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Our War~ Accepting!

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Trentum grinned. "You're welcome." he said, getting up and stretching his wings in the few tiny raindrops that were left. He yawned and sat down on the riverbank. He watched the water rush by. It was brownish from the mud that had been lifted in its power. "I think we should refrain from fishing, for a while." Trentum said nervously.


((Bye. ^^))

Edited by Anquatic

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Siren fixed up the stones of her nest to be a little neater, spreading out the moss that was already there. She then dropped the branches and broke them into smaller pieces, spreading them out and weaving them together to form a more suitable nest. She then dropped thick pieces of the hanging moss down on the bottom for cushion, leaving some on the side to burrow under.


Once she was satisfied, she headed back out toward the mouth of the cave. She wanted to at least try and associate with the other dragons. She was shy, but she wasn't reclusive. She walked out of the cave's entrance, walking to the river and looking down at her reflection in the coursing water. She looked over her pitch-black scales, dotted with colorful stars that shifted from time to time. She looked up at the stars, sitting and curling her tail around her toes. She didn't know if coming here was right, but she hoped that she would find out in due time.


Looking down at her ruby-colored wings, she shifted the patterns experimentally.

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Tuinya curled up, starting to fall asleep. She was very tired, after wandering in the Ensia Forest. Oh, how she remember when she and Sombra met..


Sombra looked at Tuinya, who was now asleep. Cats can't stay awake forever! she thought. Sombra fell asleep not very long after thinking that. She had a dream about when Tuinya and her met...a nightmare, and a dream mixed together.


Sombra was in a strange, dead forest...the Silent Forest. She was terrified, and still an egg. She had rolled into there, and could feel the dark and deadliness. All too quickly for her to figure out, a gray blur ran around the egg. Then, a vampire Dragon jumped out..and the gray blur was off fighting with the vampire Dragon. The blur walked back to the egg after finishing off the adult vampire. Sombra could see the blur through a tiny hole in the egg. It wasn't a blur, but a shadow cat. The shadow cat picked up the egg, and carried it out of the forest and just outside the clan cave. Then, the shadow cat hid. "Tuinya.." Sombra whispered. Tuinya roared, and ran. That was when Midnight found Sombra...and a wolf found Tuinya.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Fyrefly was still flying. She abandoned her plan to go hunt, just remembering the fawn she'd caught. The rain was gone. She was happy. "Siren!" she called to the Nebula dragon. "It really is a beautiful day, isn't it?" she asked, her smile as bright as the stars.

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Sombra woke up, startling Tuinya. "Tuinya," she said, looking at her cat. She then made a shadow shape, using the lost shadow language now only known by Shadow Walkers. Tuinya nodded. No one had created a Shadow Walker translator, so it was impossible to tell what she was saying. Sombra watched Tuinya as she turned into a giant shadow cat, picking Sombra up. Sombra roared, then Tuinya walked outside the cave. They were happy it wasn't raining anymore.


WhitePearl smiled as the rain stopped. She flapped her wings, flying to her cave. She was happy that her cave was dry, warm and clean. She landed near her food pile, and pulled out a half-eaten deer. She finished it and fell asleep.


Mystic woke up again, and got up. She found a toy from her past, a practice doll to use powers on. She gave it to Xaphan, and flew into the Ensia Forest. She found some vines, special mint leaves, and special flowers for her to eat. Mystic also got more moss for the nest. She then caught some rabbits, and carried them back to her cave. She put them near the nest, put the moss in the nest, and then started cleaning around her cave.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Trentum yawned, stepping away from the swirling, muddy water. "I'm going to go see how Sombra and her pet cat are doing." he said to Tyra, trotting into the cave. "Sombra? Are you hungry?" he asked, seating himself by the Shadow Walker. He tore a leg of fawn from the carcass and wrapped shadows around it. Maybe they tasted good.

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((hello ^^ and i read one of your posts before, and nice. with the red beam dara and mystic? thanks for remembering that ^^))


Sombra smiled, and ate it. Then, Tuinya looked down at him. She was truthfully only a kitten, but she could already change into anything. Sombra growled, making Tuinya snap back to reality. Tuinya put Sombra down carefully, then shook her 'fur'.

