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Our War~ Accepting!

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Trentum laughed good-naturedly at the little hatchling. He tipped his head to the sky and trilled, "Sombrrrraa!" I can relate with her. We're both creatures of darkness. Not widely accepted, or anything like that... he thought quietly. On the outside, he felt happy again. On the inside, he was glad to have her, the clan, and Tyra.

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"I accept you..." The young ice dragoness slowly strolled out of the cave towards Trentum gracefully. She'd heard his thought. Sitting by him, she smiled. "I'm sorry for running off like that...you and Fyrefly were hurting, I should have stayed to comfort you and her....." She bowed her head shamefully. "But the important thing is...I'm here now."

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Sombra looked at Trentum like he was crazy. Then she managed a small sentence. "Sombra. Mwe name!" she yelled at Trentum, who seemed like he was making fun of her name. She made a small shadow of a monster, and growled at it.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Trentum nodded. "It's alright. The good thing is, we'll be okay. And if we won't, we can depend on you and the others to cheer us up." he said softly. "After all, we have to be strong. Grieve, remember, go on." he murmured, closing his eyes for a moment.


Trentum poked Sombra's forehead with the tip of his muzzle playfully. "I guess we don't have to teach her to speak if she's just going to learn." he said.


Fyrefly traipsed around, burning and freezing random things out of boredom. She left a leaf on a shrub slowly burning, and a small section of tree covered in clear, blue-ish, uneven ice. Surely, there'd be something to hunt... Fyrefly sighed and stopped using her powers to sniff the air.

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Suddenly, thunder rumbled over the sky, much louder and closer this time. Tyra jumped, startled. "We should probably get inside..."

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Sombra growled at Trentum, playfully making her shadow monster attack him. It didn't hurt since it had no weapons. But, soon he would be doomed..along with the others. For now, everything was normal. "Krraw!" Sombra yelled, since she can't really speak. She was a bit angry at Trentum, though. She looked around, seeing shadows everywhere. She darted away from them, paying around and disappeared.

Edited by seacatsmew

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"But, Tyra," Trentum protested. "Fyrefly is still out there somewhere." he said worriedly. "Do you want to look for her, and I take care of Sombra, or...?" he asked, tilting his head. Then Sombra yelled at him. "Maybe you take care of her." he said, a little bit of hurt in his voice.


Immune to the noise above her, Fyrefly trudged through the tall grass, sniffing it furiously. She was determined to bring something back, when an injured fawn just *happened* to stumble into view. It glanced at her. Fyrefly cursed inwardly at her sparkly scales. But the fawn ignored her and just curled up helplessly. Fyrefly licked her muzzle at the sight of the fawn's leg wound. She decided to do the kind thing and put it out of its misery...

Edited by Anquatic

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Sombra had already disappeared, using the shadows. She was wandering around, dodging detection. It was her way of playing hide-and-go-seek, although you can't see her. She made sure to stay away from the thunder and lightning.

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"I'll find Fyrefly, you just get Sombra inside the cave," Tyra replied, taking flight. She soared over the woods, trying to spot the gold hatchling.

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Trentum nodded. "Here, Sombra. Are you hungry?" he asked, trying to find her. The little troublemaker's disappeared!" he thought. Relying on his sense of smell, and his connection to the shadow creature, he tried to find Sombra.


Fyrefly had never realized how hard a fawn could kick. The blow had hit her directly on the chest, and she was knocked flat on her back, skidding across the ground. The tall grass sprang straight back up. Fyrefly coughed. She had barely singed the deer's coat...


((I might have to go; my sister's using the computer now. Bye.))

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((I couldn't wait any longer. and Bye.))

Sombra ran into the Ensia Forest, scared. Little did she know that an animal was throwing rocks.She continued to wander around. She sniffed everything she found, amazed.

Edited by seacatsmew

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((Aw, ok!))


Tyra flew over the forest, getting more and more worried by the minute. The thunder was getting louder and the wind was begnining to pick up. "Fyrefly!" she called out, "Fyrefly, where are you?!"

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Sombra walked into the animals view. She was hit in the head with a rock, screamed a very loud squeak, and fainted. Her squeak was louder then the thunder, and it sounded like Sombra. She could be noticed by any Dragon.

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Tyra flew to a halt, flapping her wings but not going anywhere. "Sombra...!" she whispered, turning around. "Sorry, Fyrefly, I'll be right back!" she promised, flying back over the trees towards the cave. She dove down and landed gracefully on the forest floor. "Sombra? Sombra!" she called out, running to where she thought the squeak came from.

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Sombra's body lay limp on the forest floor. Tyra came right into the spot where Sombra was. Sombra's body was still breathing, but a monkey was throwing rocks around. The invisibility had faded away, allowing Sombra to be seen.

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Tyra's eyes widened at the sight of the very young hatchling and immediately she bared her teeth and growled viciously at the monkey. Lashing out with the sharp icicles on her tail, she drove the monkey off with vengeance and scared off all the other animals as well. She gently picked Sombra up with her teeth by the scruff of the little one's neck and hurriedly went back to the cave.

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Sombra was in a dream. She was alone in the Silent Forest. A mature hatchling jumped out at her. It didn't mean any harm, it was protecting her. Two other mature hatchlings jumped out, ready to attack. Everything blacked out after that. Sombra slowly awoke, confused.

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The teenage ice dragoness lay Sombra down on the softest nest in the cave and made sure she was comfortable. She then began tending to the large bruise on Sombra's poor little head from the sharp rock. Tyra was very gentle, like how a mother dragon would be.

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Sombra's eyes opened. She had no clue about her dream, or anything, truthfully. Some call it 'amnesia', but this was one bad case. The teenage Ice Dragon triggered a deadly memory, but she forgot for now. She just shut her eyes, and forgot about everything..although, she already couldn't remember anything.

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Tyra smiled warmly at the hatchling as she applied the sap of a certain river plant on her bruise. "You sure seem to get into a lot of trouble," she murmured, chuckling a bit.

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Sombra silently growled. She was confused, angry, and lost. Her whole history was made up by herself. She thought, then squeaked. The wound hurt. She then fainted again.

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The thunder cracked and lightning flashed outside the sheltered cave. It was going to rain any moment now. Tyra looked down sadly at Sombra. She just wanted to help...maybe it was her cold temperature that Sombra didn't like. She finished tending to Sombra's wound as gently as she could then covered her in a soft sheet of moss, like a blanket. Tyra stood and walked through the rooms of the cave until she came to the entrance and looked out at the stormy weather that was brewing.

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A shadow appeared, in the shape of a giant bigger then adult dragon. It wasn't controlled by any anyone. It freely wandered, then turning into the shape of a giant cat. It disappeared, leaving a small note that won't open behind.


Sombra woke up again, this time with no amnesia. She pushed the blanket off, and sniffed around until she found out what scent was Tyra's. She followed the scent, and sat beside her.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Tyra jumped at the sight a giant cat-like shadow that appeared, but eventually ventured towards something that it left behind. "A note?" she thought, leaning down and sniffing it. She picked it up and brought it back into the cave, just as a few raindrops began to fall.

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When Sombra met up with Tyra, she looked at the note. "Kurrup?" She said, which meant 'Whats that?' Sombra followed Tyra around for a while after that. She waited for Tyra to answer her.

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