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((Yes, it does. Your judgement is clouded by what you want.))


Kalana winced when Clem dug in her claws. Though it didn't hurt much, it was creepy to feel them go through her tail. She twisted her tail out of Clem's grip.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Mountain was bored. She still hadn't noticed the ruckus of the bear. She walked outside and went to hunt.

(I think we should have a mini timeskip after the bear goes away))

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((Because I think that the other just hatched hatchlings can grow up a bit more. But we should just save that for a turning into cults timeskip, or it'll contradict dc, sorry.))

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Clem didn't stop there. She pounced again on Kalana's tail and tried to sink her claws in again. But before she could do that, she felt herself lifted into the air. "What do you think you're doing?" Favian scolded. "She hurt you!" Clem protested as she squirmed in Favian's arms. "That does not give you the right to attack her." Favian snapped. "But-" "No buts, now apologize for sticking your claws through her tail." Clem puffed out her cheeks and glared at Kalana. She didn't deserve an apology.


((My judgement is not clouded. I know exactly how this fits. Kalana hit Clem's trigger and she has to pay the consequences.))

Edited by Doctortear

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((But now, some of us want to make each moment count. Also, most of us that made new babies WANT to KEEP them babies.))


Kalana laughed at Clem. Even though she was mad, she was adorable with her cheeks puffed out like that. "It's okay, Favian. It doesn't really hurt," She said.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Favian tilted his head. "I didn't think her claws were that sharp." he admitted. "They went straight through your tail! Did you even feel that? It must of somewhat hurt." Favian glanced down at Clementine. "Clem..." She lashed her tail and muttered an apology before looking away from Kalana. "I don't think you'll be on good terms with her for a while." Favian said with a shrug. "Sorry about that, I didn't think she would do that."

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"Eh, it doesn't hurt much. My tail isn't very sensitive. I think it's because it got sat on through the night once."

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"I don't think that's how it works." Favian mumbled. "Your tail would be numb for a while, but not forever. Was this recent or... You know what? Never mind, it doesn't really matter does it? Are you going to check up on Rien? I think she needs you at the moment."

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'It was sat on last night." Kalana comfirmed. "And sure, I'll go check on Rien." Kalana padded away, back to the spot where Rien was.

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(OOC: We have an OOC for a reason *facepalm*)


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In her dream, Skylene awoke unfazed, and entered the cave next to her. It was the cave she had been in many times before, talking to the mysterious being inside of it. Although as many dreams passed, it was no longer mysterious, and she thought of him as a good friend, and a teacher. He was the one who guided her in the real life with the knowledge he shared. Whenever she saw him, it was only for the most important reasons, though she didn't understand why it was happening now. She had recently been talking with the others, and didn't have a chance to react to her passing out. I hope they don't think I had a heart attack or something terrible... she thought in her dream.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Kalana reached Rien. "Are you okay, Rien?" She asked. "Does it still hurt a lot? Is there anything that you want?"

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Favian watched Rien leave. He was a bit disturbed that Clem's first reaction to someone attacking him was to defend him. Favian already felt useless enough with his broken foot. He couldn't hunt, he couldn't scout, he couldn't do much outside, none of that. All he could do was tell people to be careful of things and then yell at them once her realized that they didn't listen. Sure there were other things Favian did. He was a library of knowledge that anyone could access at almost any time. He was able to help people when they were in dire need. He could figure out who needs to do wait to fix a situation. He did some of the hard things that other people were too fearful to do, like the thing he did to Rien. But now, it was all feeling a bit empty. His efforts seemed to be minor in the long run and, now and days, he seemed to be just the cripple who yelled at people. He felt horrible when people had to help him over a tree stump or feed him because he was not capable of doing so himself. It was pathetic and it made him feel like. Sometimes, Favian wished he was more like Lucifer. Without emotion to such petty things and nonchalant about who got hurt or who needed help. Of course, Favian knew he was needed and he couldn't do that. His mind wouldn't let him. Sighing, Favian began to slowly pad away. Hopefully, he could find a safe place to stay while the others were fighting the bear. Oh yeah, he couldn't help with that either, could he?

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"N-no... I'm fine." She lowered her head. "Hey... M-m-..." She was a embarrassed to say it. She paused for a bit, took a deep breath, then with a nervous tone, "M-m-m-... Mommy..!" She stumbled towards Kalana and koala hugged her leg, her vines sticking out. "This was even scarier this time- I can't remember anything that happened after I saw the dead body..!"[/b] Speaking of which she smelled something familiar. She looked over to where the scent was coming from without letting go of Kalana's leg. "B-blood..." She felt her paranoia coming back, about how it was her fault and various other things. But this time she was too tired and shoved those thoughts aside. While they didn't completely disappear she at least ignored them for the time being. There was something more important to say. "I'm sorry..."


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Kalana looked down at the vine that was hugging her leg. She smiled. "It's okay, Rien. It wasn't your fault. You don't have to be sorry! And I promise I'll be your mommy. What do you want to do?"

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Mystic woke up after a bit. Seeing that they still hadn't fought off the bear, he decided to talk to anyone he could. He slithered around, careful to avoid the bear and it's paws. He didn't want to get squished.

((Where is Favian and Kalana?))

Edited by Silverphoenixx

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She still clung to Kalana's leg. "Just let me stay on your leg for a few more moments... Its so warm..." Ever since she was in her egg, she just wanted to know the warmth of her parents, to be able to hug them and protect them. She just wanted to be loved and love in return. She fought back the tears that were rising in her eyes, but a few still ran down her face followed by many more. "Waaahh... I'm a cry baby now. At least I'm Kalana's cry baby now..." She got a flashback of doubt wave over her.


