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Spike met the charge using his body spikes to try and impale Shade.


Lieutenant freed himself from the dragon and started to fired arrows at Flamesong. Ellis flew backwards and drew his ax. "Two one one? You humans are weak." he said dueling with both Seth and Pete.

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Shade rammed into Spike, not reacting to the pain of being stabbed by the spikes. "You'll have to do better than that!" He shoved forwards to stagger Spike before flying back, ready for another ram.


Seth got up, struggling. "At least we don't destroy innocent lives! We're doing this to stop you! You're nothing but a monster!" He turned to Pete. "Go! Get Lieutenant before he kills Flamesong! I can handle him for now!" Of course, it was a lie, but a well crafted one. He felt that his arms were almost broken, and he felt himself bleed heavily under his armor. But he wouldn't give up! He charged at Ellis, slashing with all he had.


Flamesong was hit by every arrow, and was losing altitude quickly. Before he spun out of control by trying to right himself, he decided to crash into a target. His eyes locked on Shade. He launched himself forwards, closing his eyes to keep the nausea away. He was spinning too fast for his liking!

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Ellis glared. "Arcarai don't have soft squishy hearts like dragons do. We don't mope about death, its why we won so many wars." Ellis said cold bringing his ax down to finish Seth once and for all.


Spike saw what Flamesong was doing and backed up.


Lieutenant started to roll around with Pete in the mud. It had started to rain in the battle.

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Flamesong opened his eyes right as he connected with Shade, causing a shock wave to ripple, and create a crater at the impact zone.


Seth laughed. "Soft hearts? We'll see about that." He chuckled grimly before lunging at Ellis, feeling the Arcarai's axe cut into his arm. It was now stuck in his good arm. "If I'm going down..." He dumped his quiver onto the ground, spilling sixty explosive arrows onto the ground. "I'm going to make one censorkip.gif of a bang to take you with me." He wrapped the Arcarai in a bear hug, laughing maniacally. The arrows would explode in about three seconds. Sacrificing his own life to take the leader's life with his own was a thing of beauty. He stared into Ellis's eyes, wanting to see the fear in them.


Shade roared, feeling his spine get rammed. It would have been a killing blow to the head had he not ducked. Shade looked over at Ellis and gasped. "No!"

Edited by EchotheWolf

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Lieutenant was just about to slit Pete's throat when Ellis yelled "FOR ARCARAI!" as there was a big bang. Seth and Ellis were gone. Some others had been killed in the blast. The Arcarai panicked and fled. Others started to yell and charge in. Lieutenant clutched his bow and thumped Pete on the head hard. "We'll torture you and your friends for such a stunt." and he flew off to the first line of defense to the Arcarai capital. The city of Leproza.


Spike looked horrified. Seth had followed in Pete's footsteps... making the ultimate sacrifice. Then anger blazed in his eyes as he started killing Arcarai left and right and roaring like a beast.

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Right before the explosion, Seth's world went in slow-motion. Pete... This has done a major blow to the Arcarai. I'm glad, though, that I was able to sacrifice myself. For you... FOR PETE!!! He watched as a sudden burst of light and heat went off, throwing a white light into his vision. Then, the explosion really happened. Goodbye...


Flamesong's head snapped to the blast site. He ran to it, flapping his useless wings. What he saw caused his eyes to water. Where Seth and Ellis were standing not five seconds ago... There was nothing left. No trace that there were two living beings there. "He's gone... Seth, you clever censorkip.gif ." Flamesong went towards Pete, lifting him up. "Come on... Let's go. We heal our wounds, and then take the fight to those censorkip.gif ing Arcarai. Seth's sacrifice will not be in vain." He let out a jet of flame, spreading it to the remaining Arcarai.


Shade flew after Lieutenant, realizing that Ellis, their leader, was really gone.

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Lieutenant flew in silence, with the other Arcarai who had survived the battle. They knew truly, that they had no better general.


Pete pulled an arrow out of his shin. Seth had made the ultimate sacrifice. The human army murmured and started the slow march to Leproza. Pete couldn't help feeling guilty. But what struck him odd was... no bodies where in the explosion...

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(Well... If there was a huge censorkip.gif explosion, no body part would be left xd.png)


Shade couldn't believe it. "How could this have happened to us?"


Flamesong walked beside Pete, although it was almost as though Pete was under him. "Hey... Don't blame yourself. Seth knew what he was doing. If h hadn't done what he did, we would have been demolished."

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"Every great general makes a campaign, but dies before it ends. Now... I must take Ellis's place and restore honor to Imperial Arcarai." Lieutenant said doubtful of ever being a good general.


"But unlike me... he is no where to revive... and it only happens once." Pete said.


(maybe a bunch of limbs, mortars leave legs behind)

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(Still, though... Sixty explosive arrows all going off at once. You know, Mythbusters should totally do something on that.)


One of the Arcarai in the line chuckled. "General Lieutenant, eh?" He started laughing. (Had to have one of them make a bum joke.)


