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Our War~ Accepting!

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((Bye. ^^ And just a very quick note; Tiffashy accepted my new character so here's her bio:


Username: Anquatic

Charrie name: Lotus Fauna

Gender: Female

Type of Dragon: Purple-Silver cross

Personality: Kind, friendly, motherly to all hatchlings, the nurturing, disciplining type.

Powers (Read the rules): She has nature power; she can grow plants whenever she wants to, make a dying field lush again. She's quite good at this, but if she does something big, she'll need to rest or it could harm her.

Stage (1st stage hatchie, mature, adult, ect): Adult

Clan or Loner? Loner, but she'll probably be around the Clan's general area

Other: She was Fyrefly the Gold hatchling's sitter for the war. Also, she has a scar on her left hind leg from a previous battle, so she can't run or do anything strenuous for too long. It only hurts if she tires the leg. One more thing, she once laid an egg, but the hatchling was born very small and weak, so it ended up dying. This is something she does not like to speak about.


And, of course, no monster vines/plants, I promise. wink.gif ))

Edited by Anquatic

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((Ok. Bye.

EDIT: You still there?

EDIT2:apparently not.

EDIT3:be on tomorrow, bye!))

Edited by seacatsmew

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((Aye... I do find it annoying how when I sleep for 7 hours, you guys gone like 4 or more pages without anyone else but you three in it :3

I'm not a fan of reading every single little chapter and word, so would someone please please give me feedback on whats going on? Thanks))

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((Ok, well, Fyrefly wandered into the Silent Forest, Mystic followed her and soon lead her. Then, Fyrefly reached the Stone. She wished for Ice powers since she keeps burning everyone, and Sombra silently followed, thinking Fyrefly was hurt. Trentum tried to keep up, but sadly, Sombra is too fast. Trentum's wings hurt so he fell down, Mystic had to heal his wings. Sombra had to be carried back to the clan cave. Sombra's body has gone limp from to much warmth and brightness, so she fainted. Tyra was outside the Silent Forest, worried, when Sombra and Trentum came out. Mystic and Fyrefly were making there way back, when they got outside Silent Forest and Mystic took off to her cave, for Xaphan. Fyrefly flew back to the clan cave where Tyra and Trentum were taking care of poor Sombra, and WhitePearl has no updates besides now. Fyrefly fell asleep along with Sombra.))

WhitePearl continued watching everyone in the Clan cave, bored. She then looked at Sombra, sleeping near Fyrefly. She smiled, and yawned. Then, she looked at the three other hatchlings. A black, a Gold, and an Ice, along with a newborn Shadow Walker. WhitePearl wondered how four hatclings could be gone somewhere else, and arrive with only small wounds.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Flaming's head rises when she saw hatchlings walk into the cave, she never seen them before so they must be the new hatchlings of the clan of cause! The hellfire wyven wasn't in a good mood today, being woken up by other hatchlings early in the morning just makes her grumpy. Tap, tap, tap. Tapping noise echo in the cave from outside. She pulled herself up, snapping her great jaws togheir lazily. She followed the tapping noose, leading her outside and tried towards a Whiptail dragon. It was brown and long, looking like a skinny lizard and it had huge eyes. It tilted it's head to the side and spoke in a high pitch voice. "Are you Flaming?"

The hellfire wyven nodded and the Whiptail took a deep breath. "It's a message from your parents," she told her. Straight away her ears jerked upwards to the word 'parent'.

"My parents?" Flaming's words shot out like a bullet. The Whiptail kept on nodding up and down.

"Yes, it is your parents," it told her. It looked upwards to remember something. "The message is: To my dear Flaming. I wish that I could tell how much I miss you. I wish there was an easier way to explain this but it's about your father..."

Flaming's heart dropped like a stone when she heard that. The Whiptail didn't stop yet.

"...he got killed by one of the humans. I am so sorry Flaming! I wish that I could had protected him before it happened! Remember that I love you very much and your father would be always be looking down at you proudly. I will come home as soon as the War is finished. I love you very much, your mother." The Whiptail took a deep breath and breathed in again. "That was a long message, hey? My job sometimes had worse messages to deliver but..."

