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((to use Moss.))


Spira winced as the bear stomped around and stepped on her tail. She suspected that someone outside was attacking the bear as well. Hopefully not Favian or Clem... she lashed out at the bear's front ankles, and she felt warm blood leak out. She realized the bear would collapse, so she darted back out. Bad move. The bear did in fact collapse, and Spira probably would have been crushed under the beta, but the happened to claw with its back legs as it fell. It raked down Spira's sides, reopening an old wound and creating a new, deep one. Spira attempted to circle around and jump on the bear's back, and she did so successfully, even managing to get in a few small slashes on the beat, before being bucked off. Spira lay on the ground, unmoving.

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Although Skylene reached the cave, she refused to go inside of it. Instead, she simply turned around, not looking at the cave or Mint. "I'm not going in. I don't need to see what's going to happen. I already know what's going to happen. Even if I can't find Lucifer, if he's in the forest, at the mountains, or wherever, I still know I'd win. But I wouldn't kill him. No, I would cripple him, like what happened to Favian." Her last words were quiet, and she closed her eyes to reflect on them. She felt no peace of mind, but her body was relaxed. She looked at the sky and could tell it was past noon. The light breeze of the wind softly ruffled the treetops.

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Mystic saw an unmoving hatchling lying on the ground. He dragged it over to a safe spot.



Mist just manged to not get sqished by the bear, but it got her tail and knocked her down on to the ground. She tugged her tail up and got up and continued attacking though.



Sierra clawed the bear's back and tried to drag it. It didn't work obviously.


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Mint frowned at Skylene. She was in danger, that much was certain.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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(OOC: Skylene hasn't left...)


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Skylene continued to stare off into the distance. She felt unstable yet calm, destructive yet peaceful. Her mind separated from her heart. "Mint..." she asked the mint, "What's death like? Is it quiet and instant, or is it frightening and agonizing? And what's life after death like? It is a fulfilling feeling?" She was beginning to feel motionless, and had to slap her wing on the ground to regain her touch sense. What am I doing?...I should be killing, no, fighting Lucifer...and where are the others? I haven't seen them around ever since Mint began talking to me...

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"I wouldn't know." Mint replied. "I was completely paralyzed, and blind, so there wasn't much difference. But I learned some things. Apparently, after I broke my neck, I became "quadriplegic." it's very interesting."

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"So you're still blind? Then how did you find me? And then lead me here? What's even going on?..." Skylene's eyes began to mess around with her mind. The trees began losing their leaves, and the sky turned grey. I wish my mind wasn't so insane...I wish that everything was back to normal...even talking to Tasimi was better than this..... For some reason, she wanted to cry. Not over anyone, or anything, but just cry. It felt right in the moment.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Mint shook her head happily. "Nope! I'm not still blind. But if you touch me, I revert back to my living form for a few seconds. I just don't know how it feels to die. I don't know where Sera went, though..."

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Mystic watched the chaos. He wanted to take a break so he went out of the cave. He played with the squirrels and the other small animals. He still showed no emotion though. It felt more right to him. He watched the in mails help each other and got food for them when they couldn't reach it. It was very calming and peaceful, a nice contrast to the chaos. A gentle breeze sent down a few leaves. He slithered to a clearing with e animals following him. He liked the clearing, it was peaceful with a birds nest full of chirping birds and a small stream. The light fltered though the leaves, falling on the ground in streaks.

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Skylene nodded her head, indicating she had heard her. The images in her mind that formed around her slowly began to fade. The trees became beautiful again, and the sky turned into the wonderful shade of blue that she always loved. She wanted to leave now. She didn't have anything to do at this point, as she already decided not to enter the Time Cave. "Well, what do we do now? Should we go back to the others? This place is of no use to me anymore."

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Mystic saw some homes of the animals had been destroyed by the stream. He helped them rebuild and placed the new homes somewhere safe. He climbed up a tree and scanned the area. It was next to a mountain on the right of the cave. He climbed back down and played with the animals some more.

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"It is entirely your choice, Skylene." Mint said. "But whatever you do, just be careful. I'm going home, though." Mint was really nervous. Skylene looked like she was going to do something really dangerous.

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Favian had managed to get out of the way before the bear attacked him. Clem hadn't let go and was digging her claws as deep as she could into Favian's skin. The pain wasn't what was worrying Favian now. He was terrified and his eyes were wide with horror. He was reliving the moment when he lost his foot. The bear had him in its mouth. Teeth dug into Favian's flesh, the soft exposed skin was ripped from Favian, leaving bare muscle in return. The bear shook its head violently, tearing muscle and biting into tendons. The bear let go and Favian was flung through the air. The crisp breeze past through the exposed muscle, causing the wounds to burn like crazy. Favian couldn't breath, his body was smacked into the tree trunk, all air in his lungs gone. He dropped to the ground and everything burning. Talons of fire raked down his sides and his lungs filled with flames. Favian wanted to back away, but he couldn't move. All he felt was the burn, the horrible stench of blood filled his nostrils instead of the smell of burning flesh. Everything hurt, nothing didn't burn, and Favian just couldn't think.

