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Favian stood there and said nothing. He did what he had to do. If no one else wanted to do the hard parts, then Favian would do them. However, doing the right thing, no matter how horrible it seems, was getting to be harder. How was Favian suppose to be feel good about helping people when he always got glared at for doing so. It was becoming more of a chore than anything else. Slowly, Favian backed away from the scene and left the area. He didn't have to deal with them at the moment. Kalana would just yell at him and Rien would just be frightened of him. Getting Clem to safety was all that matter now.


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Lucifer felt blood gushed from his chest and shoulder. He bit Rico's chest and tore at it with his teeth. He manage to get his claws around Rico's appendages and scraped at them. He didn't care that he was beginning to be matted in blood. He was enjoying this too much to care.

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Kirk raised his head as a hatchling walked to the pool. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Kirk asked as he popped his head out of the pool. "Why are you in here? There's a bear outside! You could get hurt!"

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"Just stay here, okay, Rien? I know you can beat your...fits. Remember, your name is Resolute Intent. And that's because you have a resolute intent. And mommy will help you whenever you need it." Kalana was doing her best to comfort Rien. "I'm just going to...er...go do something! Don't follow me. It isn't good." Kalana ran after Favian. Since Favian was walking, she easily caught up. She suddenly stopped, at gently plucked Clementine off of Favian. Then, she pulled out the same bed of moss that Sklene had used earlier and wrapped it around Clem's face to prevent her from seeing what she was about to do. She proceeded to claw Favian.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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He let out a loud howl before the duo came to a halt. Lucifer as on top of Rico, and both of them were bleeding kinda bad. His arms and legs were all scratched up and bleeding too. He was really sore, but Rico wasn't about to give up just yet. Rico grabbed on to Lucy's arm and flopped him onto his back. Rico stared in Lucifer's eyes and let out a hiss before swiping at Lucifer's muzzle. He didn't like hurting Lucifer, but not once had he showed a single sign that he was in pain.



Jean looked at the orange fish, Michiru, then back at the big orange fish. "Michiru is really hot, and being out here, like you said, is too dangerous. Would you keep her in the water and help her cool down? It would mean the world to me. Plus, you seem very strong, so you are the first person I would come to if I wanted to keep my friends safe" he mused. Jean-Pierre ginned in his head. So, this is being charming. This could be useful.

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Favian screamed. He tried to kick Kalana off, but he could only do so with one foot. "Does it look like I enjoyed doing that?" he hissed as he pushed the Stripe away. Favian stood up as blood poured off his back. Clem's claws were a lot sharper than they looked. What Favian didn't notice was Clem peeking her head out of the moss. Another thing he didn't notice was the sudden emotion the small hatchling began to feel. It was starting to consume as she watched the stranger attack her mother. Hatred


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Lucifer hissed as his muzzle was swiped at. He snapped his mouth open and bit down on Rico's muzzle. He bit down on the hatchling's nose and used his back legs to scrape at the Black Marrow's belly.


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Kirk was not convinced. "We can't help her if the bear comes in." Kirk insisted. "We'll jump underwater and she can't hold her breath while unconscious. Besides, we don't know how long the bear will stay. The next breathing hole is a mile or two away. She'll drown before the bear can get to her." Kirk shook his head. "You didn't think this out, did you?"

Edited by Doctortear

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Kalana backed away slowly, realizing what she did. She knew her claws were short and dull, since she didn't use them for anything other than scooping up insects and ripping herbs, but still, it probably hurt. "Sorry." she apologized nervously. "I don't know what came over me. I guess seeing Rien get hurt really upset me. Rien feels to me like Clementine feels to you, but I think we're more connected somehow." Kalana then saw the look on Clem's face. "Oh god..."

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"Go away..." Clem threw the moss away for her and stepped forward. "Go away and don't come back." she hissed, claws extended. "You hurt my mother and I don't want to see you anymore." Clementine didn't see the look of surprise on Favian's face. She was too consumed by this new found hatred to do anything else. This person attacked her mother and now she was going to deal with her.

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Kalana blinked. Clementine seemed really mad. "Em...alright, Clem...." Kalana felt really weirded out by the tiny Valnetines hatchling threatening her.

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"I guess so~!" He cheerfully flew to the cave with Feather, but what awaited them wasn't a pretty sight. Seeing the bear, Hibiki followed his first impulse. "Feather! Help me gather as much fish and berries as we can!" Without waiting for her to respond he headed for the nearest river.


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She was about to lock away her mind and emotions again because it everything was too painful to bear... But then Kalana's words finally began to reach her. It was a bit "blurry" at first, but after a bit she could understand the words.


"...I promised... I would be her mom... ...Can't let her down... ...name is Resolute Intent. And that's because you have a resolute intent. And mommy will help you whenever you need it."


Kalana's words were like multiple healing drops of kindness softly raining on her heart. Her mind was completely back, just in time to see Kalana say that she was going somewhere.

