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Our War~ Accepting!

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"Oh no you don't!" Tyra quickly picked up the tiny hatchling and put her back in the nest. "You need to rest," she scolded lightly. However, she laid right next to the nest and examined the note. "I'm...I'm not sure what it is..." she replied to Sombra's inquisitive chirp.

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Sombra quickly took the note, studying it. She understood what it was, and looked at Tyra. "Chuur!" she said, which didn't really mean anything. She then looked around, wondering who it was from.

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Tyra blinked and tilted her head to the side. "You can understand it? What is it, Sombra?" she asked, "Though you probably don't understand half the things I'm saying..." Looking towards the entrance of the cave, Tyra sighed a bit. "It looked like the shadow of a big cat. It left the note..."

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Flaming decided to look around to see what the noise is all about. She rised to her great feet and walked out of the cave. She scanned the area, looking for the other hatchlings and with her great eyesight, she could see them looking at something. She letted out a low growl and walked towards them. She just noticed that the trees were getting smaller, oh wait. Flaming was just getting bigger, so she got nothing to do with the trees. She felt like a gaint dinosaur walking though the forset as she dragged her strong tail along the ground. She decided to head back to the cave after giving up, the storm was pounding againest her ears loudly and the rain battled at her back. She could hear the roars of the storm as she walked though the thick mud. Flaming was used to this weather so this was nothing at all towards her.

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Sombra seemed to understand everything. "Tuinya!" she yelled, which is the name of the shadow cat. It is Sombra's pet cat, and the note is for Shadow Walkers only. It was from her parents, more secret. "Kurrah!" She said, which meant 'Tuinya is my pet cat, and this note is for me. Top secret!'

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Tyra chuckled. "Top secret, eh?" She sighed and stood, stretching her wings. "Alright, alright. I'll let you view your message in private," she gave in, slowly walking out of that room in the cave.

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Sombra spit a shadow on the message, revealing shadow words, a language only known to Shadow Walkers. She secretly read it(that's why it isn't on here) and smiled. She called Tyra back in, hiding the message. "Caara!" Sombra yelled, which meant 'Its good now!'

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((Gotta go. Cya!))


Tyra casually strode back in and lay down next to Sombra's nest. Looking towards the entrance of the cave, she lay her head on her paws worriedly. "I hope Fyrefly and Trentum are alright..."

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Sombra nodded, then fell asleep. She had a dream about Tuynia, the shadow cat. She also had the note in her dream, and her mom and dad. It was an amazing dream.

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Siren sat in the shadow of a great pine tree. Her toes were sore from so much walking, and the night had been uncomfortably cool. A cold front was moving in, and she could smell the rain in the air as thunder rolled overhead. The musky scent of moist earth reached her nose from far off in the distance, letting her know that the storm would reach her within the hour. She enjoyed rain, but the clouds blocked her view of the endless, starry sky. Nonetheless, she would need to find a more suitable shelter than the boughs of a pine tree. She stood and stretched, her body glittering even in the shadows. She folded her crimson wings tightly against her body, to avoid snagging them on the pine needles as she slipped out from beneath the branches.


She walked a while longer, dried pine needles crunching beneath her feet as she passed over them. She peered at her surroundings, taking in every detail she could possibly use to identify the area. It was obviously the hunting grounds for a dragon, judging by the size of some of the broken branches lying on the forest floor. What kind or how many, she couldn't say. The air was not warm enough for any fire-dwelling creature. Perhaps this was the territory of a Grey, seeming as how quickly the storm was approaching could signify the return of one from a possible hunt. She didn't want to jump to any conclusions, as she knew that assuming could end up costing her life.


The winds shifted and began to blow against her face, her glimmering scales rattling slightly. She arched her neck to peer around the corner, but saw nothing. In an attempt to calm her nerves, she began to hum softly, hoping that she wouldn't take anything by surprise and induce an attack.


After cautiously passing through a good mile or so of trees, she began to calm down. A light sprinkle marked the beginning of the storm, and she had yet to find a cave of any sort. She nearly lost hope of finding anything better than some tree branches. However, upon coming to a small clearing, her attitude perked back up when she spied a large cavern. She could smell dragons - and lots of them - residing within. She wasn't sure whether this was good or not. On one hand, this could be the Clan she had sought after for so long. On the other, it could be a family of dragons and she was their next meal. She didn't want to press her luck until she could speak to one directly, so in an effort to stay dry without appearing in front of the cave, she slipped beneath an outcropping of rock in the cliff face, just large enough for her sleek frame to fit in. She hoped that someone would come out, so that she may see just who it was that resided here.

Edited by kronosdragon

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"SOMBRA!" Trentum called again. He was getting pelted by cold raindrops that flooded from the trees, and his body temperature was dropping to a dangerous low. "SOMBRA WHERE ARE YOU?" he screeched, tears trickling down his face. The Black hatchling had no idea that Sombra was alright with Tyra. So onwards he pressed, getting more and more lost in the forest. "SOMBRA!" he called again, panting. His cries were a mere whisper against the booming thunder that struck his eardrums every so often. Tremtum collapsed. "Sombra..." he mumbled weakly, wings drooping to his sides. He felt the rain wash over him as he struggled to find the energy to get up again.


