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"Rien is freaking out again." Kalana grunted. "I promised I would be his mom, so I had to help. I have some cobweb for binding." Kalana was knocked over by Rien's vines.

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Feather laughed when Hibiki tackle glomped her in mid air. She felt herself plummiting to the ground but she quickly started to fly again. " Ok, if you wish. Where do you think we would be right now? I think we should still go back to the cave though just incase he's there."

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"Okay, I can do that." Ismene said with a quick nod. She spread her wings and soared into the air. She fly over the trees and searched for something that could contain water. After ten minutes of searching high and low, Ismene had found something. It was a large empty shell. Once Kiska healed the wounds, Ismene would be able to bring the water just in case Spira needed to drink it or just in case Kiska needed it for some other reason. Ismene took to the skies again and began to head back to he location that Spira was currently residing.

Edited by Doctortear

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((Em...Kalana already dressed and cleaned the wounds...and she has a pile of cobweb right there....))

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((OOC: Whoops. Ah well, I'll change it so that Ismene is just bringing that water that is needed.))

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The White hatchling gave a satisfied nod. This was something she could fix. And Kalana had already put the right herbs on the wounds, meaning she didn't have to fly back to her cave and get herbs. It was lovely having other healing hatchlings around! She closed her eyes and let her magic flow through her paw, mending the internal damage done by the deep gashes, turning them into long but shallow cuts. She did as much as she could, and then stepped back, flopping down exhaustedly onto one side. "These should heal easily by themselves now. I might be able to finish the healing in a few days." What the other hatchlings didn't understand was that Kiska was still a hatchling, and not a full-fledged healer. Her magical stores were depleted by each difficult magical healing and took a few days to fill up again. Hopefully there wouldn't be any lethal injuries until then. 

Edited by Evensong

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Snow watched and felt a little useless. The meat showing from the gashes had made her a little queasy, and she was glad Kiska healed them. "Are you okay?" She asked Kiska

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"I'll be fine, just a little tired." Kiska replied, struggling back to her paws. Black spots danced across her vision and she collapsed. "Um, can I just... Kalana knows what to do... Wake me in a bit..." she murmured, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

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Snow internally frowned but didn't let it show. "If you don't need me, then I think I'll go back to my cave in the mountain. I'm nocturnal, and the only reason I can stay up is because the cold gives me energy."

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Skylene have a satisfied nod once Kiska had finished her work. "Great job Kiska, I'm glad-" She stopped mid-sentence as Kiska fell asleep. Oh... she thought, I wonder how much energy she used... She turned her attention to the others. "That's fine Snow." she told the Ice, before turning to Kalana. "What are we going to do now? Just wait until Spira wakes up or something?" Frankly, Skylene wasn't sure what the next option could be. She hadn't thought that far enough.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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"I think we should just wait here for now." Kalana replied. "At least until the bear leaves. Unless you really want to fight?" SHe asked questioningly.

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Glas called desperately after the hatchlings. His mind reeled, trying desperately to understand what had happened.

"Wh- what? Sera is dead? And Mint..? How can this be?"

He stumbled after the herd of hatchlings, watching the fight in a daze. A vauge, powerful spell hung in the air. The words tugged at his mind, seeking attention. They exuded protection and peace, and the moonstone was briefly impressed with the caster.

Screams of pain caught his attention, and he looked to the bear. He hung awkwardly around the edges of the fray, trying to help here and there. He flung out a few spells in desperation, but did no real damage.

This bear is too much. How did they drive off the first one, years ago? We are all stronger now!

A sickening thought flashed through his mind.

Is my magic not good enough? All the months of studying and experimentation, for nothing?

His eyes narrowed as Alvi was thrown by the bear. His expression softened when she stood up unhurt, but his sense of chivalry was injured. Glas went to her side, teeth clenched. He turned defiantly to the hulking mass of fur in front of him, and made a split-second decision.

God, I hope this works.


Wobblefoot's eyes watered as Favian spoke. The purpled's serious tone caught his attention, and his words held it. His voice was weak and wavery as he whimpered. "No, n-no nono no... please.. " He slid under the water, following Kirk and the newcomer. He would have cried, if he wasn't surrounded by water already. His thoughts ran away from him, latching on to a new idea. He just couldn't bring himself to think that Sera was gone.

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Kalana struggled to keep Rien down. Though Rien seemed to have calmed down a bit, Kalana was never a good fighter, and she was getting tired. She looked around frantically for help, and the first person she saw was Clementine. "Clementine!" She grunted. "Can you help me?"

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Favian turned his head when he heard someone call for Clementine. She was still clinging to his back and had shoved her face into his scales. "Why would you call for Clementine?" Favian asked as he padded over to Kalana. "I can help, but she is terrified beyond belief to do anything." The only answer from Clem was a soft whimper.