Her body hurt all over, particularly her vines and where they were connected. The reason she attacked this time was- well for no reason other than they were there. It kinda of frightened her. Feeling angry and confused was one thing, but feeling nothing at all was another. "Its even more dangerous to run away from the pain if I can't. And...I don't want to remember why I ever doubted Kalana caring about me."

She suddenly realized that there was a gap in her memory. Her memory stopped after she decided to stop thinking and then the next thing she remembered was the purple dragon before her saying that he wouldn't harm her intentionally. "He had every right to think that way, and I want that. I gotta find some way to control myself... No one, not even Kalana can help me with that. I must understand that... Well I hope I can, for everyone's sake."

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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((Nope. Clem shouldn't hate Kalana. I disapprove of it. Nope nope nope. Not good. Unhealthy hatred. I really don't know what to post. And I forgot to mention that Mystic also has magic.$)

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Althougu Kalana had called out earlier, Skylene couldn't hear her. Nor did she notice the fighting. She had been slowly stumbling onto the ground, not managing to stay on her two feet. Her mind began blanking, and she knocked out onto the grass. It was the worst kind of sleep, the one you don't expect until five seconds before it hits you. She would've cried out, told them that she'd be asleep, like Kiska had, but couldn't manage to open her mouth. All the stress she experienced earlier slowly began to fade away into the late afternoon.

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Snow looked at Skylene falling down. "I guess I can go now then." She said. She quickly scratched out a message on the ground telling them where she went so when they woke up they would know. She unsteadily flew back to her cave and collapsed on to the floor, falling asleep.

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Aria whimpered for a bit, feeling all her guilt build up within her. She wanted to do something, to let it out, to scream, but she couldn't seem to make a sound beside her whimpering. Her traitorous eyes refused to tear up, not letting her cry. Instead, a hysterical laugh burst out of her.


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Alvi gasped as a familiar dark blue shape rushed to her side and took on the bear. Glas! She felt comforted having the Moonstone by her side, but also felt a stab of fear. She had seen what the bear could do. "Be careful!" she shrieked, backing up behind him. She wanted to help but she was too tired to cast any spells. 


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The bear had been lifted to the outside of the entrance, but they still had to drive it away. Just standing the wasn't going to work. "Sierra, and anyone else attacking, drive the bear away from the cave Using your attacks!" She shouted.



Sierra heard Mist and nodded. She swiped at the bear, trying to get it to back up to avoid the swipe. The bear, being blind, couldn't see, but it felt the rush of wind and backed up slightly

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Kalana ruffled a wing, letting a few herbs and moss drop out. She picked up the moss and almost started using it to clean Favian's wounds, but then she realized that most of what she had done were just shallow scratches There was only one cut that could be considered deep. she quickly swiped the moss across it and began applying the herbs.

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Clem glared at Kalana. She bared her teeth and help her stance. "Go!" she yowled threateningly. It would look quite silly to see such a small and cute creature such as Clem trying to seem offensive to such a bigger creature like Kalana. However, the long, blood, cloaked paws shown to be even more vibrant by the hatchling's skin along with the look of pure and utter loathing in her eyes, made Clem look a bit more threatening then she would normally be.

((OOC: Too bad! All the hate! If you remember what Spira said, Clem is more baby like than everyone else. Meaning, she isn't going to try and forgive Kalana or try and figure out why she attacked her mother. She is just going to assume that her intentions were bad, therefore making her bad. She can be reasoned with later in life, but until then, you got a hateful Clem.))

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Mountain frowned. Great. They ignored her. She walked to a nest and plopped into it, completely oblivious to the bear.

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((I know. I just feel weird when I think of Clem hating Kalana because its so utterly incorrect for Kalana's personality, it makes it funny. I like it because it's funny, but I also don't like it

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((It KINDA makes sense. Because Kalana is so protective of Rien, it can cloud her judgement. And then Favian is older, so she doesn't have that parental feel towards him, so she attacked him. Then Clem is protective of Favian, so, it KINDA makes sense...))

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((OOC: You are a little child. You are scared to death and by your parent's side. They are the only thing making you feel safe. Suddenly, a complete stranger removes you from your parent and proceeds to beat them in front of you. You're terrified out of your mind and you don't understand what's happening. The reaction to that is either fear of the stranger or hatred towards them. Why wouldn't you hate them? They are hurting you parent. Why would they ever do such a thing?))

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((OOC: Oh well. Nothing in this story makes complete sense.))


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Ismene dropped the water off near Spira. The shell had a flat bottom so Ismene didn't have to worry about shell tipping over. Ismene glanced to the side to see Ashni carrying Myst over away from the bear. "Ashni! Do you need any help?" Ismene called as she turned her head to look at the two.


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Clem's claws dug into the ground. "No! Go away!" she shouted she ran up to the stranger and bit her in the tail. She stuck her claws in the edge of her tail and sunk them into the flesh. "Clementine!" Clementine didn't hear Favian yell at her. She also didn't she him reaching to pick her up either.

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