It kept on talking on as Flaming just stood there, still cannot believe what her mother told her by the messagers. She can feel a black hole forming in her, shallowing the happiness, joy and hopes. She felt as pale as a ghost and blinked a few times, trying to work out what just happened. "Now if you exscue me, I got to tell the other hatchlings about their parents," the Whiptail barked at her rudely, walking past Flaming and looked around. Then it called out "who wants their message from their parents from the war!"


(( Anyone can rp as the Whiptail, she is just going around giving out the news about their parents from the war. Oh thank you very much for taking your time to explain what happened biggrin.gif))

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When Sombra heard the word, 'Parents', she looked up. Her parents and sister had been sent to the War, so the left her at this cave. She crawled over to the Whiptail, and looked up hopefully. Sadly, the Whiptail didn't notice her, so she was stuck there, waiting.


WhitePearl curled up, trying to forget about her captured parents. Humans had captured both her mother and her father, so she was alone. She sat near the mouth of the cave, ready to leave. She sighed, watching the air for the perfect moment to leave.


Mystic's sharp ears heard the word, 'parents'. Her mother had died, and her father, still at War. She knew that a different Dragon always goes to the loners, so she was just fine. Mystic had forgot that today was the day that Dragons would carry messages to all the Dragons! She sat there, and waited while Xaphan played with her wings. A Guardian Dragon was outside, watching. She was the new message Dragon, after the other one got shot down by the humans while flying. She slowly walked in, and Mystic noticed her right away. She made Xaphan stay while she walked over. "Are you Mystic?" She asked in a proud, steady voice. "Yes, you must be the new message Dragon." Mystic replied. "Well, your father sent you a message." The Guardian said. "Really? Please tell me!" Mystic said. So, the Guardian started it. "Dear Mystic, we miss you so much that words cannot explain. Your mother..she sacrificed herself. The humans were about to shoot the new message Dragon, and, well, your mother stood in front of us. She killed herself for everyone, so now I'm one of the medics. I love and miss you lots. -Dad" When the Guardian finished, Mystic looked as if she was going to burst into tears. The Guardian looked at her. "It's ok. Please don't cry. Your momma was a brave girl. She died doing what she promised the earth. You can call me Nyra, ok? There, there." Nyra tried her best to comfort Mystic. "I'm sorry, I've gotta go. I'll see you another time." Nyra stepped outside, and flew off to give out more messages. Mystic returned to the nest, silently crying.


((No problem..I didn't have anything else to do. Like Tiffashy said, anyone can role play as Nyra, the Guardian Dragon.))

Edited by seacatsmew

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Trentum Skaur:

Trentum felt himself waking up, but in a slow, hazy way. He felt as if he was only half-conscious. The Black hatchling made a mumbling sound. He could just barely hear talking outside of the cave. Parents... War... he managed to piece together. Then his eyes flew open and, automatically, so did his wings. "ME! TELL ME!" he yelped a little too loudly and a little too desperately.


The Whiptail turned to him. "Oh. Well, you..." She struggled to remember. "Who, from your family, went to war? And what's your name?" she asked.


Trentum's wings and tail drooped. "Both parents and my older brother." he mumbled painfully. "And my name is Trentum Skaur."


The Whiptail nodded. "Ah, yes. The Skaur family. Excellent fighters. Alright, your father left you a message." The Whiptail didn't notice Trentum's head tilt lower towards the grass beneath. "He said, Trentum, my precious son. Your mother and I have been doing our best in the war. It is of utmost importance, and I pride you for understanding. But, you see, your brother Tomb, he did not make it. His cause of death is unknown so far. But, Trentum, please bear with me. Your mother and I are both grieving, though you must remain strong, young one! I will report back to you soon. Sincerely, your father Drakkon Skaur."


Trentum wailed in pain. His brother, Tomb, who had been the best, most helpful dragon in his life long ago, was gone! Ignoring the messenger Whiptail, he curled up right there and began sobbing.



Fyrefly had also heard the Whiptail. She strode up to her, the Gold hatchling's body temperature dropping as she began to feel less and less sure. Trentum crying right there was not helping. "Please tell me." she said quietly.


