the Coast as fast as she could. I need to continue that dream... she thought. Once she arrived, she shook off the rain, and proceeded to lay down on the moss layers to try and fall asleep again. C'mon now.....I need to hear the rest of this! Her mind was up and about, and it was preventing her from sleeping.

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Mystic slithered underneath a tree to get away from the rain. His skin was very tender, so he had cuts all over him, and his body ached from the swim, but it was worth it. He could swim now!



Snow woke up and heard rain coming from outside. She wanted to back to sleep since she was still tired, but the rain was too noisy. She got up from the floor and spotted Laufin. "What are you doing here?" She asked. She had gotten some energy back, but she was still tired. She wasn't supposed to be up right now.

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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As her mind worried about finishing her dream, Skylene realized it have the opposite effect and prevent her from doing so. Darn it, why can't I just calm down!.....Why do I have to worry about this so much... Minutes passed with no progress, and she felt like crying. It's no use.....I'll have to see if I'll meet him again at night... She decided to instead focus on his words, and see how she could put them in force. She lifted her head up, and immediately shuddered at hearing the loud thunder. The waves began to grow larger. Oh, I hope the water doesn't come in here.....that'd be really bad...I have to protect my stuff! Her mind panicked as she tried thinking of what she could block the entrance to the cave with. The only things that would work are rocks...I'll have to pile rocks from the shore to cover the mouth of the cave...


She looked outside again, and the rain continued to pour. Knowing she'd be soaked anyways, she decided to run out and pile the rocks as quickly as possible. How many rocks would I need, twenty? Thirty? she wondered as she flew out into the rain.

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"Huh? I thought you already knew I was here." She must have not heard me. "I was just saying that that I wanted you to know that I am coming back to the mountains but since you now know that it would be a waste of time if I were to tell you now."



Cyrus was humming in the forest when he decided to go to the mountains since he hadn't been there in ages. He flew there and found a weird looking goat thing. He went up to it and saw that it was a mountain goat. I wonder what it would taste like. He got his claws and slit the goats throat. He started chewing on it and found that it was rather stringy. I'll just leave it there. Some crow might want to eat it.

Edited by 0023567467

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((OOC: Sparkle, the bear is gone.))


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Kirk turned his head as a new hatchling surfaced. "Hello!" he chimed. "What's your name? Mines Kirk! Did you just hatch? What breed are you? What do you think of the world so far? Are you hungry? I can get you a fish! Do you know what a fish is? I didn't know what a fish was when I hatched!" Kirk continued on with one of his famous ramblings.

Edited by Doctortear

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"I was sleeping, but the rain woke me up." she said. "Where are you going to stay?" She asked, sitting down to conserve energy.

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((OOC: Sparkle, the bear is gone.))


(OOC: I'll change the post then, thanks smile.gif )


The hatchling turned his head towards the orange dragon. "Hi! I'm a Deepsea dragon!" My name. I do need a name. I think a name is what they call each other. Hmm...oh! I want to be called Clyde! "My name is Clyde nice to meet you Kirk. What's a fish? Is it that slimy wet thing that is silver?"



"Oh sorry for waking you up then. Well I was just saying that I'm back." He walked over and sat next to Snow. "Why do you have to sleep in the middle of the day?"

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"Because I'm nocturnal." She said. She yawned, wanting to gk back to sleep. If this was normal temperature, she would have fallen asleep already. She yawned again, unable to stay up, and fell asleep, her head falling on to Laufin's shoulder

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"They're not slimy!" Kirk protested. "They're slippery and scaly. Nothing more and nothing less." Kirk tilted his head. "Are you hungry? I can catch you a few. They aren't hard to catch."

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"They are slimy! When you catch one and then it slips through your jaws. I call that slimy but slippery works fine for me. So where exactly are the fish? I want to try and catch one. What does it taste like? Hey, is there anymore water hatchlings? If there is can you take me to where they live? Can you walk on land? I can't, I have only got flippers and no legs." Clyde was so fascinated with this world that he wanted to know everything he could.

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Skylene quickly began gathering as many large rocks as she could find and carry to protect her cave from the possibility of a flood. The rain continued to fall, making it harder to pick up the rocks. However, she didn't stop, and eventually gathered around thirty large rocks by the cave. She then began placing them to build a thick and tall barrier against the cave. She only covered half of the entrance before running out of rocks, and had to pick up more.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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"Wait, how do you know that they can slip through your jaws if you haven't tried to catch any before?" Kirk asked curiously. "In fact, how do you even know what they look like? The fish don't come to this area of the pool. You have to go looking for them! Did you really just hatch?"

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"Of course I just hatched. I hatched under water. It was very deep down, and on my way up here I saw three things dart past me and I instantly knew that they were fish. You are probably wondering why I knew it was a fish. Well I knew because when I was in my egg I could always feel things go past me and my egg and you know I could actually smell them from inside."

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At this point, Skylene was completely soaked. She had been in the worst part of the storm for over ten minutes now, and the rushing waves were of no help. She huffed in annoyance with nature as she continued collecting the rocks, before acquiring twenty more. She made her way back to the cave before noticing that some of the rocks had been knocked down. Great, just my luck... she thought as she picked them back up and placed them correctly. She then took her new load of rocks and began carefully putting them at the top. She knew that one small error could ruin the whole wall, and took her time under the beating of rain from above.

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"But how did you know that they were slimy and were hard to catch in your jaw?" Kirk persisted. "You just said you never tried to catch any and you said you didn't know how they tasted, so one didn't just fly into your mouth. How can you know that if you never had one if your mouth before? It doesn't make any sense!"

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Clyde just shook his head sadly. Dragons these days. "Remember when I said that I saw three fish go past me when I was coming up here? Well of course you do as I just said it five seconds ago. I'm sorry that I wasn't more clearer. One of them brushed against me and it felt all slimy and wet." Well of course it would have been wet Clyde! It was in water! "Oh wait! I forgot to say something. Also when the fish went passed me I guessed that it would be hard to catch in your mouth as it was slimy, slippery how ever you want to say it."

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