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I could send Troulce over, but I'd need someone else to post before it, so I don't double-post for the same character.


Also, if Moonbeam remembered, we should be seeing a reboot of her RP tomorrow in the unapproved RPs section.

Edited by Shibadruid

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Um, ok. I'm not sure I will join, depending on exactly how it goes.

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I just wanted to mention it, since it may have slipped people's minds.

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Nope, I remembered. I'm really not sure I understand her motives behind it though, if she didn't have time why is she rebooting it a month later (a month really isn't that long).

But whatever I guess.

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I think it was because she started it during the school year, and was too far behind to catch up. She probably has more time to stay active during the summer.

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Well, today was the first day of school so I'll probably won't be here much anymore, except maybe on weekends. :c You guys are usually online in the morning over here. Welp...

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*shakes fist in the air*


Darned time-zones. But at least you're learning, which is important in life.


Edit: Well, that makes me sound like a parent, doesn't it?

Edited by Shibadruid

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You know, you were saying that everyone sees to post in the morning for you? For me it's usually quite late when most people get on, from about 7 PM till 11 PM. I could probably switch to checking on the RP in the morning, which would translate to about 9-10 PM for you (I think? If I'm doing my math right.) It's something at least.


Edit: Yeah, it's two in the morning for me, but I'm in the middle of my summer vacation, so I don't care all that much xd.png .

Edited by Shibadruid

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Seriously?! xd.png


Would be awesome if you could check in the morning. That is, if I can manage to make time. I have to write a composition that I didn't know we were supposed to do over the holidays. Meh. In any case, I still practised my writing, anyways. It should be easy since it's about a road accident. tongue.gif

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When I read the word 'composition', I thought that you meant a musical piece at first xd.png . Those things are hard to write, trust me. At least you didn't forget a piece of homework for something that you don't like, math for instance if I remember correctly.

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Same xd.png . I'm going into in Honors Precalc (the furthest ahead you can be in for my grade), and I'm still getting an A on average. Math is just my thing where as PE is most definitely not.


Edit: Well, I do have to sleep eventually. 'Night. (or afternoon as the case may be.)

Edited by Shibadruid

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I don't often like math, but it's my best class. I usually get really high marks. I believe in grade 10 I got a 98 or something as a final mark. In the trigonometry unit I got a 100 I think.


Just a bit of advice my dad and my grade 10 math teacher told me; "don't let school get in your way."

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I am amazing at physics and chemistry, I hate biology and math (which I am actually quite good at). I am also good at programming and phys ed (which for me is a swimming class).

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Hi Onix, can you have Cerise reply to Sparsus? Maybe noticing that he seems refreshed?

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Noooo I just missed a CB silver Dx


Edit: It's all good now, this time I got it biggrin.gif

Edited by Ferven

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Just keep trying, sooner or later you will get lucky. I don't know if you already know this but the cave refreshes on the hour, I find that to be the best time to find rares ^^

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I know, it also adds a few eggs every five minutes. I have not been trying at all, but I need a male CB Silver to breed with my Lumina. Or a male CB Black alt, but that is extremely rare. (Here it comes.)

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