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This was rather boring. Lucifer didn't have to sit here and do nothing. Lucifer looked around to make sure no one was nearby. When he had done so, he skillfully jumped down onto the ground. Lucifer gave a quick glance over to the area where the roaring of the bear was heard. Pathetic whelps, they are so useless when it comes to fighting. They're not even smart enough to try and lead it away. Scratching and biting a bear, ridiculous. Lucifer turned his head away from sound of fighting. Lucifer began to pad away from the area, every paw step taking him further into the shadows. Just like that, Lucifer had disappeared, never to return.

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Rico bounded away as the bear got closer. By that the bear had completely destroyed the deer, but Rico might try to eat it once it was either gone or dead. When he was far enough away from the bear and hatchlings, he sent a telepathic message to Lucifer. <So, it seems like it all went according to plan? Where are you now? I'll meet up with you once everything dies down>. Rico sat and watched as the hatchlings struggled. There was no way he was gonna jump in there and get killed. Besides, he had contributed enough. It was time to sit back and watch.

((Lucifer's rubbing off on Rico I think))


Jean-Pierre peered out from his hiding spot and saw Michiru just standing there. "Michiru! Get here quick before that thing gets you! Clem should be fine, after all, that Purple dragons protection her. Hurry!" He called. Jean didn't want anyone getting hurt.


((Short posts.. sorry))

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Why was Rico trying to contact him? Oh well, might as well go along with it. I won't be coming back to the birth cave. Lucifer said as she made his way through the forest. I'm going to go ahead and look for a new cave to live in. Some place big, but not too roomy. I'm tired of living in that idiot filled dump. I'd much rather go someplace else. If you want to meet up with me, then you'll have to just go looking for me. I actually know of a few caves I could go to, but I'm not sure which one I'll choose to live in. If you want to stop wasting your time watching a bunch of morons get beaten, then make sure no one is following me. I don't want to settle in my new home to suddenly be visited by one of those newborn brats.

Edited by Doctortear

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She heard Jean's voice and scurried over to his side. She watched the others facing the danger, and saw how some had the same terrible expressions that Favian and Clem had. The song that was playing in her head earlier wouldn't leave her mind now. "Rr..ha.. ki..." she managed to sputter softly. "Rrha... ki..!" Her voice was once again reduced to a wheeze and she couldn't summon up the courage to try again. In fact if anything, she felt even more discouraged than ever before. Attempting to sing just those few lines was really draining. It was driving her crazy; The feelings of wanting to protect everyone, to shroud everyone in a protective blanket... She so dearly wanted to sing it, but fear still held her heart and now it felt painful to even sing it! She flattened her rabbit like "ears" and leaned against Jean, not knowing what to do.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Tasimi looked at Kirk nervously. "Um, well, you see, about that..." He trailed off, getting a little embarrassed. He purposely avoided that question so he wouldn't have to answer it, but it seemed he had to. "I'm, not that good with telepathy, actually. I'm really not that good with sending the messages especially...." He said nervously.

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Mountain saw the dragon the was trying to sing. It seemed afraid. "Don't worry, there's THREEE hatchlings attacking the bear not including the other ones helping the others." She said.



Mist used some aura and knocked the bear on it's head. She swooped in circles in its face, trying to confuse it.



Sierra bit dwn on it's leg. There were some vines grabbing its legs helping her.



Mystic saw they still hasn't defeated the bear. He calmly slithered to the bear's legs and wrapped himself around it's legs trapping it slightly.

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Kalana had waked away from the group, to maybe find any stragglers and warn others to leave the area. She didn't expect to find much. But she did find something: Skylene, looking as if she was searching for something. "Skylene!" she called. "what are you doing? I think you should leave the area, just for now."

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Skylene stopped for a moment as Kalana approached, and became confused at her request. "What am I doing? I'm going to help the others. And why would I leave?! I need to go take that bear down! The others aren't doing much to it! They need help, especially mine!" If she's asking me to leave because of the bear, she must be out of her mind...I've dealt with worse stuff than a stupid bear, and I've still survived! she thought to herself.

