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Sombra ate the two fish, spitting out the bones. Then, she gnawed on the bones, soon eating them, too. She wasn't impressed with her failed shadow invisible skill, so she just allowed her tail to be the only thing showing.


Mystic lead Fyrefly farther into the forest. "Well, follow me. I know this place like my home." She lead Fyrefly through twists and turns, the air getting warmer every moment.

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Tyra finally decided to ask a question that'd been on her mind. "where are all the other hatchlings?" she inquired, gnawing down on her second fish.

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Trentum handed Sombra one of the fish Tyra had caught, his cold paws not helping melt off the layer of frost on it. "Eat up." he said, smiling at the little tail in the light. Then he turned to Tyra. "I suppose most of them are just out. As you heard, Fyrefly went out hunting. Some hang out and rest near the back of the cave," he said, flaring a wing towards the back.


Fyrefly nodded, ready to get the adventure going. She forgot all about her hunting and the others, who would be worried if she didn't return soon. If she'd been one of the hatchlings that Mystic had told the 'White Mature' story about, she would've understood why Mystic knew the forest so well. But since she had no idea, she merely followed the older dragon.

Edited by Anquatic

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Sombra suddenly stood up. She thought that Fyrefly had been gone too long. She started growling, and stepped outside. Her scales glimmered in the light, but she had to be brave...someone was missing. She carried the fish, then stopped at the river.


Mystic smiled. She then stopped for a moment. "Almost there." Mystic walked past a rock, and into a large desert. "This is the desert with the stone of wishes.." Mystic said, looking around.

Edited by seacatsmew

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((Just being here lets me re-experience the thrill or rping. X3))


Trentum licked his lips clean of fish. He sensed another creature of darkness moving; it was clearly Sombra. After all, as she stepped into the light, she was visible. "What's wrong?" he asked, not understanding the possible severity of the situation. "Wait, don't-" he paused. "Hm. Oh, you just want to go into the forest, maybe?" he asked. Trentum crouched onto his paws and spread his wings, offering his back to the smaller hatchling. "Get on." he said, grinning.


Fyrefly felt the warmth at last. And saw light. But she was silent until they exited the forest and entered the hot desert. The Gold hatchling let out an awe-filled gasp. "The Stone..." she murmured. "That grants any wish, if one were to find it..."

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Sombra didn't notice Trentum, and choose something dangerous. She jumped into the water, and swam. She swam to the other side, and climbed up. She was terrified, and still holding the fish. Sombra continued running, and disappeared into the Silent Forest, following Fyrefly's scent.


Mystic smiled. "Yes, I was lucky enough to have a wish once." Mystic then looked down at a shining blue thing around ten miles away. "Ready for a long trip to the Stone?" she asked.

Edited by seacatsmew

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"Sombra!" Trentum cried. He counted on his speed to get there faster. The hatchling spread his wings and, without hesitation, flew over the forest. He was faster this way. Trentum was able to sort of sense Sombra, being another creature of darkness. If he just skimmed over the dark treetops, he'd be able to get ahead of her and intercept. Or so he thought.


Fyrefly's eyes widened. "That's very lucky." she whispered, in awe yet again. How surprising, the dragon who stood right in front of her had made it through the forest, through the desert, to the Stone, and back! And her amazed feelings were what drove her to reply, "Yes."

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Sombra caught up with Fyrefly quickly, floating on shadows half the way. She dropped the fish at Fyreflys feet, and collapsed. She was so tired! She squeaked, being too warm.


Mystic looked down at Sombra. "Hey, looks like a Shadow Walker followed us." She then looked up. "What are we going to do with it?" Mystic had the, 'Uh-oh.' look on her face.

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Trentum skidded to a halt (midair), flaring his wings so quickly he felt a tug on his shoulders, and a spear of pain. He winced, tucking them against himself, but quickly unfolding them again, before he could start crashing into the trees below. "SOMBRA!" he cried desperately, his voice ringing with worry. Unable to take the pain in his wings, he crumpled them against his body and fell the last few feet to the ground.


