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Yeah ... well, what are you going to do?


I guess you could invent self-cleaning windows ...


Don't patent that! It's my idea!

Edited by Shibadruid

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So sorry for not replying earlier...the connection decided to be an ass-hole and I could just barely restrain myself from punching the monitor and saying certain words so it took me over an hour to calm down by watching the Suria channel on TV and reading Mind Game.


Yep, I'm on Too Much Information Mode.

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Yep, both my dad and my brother play that sometimes.

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Well, if you have ever wondered why a command center won't land when there is a Zerg under it, then look at


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Oh my god that was so cute! OwO I love it <3

Edited by Ferven

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There is a lot more where that came from. You should watch them all. He makes the ultralisk look cute somehow.

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I am watching them all, how could I not?

I even drew a picture if the little purple Zerg creature ^^

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I would love to show you but I don't know how to post photos from my iPhone on here sad.gif

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You could email yourself, access it from a computer, and then post it.


Edit: have you forgotten about Daralis?!

Edited by Narath

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Gah, everything is so big on the computer O.O


Okay, there is no possible way for me to do this -.- so annoying. I cant get a link to it or get it into the right format. sad.gif

The only way I can think of showing it to you would be to email it to you.

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All right, I'll pm you my email, but don't tell anyone what it is. Ok?

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Or she could click the email button in your profile, then she wouldn't even know what it was unless you replied.

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Since no one is asking, Sparsus is still completely worn out. He is using Redwing's mental energies to use his psychic abilities. They are both going to need to sleep soon.


In other words: Redwing gives you powers. xd.png

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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So, yeah. Don't get Troulce annoyed. His rants will only go downhill from here.


Edit: censorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gifcensorkip.gif

There seems to be a root kit on my computer, and I'm trying to delete it, but I have to download a piece of software when the rootkit specifically stops all software downloads.


Edited by Shibadruid

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It is a malicious viral program that activates and hides itself in the period before your OS starts up (the BIOS if I remember correctly). This way, basic anti-virus programs like MSE can't detect it. It's censorkip.gif annoying to fix.

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Okay, you may have to reinstall your system.


But that's if it actually is a root kit.

What's happening to your computer?

Edited by Ferven

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I think I got it.


Every time I tried to install something (even MSE) it said, 'X contained a virus and was deleted'. And when I tried to open MSE (on an admin account and using the 'open as admin' choice) it said, 'you do not have permissions to open this. Yeah. It was annoying.

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Sadly, you most likely didn't.


What kind of computer are you using? Windows? Mac?

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Toshiba laptop running Windows 7, 64 bit.


I can run MSE fine, and downloads work. I'm double-checking using a third party anti-viral software. The obvious symptoms are gone, at least.

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Some virus program things don't actually start affecting your computer until a few months after they got on. Be careful. These days they are much more advanced.

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