"Fyrefly, if I'm not mistaken." the Whiptail said, nodding in pride that she'd remembered the name. Fyrefly said nothing. "Commander Nyghtmare sends you a message." the Whiptail said. Fyrefly's head tilted in surprise. "She said, Fyrefly, brave soldier, I am sending you this message personally, for a reason. Unfortunately, both of your parents have been struck down by an unidentifiable substance released by the humans. They are very, very sick. But, rest assured, they send you their love. I will soon report back their condition. Keep fighting; they will, too. From Commander Nyghtmare, the Black Marrow dragon."


Fyrefly froze in her spot. "Illness." she murmured, wincing. "Sick." she added. Then, steeling herself, she remember Trentum's loss, and gave a shaky breath. "They will be okay. They will." she quavered, thinking of her Gold mother and Black dragon father. They were powerful, determined dragons! They would be fine. She sidled up to Trentum and rested her head on his quivering back. "You will always have us." she whispered promisingly.

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Sombra still wasn't noticed, she was most likely to be last. She then made a huge noise, getting the Whipail's attention. "Well, hello there. Your parents explained you perfectly.." Sombra looked at her, hoping for some good news. "Dear Sombra, we hope you are doing well. We all are doing fine, with plenty of shadows. So far we are the only Shadow Walkers. We miss you so much, we wish you the best. Love. Mom and Dad." The Whiptail paused. "That's some of the most mushy stuff I've ever said. Well, I'm gone." The Whiptail walked away. Sombra.. so that's my name. Sombra walked off, curling up but not able to sleep.



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((Hey. X3))


Trentum's body shook all over as he felt waves and waves of pain and sadness wash over him again and again. "F-Fyrefly..." he stammered, tears leaking from his listless, grieving eyes.


"Yes?" the Gold hatchling asked nervously, a mix of hot and cold rushing through her and giving Trentum quite the fright.


"Feed Sombra for me." he mumbled weakly. Trentum swished his tail to point it in the general direction of the food pile.


Fyrefly frowed. "Sombra's been eating a lot lately." she replied, unsure. "We wouldn't want to overfeed her." she added.


Trentum whipped his head around so quickly, Fyrefly was taken by surprise and her own head slipped off of his wings. "Just go and feed her!" he snarled, snapping at her.


Terrified, Fyrefly got up, in a submissive posture, and scampered off, tail tucked between her legs and head held low. Rapidly, within the view of the suddenly enraged Black hatchling (who was making the shadows around him agitated), she defrosted a fish then burned it. "Here, Sombra!" she said, cheerfully, still scared as she dropped the large bit of food in front of the little Shadow Walker.

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Sombra looked happily at the burnt fish. She quickly ate it, her eyes showing her happiness. She then followed Fyrefly in her shadow, since she hadn't been up a lot since her body was limp. Sombra smiled again, trying to cheer Fyrefly up. The, she noticed Trentum. "Crrraw!" She yelled, which most likely meant 'Trentum!' Sombra quickly ran over to Trentum's shadows, and looked at him. "Nrraaw?" she asked, which most likely meant Whats wrong?

Edited by seacatsmew

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Fyrefly's heart warmed at the hatchling. "Glad to see you're feeling better." she whispered softly. Well, she's trying to communicate, I think. But we should teach her how to talk. she thought, before disappearing into the clan cave to ponder this.


Trentum was still teary. He was making little gasps, his breath catching and his eyes shut tight. But the loudest noises were over and done with. He didn't even notice Sombra's distinctive presence until she said, "Nrraaw?" Trentum shifted his body and turned to her. "Sombra, I'm okay. Just sad. My brother... died in the war, you see..." he told the hatchling. Trentum knew that she wouldn't understand most of his words, but it comforted him to say them anyways.

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(Hey guys!))


Tyra sat by the river's edge, far from the cave. As soon as she'd spotted the messenger from afar, she'd bolted out of the cave as far away as she could. She couldn't bear to hear the stories and letters from mothers and fathers to their hatchlings. Mainly because as far as she knew, she had no parents, no relations, no anything... She stared at her blurry reflection in the running water. "Who am I...?" she whispered softly. All she knew was her name, remembering from flashbacks. She clenched her jaws together, hearing the mournful cries of hatchlings back at the cave who'd lost relatives in the horrible war. A single, cold tear ran down her blue cheek and fell into the water with a plop, blurring her already fuzzy reflection in the water even more.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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Sombra listened to Trentum, starting to understand the words. She then understood the words. She nodded. Sombra raised her paw, pulling an ash out of her shadows. She pashed it over to Trentum, the ash turning into another shadow. She then spun around, making her shadows spin again. It was all to cheer him up, and the least she could do.