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"Don't go and attack there are too many of us doing that already. One move of the bear damages them all. Can you bring the more injured hatchlings here instead?" Kalana hoped that Skylene would listen. Most of the dragons at the Birth Cave were too headstrong, but Skylene had left, so she might be different...

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Skylene frowned, and let out a deep sigh. I just want to kill that bear! But...her idea makes sense... She decided just to go with the flow this time. "Fine, I'll trust in the others to take down the bear without needing my assistance. But where are the injured hatchlings? And where do you want me to bring them, right here where we're standing? And how would I even take them? I can't just lift them up on my back and fly away."

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<And you gave me hell for complaining about the cave. Oh, the irony>. Rico rolled onto his back and started sunbathing. <I'll look for you when the bears is dealt with. I'll just tell them I'm going home>. Rico took a big long stretch and went limp. This was turning out to be an alright day.


Jean-Pierre nuzzled Michiru in an attempt to console her. He released some of his natural sweet scent. It made him feel calmer, so why wouldn't it work with Michiru? "Are you alright? You had me very scared. That thing doesn't seem very nice".

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"I don't know who's injured. I can barely see it. But you'll be fine approaching from the air. Ashni should cover for you with her lightning. Maybe you can just pick them up, since most of them are small, but if you want, you can slide this vine-moss hammock under them to lift." Kalana unfurled a little sheet of said material. "Just bring them back here. I'll gather herbs from around."

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Aren't you just a little ray of sunshine. Lucifer retorted. He stopped and looked up at the cave in front of him. He wouldn't know it was a cave just by looking at it. It was caved into the side of a mountain. That mountain was covered in plants that weaved all around it. The cave entrance was covered by dangling weeds, making it look like it was nothing more than a part of the mountain. Lucifer walked up the cave entrance and passed through the weeds. He walked into the cave and looked around. It was humid, but not too warm. It was not as big as the birth cave, but it was a good size. A small pool had been collected on the west side of the cave. Unlike the pool in the birth cave, this pool did not lead to an underwater tunnel. A small hole above the pool let a tiny stream out into it. At the moment, there was only a small trickle from the hole, and nothing more than a few drops went into the pool. There wasn't any moss in the cave, but there was a bunch of it outside of the cave, hanging from the trees. Lucifer had already gathered moss from a previous date, just in case he needed it for anything. Luckily, the pile of moss was still laying down in the spot Lucifer had placed it. Lucifer padded over to the moss and fashioned a nest from it. The nest wasn't a masterpiece, but it was something. Lucifer placed his paws onto the nest and began to knead it. Once he was satisfied, Lucifer stepped onto the moss, circled around a few times, and then plopped down onto the nest. The moss was soft and comforting, something that Lucifer was glad for. He might fall asleep soon, but at least Lucifer could enjoy the quiet cave for a little while. Silence was bliss.

Edited by Doctortear

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Rico, now up and around, wandered through the forest along the mountain range. He came across a part of a mountain with moss curtains, hiding the entrance to the cave. As he approached and moved the moss to the side, Rico heard soft, gentle, and rather innocent snoring coming from within the cave. Rico giggled quietly as he saw Lucifer laying in a small moss bed. Lucifer was cute when he snored, it reminded him of a wee little baby.


Rico tip toed over to Lucifer's bed and laid in front of him. Rico wish Lucifer knew how he felt about him. He wish Lucifer realized that Rico would always be there for him, and treat him with the respect he deserves. Rico would stay by his side til the very end, no matter how many times Lucifer pushed him away. Rico loved him, and that was that.


Rico stretched out next to Lucifer, within arms reach, and closed his eyes for a brief moment.