Flamesong sighed. "Yes... But through his sacrifice, we can end this war."

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"I didn't choose my name." Lieutenant replied. "My father was a warrior. They called him Captain."


"The final battle is near. Leproza, then the capitol Eaziu. They said everyone is being trained in the capitol. The most bloody battle is always the final one." Pete said looking over the horizon. "But it is deadly to get to the capitol, either shortcut through the desert or go around. Both will require climbing mountains. Mt. Tamor will be a problem. The highest mountain in the land will have an outpost filled with crossbowmen. I hope we are prepared." he was interrupted by a smaller soldier who looked barely 18. "Sir, we need to stop." "Set camp here, we have a day of traveling, get some rest.". Just when pete got ready to settle down the boy gave him a letter. "You aren't alone. Battles have been going and Simon has been defended. Voltur has been taking over. The end is near-Signed General Squall". He folded the letter. "We aren't alone. Squall is advancing from the east... the arcarai fall tomorrow."

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(Wow. We should make two characters from the other rebel group! That would be epic Fire Emblem style xd.png Squall sounds awesome! Me wanna be Squall! xd.png)


Flamesong nodded. "Tomorrow... We march. I hope Squall and his group arrive quickly."

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(you can be squall xd.png . It would be like call of duty like, playing as two characters from different groups...)


"We're counting on Squall. The last offensive general after Arzrential. The others are defensive.". Pete said setting up a simple tent. Tomorrow, they'd have to march over bug infested deserts and up the biggest mountains in the land. But he couldn't sleep.


Spike wouldn't talk to anybody and just glared at the ground. One of his most trusty friends had died honorably. He admired that and wished he could join Seth. But there was still a war to win, and he would be the one cutting the arcarai king's head off.

Edited by BoomSALMON

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Flamesong nodded. "Squall..."


Username: Echothewolf

Name: Squall

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Squall is serious, and has been trained for a long time for war.

Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q...2LaD39tIH6SDenD

Other: He is capable of wielding very heavy weapons without being slowed down.


Edited by EchotheWolf

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Pete finally fell asleep. But he had troubling dreams of Ellis smiling killing everyone he loved over and over again.

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Squall sighed, throwing the body of a goblin over his shoulder. "I wonder if Pete and his little band of rookies are doing okay." He had several weapons in sheaths. He would be prepared for anything, really. He looked up at the sky. "I should get moving." He looked behind him, as if he just realized that there was a whole army of goblins all scattered on the ground in a pool of blood. "Huh. Did I do that?" He walked away.

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(Username: BoomSALMON

Name: Palmic

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Personality: Skittish and Uncertain

Appearance: Skinny, 5"11, Black hair and grey eyes.

Other: He is barely 18 and is under Squall's command. Ranked Private)


Palmic ran up to General Squall. "Sir the goblins have fled up toward Leproza. Spies say that they are readying a large scale defense with catapults and gas spiders." he informed.





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Squall looked back at Palmic, smiling. Palmic had been his Private for at least a year. Sure, they had gotten into tough situations, but they had pulled through. "Hmm... So, they're fleeing back to their little hideout? That must mean Petey pulled through. But gas spiders are something to worry about..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Ugh... Well, we have two options.


1: Go on our regular path and march towards the base...

2: Locate Pete and his little group.


I personally don't think that we can take them down alone, but I'll let you decide." He pulled out his map. "Leproza... Quite a ways from here. Pete should be near Silver Peaks, but further away. I'd say somewhere between there and Scorch Desert. So we go forward or back..."

Edited by EchotheWolf

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Palmic nodded. "I would suggest combining with Pete, but I'm no general. I hope he has some dragons. We only have 3. But I have a plan when we get to the capitol... remember explosives we found? We should have dragons fly over the city while dropping them.".

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Squall nodded. "Well, then we go to the forest near Silver Peaks." (I memorized the map you posted biggrin.gif) He led the way, nodding. "Yes... If we can get the dragons to Sky Bomb the Castle, we can easily run in during the chaos, and take it over.

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"They say all the arcarai of the world have gathered in the capitol. The goblins defend Leproza because it is a goblin town, and arcarai have moved out of it. Goblins still defend. And the watch tower on Mt. Tamor. Its impossible to climb the mountain and it is right by the capitol." Palmic said as a bark sounded. Feral Arcarai. "Feral Arcarai... they are cannibals and speak in barks... and they are probably coming...".

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Squall hummed. "Well... no censorkip.gif ." He tried to estimate where the feral Arcarai were. "We probably should hurry."

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Spears flew from the trees hitting the soldier next to him. The feral arcarai flew out and Palmic readied his lance.

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Squall's eyes widened, and he did a quick cartwheel, dodging another spear. He grabbed another one that was poorly thrown, spinning it around. "Alright, time for some target practice, Palmic!" He smiled, flinging the spear back at the group. "If you're so hungry, why don't you eat this?!"

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