Kalana doesn't care about you at all, she just wants to feel better by taking care of poor. little. me.


"Whether or not that's true, she protected me, she's letting me hug her- allowing me to bask in her warmth. Just because I do some strange things doesn't mean I should allow myself to become ungrateful for what Mommy is doing for me!" "First things first... I can't tell, is the bear gone now? I didn't hurt anyone else did I?" She could've checked herself by going back to the ground, but was afraid to do so, so she would wait for the answer before letting go.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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"Of course you can stay there for a little while longer! You can stay like that for as long as you want. The bear's gone now!" Kalana knew she was lying about the bear, but...still... "And no, of course you didn't hurt anyone!"

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Skylene was in the cave, the same dream cave that the creature with light blue radiating from it lived. However, it was no longer just a "creature". It had it name. Clinteo, he called himself. Usually, she would've laughed at the name, but here he was more important than anything else. He supplied her with the knowledge she needed after she would wake up. The only way this was possible was that she was a lucid dreamer. She never felt entirely abandoned in her dreams, knowing she was OK, and would wake up once the lesson was over. "Teacher," she called out to him, "What do you need of me today?"

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Seeing as everyone was preoccupied, he decided to slither outside. He slithered over to a river. 'I wonder if I can swim with no legs.' He thought and slithered in. At first he kept sinking and gulping water, but after a bit, he inured out he he could swim foward without sinking.

((Fun Fact: Rainbow Mist's last name is Skylara. It says so on my scroll.))

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Rico yelped then growled as Lucifer's teeth tore through his face when they finally came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. Rico clung on to Lucifer's waist as his hind legs clawed into his stomach. Rico winced, then grinned at him with one eye open. "You're enjoying his too much, aren't you?". He dug his claws into Lucy's side and pulled them back, making three small, but deep-ish cuts.


Jean glared at the dragon. "Listen, if you aren't going to bring her into the water, than can you at least SPLASH her with water, just to keep her cool?". Jean-Pierre put his paw to Michiru's forehead, then turned back to Kirk. "She's burning up! You're not going to just float there while she dies are you? If I could swim, I would be the best at it, and I would save Michiru without a second thought". Well, charming to slightly self-centered... Nice transition.


((Sorry for the late replies!))

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Clinteo responded, "Nothing from you today, although I would like to tell you something." Skylene looked confused. He never has just a casual conversation with me...something is...not right... "Sure, what is it?" she replied, sitting down. He turned his back and began walking in the other direction, in deep thought. She observed the way he moved around, stroking his wiskers and gracefully picking up his legs. He was a large cat, though she suspected that he was also mixed with a small bear. "As usual, there are many things going on in the real world. You don't know much yet, and I won't tell you now, but a lot of lives have been changed while you were with Spira. For better or for worse, I need to let you know that there will be.....odd things happening soon...."Skylene had a suspicious look on her face, as if he was revealing some sort of masterful plot. "That bear encounter, that was hardly anything. Yet it has...done great damage to others. What you need to know is that whatever happens in the upcoming days, even before our next meeting, is that you must stay true to yourself and your beliefs. You can go very far now, but you must not change your good values."

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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"She's lying." Why did she think that? But if she is lying, then that might mean she's lying about everything up until now- NO! She mustn't think like that! What ever happened to her thought from before? That she shouldn't be ungrateful for what Kalana was doing for her! Rien began to climb down Kalana's leg. "A-and besides! Kalana wouldn't lie." She cautiously touched the ground with her foot. No vibrations. She allowed herself to fully climb down Kalana and she still didn't feel anything. "Whew... See? She wasn't lying in the slightest. Theres nothing to worry abou-!" BOOM. BOOM. Although when she's above ground the vibrations are like trying to see through murky water, this much she knew. The bear was still there. Kalana had lied to her.


She felt anger, hurt, and distrust rising up within her once more, her body trembling under her emotions. "N-no! Wait! Wait..." She calmed herself. "Wait. Wait. Wait... This is EXACTLY what happened before. I can't just allow myself to blow up like that. If I do..." She had flashbacks of when she attacked everyone at the cave, imagined what must've happened earlier, the image of the dead rabbit and of the dead dragon's body. And then another image flashed in her mind. Instead of the dead dragon's body whom she didn't know, Kalana's body showed up instead. She took a deep breath. "If I allow myself to blow up, Kalana might die because of me. And now I know for SURE that she will try to come to my rescue. She's my Mommy now. This is probably 'discipline' or something that parents do when talking to their children. Which means... She... She must have some reason..." But her doubts were still bothering her, she had to know why Kalana lied. In a quiet and shaky voice she asked, "Mommy, I can still feel the bear's movement under my feet... W-" She suddenly felt awkward asking her directly. She was about to say "Why did you lie to me?" but instead quickly changed her question and asked, "Wwww-eere you lying to me?"

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Kalana sighed. "I'm sorry, Rien, but I'm really not sure about the bear. I just didn't want you to get scared. But don't worry, some other hatchlings are taking care of the bear, okay?"

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"Whoever said I wasn't enjoying it?" Lucifer cooed as he kicked Rico away. He stood up and licked the blood off of his lips. He was enjoying this way too for his own good. But boy, did he enjoy it!


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Kirk, with a swing of his tail, managed to create a wave the splashed all over the two land hatchlings. Both were soaked in and water constantly dropped from them. "Now can you go?" Kirk asked. "It's too dangerous to be here and she needs a healer, not us. Oh and by the way, you would never be a good swimmer without any fins or serpent like body to help you.

Edited by Doctortear

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