Fyrefly's chest hurt. She kept reliving the fawn's hooves kicking her. Although it had just happened, she'd thought about it too much. The young deer had knocked the wind out of her, with two hooves, one attached to a broken leg, too. Fyrefly rolled over and forced herself up. Taking a deep breath, peppered with droplets of water, she let loose an angry blast of icy-cold air. The fawn made a terrified squealing noise before it was frozen. Fyrefly trotted over and ran her paw over the rugged surface of ice. She was extremely tired, but, at the moment, was proud for her kill, although it was attached to the ground by ice. How will I get it back? Is it even dead yet? she wondered.


Lotus stretched her purple wings. It had been a long time since the Gold hatchling that she was supposed to take care of ran away. Or got lost. Or killed, even... Either way, a Whiptail who'd passed by to receive new news of the war had informed her that she had indeed met a Gold hatchling, near a river and a cave, and her name was Fyrefly. Fyrefly! Lotus had remember at least that about the hatchling; her name. She thanked the Whiptail, who darted off as soon as the words left her mouth. Lotus managed to find a few stale scents of the Gold hatchling, but they were unclear and muddled. As she got closer to what she assumed was her destination, there were even scents of other hatchlings that masked Fyrefly's. After much frustration, getting lost and hurt, backtracking, and asking for directions, she reached the clan cave. "Hello?" she called.

Edited by Anquatic

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Tuynia heard Trentum. "Shes at the Clan cave with Tyra." The shadow cat called. She picked him up, and carried him to the Clan cave. Tuynia dropped him off near the mouth of the cave, disappearing without leaving a trace. Tuynia returned to the forest, looking for Fyrefly.

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Trentum heard a call. Like a wild cat's. He detected a creature of the dark, and was about to say hello when he felt the feline's teeth around him. Before he knew it, he was dropped off at the clan cave. Soaking wet, but alive. "No... Fyrefly... I forgot about her..." he murmured, resigned to waiting inside the cave. He watched the forest intently. Trentum flinched; he could've sworn he saw the tip of a shadowy tail flicker in the forest, but dismissed it as the wind blowing the trees about.


Fyrefly was getting more and more tired, as she hid beside the frozen fawn and tried to keep herself warm with some flames. Luckily, the fawn was in such a position that shielded her from most of the rain. But she was starting to fall asleep....

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Siren looked up at the sounds of shouting and spotted a black cat heading toward the giant cavern, with what looked like a hatchling in its maw. Siren ducked her head to avoid being seen as the cat disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The rain was pouring down, barely anything audible above the crashing of the water upon the forest floor. Once the cat was gone, she slipped out of the shadows and swallowed her fears. She approached the mouth of the cave, the stalactites hanging like menacing teeth. With trembling voice and nervous posture, she stepped into the cave. In a soft, shy tone, she called, "H-Hello? Is anyone th-there?"

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(( has anything happened to Xaphan / Vrael / Phaine?, No idea what my characters are doing now or where they are... :/))

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((Mystic should still be with Xaphan. I'm not sure who is interacting with the others.))


Trentum heard a nervous voice call out into the cave. Still tired from looking for Fyrefly, he didn't make any movement. But when he remembered his arrival to the cave, and his own fear, he struggled up to his paws and made his way over to the new dragon. "Hello. My name is Trentum." he said.


Fyrefly had fallen asleep. She was cold, but quickly realized that the cold was alright. The rain was still annoying, though, she fell asleep in its midst anyways. The fawn's iciness behind her was unnerving at first, although when Fyrefly realized that she had frozen it thoroughly, she was alright with just curling up by it.


Lotus spotted a dark, shadowy form, and jumped back. She spread her wings and retreated into the river. It was cold, and running faster than usual, but she was a decent swimmer and made her way behind the cave before resurfacing. She peeked out from the stone to see a new arrival, and decided to stay hidden, lest she scared anyone away.

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Up to this point, never had she come across a dragon that immediately just said hello. Usually, others were either frightened or angry with her for encroaching on their territory.




Siren was silent for a moment before moving a little further into the cave, moving out of the driving rain.


"M-My name is Siren...Is this, uh, y-your cave?"

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"Actually, no." Trentum said. He turned to pick up a piece of frozen fish. "This is a clan cave. You see, there's a war going on between humans and dragons. And there are hatchlings who come here, their parents off to fight, or even dead. Take me as an example. My parents and older brother went off to fight. I was supposed to be given a sitter, but they never came and I was alone for a long time. So I wandered around and arrived here." he said. Then he placed the fish in front of the new dragon. "Hungry?"

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Siren perked up, joy filling her heart as she was told that she had finally made it to the Clan. She looked over the fish that Trentum offered her, but politely declined.


"I'm not hungry, but thank you. I can't believe I actually made it...I've been traveling for so long, trying to find this place. Like you, my parents were sent away, but I and my sister had been taken by a sitter. We were attacked when I was but a hatchling, and my dear sister..."