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Spira felt herself sinking into a comforting darkness. But...she couldn't! The bear was still attacking! Favian could be in trouble! Spira forced herself up, and mustered up the energy to open her eyes and stand up. She immediately saw Favian. He looked horrified. Of course. The bear. The one that crippled him. Favian wouldn't notice that the bear was heading towards him! Spira sod her best to run, but it ended up as an awkward stumble towards Favian. She continued to claw at the bear, to maybe distract it from Favian, but a giant paw slammed into her shoulder and Spira collapsed, the last of her energy spent.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Sierra bit the bear as hard as she could in it's neck. The bear shook it's head rapidly, hurting her head. She had a headache abut she held on and clawed the bear.



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Skip watched in fear and amazment as Sierra held onto the bear tightly. 'She's amazing! He thought. 'I would never be able to do that! Sierra is just, awesome!' He had no idea how sierra could pull off such a feat. He wished he was that brave and strong, then he might been able to help.

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Skylene began heading towards the deeper part of the forest, all alone. What she wanted to really do was to call for Lucifer. To seem innocent and confused. Then she would attack him. But it wouldn't work. Indeed, over the years she and Lucifer feuded bitterly, and were now untrusting of each other and harsh with their words. He wouldn't believe me at all at this point, which makes complete sense. I'm dangerous now, even though I'm trying not to be... Still, she continued through the forest, hoping to find any indication of Lucifer.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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((To make things easier, from now on I will post telepathy posts in <> and in bold.))


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She was numbed. What was going on? Her mind was blank. One moment she was playing happily with her newest friend Clem, the next she sees this.. this huge furry thing... And... And... And worst of all, Clem was in the middle of it, clinging onto Favian's back for dear life. She had to do something. She had to save them in some way or at least help prevent them from getting hurt. Prevent them from getting hurt? A song played in her head, a soothing, yet confident and somewhat battle ready kind of song. Maybe this could help them out and protect them! She opened her mouth, but only a pathetic wheeze came out. She couldn't sing it. She had lost her voice temporarily due to shock because she was too scared. "I have to at least get Clem out of there but..!" If she couldn't talk, the least she could do was to try to get Clem to get to safety. <Clem! You gotta let go of Favian and run to safety! Hurry before its too late!>


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Rien was underground, her vines destroying as much plant life as she could to help vent the mixed up feelings that were twisting her up so much inside.

Earlier she was able to trap and kill a rabbit who fell into her vine trap after which gave her a decent meal. She thought that maybe killing something and eating it would help ease her, but no, it didn't. It only made her more frustrated at herself which brings her to what she was doing now- killing as many plants as she could.


She could feel the sudden change of vibrations nearby the birthcave, but there's always lots of vibrations from lots of things anyways. Although... These were pretty frantic movements... Wait, frantic? And there's a lot of them too. Was something dangerous happening at the cave? Her vines came to a halt. "Are the others in trouble? N-not that I really care about the others at this point!" She resumed her plant carnage, but then slowed down again when she remembered the dead body of the rabbit. "Could they end up like that too? That one thought was enough to convince her to take action. Her vines withdrew back to her and she furiously tunneled back to the cave, hoping that she wasn't too late.

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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As the bear stomped and snarled around him, Rico finally awoke when it stepped on his deer. Rico's eyes suddenly widened, and he jumped away before he himself was crushed beneath the animals weight. He flew a few feet back and observed from afar. The only thought that went through his mind was how delicious that bear would taste after laying in the nearby river for a few days, that and he should probably find a way to save his friends. Rico sat at a safe distance and became one with the bear. Now he could feel the bears blood coursing through its veins and arteries. He wouldn't be able to do much, such as completely control the bear, but he could maybe move a paw or something.

Rico focused all his energy on that part of the bear. He moved the bears left paw to the side slightly, making the bear temporarily lose its balance, but that was the extent of it. All Rico could do now was sit back. He thought that if he tried to get in on the action, he might just get in the way... or was it? Rico felt another sensation as his eyes trailed off and landed on a rock. The rock wasn't very big, but it would kill a rabbit if thrown with enough force. Suddenly, Rico clenched his eyes closed, and when he opened them, the rock as floating. "I make stuff float too? Sweet! Now I'll never have to get up get to fetch bones again!" He said excitedly. Rico narrowed his eyes on the bear and launched the stone at its head.


Jean-Pierre was hidden deeper in the cave the moment his eyes laid upon the bear. He was scared out of his wits. This must be how Clementine must have felt around me he thought to himself.

Edited by LegendOfKorraFan

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Laufin went to where Sandy had her home. "Hello? Is anyone still in here?" he said. He walked in and found Snow and Sandy together. "Hi guys! Snow I'm going back to the mountains today, thought you ought to know. Nice seeing you again Sandy."



"I don't know. Maybe we could go back to the cave and see what's going on." She got to her feet and walked down the dune she was sleeping on.

Edited by 0023567467

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"Oh the cave. I wonder if Roseanne's there..." He slid down after Feather. He had a glazed look in his eyes, as if Roseanne was right in front of him. "Yeah, perhaps we should go to the cave. Maybe everyone's there waiting for us." As far as they knew however, there was no reason that they should think that anyone was waiting for them at the cave. They didn't know that Favian wanted to gather the dragons together to come up with a plan and they certainly didn't know didn't know that the cave was under attack

Edited by Taleena Fuka

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"I'll race you to there!" Feather flew off before Hibiki could open his mouth. "Come on!" she laughed. She did a backwards loop in the air to wait for him.

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His thoughts about Roseanne were suddenly blown away and his usual grin spread on his face. He ran down the slope and then took off into the air after her, laughing half in joy and half in excitement. "I'm going to beat you this time!"

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