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"No! I said leave me alone!" Spira growled. Why couldn't Most get the point? Why couldn't she just go away?!

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A low growl emerged from the darkness. Lucifer's head snapped to the side. A large figure loomed overhead and a dark shape marched out of the tree lines. "Now isn't this interesting." Lucifer commented as the bear roared at him in fury. Lucifer climbed a tree and began to hop, branch to branch. He did this rather quickly, but that didn't stop the bear from following. Maybe I could use this to my advantage. This day just got a whole lot better.

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(OOC: If you don't mind Doctor, I need Skylene to ask Favian something, and will have him join her to the cave)


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Skylene began walking back to the cave with Favian. Suddenly, as they were nearing, Skylene decided to ask him a question. "Hey Favian, have you ever considered leaving the Birthcave? I know so many have been doing it, and that the number of hatchlings here is getting smaller." If he doesn't want to leave, I'm sure it's because he feels compelled to be their leader...

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Mint ran out of the cave. She immediately tried to find Skylene. But where could she be?... The first idea she got was the Birth Cave. She made a beeline for it.



Spira realized that Mist wasn't there anymore. In her place was...a low growl? And lots of stomping. It must be a bear. She opened her eyes again, and saw a bear run by, towards the Birth Cave. Favian was at the Birth Cave. He could be in trouble. That single thought gave Spira the energy to go back to the trees. She hopped onto one, and immediately began tree-hopping as fast as she could. The more she did it, the more comforted she felt. She was sure she heard another rustle somewhere else, but decided to ignore it. Soon, she was far from the bear and the other rustle. And the Birth Cave was in sight.

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Favian did not expect that sort of question. "I've thought about it before." Favian admitted. "But I usually dismiss the thought. It's not that I can't take care of myself. I could easily live alone and be happy with it. In fact, I think the only way for me to actual be happy is by being alone. But I can't just abandon everyone here. If everyone could take care of themselves, then I would be more than happy to live alone. But it seems as though almost no one can keep track on what's going on! I know I'm overprotected of everyone, but is it wrong to want to help people who can't even keep the newborns from running outside?" Favian sighed and shook his head. "While I would love to live away from the cave and the stress it brings me everyday, I just can't do it."

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Spira panted. Almost there. before the last tree, she spotted Favian conversing with Skylene. She made a flying leap, and landed a few feet away. She completely ignored the fact that Skylene was there and they were having a conversation. "Favian! Bear coming! Right now! Only a few minutes left!"



Mint quickly reached the birth cave. Skylene was asking to Favian...she had always been suspicious of Lucofer, so she would be a good person to tell... "Skylene! Lucofer is planning something! Something bad! The entire message was mental, and Skylene was the only one that could see her.


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Skylene was impressed by Favian's answer. "That does make a lot of sense. Most of these hatchlings are completely unaware of safety and what it means anyway. I couldn't imagine having to deal with the stress you experience on a daily basis..." As she began to walk again, she suddenly gasped, and was frightened by what she was seeing: Mint. The dragon was supposed to be dead, so why was it appearing to her? Skylene began to feel dizzy, and leaned back on a tree, but was even more shocked at the message it sent to her. What?! Mint?! What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be dead!... She rubbed her eyes in disbelief of what her eyes showed her. ...What is that jerk planning, anyways?! Is it something about me? Because if it is, I think it'll be time to settle this once and for all...

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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"What? A bear?" Favian looked around frantically. "We need to tell everyone in the cave about it, now." he said quickly. "We need someone to redirect it so that it doesn't attack the people in the cave." Favian looked back and forth between the two females. "I'll go and tell everyone in the cave." he said as he began to run towards the entrance of the birth cave. "Do not let it get near here." Favian sped inside of the cave. His leg with the crippled foot was beginning to burn, but Favian didn't care. "Everyone! There's a bear in the area!" Favian shouted into the cave. "Everyone try and find some place to hide. Do not go outside and do not attempt to leave the cave." Favian's legs were aching now. It hurt to move his bad leg, but he still did not care. His life didn't matter in this situation.


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Lucifer was hiding in the trees. The bear was heading towards the birth cave on it's own. Lucifer sat in his tree and watched the following events. Luckily for him, no one could spot him from any angle. He was too well hidden and too clever to let someone spot him now.