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"I'm sorry!" Kalana was practically yelling. "I know Skylene is practically next to me, but she doesn't look like she'll notice!" Kalana motioned at her blank face. "Just he-"Kalana was flipped over by Rien.

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Favian let out a yelp of surprise and rushed over to Rien. What am I suppose to do? What can I do to help? "Rien, calm down!" Favian yelled. "You're hurting people who are trying to help you! Why would you hurt them? They just want to help you!" Favian rushed to Kalana and tried to help her escape.

Edited by Doctortear

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((I think it's spelled rIEn, not rEIn.))


Kalana managed to slink out from underneath Rien's vines. "Favian, I don't think Rien will be able to here things like that. We need special memories to help him remember. She's already calmed down a bit." Kalana reared up again, and pinned down Rien's vines. "Can you try tying them to a tree?

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Favian frowned, but nodded. He pulled a couple of the vines and dragged them to a tree. He did his best to keep them from attacking him, and tied them into a knot around the trunk of the tree. Rien was nowhere strong enough to pull an entire tree out of the ground. If Favian tied the vines to trees that were distances apart, then Rien would be in quite a lot of pain. Maybe that would snap her back into reality.

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Kalana gasped in horror as Favian started stretching the vines to tie to different trees. "Favian! What are you doing?! You could hurt Rien! And if you do that, she'll...she'll get hurt! please don't!"

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Favian was a bit stunned that Kalana managed to figure out his plan when he had tied the vines to only a single tree. "Do you have a better idea?" he asked a little sharply. "I don't exactly want to hurt her, but if she continues this rampage like last time and attempts to kill people, then I'll have to hurt her. I can't risk her hurting or killing others. The fighting needs to stop and you can't always reason with the problems ahead of you."

Edited by Doctortear

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"But-...alright. But please, don't tear her vines out! I promised I would be her mom, and I can't let Rien down! Please, be as careful as you can!" Kalana was begging. In the short amount of time that they had met, Kalana had become very fond and attached to Rien.

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"I don't plan to tear her vines out." Favian vowed. He ran over to another tree and got the attention of more vines. He continued his process of tying the vines to trees. He made sure to tie the vines to trees not too far apart that they would tear the vines out completely, but not close enough that Rien could rip them free. Rien has ought to be in pain by now. There is no way she can tear the trees out of the ground. She's only a newborn, and babies do not take pain well at all.

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She growled loudly, "It hurts! It hurts!" Her main body was violently tossing in an attempt to escape. Tossing in this way only made her feel more trapped and more in pain."Enemy! Enemy!" No matter how hard she tried she couldn't move, she couldn't even move the extensions of herself. Her eyes were bulging in anger and confusion towards the purple one.

She saw that the striped one was nearby too and she stopped her violent tossing. She slowly spoke. "Hurt... You..." As if was fearing for her life, she frantically tried backing away, but she couldn't back away. She desperately tried turning on her side to try burrowing into the ground, but she couldn't even turn. Rien was practically immobilized, and she couldn't even try to kill herself this time. She screeched in fury at the two for a while, then whimpered as she clawed the ground. In one final attempt, she struggled to send a clear telepathic message to the two. <Think. Don't wanna think! It hurts. Think means hurt! KILL ME!> She sobbed. <Too many hurt. My fault. It hurts.> She whispered underneath her whimpering and sobbing, "Help me..."


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She could no longer sing. All of her feathers have fallen, her wings disappeared, and the barriers were completely gone. She sent a weak message to Jean with a small smile. <I hope... I helped...> With that thought she fainted. Her breathing was short and quick, her temperature wouldn't stop rising, and she was drenched in sweat.


((This wont be a simple heal. Its the toll for trying and succeeding in song magic at a young age. The cause of her weakness is energy deficiency in a sense that its like blood to her. Works in the same way and solved in a similar, but with different effects. She wont have as much trouble with it as she grows older. How to transfer one's energy to another is another story... ._.;;; ))

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Rico yelped as Lucifer sunk his claws into him. In retaliation, he leaned forward and tried to bite Lucifer's shoulder. It looked like he had to show Lucifer that he could defend himself. Rico hit his head off of a rock on the way down and accidentally swiped at Lucifer's chest. He noticed blood as they tumbled down, but he didn't know if it was his, or Lucifer's.


Jean-Pierre launched himself forward and caught the Holy song...On his back. He winced in pain, but was long as Michiru was alright. He could feel the heat and sweat coming off of her, then attempted to take her to the pool. Hopefully the water dragons could get her in the water to cool her down.


((Short posts sorry))

Edit: Join the Chat room fools!

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Kalana whimpered as she saw Rien's pained expression. Ignoring Favian, she ran and undid the knots that Rien's vines had tied around the tree. "Are you okay now, Rien? I'm sorry!" Kalana brushed Rien's vines with her paw, hoping to soothe the pain.

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