((I have permission from Doctortear to do this))

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Lucifer feel into a deep sleep. His mind was deported into a mere blank state. His dreams rolled through his conscience and memories danced through his mind. He didn't know where he was in his dream currently, but he did know something was there. He didn't know why, but everything was cold. The sudden presence of head, drew Lucifer towards it. He stuck his muzzle into the warmth and let it sit there as it warmed up. Maybe the cave was colder than he had originally thought. It didn't matter anymore. Something was there to keep him warm. Now the only question was, what was it?


((OOC: Big time.))

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Narnun won't be happy. And neither will Lucifer, when he wakes up.))

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Rico's eyes suddenly widened as he felt a bodies earth against him. Is Lucifer... nuzzling me? he questioned in his head. He tried to look behind him to confirm his theory, and actually SAW Lucifer cuddling back. "Lucifer must be going absolutely insane" he whispered quietly to himself. Rico turned back, eyes shut once again, and smiling. He wiggled himself a little closer and pulled Lucifer's paw across Rico, as if holding him. Rico knew this would never happen again, so he might as well milk this moment as much as he could.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Lucifer felt something move. His nose twitched as he woke up. Was he holding something? Lucifer flexed his paw and noticed that it was on something. That something was warm and was breathing. Slowly, Lucifer's eyes batted open. Curled into his side, was Rico, who seemed to have pulled Lucifer's paw over himself to make the impression of Lucifer holding him. At first, Lucifer did not know how to respond. He was too shocked to do anything. But then, that dark part of his mind slowly oozed out of his mind, like slick, sticky oil. Lucifer let his claws slid out and dig slowly into Rico's skin. "What were you planning to do, Rico?" Lucifer cooed as he dug the claws deeper. "What did you think you could possibly accomplish?" Lucifer was sitting up now, but he made sure to make his movements not noticed. Rico would still think he was laying down while he was actually standing up. He was prepared to jump the Black Marrow should he make a move to attack. While Lucifer was still baffled by Rico's actions, he was still prepared for the worst.


((OOC: Did I forget to mention he will be hard to win over?))

Edited by Doctortear

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((Silver, it feels like I'm looking at what I said not to do in the OOC... Oh well.))


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She felt reassured by Jean's nuzzle, by his sweet smell and by his worried voice. There was a new sense of energy coming over her that was washing away her fear. Of course the fear was still there but it was less overwhelming. In fact... "Thanks Jean, I'll be okay now." She straightened her posture. She turned to the hatchling that had spoken to her earlier. "Yes but they don't seem to be doing much to that erm... Bear if thats what its called. If anything they're going to need some help." She directed her attention to Jean, "And don't worry I'm not going to go into battle its too scary out there. But... I think I can fight in my own way."


She took a deep breath. The song that had been constantly playing in her mind had came to a halt. She still knew the song and she still knew the feelings she needed in order to sing it. Protection. Bright, colorful feathered wings of protection. They will be what will protect everyone who will become important to me!


Rrha ki gaya jouee.

Wee ki gagis zenva celle.

Wee ki gagis zenva celle vinan famfa riomo boia.

Wee ki gagis zenva celle vinan famfa xe takii wasa haoud.

As she sang, transparent and colorful feathered wings appeared on her back. All the dragons that she could visibly see fighting the bear were covered in a transparent barrier. Just like before she felt something draining her energy. She wouldn't be able to hold the song for very long.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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Rico's eyes flared as he awoke to the sudden pain of Lucifer's claws digging into him. "Hey, you're the one that cuddled up with me hot shot. Not that I'm complaining" he screeched. Although, Rico did mumble that last part. Rico rolled over to the side, and tried to climb on top of -wait. He thought Lucifer was right... Rico looked up and saw Lucifer hovering over him. "Uh oh". Rico realized he wasn't in a very good position to fight, but none the less. Rico shoved Lucifer's paw off him, which left a nasty cut on his belly, and threw himself at the Sweetling, relying completely on the fact that he might be able to squish him, and explain himself better.