Fyrefly was shocked to see the Shadow Walker. "W-why are you here?" she asked shakily. "Where are the others?" Then she turned to Mystic. "You see, Midnight found her as an egg, and then I fed her just recently, and I left her with Trentum and Tyra when I came here to hunt. But for some reason, she went after me..." she explained, trailing off. Then Trentum fell to the ground in front of her. "Trentum! Are you okay?" she asked nervously.


"I'm fine, but when I flared my wings to stop midair, they hurt more than usual. I don't like the looks of this forest." he replied.

Edited by Anquatic

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She ran to the crashing sound. Mystic looked at Trentum. "If your hurt, I can heal." she said. Mystic would waist her energy on any Dragon. She looked at Fyrefly. Then she looked at Trentum again.


Sombra yawned. Then blinked. She was tired. Sombra looked around, scared. She then jumped because of the crashing sound, squeaking in fear. Her stormy eyes widened, and she hid in a shadow.

Edited by seacatsmew

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"I'm alright." he replied. "My wings and shoulders are just hurting a bit, that's all." Trentum added. He hadn't been hurt falling to the ground; it had only been a small drop. "But I should be fine." he added, unfolding his crumpled wings and refolding them neatly. It stung a little, but he knew it was for the best.


Fyrefly just stared. Sombra. And Trentum. She wouldn't even be surprised if Tyra came dancing out of the desert screaming "I GOT A WISH!". "Sombra..." she murmured, her heart melting again, even as the hatchling hid behind her, on the sand that held her shadow.


Trentum turned from his wings to Sombra. "You little troublemaker." he said, smiling and covering her in more shadows with the energy he could muster.

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((Heh, Sombra HAS to be the troublemaker I make. She's adorable to make up for it!))


Sombra was terrified. She didn't mean to cause all this trouble, she was just afraid that Fyrefly had gotten hurt. She had a bond with Fyrefly, Trentum, Tyra and Midnight, all of them were so nice to her. Her head lowered as her tail dropped. I didn't mean to, she thought. I just wanted to make sure Fyrefly was all right. Sombra fell over, tired from the desert, and was drained from her energy.


Mystic sighed. "Well, I'm not going to the clan cave. I made that a promise for now." With that, Mystic took a few steps away from the group and closer towards the Stone. She sighed. "I might go to the clan cave soon, but not now." She added. I will never break my promise for now. She thought. "If your hurt at all, just visit me." She said, looking at him.

Edited by seacatsmew

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((Very true. xd.png))


"Wait, Mystic. Don't go yet." Fyrefly said pleadingly. "Can we please take Sombra with us? O-or maybe Trentum can take her back." she suggested, turning to the little hatchling with softness in her gaze. The poor thing. I shouldn't be mad, considering the things I've done when I was younge- well, I'm not dredging up those memories. Fyrefly curled her tail around the dark hatchling protectively, radiating warmth that wasn't really getting through, considering the cold forest and Trentum's shadow-cloaks.


Trentum looked up. "I can take her back." he said quietly, nodding. "If she wants." he added, nuzzling the sad hatchling. Even if you mess up, I'll still care for you, young one. he thought. And the words made him feel ancient. He frowned, but then started to laugh as Fyrefly stared at him as if he was crazy. Then he turned to Mystic. "I'll heal." he promised the older dragon. "Just take Fyrefly to the Stone, and I'll bring Sombra back." Trentum added, spreading his aching wings. "Well, if you wouldn't mind healing my wings, I'll do it..." he said, looking away sheepishly.

Edited by Anquatic

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Sombra curled up tighter, just wishing to be out of this place. She was out of energy.


Mystic looked at Trentum. "I think she can't move an inch..you better take her back." Mystic said, looking down at the tiny Shadow Walker. "Yeah, all she can do is curl up tight. And tighter." She added. "Sure" she added. With that, she shut her eyes and focused. Within seconds, a white glow was around Trentum's wings. When it disappeared, Trentum's wings were fully healed.

Edited by seacatsmew

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Trentum nodded, flexing his sore wings. He was about to coax her onto his back, but picked her up by the scruff-area gently, and turned his head to awkwardly slide her onto his back. Trentum folded his wings on either sides of the Shadow Walker so she wouldn't fall off or escape. He repositioned the shadows over Sombra. "Come on." he murmured to her.