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((Hey. ^^))


Trentum smiled, another tear coming to his eyes. "You learn fast." he commented softly. Trentum then took some shadows from the grass and mingled with Sombra's. He had forgotten how much fun he had when using his power. It was tiring, since it wasn't natural for him like it was for Sombra, but it gave him joy.


Fyrefly wasn't thinking much. She felt numb all over. Her paws tingled with power, but her heart was broken. She looked up, staring into the darkness of the inner cave. Do they have the power to survive? she wondered. Fyrefly stood up quickly, scraping her flank against the wall but ignoring the sting. Time to go hunt. In the normal forest... Without a word, she darted outside, spread her wings, and disappeared into the lush foliage.

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Finally, after Tyra had rinsed her face in the river, gathered her wits, and knew that the messenger was gone for sure, she made her way back through the winding forest to the cave. Clearing her throat, she walked to Trentum. "I...," she began nervously, "I....I want to be apart of the clan...." She stared at the ground.

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Trentum turned from Sombra to Tyra. He was still waving the shadows about. "I... It's not purely my decision, Tyra, but I accept you into the clan." he said, not sure as to what he was supposed to say. He rubbed the trails from his tears off of his face with a dark paw. Then he turned to Sombra, and then the pile of frozen fish. "But... I think you're already a part of our clan..."

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Sombra smiled the best she could. She continued pulling ashes out of her shadow, and giving them to Trentum. She then felt strange, with a power she hadn't felt before. Before even thinking about it, she used it. A huge shadow appeared, almost as big as an adult. It was tiring, but Sombra continued using it.

(Hello, hello! -late-)

Edited by seacatsmew

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"W-well I was....I was hoping you could direct me to the Dragon in charge of the clan...," Tyra explained softly, her gaze still staring upon the ground.

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Trentum smiled at Sombra and her shadows. Then his eyes widened as the giant adult-sized shadow appeared suddenly. He stumbled backwards in awe and terror. "S-Sombra!" he stammered.


Tyra spoke. "I don't know where she is." Trentum replied, cringing a bit. "I never met her." he added. "When I came... Well, I just don't remember seeing her." Trentum added. Although he was focused on both hatchlings, he was still gawking at the scary shadow. "Sombra, pull it back." he said quietly. "I don't want you to get hurt. Or have the power explode, or..." he murmured.

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Tyra stared in confusion at Trentum, wondering what he was looking at that frightened him so. Turning her head, her eyes caught sight of the enormous shadow and they widened immensely. "T-Trentum...?" she stammered, shrinking back with her tail between her legs and head down. "W-what's that...?!"

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Sombra put her paws down, causing the shadow to disappear. "Kcraw!" she yelled, shaking her scales. She looked full of energy, like she loved making that giant shadow. She looked up, watching an ash fall. The ash turned into a shadow, clinging onto Sombra.

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"I don't... Well, it looks like Sombra created a really big shadow." he said. "It's the kind that can really scare a dragon..." Trentum added. Then the hatchling made the shadow disappear. "H-how did you do that, Sombra?" Tremtum asked, eyes wide. Then he tried to expand a shadow, but didn't get very far because it kept growing lighter. Well, what Sombra created was made from ash. I use natural shadows. I wonder how dark it'd have to be for me to make something that large... he thought, worried about Sombra.

Edited by Anquatic

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Tyra by that time had retreated into the cave. "Sombra really should be more careful...," she thought to herself. Just then, she paused, hearing something in the distance. It was quiet for a few moments but then she heard it again, a faint rumble. Taking a deep breath, she breathed in the cool air of the forest. "It must be the storm," she mused.

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Sombra was too busy looking at something to notice. It seemed like she was playing with her claws, but it was impossible to tell. She then looked up. "Sssombra....Sombra." She was talking to herself it seemed, learning a few words, like her name. "Somba Sombra!" she yeled, turning around. "Sombrra!" she yelled.

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