Edited by Doctortear

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"No!" Spira yelped. The bear is aiming straight for the cave. Something might be guiding it! Get AWAY from the cave, and away from any forests!" At he moment, aspiration had almost forgotten about the incident with Cyrus. She just wanted to help Favian.



"I'm here because I'm here." Mint said abruptly. "And I don't know way Lucifer is doing, and who it has to do with. Not specifically about you though, and I told you because you hate him. He killed Sera and I. It had some purpose, apparently. But he has to kill two more people. And I don't know who."

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Mist had seen the bear, and had no choice but to run. 'Wait, maybe if I distract it with my bright colors it won't harm anyone!' She dived down in front of the bear, and the claws missed by inches. She flew to the side and the back, distracting it.

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Although Favian and Spira were only a few feet away from her, Skylene was tuned out of anything but Mint. She still couldn't understand what was happening, but knew it had to be something bad, something so bad that she would probably regret her actions later. It was as if she already envisioned the future in front of her, but was struggling to figure out what to do. Until Mint told her. He killed you and Sera?! That censorkip.gif***! And he's plotting to kill other people?! Where is he?! I'm going to find him, and put an end to his life!! In her whole life, she had never been so angry, and potentially deadly.

Edited by Bacon_Strips

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Sierra heard about the bear. 'Oh no, maybe I can kill it with my poison?' She thought. She walked out of the cave and looked for the bear.

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Mint shook her head. "I'm sorry, Skylene, but I don't know. But before you act... You should think. Come with me." Mint began to walk back into the forest.

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Favian almost slapped himself. He could never think straight when in a panic. It was one of his major flaws, and it was the thing that caused him to be reckless and attack the bear. The crippled foot reminded Favian just how reckless he could truly be. "Yes, ignore my last comment!" Favian said as he began to push people out. "Everyone get out and get away from the cave!" Clem managed to find her way up Favian's back and was clinging for dear life. Favian would say something to the water hatchlings, but they could easily escape into their underwater tunnel.



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Lineheart was jolted awake when Favian yelled out something about a bear. She had completely forgotten what had happened earlier before she fell asleep. She jumped up and ran over to Favian. "Wh-what this about a bear?!" She exclaimed as she followed Favian out of the cave.


Tasimi's eyes widened when he heard Favian, and he quickly dove underwater. "Guys! There's a bear coming to the cave!" He yelled.

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Skylene shook her head, still somewhat crazy in her mind. No...I can't. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I can't control this now. I need to do something. She got up, but she didn't move. Her mind wanted her to do something, something very dangerous, but her body wasn't letting her. Fighting the voices in her mind, she followed Mint. Where are we going? I can't be here. I have to leave. Despite the messages in her mind, she continued to follow her. She felt like she was going to explode at any given time.

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"Clem, I don't think you should do that right now." Spira said gently. "Favian is busy, and it's a dire situation. I think you should go and follow the others."



Mint continued until she reached the cave of time. "This is the cave of time." she announced. Inside it, you might be able to see what would happen if you fought Lucifer."

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Mist was getting tired. She flew up into a tree. 'Oh well. At least it slowed him down. If I can find another dragon then we can take turns.' She thought.

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Clem shook her head and dug her claws into Favian's back. "Listen to Spira, Clementine." Favian said as he winched from the pain that now spread over his back. "Spira, could you get her off my back?" Favian asked. He couldn't reach her, and the claws sinking into Favian's flesh were really starting to hurt.

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Spira started nodding, but noticed the bear blundering to the cave. It was surprisingly quiet, then it erupted into a full fledged charge. Right at Favian and Clem. Favian wouldn't be able to react in time with Clem on top of him. Everyone else had left. In desperation, aspiration darted underneath the bear and bit it's stomach.

Edited by KoalaNoob

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Mist saw the bear charge, she was worried and she dived at it's eyes without thinking, making it blind but more angry.



Sierra finally found the bear. It was charging at Favian. She ran and stabbed it with a barb.



Mountain watched the three dragons attack at once. The bear was momentarily paused.



Mystic had watched with no emotion. He called to Favian. "Move, there's a bear headed towards you!"



Silv heard commotion and shyly peeked out. She was horrified and in her surprise sent a wave that knocked Favian aside.

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