Jean-Pierre looked at the hatchling rather confused. In your own way?. Then, Michiru started to sing. Never before in Jean's four hours of life had he ever heard such a beautiful sound. It sounded like innocence in it's purest form, and that all was good in the word. It made Jean feel good. After a moment of being lost in Michiru's voice, Jean snapped back to reality and smiled. He noticed the transparent barriers surrounding the other dragons, and finally clued in to her special power. "Keep doing that pretty thing with your voice Michiru!" He yelled, trying to speak louder than her singing for a moment.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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"No you wont!" and with that she flew past him before he could move. "Hurry up slow poke!" she laughed. Feather dived and found herself in the forest. She flew around a couple of trees and soared back up into the sky. She looked around to see if Hibiki was still with her. When she could still see him she started to fly again.



Tauriel walked out of Skylene's cave and went back to the birth cave. On her way there she could here dragons fighting and snarling. She quickly went that way and found lots of dragons fighting a bear. She turned invisible (something she had learnt to do last year) and took a swipe at the bears eyes, leaving three big red scratches on it's eyes.

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Skylene took the moss sheet that Kalana gave her. Where did she get this from?... "Yes, that works with me. I'll take one hatchling at a time so this sheet doesn't break. Just make sure to have plenty of herbs ready." She flew up into the air, looking at the group down below. This will be easy... she thought to herself.

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Medea gave a soft amused laugh, glad to see at least one thing was going her way with another hatchling. A sparring partner would be something to look forward to at least rather than just flying around all day and practicing this weather thing. Give one more reason for sore muscles at least. She was about to make a comment on his statement of finding a place, but him adding in a certain hatchling's name gave her brief pause. A flash of dislike crossed her face as she said, "Ah, yes Skylene. That is one I would much rather avoid. If not for Lucifer I do believe on my first day of hatching I would have already been in a fight. The other hachlings I honestly do not know of so I would have to go by your word on them." The water splashed on her she would give an annoyed look and then give that annoyed look right to Aerix before just letting it go. 'So much for being dry,' she mused to herself as she finally stood up. "Alright, ready then for me to cover that wound up then? Hate to see my little sparring partner die from a little ole' would like that."


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This was really getting them no where and now she could not really attack the bear since other hatchlings were really going at it. No doubt if she sent a bolt of lightning into the animal now then all it would do it travel right into one of the other hatchlings. Ashni did not want that on her conscience and so maybe she could try and use another tactic, but just what that might be she had really no idea at the moment. Well either way for now she had other worries and that was to make sure at least that no one was going to get to badly hurt if she could help it. "Guys, try to get it away from the cave. It is to big to kill so stop acting like you are able to do it by clawing at it," she'd yell out to anyone who'd listen as she took back up to the air in hopes that maybe she could cover hatchlings from there if needed. Once more feeling useless as her little lightning powers were turning into a hindrance now in this with so many hatchlings around.


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Aysu looked back and forth from the two as she just listened for the moment. She was not really sure what she should do, but if Kirk wanted to leave then she was going to leave with him and if he wanted to take this hatchling then she was going to help him do it. If it was by force, well she was not going to like it but it would be for the best. This whole sending out a message thing was indeed the best bet and she herself was not the best at it, only seemingly being able to really do it with her pod, so the other hatchling whining about it did have her being a little distressed. "Just try to do it. Just because you are not good at it does not mean you can't do it. I am not good at it all all because I can only do it with my pod and no one else."

Edited by Lilithachaos

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Kalana simply ruffled up her wings, and an abundance of herbs came out. She almost never flew. That was for emergencies, though she was a weak flyer. Instead, she used her wings for storage. Leaves for bleeding, Leavse to prevent infection, leaves to soothe pain....Poppy seeds to make them fall asleep... A needle and some wool thread...Er...where's the binding cobweb?... Kalana scampered off to a fallen tree, where she harvested the large amounts of cobwebs trapped underneath.

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