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((I like role playing the Stone!!! So much fun!!!Hello Tyra ^^))


Mystic looked at Fyrefly."Yes?" she asked, smiling.


Sombra opened her eyes, sighing quietly. She thought a small tune, which calmed her down. Her sister used to hum that to her when she was an egg. It was called 'Shadow Lullaby'. There was another called 'Shadow Walker's Night' but she couldn't remember it.

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Trentum was glad that the creepiness of the forest faded away as he reached the edge. Sombra had even started to make lovely music. He was quite happy about it all. And there, was the brightness of noon. He breathed in the air in the dark forest one more time, before stepping out. At first, he expected evil vines to wrap around him and Sombra to drag them back in. Hopefully that wouldn't happen. "Tyra!" he called out instinctively.


Fyrefly was ecstatic. She couldn't wait to show the others what she could do. She blew a column of fire, then tried a puff of ice. It was a bit difficult at first, but she had a feeling that practicing would help. "Thank you for taking me here, Mystic. Without you, I probably would've gotten lost, or hurt..."

Edited by Anquatic

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"Trentum? Is that you?" was the teenage ice dragon's reply, "Are Fyrefly and Sombra with you? Are they ok? What happened?!" Her voice sounded stressed and scared as she peppered him with questions.

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Trentum ran over to her. He even leaped over the river, almost. He had to spread his wings so he wouldn't fall. "Tyra!" was all he could say. "I have Sombra on my back, but Fyrefly went with Mystic to find the Stone of Dreams." he replied. "I'm sure they'll be fine. What with Fyrefly's fire powers and Mystic's healing ability..."

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((brb/gtg, shower))


Mystic smiled. "Well, I've been in a myth. I've been living by myself since I was a tiny hatchling. I'm raising a hatchling. Plus, my job is to protect everyone going into the forest. I promised the earth to keep my job." Mystic bowed her head. "So, thank you. I have had plenty of Dragons not trusting me." Mystic nodded.


Sombra fainted, tired. She was out of energy, limp, and now, unconscious.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Tyra instinctively picked up Sombra gently with her teeth by the scruff of the little hatchling's neck and brought her over to one of the soft nests in the cave. Even though the ice dragoness was only a juvenile, her maternal instincts were already kicking in. She tucked Sombra in the nest tenderly then turned around to Trentum. "What were you thinking?!" she scolded, frowning, "you could have been severely wounded o-or even killed!" You could tell though that she had just been worried and still was.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((Bye. ^^))


Fyrefly smiled at her words. The earth. she thought, truly stupefied with the wonder of Mystic's past. For some reason, they made her feel warm inside (no pun intended). "You're welcome." she said happily. "I suppose I can understand why some wouldn't trust you. But I do, and that's all that really matters. That you have some who do trust you." she said. "But, this desert gives me a funny feeling. So can we go?" she asked, happier than she'd been after receiving her new powers.


Trentum felt Sombra sort of slump down on his back. "Oh, poor Sombra." he said sadly. "I'm not sure how to heal her. I suppose shadow-cloaking her will help, but maybe what she needs, really, is just a good rest." he said, trotting into the clan cave as Tyra picked the hatchling up and scolded her. "She's young. We all make mistakes." he said tiredly. "Bring her in here to... rest.." Trentum yawned. I get tired easily. he realized, snorting in amusement.

Edited by Anquatic

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"I wasn't talking just to Sombra," Tyra stated, now looking Trentum over to make sure he wasn't hurt.

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((back. forgot to take my necklace off, had to use extra minutes. Anyways, that wasn't the quickest.))

Mystic smiled. "Sure." She then started flying, slowly, but quickly. She then landed in front of the forest. "Coming?" she called to Fyrefly.


Sombra is still unconscious.

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Trentum felt a pang of shame. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't let her go in alone. She could've gotten even more hurt than me! Sombra literally just hatched earlier today!" he exclaimed helplessly.


Fyrefly nodded in reply and spread her wings, energy coursing through her veins. Or at least in her head, really, because she was tired and worn out from the excursion.

Edited by Anquatic

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Tyra sat in front of Trentum and shook her head. She looked into his eyes and smiled. "Just...just be careful, ok?" The black dragon could tell by the quiver in her voice that she was close to tears. She was still very worried about Fyrefly and Sombra.

