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Sorry mate but 11 so that make me the youngest

I know, but you hadn't posted yet. That's why I said so far ^^

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I was joking, I have my birthday on my profile.

Seriously? No one got that reference?

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I made one when I married Sparsus and Redwing.


Oh and, the hatchlings have fairly high ,aturity levels, especially Sparsus and Troulce. Troulce even referred to him and Sparsus as adults (one side, Sparsus is at least 18 in maturity). And if you look historically, girls often married at ~12 or 13, so Redwing only needs a maturity level of about 12 for the to be mature enough to marry.

Now, there is still the fact that they went really fast, but you have to remember, they are just short of being one person. They have developed an unbreakable connection. I made them SOUL MATES, whatever that means. dry.gif. And literally, if Sparsus were to die Redwing would die too, if Redwing were to die she would take the part of Sparsus that has her in it which is connected to the part that has a long temper, and he would be left as half zombie, half maniac and, after a few minutes, all dead.


My explanation, take it or eat it (Brainz).

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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I made one when I married Sparsus and Redwing.

Remind me again how that's official in any way, shape, or form?

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You do realize that we all just said how old we are? We're even.

Well, I didn't see the posts. Eh, never mind. I was too busy watching YouTube. xP

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So I'm the oldest?

It appears so, unless someone who hasn't spoken yet is older.

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Was it a Doctor Who reference?

Yes, and I'm 50. tongue.gif


Remind me again how that's official in any way, shape, or form?

It's not...

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Dotz is 17, he'll be 18 a little before I turn 15. (I'm fiftee)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Wait what seriously?!?

Because the first thing I thought of when I heard it was supposed to be a reference was when that thing happened with Rose and she was taken away in the last episode of season whatever (I haven't actually seen that episode yet...)

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*sigh* it always seems like Dream waits to post something for Stars just after I go to sleep.

I don't want to sound pushy, but might I ask why you haven't been posting for Stars lately?

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I'm wondering that too, I would love for our dragons to meet each other ^^

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I am going to now, and was about to say something but I'm not going to use a lame excuse. So off to type up a post!

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Don't mind me, I'm just going to hang upside-down off of the rafters, like a ninja. ninja.gif

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My dragons got married in a strange way that broke the fourth wall in what I referenced it on. I am amazing. (No I'm not.)

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Oh man I hate nightmares!


*watches Shiba crash into the ground*

you weren't ninja enough

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A pleasant nightmare? *head explodes*.


*flips over and lands on feet*. What? When they say that ninjas are 'cat-like' they're not just talking about reflexes ...

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