Fyrefly turned to Mystic. "We must be getting close." she said quietly. "I can feel its power from here." The Stone of Dreams must have been emanating some very strong energy, because her paws tingled with excitement. Or maybe it was just herself. I never knew that I liked exploring. she thought.

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Mystic smiled. "Yes, its one mile away now." Mystic started to run. The energy flowing from the Stone was refilling her energy. She then stopped, and looked down in awe. "Its so...mystical." she said.


Sombra just curled up on his back, tired. She made the shadows surround her a bit more.

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Fyrefly couldn't even keep up; she had to fly after the White dragon. "It is." she said, panting as she stopped by Mystic's side. "Is it going to be hard to get to it?" she asked nervously.


Trentum felt the shadows on his back shift, and he added another blanket for the Shadow Walker. "Don't worry; we'll be back soon." he murmured to Sombra reassuringly. But the words were also for his own nervousness.

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Mystic looked at Fyrefly. "No, all you have to do is place a scale of yours on it, and make a wish." She answered. Then Mystic picked Fyrefly up, and ran. She then stopped and put Fyrefly down. "Here it is.." Mystic looked down at a stone that looked plain. She sighed and smiled at it.


Sombra seemed to notice that Trentum was nervous. She used every last bit of energy in her to create a path of shadows, showing where to go. She then fell silent and still.

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Fyrefly nodded. She felt herself being picked up, and went limp, thinking feather-light thoughts. "It doesn't look like much, but being this close, I can feel its power." she said. Then Fyrefly bit down on one of her flank's scales and tugged. She winced at the sting, but it came out cleanly, gleaming in all of its glory as she set it down on the sand in front of her, unsure. For a moment, she admired its beauty. But Fyrefly soon picked it up and set it down on the rock. "I wish... For the power of ice to go with my fire. I don't ever want to harm another hatchling ever again just because of my warmth." she said, thinking of Tyra and the few others she'd burned by accident. A young Swallowtail. A Purple hatchling. An adult Skywing. A matured hatchling Terrae. And a young Vine whose surrounding plants had struck her afterwards.


Trentum felt Sombra create a path. He felt the shadows among his paws, and sent them back as he stepped on them. "Thank you." he murmured tiredly.

Edited by Anquatic

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The gem glowed for a few seconds, then stopped. Something strange happened to Fyrefly. It felt...cold. Then, a blue glow circled Fyrefly. When it disappeared, Fyrefly had Ice powers. Edited by seacatsmew

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"Trentum? Trent, where are you going?!!" Tyra cried out after the fleeting form of her friend. But it was too late, Trentum had already disappeared into the woods. She jumped to her feet but then winced at the harsh sting of the burn on her chest and neck. Whimpering, she gazed longingly into the dark forest. She was alone... Fear began to take over her body and she backed up, looking around frantically. She couldn't go in there! Who knows what lurked in the black forest? She swallowed hard.

Edited by Tyra-Ice

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((Hey. ^^))


Fyrefly felt the blue glow surround her. She cried out at its coldness. She felt a tugging sensation deep within her. Fyrefly's wings sprang out, trembling. She wondered when the odd feel was going to end; when the odd but not painful pull would stop. When it finally dissipated, she felt different. Inwardly, there were two conflicting powers inside of her. She was now a dragon of fire and ice. "M-Mystic..." she whispered, terrified and awed at the same time, feeling herself hot yet cold.


Trentum felt the warmth of the desert fading away. "We still have a bit to go." he murmured to Sombra, just talking to pass the time. The eerie forest filled him with a sense of dread. I hope we don't get hurt. I hope Sombra doesn't get hurt. I hope Tyra's okay...

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"Trentum, where are you...?" Tyra thought. She desperately wanted to go seek out her friend in the eerie forest but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. Finally, she decided to busy herself with work. She still smelled a storm coming and so she moved the food pile under the shelter of a smaller section of the cave. Taking a deep breath, she spewed a small ice flame over the pile, frosting it over to keep it fresher. She then sat on the stone floor of the cave at the entrance and looked out. She twisted her tail nervously. If Trentum, Fyrefly, Mystic, and Sombra got caught out in a bad storm while in the dark forest, it could be deadly. Edited by Tyra-Ice

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