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((Haha, you're welcome. smile.gif I like to add previous events every so often. I think it makes things a bit more realistic. ^^))


Trentum grinned. Sombra loved to eat. He gnawed on a front leg. It was tasty, and nice and cold. He chewed on the meat, thinking. Who was that large shadow cat Tuinya? Trentum licked the bone clean; it had held little meat. He crunched done on it; snapping the thing in half. He licked at the marrow inside. Trentum yawned, studying the cat. "She looks like she's a really good friend of yours?" Trentum asked Sombra, trying to speak like younger hatchlings, who often had a slightly different sound to their speech, like a different dialect.

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Sombra understood, and said something in Shadow language. Tuinya then pressed a button on her paw(the cats). What Sombra said came out clear, and understandable. "Yes, Tuinya saved me when I rolled into the Silent Forest and away from my families cave. She also brought me here, when I was an egg." Sombra looked at the ring with a button on Tuinya's paw with delight. It was a translator! Sombra smiled at Tuinya, who was too busy looking at the fawn's shadow to notice.

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Trentum flinched upon hearing the voice. He listened, nonetheless. "Wow, Tuinya." Trentum said, blinking in surprise and amazement. "That's very kind of you to do." he said, smiling. "But, Sombra, did Tuinya tell you this or were you aware of it? Were you developed in your egg, but not quite ready to come out?" he asked curiously. "I've heard of some hatchlings who grew in their eggs but stayed in them for a while."

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Tuinya heard Trentum and smiled. Sombra said something in Shadow language. Then, Tuinya pressed the button on her ring. "I was aware of it. A hour after I was born, I was ready to hatch. But I stayed in my egg." The ring said. Sombra started growling, feeling something...strange. Whatever it was, it held great power. Sombra twitched, and continued growling. Tuinya looked at Sombra in alarm. Whats wrong with you? Are you hurt? Just a strange but strong power. You don't look that fine. I'm fine I tell you! Sombra looked at Trentum again. Tuinya yawned, turning into a small cat and falling asleep near Sombra's side.


((Thought:Tuinya is gray, Sombra is blue.))

Edited by seacatsmew

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Tyra looked up at the sleek black teenage dragon and nodded. "Alright, I uh...I guess I'll come with you," she replied, standing up. She began to follow him as the wind blew the last of the storm clouds away and the soft evening sun's rays gently caressed the two dragons' backs. Tyra made no noise as she followed Trentum to Sombra, her paws wet with the rain from the grass.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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(hi ^^)

Tuinya woke up, hearing Tyra. "Meow?" she said, purring loudly. Sombra, Tyra is here. Turn around! No. No? I am not turning around, for I am bored. SOMBRA! Fine. Sombra turned around, looking at Tyra. She said something in Shadow Language, then smiled.


((Blue: Sombra, Gray: Tuinya.))

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((hello! ^^))


Tyra sat down close to the nest and smiled back. "Hello, Sombra... How are you feeling?" she asked softly.

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Sombra made a shadow into a word. 'I'm fine.' It read. Tuinya, feeling ignored, meowed louder. Sombra. You must learn the main language. NO! Sombra said that so loud in her head, that Tuinya AND Tyra could hear, along with Trentum.


(So many 'T's!)

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Siren's head perked up, and she looked down at the little gold hatchling. She gave a warm smile.


"Yes, it is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you are the one they call Fyrefly, right?" she said softly.

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Sombra looked up at Siren. "Cerrraw!" She said, startling Tuinya. Tuinya gave a small annoyed mew, and yawned. She stood up, and looked at Siren, then Sombra. Tuinya gave up, walking partly away. Sombra, go to sleep. I'll watch. Yes cat! Not funny. *giggle* Oh well. I'm sleeping.*fake snoring* SOMBRA! Alright, alright. Sombra then fell asleep. Tuinya stood near her, guarding her.


(So many 'S's, and 'T's! Blue: Sombra, Grey: Tuinya)

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Siren was startled by the loud noise behind her and jumped. She looked to see another hatchling, smiling before turning back to the gold hatchling, awaiting an answer.

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Fyrefly nodded. "Yes, I-" she was so surprised by the strange noise she let out a small burst of flame. "What was that?" she squeaked out.


Trentum shivered at Sombra's strong "No!". He tried to smile at her; at least she was sort of learning, kind of... "Oh, Sombra." he said, laughing.

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