She looked away and cleared her throat before looking back at the young dragon.


"Well, the past is the past. I've been on my own for many years. Perhaps you may even have heard the rumors that frightened dragons with overactive imaginations have begun to spread. They've taken to calling me 'the siren of the forest'."


She snorted, giving a dragonish chuckle.


"But unlike my namesake, do not lure unwary dragons to their death."


She looked all around the cave, curious about her new surroundings.


"Who leads the Clan? Who may I speak to, so that I may offer my gifts to aid the efforts to stop this war?"

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Trentum nodded and placed the fish back onto the food pile. "I'm glad that you made it, as well. We're always welcoming of new dragons. But, I'm sorry about your... Um..." he trailed off awkwardly, ducking his head nervously. Then he turned back to her, not wanting to be rude. Trentum smiled. The Siren of the forest... he though in amusement, although he hadn't heard of her.


"Well, the clan isn't led in a strict way or anything. We do have a leader, a Guardian of Nature named Crisie. However, I do not know where she is. Possibly off looking for new hatchlings to help out or so. I apologize that there isn't any dragon of any high rank that you can speak with, really. But I'm here, so if that's good enough for you, I'll be more than glad to listen and offer you food and shelter." he said, smiling kindly.

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Siren smiled happily, glad to have found another friendly dragon. She had never met Guardian of Nature, so she looked forward to possibly meeting this Crisie in due time. She backed up a little, toward that cave mouth, and shook off the raindrops that clung to her scales. She didn't want to be rude and track water into the cave. She turned back to Trentum, a dragonish grin on her face. The patterns on her wings shifted around in response to her mood, making them shimmer almost hypnotically.


"Well, I will do what I can to help out around here, until I can meet this Crisie. She sounds like a good leader, to be out searching for lost hatchlings."


Siren felt like singing, the song swelling in her breast. She withheld, however. While she enjoyed sharing her gift of song, she was shy when it came to singing around those she did not know very well.


"Is there anything I should know? Rules? Duties?"

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Her ears jerked towards the word "Crisie" and "Guardian of Nature". She felt another black hole shollowing her with sadnes. They didn't know the truth. They didn't know that Crisie was tranformed into one of Inkheart's servents and was forced to try and capture her friends and bring them to him so he could drain out their powers and become the most strongest dragon in the land. Flaming didn't know what to do at that time. She thought she lost her friend and found her again, but Crisie was different. She tried to kill Flaming before so Flaming had no choice but to knock her out before she done any more damage. She felt horriable ever since. Then she got flashbacks of her parents. They were kissing her goodbye before flying away to battle. A small dragon tear rolled down her eye as she thought about her father. She tried to push those thoughts away.

"There isn't much rules..." she told Siren, fighting back the tears. Her voice sounded deep and dangerous since she was getting older. She was almost an adult now, almost old enough to go to war to join her parents. "Don't go anywhere without someone else with you. Dangerous things are out there."

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Trentum felt a strange feeling from Flaming. He couldn't quite describe it, but it wasn't exactly positive. Nonetheless, he smiled kindly to the newcomer. "Well, we're glad to have you with us..." he managed, despite Flaming's words. "I guess when the rain lets up, we can start hunting again. We met this Shadow Walker hatchling, who ate most of the fish that were caught..." he began, laughing a little, nervously. Trying to lighten the mood.


Fyrefly finally woke up. She stretched. The rain was still going strong, and she was getting more and more wet. She readied herself to bring the fawn back to the clan, but her paw slipped over a large patch of mud and she fell backwards, unsteadily as her wings flailed like her limbs, into the wet, long grass. Fyrefly spat out blades of grass from her mouth, setting them on fire as she did so in frustration. Sighing, she defrosted the deer, which was freezing cold. "How will I do this..." she muttered. I suppose I'll be forced to just drag it back. she thought, upset. Clamping down on the fawn's front leg, she inched her way back towards the clan.


Lotus watched the young red Nebula adult. She spotted a Hellfire and flinched. The Purple mature did not like fire; she'd had bad experiences with it. Lotus turned and darted into the forest, quick as a rabbit. She kept running, scared, despite the fact that she was considerably older and likely stronger than the young Hellfire. Lotus nearly crashed into a fawn, whose fur, she noticed, was icily cold. There was a young Gold hatchling dragging the fawn along, who stopped to stare nervously at the Purple dragon. "Do you need help...?" Lotus ventured.


"Yes, please." Fyrefly murmured, her green eyes widening. She's a kind stranger, don't worry. she thought frenziedly. Fyrefly trailed behind the larger dragon. "Please help me take it to the cave across the river."

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Siren's head snapped around to see the Hellfire wyvern. She hadn't seen her before, and for moment, was fearful. She had heard the Hellfire wyverns, particularly females, were highly territorial and of violent nature. However, this one seemed calm, almost melancholy. So, she excused her previous assumptions and bowed her head the young adult. She then turned back to Trentum.


"I've never seen a Shadow Walker before. Is it friendly?"

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