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Sombra woke up, still limp and weak, but she still had enough energy to make a small shadow pointing at herself. Her left eye was open half-way, and she hummed something quietly..the Shadow Lullaby. She could only hum the tune, but it calmed her.


Mystic slowly flew through the forest, allowing Fyrefly to keep up. When they arrived outside, she looked at her. "You ok the rest of the way?" she asked, thinking of Xaphan.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Trentum nodded. "I will. I just hope Sombra doesn't do anything else that's dangerous." he added with a sigh. "Oh, how hatchlings make trouble." he purred, clearly adding himself to the 'hatchlings' group. "Well, you can continue to fish or do whatever you need to. I'm really tired and I've used my powers a little too often today. You can just tell Sombra to rest in the cave, I suggest." he said with a yawn, curling up.


Fyrefly spread her golden wings. "Yes, I'll be alright. I think I can already see the ground." she said, spiralling in the air.

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Tyra nodded quickly and rubbed her eyes with the back of her paw to avoid shedding tears. She then hurried over to Sombra and tended to her. She tore up strips of fish and placed it in front of the weak hatchling.

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Mystic flew off into her own cave, curling up with Xaphan and allowing him to play with her wings again. She yawned, and gave Xaphan a few pieces of a rabbit ear. She herself ate some plants. Then, she fell asleep.


Sombra made a squeaking noise, afraid. She had noticed something bright, and was terrified. She noticed it was the sun. And since she was too weak to move, she couldn't reach the fish. So, she just watched the shadows around her.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Trentum's shadows were slipping away from the Shadow Walker as he drifted into sleep. His wings lay splayed on the cave floor. He had a peaceful, dreamless rest despite Sombra's fear outside.


Fyrefly soared through the air, getting more tired as she wasn't used to it. Nonetheless, the feeling was exhilerating and she loved it. The air was her friend. She landed by Tyra. "I see Sombra's okay, for the most part. And Trentum, too. But how is your burn?" she asked, wincing a little, her temperature dropping with her guilty feelings.

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Sombra squeaked loudly, her tummy grumbling. She then spit out a small black shadow that made the cave freezing cold. She then got control of her front legs, and ate the fish. She dragged herself over to Fyrefly, only using her front paws. Sombra then squeaked again.

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Fyrefly spotted Sombra. "Oh, Sombra." she murmured. She was eating a lot before I left. Well, I suppose a newly hatched hatchling needs to eat more she thought. Fyrefly picked up Sombra gently and trotted into the cave. All of the food was frozen. Probably by Tyra. She was confused. Although the Gold hatchling understood it was a preservation method, she still wasn't sure why she was around. Why hadn't she asked to really join the clan yet? Either way, Fyrefly defrosted a fish from the pile and cooked it. Gah! I burned it a little. Well, I hope Sombra doesn't mind. she thought before awkwardly freezing the patch that the removed fish had taken. "Here, Sombra."

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Sombra's eyes widened at the sight of burnt fish, making her eat it quickly. Burnt food was her favorite! She then looked up, hoping for more.

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"You eat really fast." Fyrefly commented, laughing in amusement. "That was a really big fish. About as big as YOU!" she exclaimed. "But maybe just ONE more." Fyrefly defrosted and charred another, all over. "I'm surprised that you like this burned stuff." she said, conversing with a hatchling she knew barely understood her. "I'm wondering whether it's healthy or not for you..."

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Sombra was listening, although she couldn't really understand. She ate the fish quickly again, as some of the ashes blended with her shadow. She made a roaring sound, and smiled weakly.

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Fyrefly settled down beside Sombra. She burned another, just for the little Shadow Walker. "I'm really tired, Sombra. You should be, too. Don't you want to rest?" she asked, laughing as she curled up loosely, her front paws tucked against her chest and her hind limbs spread lazily on the cool cave floor. "It was a long journey you made..." she added softly.


((I have to go. I should be back tomorrow, though. ^^))

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((Aww. Bye!))

Sombra playfully tackled the burnt fish, eating it. She looked at Fyrefly. I'm not tired, she roared, although only new-born hatchlings could figure out the squeak/roars. She wandered around for a bit, batting a piece of dust here, a few ashes there, then finally curled up beside Fyrefly and fell asleep.

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((Ok! Yeah, sorry about that! D: I had a problem on my computer that I had to fix... I have to go too but I should be on tomorrow!))

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