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I know that, but the rootkit was already taking effect. I doubt that it would stop as soon as I finally got an antiviral program to check for it. If viruses were that advanced, we'd never get them off of our machines.

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Wait, how does Troulce know that Leaf Scales is trying to find a stream? ._.

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The same way he knew Sparsus was taking over Redwing. dry.gif (He read the postbiggrin.gif)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Derp. He still probably assumes that she's trying to find Holmar, though, so the end result is the same.

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Writing for Troulce is easy: get angry, and refute every point made, even if the argument on your side is weak.

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I don't think I like Troulce very much... Sorry.

Is he ever going to say anything nice?

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Yeah, he's not meant to be liked.


The real question is, will anyone ever say anything nice to Troulce? He will never say anything nice if everyone keeps arguing with him.

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Cindiri tries to be nice, and I had a post where she said she thought he was being helpful but I had to change it when you wrote the post about him being mad at her for talking •^•

Edited by Ferven

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Back away from her before you start a fight of your own!


Troulce doesn't take commands too well. He was angry because of that, as well as Leaf Scales and Cerise being annoying.

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What are we talking about?


EDIT: Worked out what you're talking about. Troulce really has a bad temper.

Edited by 0023567467

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Troulce was mean from the beginning, the first time he spoke to Iktria he yelled at her. Before anyone had said anything mean to him. (Though she was being really annoying.)


Did anyone get it when I said, Redwing gives you powers?


You know Shiba, I liked Seraza but I cannot stand Troulce.

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Yes, MW, but Ray'd Bool gives you wings ...


Seraza and Troulce are actually opposites, personality wise. Seraza's much more Chaotic and Troulce is much more Lawful.

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Not really, they are pretty much the same, Troulce is just less willing to admit what he is. (Or more delusional, depending on how you look at it.)

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Look at it this way: Seraza just does things because she can and she wants to. Troulce does things because he sees them as good for the group (in the long run, not always immediately). He may be wrong, but his goals are different.

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Seraza said she was protecting her friends. And she only killed out of necessity.

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What's your favorite kind of ice cream?

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Ice cream flavor!


MW, yes, she was protecting them, but she did that because it suited her, not because it was 'right'. Trust me when I say that I write their posts in completely different ways.

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*little ice cream bursts out of an ice cream* Bweeeoooooww

No fair! That doesn't count... Do you not have a favorite kind of ice cream?


Also, I was watching this video and at the end the guy kept saying 'I am the law!' In a funny voice. It reminded me of Troulce xd.png

Edited by Ferven

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The quote 'I am the law' was a reference to a movie, which explains why you saw it there.



Okay, fine. My favorite flavor of ice cream is ... chocolate. Why some people hate it is beyond me.

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One of the great things about iPhones is that it's really easy to zoom in. That way you can read tiny text easily and clearly biggrin.gif


I agree, I used to not like that flavor but recently I tried it and it was really good.

My favorite is either mint chocolate chip or strawberry


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I don't know what my favorite is really, I don't like chocolate or butter pecan...

I suppose I would have to go with orange sherbet (which is technically not ice cream, but close enough).

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Dark chocolate is the best.




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